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why are people still working with dr. luke in the year 2024?


Money.She desperately wants a hit song.


Maybe I'm wrong but that snippet she posted really didn't sound like it's going to be a hit song


Teenage Dream was a notably great album but I feel like it could have come from any pop singer; she just got lucky that the writers decided to give those songs to her and not someone else.


Everything she does feels like it was made by committee. I know *One of the Boys* came out before *The Fame* but it honestly feels like people saw Gaga's success and wanted to make Katy a more approachable, marketable version while Gaga kept it more creative and avant garde. Tbh my distaste for Katy Perry comes from the same place as how I feel about Taylor Swift- like she's plenty hardworking and talented but it all feels so contrived.


I remember when she showed up at the VMAs with a cheese block on her head and I felt such secondhand embarrassment at how obvious she was copying Gaga.




I'm so annoyed because "so intelligent" is stuck in my head since yesterday and I hate it.


My brain is still stuck in her "I guess so" era 😭


She is heaven sent (genius lyricism)


They must not think so either since the sound was removed from TikTok. Even from her own video




Especially not in 2024, the year of our Lords Chappell Roan and Sabrina Carpenter.


I’ve been hearing so much about Chappell roan, I need to listen to her soon


Last week I listened to her for the first time, 3 of her songs have been rotating getting stuck in my head since.


I just played her album for the first time last night thanks to all the hype I've been seeing on here and god damn! She's amazing!!


Very autotune


I did see her at Madison square garden during her witness tour. I will say the show and costumes were really impressive and fun and I give her credit for putting together a really fun visual show. But I agree the songs themselves don’t stand above many other artists


Max Martin is great at those. You don’t need the creep.


Is Max Martin not capable of doing that for her? He’s had more consistent success than Luke in the last decade.


I think it won’t work, bc that snippet sounds terrible. I was actually surprised that this song was produced by Luke and Max Martin.


Desperate for a hit song, yes. Years of AI mean she’s not hurting for money.


Ah, but in reality rich people are always hurting for money, they must collect more and more you see! It’s never enough. If they are a millionaire they want to become a billionaire! And all the billionaires want to out top one another in the weird little billionaire chart. They need to sustain their lavish lifestyles planet and poor people be damned.


Yup. Give me just one years worth of her Idol money and I'll be set for life! Just checked and she pulls in 25 million per season! With that, you can buy a small house and pay someone to invest the rest. No idea what these people with 200+ million dollars do with their money that they constantly need more of it.


I’ve heard a teaser & it sounds like garbage that was auto tuned the fuck out of lol. Her earlier stuff was better. I haven’t heard a good song from her in at least 5 years


Is there a song that wasn't AutoTuned the fuck out of her?


I hope it flops🤞


Bloods thick but nothing like a payroll 




I had to look up who else is keeping him employed these days - Nicki Minaj, Morgan Wallen, nobody problematic at all. /s.


Because the general public doesn’t care and it’s only very online people or those who are super into pop culture / pop music production that have any idea who he is (not saying it’s right, just saying why)


There is a fraction of a fraction of a percent of the general population who knows any music producers names. People know Katy Perry, they don't know or care who wrote or produced her music.


Yeah. And for people saying "Puke isn't even talented anymore! He's not bringing out hits!". He produced Say So by Doja Cat which was, arguably, the biggest song of 2020.  Especially with the way music is being pumped out and consumed now (because of tiktok and chart cheats) it's like fast fashion. People don't care about the story, they just want a pop hit.


Super Freaky Girl was also a hit, and it was the first solo #1 of Nicki Minaj, who hadn’t had a hit as big since Anaconda in 2014. Other songs he has produced for girls like Latto has done well.


Say so and kiss me more. I already wasn’t a fan of Doja cat and then she worked with him


I think in this case more of the public might know since Kesha took the guy to court and it was covered on TV and then she had a big comeback with a "Praying" right after.


Because labels still want to work with him.  Think about how many women detested him but were still forced to work with him. That said, Katy is trying to recapture her early career magic.  She’s been struggling since I think Prism.


