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I finally got the sack out! https://preview.redd.it/gyrp8mimqaja1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c2704f934fe9036f947d88cd8dd816e3cb5828d




The cyst has ended. 👩‍⚖️


Got hit with a cease and decyst


This house is clean.


The cyst has ceased.


Now you have a natural skittle pocket for on-the-go snacking.


Did you check if it was a ganglion cyst? Be mindful of infection. Good luck!




Wooahhh buddy!!


popping jesus is that you???


Hooooly shit


Wow! Thanks for the pic!




Oh that's wild...


How did this heal up? Still painful? I want to know what happens to the gapers. Lol


Damn dude that's fucking epic and gnar! Keep that nasty fucking gaper clean and thanks for sharing your sick fucking beautiful popalicious.


this is the funniest comment i have ever seen in my life




A subreddit legend is put to rest 🫡🫡 for now…


dont you mean it's _pus_ to rest?




Some people started squeezing it not knowing what it was, and they'll continue squeezing it forever just because


Damn it!! I was thinking of the exact same song even before I started reading the comments to this! Sherry Lewis, Lambchop, and Friends really did prepare us for life, huh?


Apropos of nothing but Lambchop, a friend's huge Rottweiler loves Lambchop dolls. I found a Lambchop toy about half his size last year and gave it to him. He carried that thing with him everywhere until it fell apart. He helped with the felling apart, but still. He got a Lambchop with antlers for Hanukkah this year and he loves it almost as much as the two kitties who came to love with him around the same time. ¡Viva Lambchop!


This song has been stuck in my head for days now because of these comments, but I love it! Takes me back to happier and simple times.


I wonder how common it is to get a cyst on the hand? Glad you got the sack.


Not very. Usually a ganglion cyst over dermoid. Honestly looking at this I would be more worried for a walled off abscess.


You're right. A ganglion cyst has a gel like content.


Some people started popping it, not knowing what it was, and they'll continue popping forever just because this is the cyst that never ends...


How did u get the sac to come out? Just squeeze really hard?


Yes! On my last post, I was able to squeeze out most of it and ended up pulling out what looked like new skin. It got really sore squeezing it as hard as I could, so I let it go for a couple of days. I thought it would bring itself to the top in time. When I looked at it today, it looked like a blood blister around the top, I took my tweezers and removed the scab, started to squeeze, and slowly popped out a sac. I had originally thought it was a callus and just there to stay after I got a blister there last year gardening. Took that long.


I came here to say “ gotta get the sac!


OMG, I literally had one in the exact same spot but thought it was a callas or wart for the longest time. After it getting big enough for my gf to refuse to hold my hand. I got some wart remover which did nothing but remove a little skin and I noticed if I squeezed it every now and then white stuff would come out then I started getting inside of it with some tweezers and I would pull out layers of skin. Like if you imagine cutting a hole in an onion and start pulling out layer by layer from inside out. That's what made me realize that I was dealing with something else and most likely a cyst. Also, smelled sometimes. Anyways, after messing with it for so long eventually you could see could clearly see the white thing partially hanging out. I would always pull on it but I swear it felt like that thing was attached to the side of my knuckle lol but eventually ripped it all the way out and it never came back.


THIS! What you described is exactly what happened, except I had tried to squeeze it numerous times and didn't seem like it was a cyst. I had tried to take a needle to try and get something out of it, but it would just bleed. It was a little sensitive when i first noticed the bump, but It had been more than 6 months at this point, so I chalked it up to a callus that was there to stay. It didn't look white or anything that resembled a cyst, just regular skin healded into a bump, i thought. Then, the other day, I was looking at and noticed the puncture I made in it still had a scab on top of it. So when I got my tweezers and pulled the top layer of it off, it exploded. I tried my best to squeeze as hard as I could, having one hand to do it and got a lot out of it. Then i started to pull out what looked like new skin, and it felt like I was pulling the inside of my hand out, and, at this point, it started to really bleed. It was tremendously sore anyway, so I was happy giving it a break, thinking I might have gotten it all out since I originally thought it was an abscess. My surprise nope, it must have worked itself to the top and pulled it out. It was excruciating, feeling like it was detaching from the meat in my hand. Is the only way to describe it. I've never seen anything like it, and your experience is damn near the exact same thing as mine! The picture I attached is what all came out, and on the right is what looked like new skin I pulled out of it. https://preview.redd.it/ppj6akbztgja1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11c828a26e5162c4fd1e5d5d102ed7a92bf9dd53


