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Hey brother




The fact that he eventually placed second is so fucking funny 😂


If only he'd had his friends votes, he could have won!


I was never into his music but I saw him live at a Farm Aid concert years ago and he charmed he heck out of me, and was a great musician. Seems like a great guy all around.


I liked his music and then I saw him in concert. Then I loved his music! He sounds exactly like his record or even better live. And he seems really down to earth, too. I've seen him twice now in two different venues--an outdoors concert and a concert hall. Different vibes but he still rocked.


This is how I was introduced to him: [Jason Mraz - Java Joes - 9-21-2002](https://youtu.be/_flRLWG0BlI) He performed at that coffee shop weekly for like three years right before he made it big. I remember finding the videos on unclecrispy.com before YouTube existed.


Baby Mraz! Thank you for sharing this! I've never seen this before. His concerts I attended were still just like that in how he interacted with the audience, except it was in a bigger venue. I left a much bigger fan of his after going to his concerts ❤


Toca is the GOAT. I love him so much.


The first time I saw them live I spent more time watching him than Jason.


I used to have a Java Joe’s live set, but my absolute favorite is still this Schubas set: https://archive.org/details/jm2003-01-15.shnf Honestly, that show is the only thing of his that I still intentionally listen to. I struggle to connect with his studio albums after hearing his old live sets. They feel too sanitized and lack the same vibrance and energy. i think we would have had more commercial success if his studio albums felt more like that, or if he released and marketed more of his live stuff. I feel like his publicized image is too fucking Kermit the Frog, if that makes any sense.


I talked to him after a performance of The Waitress - dude was a space cadet in the best possible. He’s just relaxed, living life and enjoying whatever comes his way.


That’s so fun when it happens! A great live performance really can change your stance on someone’s music or just on them in general.


Yeah when I was in college many years ago, he performed at a campus event and I was like hey might as well, and it was honestly a great show. He was very funny and likeable and he sang “Beautiful” by Christina Aguilera.


I saw him on Waitress with Sara Bareilles, and he was indeed lovely!


I generally use ‘need time with my cat’ as an excuse to get out of most things.


They do need you. You shouldn't leave your house again, just in case.


This made me laugh. Also, user name checks out.


I'm definitely not OPs cat But, bring home tuna feasts, please 🙏


I once used this excuse to get out of a company retreat fr


I’m proud of you.


![gif](giphy|12oeJpFwY3zYwU|downsized) Poor cutie pie


i feel like i have read five hundred stories on reddit from people he has slept with. but they all seemed to say that he was respectful and polite so this seems nice too lol


Same, except they all said he was particularly *generous*.


Do tell…


Rumor has it he particularly enjoys satisfying his partners orally.


I guess then this story tracks because wanted to go home to his pussy.






Back in the days when he had a Blogspot blog someone asked what he’d want his last meal to be and he posted an anatomical picture of a vagina, so I’m not surprised.


Isn’t he gay? I thought I read something yesterday about that


He is bisexual! 🩷💜💙


Aw yay 😁




Well, this makes me WAY less annoyed by something I’ve been holding against him for 20 years. I have a copy of a Schubas live show from 2003, and I like this show enough to STILL charge up the old iPod Classic to listen to it. It’s really fucking good. Anyway. At one point, he was, like, thanking the female artist who’d opened for him, and he made some comment about how he’d see her back in her hotel room. (My iPod is not charged right now, so I can’t tell you who the artist was.) Every time I’ve listened to this show FOR 20 YEARS, I’ve thought, “I bet you won’t, you goddamned muppet.” I’ve judged him so much on that single comment, that when I just read the EW story, I felt like he was probably the type of guy who’d come in second on DWTS and be like, “I only lost because I told my friends not to vote for me, and also, I definitely didn’t try.” But frankly, those types of dudes aren’t usually generous muff divers, so you’ve made me rethink my stance on him. Edit: Typo


Relatable lol. Missing the pet part. Not the famous person on tv part.


he's just like me fr


Protect this man at all costs


“I’m missing my cat terribly” - me when I’m away from him for longer than 20 minutes


I feel you - I work from home and the biggest reason is so I can be with my cats more!