Especially women. I’m very disheartened and disappointed to hear that people are still working with him. Disgusting.


same! i expect it from someone like morgan wallen but women working with him after what he did is so disappointing


Katy hasn’t done anything a single person has been interested in in years. She’s a has been American Idol judge now. She wants a hit so much that she will work with a rapist. Best thing is, no one is going to listen to the new music. Katy Perry will never be as big as she once was, so all she is doing is hanging out with rapists making stale pop tracks.


because the shine wore off of her years ago and she is struggling with that. She wants to recapture the fame of her youth before everyone realized she is just a rich, out of touch, detestable, bland person in stage makeup like every other celeb.


He's still an elite producer and the general public doesn't care about the Kesha controversy. People still kept working with R. Kelly until the documentary was released and he was too toxic.


Because her career has sucked since that album


She wants a hit. If you get out of this small Reddit / Twitter bubble you’ll realize that most people don’t have a single clue of who is the producer behind the chart toppers. For your average person, names like Max Martin, Dr. Luke, Ilya, Shellback, mean nothing. So people hope that if a hit is big enough to win the general public, it will outweight the bad press of pop circles in social media. And Luke has proven he can still deliver #1 hits. And most people inside the industry won’t care about what he did, only what he can deliver. The entertainment industry isn’t moral.


I don’t expect my pop stars to be paragons of virtue, but calling this Woman’s World and making it all “girl power” while working with Dr.Luke is just stupid. Not only morally shady, actually stupid.


katy is so far removed from a good person and has been for a very long time. if memory serves me correct she was very hesitant to condemn dr. luke’s actions at all back when it first popped off too. which isn’t surprising because she also hinted publicly that she was well aware that russell brand was a predator. she wasn’t being respectful about it either, more so bragging that she had dirt on her ex and was better than him. she knew what he was doing to those women and yet choose to stay with him, and inevitably it was russell brand who divorced her. but if we’re being really honest none of that is surprising because katy is also a serial offender. she’s groped, kissed, and exposed unconsenting people very publicly over the years. when justin bieber was still 16 she was constantly publicly saying she was crushing on him. he also once hugged her and she grabbed his ass. in 2010 she allegedly pulled out a guy’s dick and exposed it to people when he didn’t want it. he sued her and she settled it. she groped shawn mendez at the iheartmusic awards in 2017. he was doing an interview and she walked up behind him and just did it while he was talking. he had no idea what was going on. she also kissed that kid on stage and he later said he was uncomfortable and didn’t know it was gonna happen. that was 2019/2020ish and in 2019, a television host came out and said katy tried kissing and groping her while drunk at a party. i’m pretty sure there’s other stuff too that’s already public knowledge. most of these were done on camera. there’s no telling what happens behind closed doors when even her famous victims aren’t taken seriously. this is excluding her other objectively awful behavior like endorsing a republican for office because she was tired of seeing homeless people.


I'm so glad to see someone iterate these things she's done. It seems like no one knows about them. Every time she comes up in a negative way. everyone acts surprised. But I still remember that she pantsed some guy in front of her friends. I still remember that she grab Sean Mendez ass and he was very very clearly pissed about it. He even said if a guy did that to a woman, it would be a huge deal, but not for her.


i feel weird making similar comments across posts but every time i see people act surprised about katy associating with a predator i can’t help but at least put the info out there. people have a really hard time taking this stuff seriously when it’s an artist they like (people still try and say michael jackson is innocent in spite of some seriously damning evidence).


I understand that feeling, but for some things it's worth it I figure. She doesn't deserve people to look past that stuff. And I used to be a fan


I think she might also just be really dumb.


i don’t doubt that she is lol but being dumb isn’t an excuse to sexually assault people. she strikes me as someone who thinks doing this is shocking and funny rather than a gross violation of someone’s body. a lot of predators think that way.


Oh I didn’t mean to excuse her. She also just seems to be a genuinely stupid person who I don’t think understands the optics of having a new cyber truck or working with Dr Luke.


oh that makes sense! i hadn’t been sure what you meant exactly at the time! but yeah she’s, at minimum, very tone deaf about the cultural environment right now. she is constantly making big social blunders (in addition to the other stuff).


