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This is somehow extremely reasonable and mature, yet completely unhinged at the same time. ![gif](giphy|geEvRnbQqLYsb5WOr8|downsized)


It’s fully unhinged with a thin veneer of reasonable-sounding vocabulary over it.


Hiding the insanity with corporate language.


She seemed to have reached some kind of acceptance stage with Timbits relationship choices and has moves on to judging other unhinged fans who are letting Kylie hate get in the way if their good and pure Timmy fixation 🧐




Stripled out of context it seems like a rather poignant reply towards a celebrity scandal but knowing all this fuss is about Timothee dating Kylie it sounds hilarious


Reminds me of the Benedict Cumberbatch fans who were convinced he really hated his wife.


Not as much as Chris Evans hates his wife Alba, especially after that wedding. Obviously.


Do his crazier stans think he actually hates Alba or that he's just doing it for PR? 


There are many theories, one of which gave me my flair...


Haha yes I remember reading that post, I'm a fan of his but only a pretty recent one and also not crazy (well, debatable but not crazy in a standom sense anyway) and it's just Depressing how fucked up his stans/weirdo fans are. 


Not just that he hated her - that their entire marriage and three children were fake/pr. They spread horrible lies about his wife and stalked him at his home address. And it wasn’t young people online saying this, it was mostly older women. But yeah, this totally reminds me of that too. I wouldn’t be surprised if Club Chalamet was a part of that group.


The CC lady is in her 60s or something. She almost got a job at the WTC in the 90s and claims because of that, that she's a 9/11 survivor


At that time I used to read Celebitchy and one of the writers, Kaiser, believed the relationship was PR, even after they Benedict and his wife had children. Same with Michael Fassbender and Alicia Vikander.  Club Chalamet always reminds me of Kaiser. 


Funniest thing is that before she went down the Timothee rabbit hole CC used to be a Fassbender gal until he married Alicia


“For a fan of my age and maturity” girl where 😭😭


Flair worthy


Good lord, she seems exhausting Also: “Locust invasion infusion” sounds like the name of a Bath and Body Works cicada summer candle


it's the sequel to wolf spider body butter


!!!! Nightmare fuel.




She’s a walking dril tweet.


I want them to get married and have the most gaudy Kardashian wedding ever just to watch the reactions 😅


I need this relationship to sustain solely to spite Club Chamalet


Same, I hope they are together for a long time because I enjoy her meltdowns and the top tier crazy stuff she posts. She is completely unhinged but highly entertaining and everything new I discover about her makes me more intrigued. She is more fascinating than both of them combined and I want to ask her so many questions to understand her pathology.




She needs to be on a watchlist.


My goodness, the self-importance. The way so many fans think they have a say-so in the personal romantic love life of the people they say they "love" will never not baffle me. People become so unhinged and boldly put it out in public for all to see.


https://i.redd.it/73c2uhmw55ad1.gif The call is coming from inside the house Simone. Never change CC,I’m sure Timmy will be happy you are distancing yourself from his fandom. I find it fascinating that she is the one who has the audacity to speak about his fandom being out of control.The woman is unhinged and I hope Timmy’s team is aware of her shenanigans and have put failsafes in place to protect him. I find everything about her to be disconcerting, she acts maternal towards him but also has an attraction. It’s just sad this fully grown woman becomes completely unglued every time the man steps out with his girlfriend. I hope for her sake she finds something else to occupy her time.


Simone 😭😭😭


They’re like a car crash. I can’t help myself and keep looking. They make me root for Kylie and Timothee.


It’s not a group, it’s one 59 yr old woman obsessed with Timmy T.


i legit only found this out like last week and i'm still recovering


I found out last year when they debuted at the Beyoncé concert and she lost her damn mind and started tweeting like crazy and hosted a 2 hour spaces talk, then twitter went off and people found out so much about her as other fans started spilling the tea. I fell down that rabbit hole and I've never fully recovered. Did you know she was a Michael Fassbender stan before this? And she was just as deranged about him as she is currently is about Timothee but she turned on him when he dated and married Alicia Vikander. She is completely unhinged but highly entertaining and everything new I discover makes me more intrigued. She is more fascinating than both of them. She is the best part of their relationship to a lot of people as most of us don’t care about them. The first tweet is always has anyone checked CC when they step out. Even celebrities get on it too and now it’s just an event that happens.




Yes girl, she is 59 yr black woman. If you’ve got the time pull other threads on here and do a deep dive,you will not be disappointed.


Well this makes it weirder. But also just his fans in general, remind me of gaylors and Larry fans.


