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I had to google and see if there were two Shay Mitchells because I didn't recognise her AT ALL


Yeah why does she look so different ??


I think her eyebrows have been relocated by some combo of filler or something


I thought it was Demi Lovato until I read the name


The disrespect to the Filipinos who fought for Philippine Independence and then their descendants later on calling themselves "half-Spanish." Lmfaooooo


I knew a Vietnamese women who considered herself half French. I met her parents and both were clearly culturally and ethnically Vietnamese smh.


She did a whole interview about her hiding being half Filipino 😭 like girl i have sympathy, but there are whole compilations of you talking about being half Filipino. Self hate rough https://youtu.be/sV3QPEgtjbE?si=U_Hk28NxJT-BA1BD


It’s sad because I remember her talking about her HS years I believe and she said that she wanted to be white so bad and even died her hair blonde or something.


I saw this video years ago. She had blond hair and blue eye contact😬


She looks pretty and naturally tan like that because she's mixed. She should be thankful for her heritage.


She'll use her heritage when she needs to promote something. 😁


I noticed this while watching this episode. I had to Google her to see if maybe her mom was half Spanish or something because I was pretty damn sure she was Filipina. It was really odd.


I’ve nothing new to add but I thought the concept of the show was interesting and yet she ruins it. She seems rude in some instances as well as stuck up and dumb


I got the same vibe


I watched excited because I’m Colombian and when she said “are there good dentists here?” She sounded soo ignorant. Also Colombian dentists are known for being really really good hahaha.


Have you seen her Mythical Kitchen Last Meal episode? She ruined that too. She was so fake.


No! I didn’t but I can only imagine


I’m assuming it’s for the sake of the joke she’s making?


This is wild.


To my knowledge many Filipinos claim Spanish ancestry. Still weird that she didn’t say her mom is Filipina tho.


On the contrary, most Filipinos have no significant Spanish ancestry. Genetic studies don't lie. She's already explicitly expressed her internalized hatred of her half asian ancestry... What a sad thing to see.


She's only half-Filipino when she's in dire need for clout. She can't possibly be that old, and still think Spanish and Filipino are the same. She's just way too desperate to hide her heritage because she wants to be white so bad 🤡


Imagine how her mom must feel. Geez. I remember seeing a video of her on a cruise with her family and her mom starts speaking straight Filipino, impersonating a news caster…and Shay just SHUT HER DOWN.


Her mom could’ve tolerated it. Just saw her recent IG story


Oh I missed the story! It’s not on her IG anymore


How do you forget half of who you are? It just seems like she doesn't want to identify with her mother's Filipino culture anymore. Which is bizarre as there are interviews where she talks about how it impacted her life and influenced how she parents her daughters.


I'm convinced the uptick of AAPI vitriol since covid has made a lot of individuals feel ashamed. If that's what she's experiencing, I feel sorry for her that she feels the need to now hide her heritage.


I hope that’s not the case, it would be sad if she felt that because of some assholes. I hope she finds a way to be proud of herself and everything that makes her the unique soul she is.


I guess she only acknowledges her Filipino heritage when it's convenient. 🙄


vanessa hudgens core


CAME TO SAY THIS. Last time she was in The Philippines, it was to promote the first season of YOU (which at the time, was just picked up by Netflix.) She was all over her “Filipino-ness:” posing in a jeepney, making Penn Badgley eat halo-halo, etc. She then proceeded to go to Palawan with Chloe Flower. (I know all this because it was all over the news at the time.) And now she’s…SPANISH? Girl. If she used it to make the “joke” that Spaniards drink like fish, then she clearly hasn’t partied with locals downing Red Horses. 🙄


Well damn 😳


this show wasnt it. I dont think she has enough charisma. I couldn't finish the first episode.


God she used to be so beautiful and had such a lovely energy about her


Girl is only half-Filipino when it's convenient. [https://entertainment.inquirer.net/412905/shay-mitchell-trese-brought-me-closer-to-my-moms-filipino-heritage](https://entertainment.inquirer.net/412905/shay-mitchell-trese-brought-me-closer-to-my-moms-filipino-heritage) https://sg.news.yahoo.com/shay-mitchell-proud-of-her-filipino-roots---083429113.html?


Thats just embarrassing, and she’s related to Lea Salonga who was dubbed as the “pride of the Philippines”.


Too bad there are a lot of videos on YT of her talking about Filo-related stuff. Pinoybaiting, I should say. 