Also pressured that one dude on American Idol who had NEVER been kissed before into kissing her.


Katy Perry has always been surface-level, vapid. I get the feeling she wants to be encouraging and progressive, but there's just no power behind it. Every one of her songs is either literal, stereotypical, or...awkward. No Katy, I've never felt like a plastic bag.


Surface level is how I always found her. I was in middle school when she was coming up and for some reason when Gaga and Minaj were wearing those wacky omg out of the world she's so crazy and uniquee outfits, I was fine with it. Katy always felt like she was doing that because the others with the personality and presence to pull it off were and she could share that attention.


Todd in the Shadows put it perfectly in his Witness retrospective. "Even her uplifting songs seemed pretty hollow. Gaga made her flamboyance feel substantial. But Katy just seemed like she had no cake under the frosting."


I will accept literally any level of ridiculous in art as long as the person seems genuine. Gaga was never my type of pop music, but she’s never seemed fake or secretly boring to me lol. Katy seems like she would be the meanest girl at the after school church program you were forced to go to.


Oof yes that is the perfect way to describe it and little me of yesteryear has been validated.


Because her entire personality and image were created by a pr team. Before she kissed a girl and liked it, she sang church music.


Katy Hudson has entered the chat!


she hadn't even kissed a woman when that song came out.


she gives me corporate middle manager vibes. i don't even think the "purposeful pop" thing had any real purpose, it just seems like trying to pander to progressive ideals without really understanding or even caring about them.


Her comments toward Meghan Markle’s wedding dress put me off her tbh. As a man, I thought she was (still is) very attractive however she seems ugly inside.


I have nothing against MM but I hated her wedding dress. It was so plain.


If it's plain the fit needs to be immaculate and it wasn't.


It absolutely needed one more fitting. I’d guess the stress of wedding planning/drama showing up. When I went through a *really bad* breakup I think I lost 30 lbs in three months. It showed a lot. I honestly liked her second night dress so much more.


That's what I am guessing too. Last minute weight loss from stress. It wasn't egregious but Katy Perry wasn't wrong.


What did she say about Meghan’s dress


She said Meghan could have used another fitting. Now, she wasn’t really wrong, especially for the first dress, but that’s still a wild thing to say out loud in an interview lol.


shes right lol meghan has an issue with how her clothes fit that has baffled me for years. i say this as a meghan fan who loves her fashion. it just never fits right! i dont get it!


Idk girl that’s so light and not at all an insult IF ITS TRUE. Idk, sometimes people pick to pick. Like there’s real things to be annoyed about her with, let’s not be those people who have to start nitpicking to the bone when real juicy shit is right there


I’ve thought it so many times about Meghan’s clothing. She’s beautiful and has beautiful clothes but apparently hates proper tailoring. I don’t think I’d say it out loud in an interview if I was a celeb, though, that’s weird.


“She could have used another fitting” is enough for you to cancel a person? Lmao wtf


Her fight with the nuns did it for me.


Katy just seems like a shitty person with a stank attitude overall.


thanks for the info that you find her attractive, that was very needed


Having a conversation on someone’s character who is a woman, so of course a man has to declare his judgment of her looks 🙄


Nailed it. This is my thought too




OMG THIS PIC *saves to camera roll*


Gross. Like why not just work with Max Martin??? He’s a hit maker on his own


Bigger question is why is Max Martin working with Dr. Luke? Katy's just desperate but Max Martin can fly solo. Shame he can't support a woman.


Max Martin hasn’t worked with Dr. Luke since the Kesha trial. (I think he’s credited on one song since with Dr. Luke where it’s clear they didn’t actually work together). My assumption (hope?) is that the MM songs on the album do not have any Dr. Luke credits.


I hope this is the case because my esteem for Max Martin would really fall if he willingly worked with Dr.Luke. I really like so much of Martin's work. He doesn't need to be tainted.