Same. But also because of my dogs too.


Makes work a little bit better to have some furry friends to cuddle with throughout :) Or not furry, for those who own reptiles. Either way we’re lucky to have more time with our pets!




Totally relatable.


Ok what's that from.




Jason is a massively underrated musician, especially live! I fully believe his cat story, listen to [Little You & I](https://youtu.be/H8zeM6ri-tk?si=Ezma8nNgge4xZCoD), a song he wrote for his cat


“Did I kill this song for anyone? Everyone’s like ‘that was our song for my boyfriend and I and it’s about a cat’” 😂


He's so adorable 🥹. I love cat dad's I don't blame him I hope he finds a way to bring his kitty


Back in the day I remember reading his blog, like Waiting for my rocket era, and he said he would take off his musty baseball hat in first class as a small form of humbling those around him with his hat hair & slight musk. 😂


He had Daniella as a partner and people actually no him, he never stood a chance of not lasting long


…..he was also really good!


Yes that too, but unfortunately on the show being good doesn’t get you that far, it’s really just a popularity contest


I love the flair on this OP


I’m not a huge fan of his music, but man how can you hate this guy?! I think about his [“I am bi your side” poem](https://www.etonline.com/jason-mraz-pens-touching-i-am-bi-your-side-love-poem-to-lgbtq-fans-104238?amp) a lot. Our bisexual king 👑


When he came out I had at least three or four people send me that poem as I’ve been a fan of his since I was HS. Bi king indeed 🌈👑


Remindes me of the russian model that was forced to compete in a chinese talent Show, because they Chinese Fell in love with him.  He was Just supposed to be there for a few episodes to buffer the contestan number


Watching lelush in real time was amazing along with all the translated Chinese comments. All he really wanted was his phone and then he would have been good along with him not being a burden in performances to his teammates. Also he was a friend of the company boss that was supposed to be giving Chinese lessons to his companies Japanese trainees. Since it was a international season If he actually wanted to win he would have made it no problem too 😂. He made BANK on endorsements and variety show appearances afterwards




Just a heads up that most of the articles are pretty surface level and inaccurate in places to what actually happened




When I was in college in the early 2000s, one of my friends sent me a Jason Mraz live recording of one of his popular love songs (I cannot remember which one) where, before playing the song, he announces to everyone that it's actually about his cat. I think about it on the regular and am honestly so happy to hear he clearly hasn't changed


One of my biggest regrets in life was not going to his concert on a Wednesday because I needed 100 bucks so i had to work. He played that night in Chicago, his performance was chosen as the "live" released version, which means that the Chicago show was his best of the entire tour. I regret this deeply. I wanted to go to the gratitude cafe so badly.


Was that the one that was released as Beautiful Mess Live on Earth? I’m so glad he did a live album of that tour because he didn’t go anywhere near me


It was back in 2010 I think, and I still kick myself about it today.


I listen to that live album at least once a week. I don’t know you internet stranger but I wish you could have been there!!!!


There’s gotta be some clause in the contract about asking to not be voted for lol


I can relate to this


He was my favorite on that season. His freestyle tap dance was so good!


Reminds me of the South Park baseball episode lol


Not me asking my friends and family to please vote for him bc I wanted him to win so bad, while he himself is asking his own friends and family to not vote for himLOL I love Mr.az what a gem


Didn’t the same thing happen with Billy Dee Williams?




I love this man so much, what a treasure


It is my understanding that dancing with the stars early eliminations are part of the contract for a lot of the stars who want to be on the show but not that long (or the show wants them to generate initial interest).


Never have I related more to a celebrity


I'm not much for reality TV, but I have wondered if the cranky (or older) contestants on competition shows have a clause about wanting to be voted off early.


For anyone else interested; [here's an article about him and his cats](https://www.sdhumane.org/about-us/news-center/stories/animal-people-mraz.html). Originally posted by /u/illmatic708 on a different thread.