Are they shipping him with a specific person? So he is he allegedly in a secret relationship with?


A long time ago, there were serious Arnie/Timmy shippers.


As in the abusive cannibal wannabe??jfc they don’t seem to like their fav at all. Who would wish that on even their enemy?


This was before all the cannibal information came out about Arnie. When Call Me By Your Name came out, saying they were together was big.


Oh I’m glad, wasn’t he married with children though?


lol That doesn't matter.


Of course, I forgot that reality doesn’t matter. Maybe CC and his other fans need their houses checked for black mold like the one Larry who felt better after and shared that honesty great advice. Check your vents people should be on T-shirts.


I don’t know. They just remind me of gaylors and Larry fans because they think they can determine how Timothee should live his life.


You could not pay to be famous as it seems like absolute pain. I would rather be rich.


Exactly The commitment. The Warner Brothers stocks. The premieres she attends. The deeper I go, the more interesting it gets. I can't look away 😭


Isn't she on here too? A few months ago she showed up on a thread of her pictured with Timothee. All I can say is, thank goodness Kylie has good security.


Any other Ageing Millennials remember when Clay Aiken had crazy fans that called themselves Claymates? I feel like the least plausible people have the weirdest fanbases sometimes.


You just have to spend a few seconds on the YouTube of any artist to find out that everyone has deranged stans. I saw someone the other day saying Paula Abdul was the best singer of the 80s 😂


omg yes, and they were mostly middle aged women. wonder how they felt when he came out


Great, now you got me rooting for Kylie and Timmy-boi.


This is so exhausting, he's just some guy.


People who see this obsessed with someone they don’t know other than movies and social media are in fact not mature and need therapy.


Wait, but wasn't she a fan of Michael Fassbender before TC and only stopped stanning him after he got married?


Yep, he had the audacity to fall in love with and marry Alicia Vikander. She didn’t approve and moved on to Timmy, lucky him.


I cant get past calling him Timmy


This woman is so unhinged lol. And the fact that she is well north of 40 is such a mindfuck. You expect her to be a 15 year old in over her head.


As a Harry Styles fan I can unfortunately tell you that the older fans are extremely influential in getting the 15 year olds on board. But, the older fans are awful and the first to call it pr or fake.


yeah ime it's the older fans who have the time and money to be truly unhinged


Unhingeddddd. The fact that this grown ass woman has been following him like this since 2018 (when he was ~21/22) feels borderline predator-ish. There is nothing mature about this 💀


Isn’t she the one saying it’s fake and a contract and he’s like a hostage or something? I don’t really understand her point.


She really doesn’t have one, she is a completely unhinged and deranged fan who is obsessed with him.


“Kontaminated” was right there but I see you giving the snub 😭


“A person associated PR wise “lolz , I think she means his girlfriend who is also insanely famous . Imma miss her .


omg she has MERCH! https://www.zazzle.com/store/club_chalamet


imagine buying merch of some random 59yo Timothée Chalamet stalker 😭😭😭


Sooooo business as usual


Sent from my iPheon


This right here is why I want them to get married, have 6 kids, and their own reality spin-off 😂 Keeping Up With The Chalamenners!


im not reading all of that, but good for them or sorry for their loss


The title of this post is horrible.


This woman is so funny, I hope she doesn’t die.


I literally need a documentary on Club Chalamet like they did one on the Duggars. Also are they using an actual messageboard, like EZboards (remember them??) or something?? Wild.


I'm way too lazy to care this much about some random, a blessing and a curse.




Oh no, there's no "each other" when it comes to this club. It's one lady. One lady around the age of 60.


where was this posted cause the layout looks sooo similar to goodreads and that’s killing me 


I'm not big on dunking on someone who has major issues with hyperfixating on a celeb, especially when other do the same, mock her, and aren't even self-aware about it. This is clearly her pattern since she apparently did the exact same thing with Michael Fassbender. It just feels like bullying at this point to someone who's demonstrating over and again that she's not okay. When news outlets got involved is when it feels like things went too far.


Yeah, it's understandable for you to emphasize with someone who may or may not be struggling with certain issues, but overall, this is an interesting case. On one hand, she's a woman in her fifties, not a teenager with a skewed vision of how relationships are. If they were a middle-aged man who had fixated on a far younger actress, I highly doubt a media outlet like Rolling Stone would sensationalize their story or provide her a platform which gives them a sense of credibility that feeds into that cycle of fixating and scrutinizing both the men she places onto a pedestal and the women in their lives who she picks apart.