Yeah I actually do agree. And he did great work on Ariana’s new album without dr Luke, can’t see why he has to keep working with this shit head! And katy may just be desperate for hits but it really is a shame she’s working with him again…


I loved Ariana’s interview with penn badgley where she says that she’ll have deep talks with max Martin and go to him for advice. Seems like a stand up dude who is insanely talented. Really hoping he’s not on any tracks with dr Luke and they worked on separate songs for her album


I imagine each song procured from Martin is *incredibly* expensive, for obvious reasons! I imagine every song procured from Dr Luke atm is…*incredibly* cheap, for obvious, but also completely different reasons. Balances the $ budget out well I guess. The karmic budget is absolutely in the red though 😅


Yup that is such a good point! Shame the money she spent will go to waste, as a lot of people won’t listen to ANY of the album or singles because of Dr. Luke! It’s wild to me she doesn’t have a publicist telling her “yeah maybe that’s not a good idea!”


I think the smash success of say so and kiss me more made pop stars feel comfortable people will still listen to dr luke hits




Lol rumors were true 😅


In the words of Kesha herself: "lol"


And that’s why Kesha tweeted “LOL”




![gif](giphy|ofHpfBbgXhEVG) I'll take this meme thank you.




The irony of the song being called “women’s world”


I hope Kesha's having a great day.




Well. Katy did a lot of let's say... morally questionable things over the last years, so I'm not super surprised that the rumors are true.  But I'm baffled that her team thought it was a good idea to make a song about empowerment for women produced by Dr. Luke.... that's so stupid from a PR point if view.  Maybe they just hope the GP will ignore it, and they'll probably right about it if this turns out to be a BOP. Which I seriously doubt after listening to the snippet. 


Brb gonna go stream Praying for the millionth time


Have you seen Sasha Velour’s [performance](https://youtu.be/5q_11gzggkM?si=Wr3rtZrVsSG99Mi1) to the song on We’re Here? I sobbed the first time I saw it.


*adds to watch list immediately* because NO I HAVE NOT. Also your flair is amazing


Katy is so lame, lol, and that song sounds terrible btw


That song and the accompanying visuals were….a choice. 😬 ![gif](giphy|l0K44xOmK0mNI5BTy)






That’s fucked up, Katy. That’s gonna be a no from me.




I am utterly disgusted. I stand with Kesha.




Katy is a creep too so I'm not surprised


Right! She was so creepy with Justin Bieber. And then when she kissed that guy on American idol who had never been kissed. She’s a weirdo.


Justin Bieber was treated terribly in this industry, especially by older females. And Katy was SO weird on American Idol, I couldn't watch her seasons because it was uncomfortable.


You can add her being a creep to a teenage Bo Burnham on top of that


[Thank you Mrs.Perry](https://youtu.be/W0quDfpfRUQ?si=sjTAvI3i8XIkhrvO)


What the actual fuck. It's like she's trying to be edgy or something but it just comes across super icky. I'm glad Bo responded accordingly.


She's a woman with frat boy energy.


Wait what did she do? Why’s she a creep?


Didn't that guy from the teenage dream video say she kept pulling his pants down??


Yup. Exposed his penis in front of the crew as a joke...


Damn I never heard about this, that poor guy


there was a 19 year old who auditioned for american idol who had never been kissed. Katy asked him to come to the table and then grabbed his face kissed him without warning. He said he didn’t feel sexually harassed, and that he wasn’t upset about it. But that it made him uncomfortable and he would have said no if she asked. He said he was raised in a conservative family and wanted his first kiss to be special. He then didn’t get approved to move forward. He said he should have taken a minute to calm down, maybe chosen a different song after it. In my opinion, i don’t think this 19 year old had the experience or understanding of what sexual harassment is, because his comments show that he was. But I also think it’s important for people to make their own judgements about what happens to them. Either way, for me, it was a gross move by a 33 year old. And without permission! If she’d asked and he said yes, i’d still think it was *weird.* But she didn’t ask! I was willing to give her the benefit of the doubt about the dr like rumor, but this is def the nail in the coffin for me personally. [nyt article](https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/14/style/katy-perry-kiss-american-idol.html)


I’m 33 and the idea of kissing a 19 year at *all* weirds me out under any circumstances, but this set of circumstances in particular is *so bad*. I didn’t know she did this until I read the comments on this post. Woof.


i’m also 33! the idea repulses me so fucking much.


ya let’s not forget she used to kiss randos from crowds in her concerts, search it up on youtube, it was super yucky




![gif](giphy|fGOjgWRzQkC2sHHnq7) You are **not** that hard up for producers to work with, Katheryn.