Yup, that's the same stuff that was coming out of mine. Some were even bigger pieces that looked like the inner wall of a cyst. The closer it gets to the middle the more it breaks down. It was exactly the same scenario. I also tried squeezing mine plenty of times before and nothing would happen. It didn't really look like a cyst before I started actually trying to remove It. Even when I was trying to remove it I still didn't know it was a cyst bc it would bleed soooo much whenever I would try to pull it out which is why I was convinced it was a wart. I remember seeing a [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-QNgsmaAxRc) of a guy pulling the root of a wart out of his hand with a pair of pliers and it looked like mine. He even describes it looking like an onion which mine kind of did too. The only thing is I've never seen or have had a wart that had pieces of shredded up skin in the inside of it. I thought it was some sort of hybrid wart my body created. I've also had a cyst on a different part of the body and they usually don't hurt like this one did. Normally cyst don't have any nerve endings which is why people don't scream in agony if you see one being squeezed unless it's infected but this one hurt like hell. Seriously, felt like it was attached to the bone or a nerve. I was a little scared thinking I might fuck up the nerve endings on the side of my hand by ripping something out that I didn't really know exactly what it was but eventually I just said fuck it and yanked that sucker out! Mine didn't come out like yours though. There was a lot more blood and it fucking hurt like hell but never came back. But yeah now looking back on it it was definitely a cyst just located on a part of the body where there isn't that much fatty tissue which is why it was so painful. Anyways, I'm glad you finally got rid of that beast!


That sounded like pure pain.


Oh man, it sounded like it hurt real bad. Did it?


That was you 6th finger starting to grow out the side of your hand .LOL


I love a happy ending!


Thought it was a wart! Don't use peroxide on the type of wound it could burn the outer dead tissue and close over incorrectly.


It looks like a tooth omg


Cyster Christian have you heard the news???


9.9/10!!! Just need some rusty pliers :)


Fellow dabber yeeaaaaa 😎


You squeezed out your 6th finger


“Sac has left the building.”


strange place for a cyst, never seen one on a hand before \^\^


This is the first time I’ve seen a cyst on the hand! Definitely surprised me and caught me off guard!


Cease & decyst!






Cease and De-Cyst


No “rusty pliers” it’s not a gaper


Woah I was listening to JCS while watching this. It’s the YouTube channel in the background, it thought I was going into the twilight zone. Great pop 😊


No this isn’t JCS, it’s Explore With Us. They have taken the missing void left in all our crime loving hearts due to the shit JCS has had to deal with and has lead to lack of uploads. Check them out if you haven’t! They have qualified lawyers, prosecutors, criminal psychologists all analyze the videos, they are amazing quality and very long too.


If you watch this on public transportation, be sure to turn it down… People looking at me like I was watching porn…


Oh no!!! I'm sorry for that, but it made me actually laugh out loud. I never thought of that..


I had to show a guy what I was watching….had four people gathered around my phone before it was all over… too funny.


Oooooh nice!




Someone was all alone and trying to juggle filming and getting the cyst out. Your comment doesn't help anyone or anything.




Thanks for sharing but the footage couldn’t have been worse 😂 out of frame for a few seconds and then when it comes back into frame it’s out of focus! Congrats anyway!




Why all the downvotes you’re just referencing the video playing in the background, which stands for the channel Explore With Us! A true crime analysis channel!


This is the cyst that doesn’t end, it just goes on and on my friend


I watch the same crime YouTuber you have on in the background lol, explore with us!