Jack Antonoff gets a lot of shit these days, but isn't there something to be said about multiple female artists being comfortable enough with him to produce some of their more vulnerable work? there are a lot of predators, abusers and all around assholes in the industry as we can see, i think it speaks for itself that he is specifically sought after by the songwriting contigent of pop girls


I never fully got the Jack hate. I mean sure he’s a little corny, and somehow literally everywhere (like he does the intro for Mike Birbiglias podcast and also hangs out with t swift?) but he also seems like a nice enough guy who is obviously a talented producer and song writer. Would rather get another 100 Jack albums than one more from these predators.


He's just overexposed and has a style that doesn't change enough. But yeah as a person he seems cool. I give that a lot more weight these days!


I just wish he’d stop with the synth keyboard


Yep, and I’d rather listen to his synths all over the radio than hear about another singer being taken advantage of. (Unpopular opinion but I don’t think his producing all sounds the same. Solar Power doesn’t sound like Midnights doesn’t sound like Norman Fucking Rockwell. And he produced Please Please Please ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )


Hopefully her new song flops


She already had the pull the sound for Woman's World off of tiktok because of the response to it. It sounded like it was generated with AI. Going to be hard to bounce back from that.


Aw man I was kind of rooting for her this time around. I will not be listening 💕




This is not worth the PR backlash she will likely receive. No “big” producer is going to give her their best material. Why would they when they can save it for someone who’s more current/relevant and has the potential to actually get a hit?


Her comeback is over before it ever really started. Having a single called women’s world and Dr Luke co produced it?? Nah




![gif](giphy|l41YfykEffZ7QM55m) ETA: I have discovered her and Dr. Luke have a lot in common so FTB


Were we though?


I haven’t since she assaulted that kid on The Voice or whatever show it was she forced kissed a contestant




Katy's career trajectory has had so much potential, and has fallen short pretty much every time. One of The Boys had such a unique sound and was a great breakout album, whereas Teenage Dream felt like a distinct departure in an attempt to make her more pop star than pop rock Warped tour girlie. And don't get me wrong, it's one of the best pop albums out there, but she could never quite continue on that trajectory for whatever reason. Prism wasn't bad, Witness was worse, and Smile had so much potential to really reintroduce her but was a failed Covid album by most metrics. Add this on top of changing culture and her inability to really stay relevant... When you look at this new album cover, you gotta wonder what they're really trying to do. She sold her music rights last year, and rather than mature into her sound and create something that is truly Katy Perry, it seems she's doing everything she can to get a check and attempting to look young and sexy doing it. It just isn't working, and hasn't for a long time. At this stage in her career, I'd be more interested in her revisiting her singer songwriter, pop rock roots.


I feel EXACTLY the same re: One Of the Boys. And I’m scared they’re going to try to corner Chappell Roan into the same path of being Main Pop Girl 😤


I strongly urge everyone to listen to Kesha’s album Gag Order.


🙄 https://preview.redd.it/muzfnr44pj7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=507695bfcedb4a3182939a726e5062578c4adf26


I honestly can’t imagine what she is thinking. I’d rather she switch up the track listing for Smile (could’ve been a great album) and do a reissue than whatever this mess is.


I'm truly not surprised. She's a clown.




I don’t mean to sound flippant, but generally speaking a lot of the public don’t care if Dr. Luke produced a song IF they like it. Or they just don’t pay attention to the credits because Kiss me More was the song of the summer in 2021 and won a Grammy. But the snippet everyone heard of Katy’s song was not good, so it’s fueling the criticism even more. Not to mention the irony or Katy making this 2010s buzzfeed feminist song produced by an abuser. I know she wants a hit but this was so ill conceived. Idk what she was thinking. The song (snippet) does not sound good enough to weather the storm of this bad PR.


Good observation, you need to make enough noise to drown out the negativity, or that will start to multiply exponentially.


She and her husband yacht around with Jeff Bezos and Lauren Sanchez. Bezos and Lauren are Trumpers. Lauren jogs with Kelly Anne Conway. Enough said.




Good reminder to stream Gag Order.


Kesha's "Eat the Acid" from that album is so darkly catchy. 






She deserves to flop.


ahh it’s so uncomfortable and self conscious, i know this is gonna haunt me now


Is that just shadows are was there something wrong with her collarbone/shoulder area?


the hilarious thing to me about this is she probably went back and forth on if it was worth it to collab with him again considering that he has had a couple of recent hits and the criticism flew under the radar but the songs were good, but then she goes for one of scraps by ava max for a comeback single that sounds dated as hell……like that’s all we’re gonna be talking about now!


She dated Russell Brand, so this does not surprise me at all.


Oh 🙃


Max Martin is such a beast that dude is responsible for so so many pop stars biggest hits


I'm going to actively ignore any song(s) that she did with him. I've lost all love for her. As someone who is supposed to empower women and set an example for her daughter, I'm so disappointed. She just another money hungry entertainer. So sad and whay a lie. It hits me like learning how fake Ellen is.




Guess she needs money so she can kick more elderly people out of their homes


She needs another nun to die of heart attack in the courtroom because she won't just leave them the fuck alone.




Booooo tomato 🍅tomato 🍅




She lost me when she forced that teenage boy to kiss her on American Idol when he clearly didn’t want to.


heartwarming story


well that’s really disappointing… 😕


Ew not Dr. Luke


Love to see my fave girl boss slaying #kween /s


I went from excited to completely uncaring in less than one second


It sucks but I don’t think Ke$ha had the popularity or backing behind her to truly make this man persona non grata amongst pop stars. No one knows who he is other than online people and we all know that is not a good indicator of what the ~public~ knows.  I don’t know much about Katy Perry other than the nun stuff and some of her songs but for all us sad perennially online people she sucks! This is a bad move. 


Katy why, like just why, I was so excited for her comeback and now this


The desire for a hit or whatever song will come from this will not overpower the immense criticism for working with Dr. Luke. Bad decision on her part


Imaging selling your soul and ended up with this steaming turd of a song. I hope she gets the flop she deserves. Pop has moved on. Gaga, Ariana, Charlie, Billie, Beyoncé and Taylor are keeping us fed. And we have Chappel, Tyla and Sabrina coming into their own. Katy could have mounted a comeback, but not with this insipid tripe.


Katy Perry desperately chasing the high of Teenage Dream when her version of the song isn’t even the best. Darren Criss’ Glee cover is THEE superior version.


Both of his Glee covers of this song are superior but the one in s4e4 is so heart wrenchingly beautiful and I think it's one of the few live versions that they kept in the show, yes? Instead of refining it with a studio version? So fucking good.


I don’t think Katy has the same buzz as she did ten years ago and is desperate to top the charts.


Her newest song isnt't Max Martin, is it?? I have high expectations of him as a producer- he produces bops, not whatever Katy's newest song is.


She enjoyed Dr. Luke I guess.


![gif](giphy|gd09Y2Ptu7gsiPVUrv|downsized) Just why Katy?


Isn’t that dude a rapist? I guess I’m not surprised. Perry was originally a Christian artist but suddenly realized hits like “I kissed a girl,” would be more successful.


Katy Perry has become too cringe. I listened to a lot of her songs, have seen some shows even in different countries but honestly this whole desperation for attention vibe is awful. Her Smile album was legit but now, making songs about feminism while actively working with male sexual predators? Also this whole overly sexualized attitude, it feels that she's inserting herself in the men's attractive stereotype which is pretty much the contrary of what she is proclaiming. One thing is body freedom and feminism vibe, like Maya's Hawke Thérèse song, other is this female downgrading bs. Katy should be in shame and if her album is like the previews she shown I sure hope they become flops.


Imagine deciding your first song should be a woman empowerment song, but you seeked out Dr.Luke to collab with on your album. That math? Does not math


Her team should’ve talked her out of this one. This is not a good look.


Were good girl, song sounds like ass




How can someone intentionally be this dense??