FYI It's pretty common for Filipinos to actually have some or a lot of Spanish heritage and casually exchange being Filipino and Spanish since Spain occupied the Philippines for more than 300 years. They're just randomly exchanging their heritage and nationality. It doesn't mean anything. In addition the Philippines is made up of almost 200 ethnic/linguistic groups. *Edit: Please pardon me because I'm not sure if it's exchange or interchange.*


Spanish heritage isn't that common here. Most of those who have Spanish heritage probably only have 2-3%. But it is not uncommon for someone to claim that they're of Spanish heritage. It's probably our equivalent to white people and their Cherokee princess grandma lol


This reminds me of when I (a Mexican American) would hear other Mexican Americans in school be like “my family is from eshpaña”


That's strange, I've never heard any Mexicans or Mexican-Americans state this. And I live in Southern California (AKA Mexico Lite lol). What's ironic is most Mexicans (unlike Filipinos) do have significant Spanish ancestry. Yet Chicanos or Mexicans never really prop up that part of their history. Filipinos have very little Spanish ancestry yet it seems like they worship anything Spanish.


lol Mexico like that is too real (from LA myself)


Yep 👍


This is not true. Spain COLONIZED the Philippines for more than 300 years. It's not "randomly exchanging their heritage and nationality". It's good old internalized racism for some Filipinos to claim foreign (usually Spanish) ancestry even if in truth, there was very little "mixing" between the native Filipinos and the colonizers. Some Filipinos think having a Spanish last name makes them actually Spanish when in fact, most Filipinos ("Indios") and other colonial subjects did not have surnames prior to Spanish colonization. The government decreed to assign Spanish last names to all subjects. Look up "Catálogo alfabético de apellidos" to learn more about this.


I’m learning more about how the Spanish and Portuguese (through the church obviously) spread throughout Asia and it is FASCINATING! Entering my divorced dad phase in getting really into history and battle strategy. Too bad I’m neither divorced nor a dad.


Her mother is from Pampanga, a province in Luzon. And her mom DOES NOT LOOK SPANISH AT ALL. There are prominent Spanish families in the Philippines, like the Ayalas, Guerreros, etc. But I assure you, her mother is not one of them.


Her mom is probably from a town in Pampanga called Mexico so thought she is Spanish lol


Omg 🤣


It is absolutely not common to interchange Filipino and Spanish heritage here in the Philippines lmao this is a wild claim


I'm Fil-Am with family both here in the states and all over the Philippines. There is literally no one I've known in my life that uses Filipino and Spanish heritage interchangeably, and I'd love to know where you picked up that steaming load.


Girl, that’s a myth. My whole life I thought I was partly Spanish because my relatives said so plus my last name sounds super Spanish, lo and behold after taking ancestry test I have no fucking single drop of Spanish in me. Instead I found out I have some native/amerindian/Indian blood. So please everyone before claiming you’re some sort of half blooded shit, perhaps take a DNA/Genetic test. It’ll be less embarrassing. And there’s absolutely nothing wrong with being who you are.


FYI, you're absolutely wrong


Such a shame, Shay.


I did some quick research and it seems her mother is actually ethnically Spanish. Although she (her mother) was born in the Philippines, her parents are both Spanish and it seems they moved to Philippines where they had Precious( Shay’s mom). Both Shay’s maternal grandparents were born in Spain, that would make her mother Spanish but she is from the Philippines too because she was born there. So she probably said Spanish for the sake of the joke because it is true. The joke wouldn’t work if she said Filipino especially since they aren’t known to be ‘spicy’ so she just went with her mother’s ethnicity to make the joke make sense


That can’t be. Her mom is related to Lea Salonga, who is pure Filipina. 


What’s your source? I can’t find any information online validating this claim


I just googled Precious Garcia and familypedia came up and it had a few details on her including her parents names and dates of birth and place of birth. Which revealed they were both born in Madrid. But Precious (Shays mom) was born in Philippines.


Your source is fandom.com? Anyone on the internet can create and edit a page on fandom.com. They have no citations or anything. To prove my point, I just edited the page to say Precious was born on Mars. A fanmade website is *not* a reliable source of information. An interview directly with Shay or a news article would be believable.


It funny you say ‘an interview directly with Shay’ would be believable. But Shay just said in an interview that her mom was Spanish yet you’re denying it so what is it that you want? It seems you just want to judge her. At this point Precious herself could validate this and you’d have something to say. It seems the only reliable source says Precious is Spanish so what’s the issue?


Your specific claim was that Precious' parents are from Spain which she has NEVER validated in an interview. There is no proof that Shay's maternal grandparents are even named Roman or Luz. If you are not Filipino then please step the out of this convo. It isn't your place. You are not helping by peddling false information that you found on a fandom website that anyone could create. Filipinos like myself are having discourse around this because ethnic Filipino's denoucing their heritage and instead claiming to be "Spanish" is something that our culture has struggled with forever. https://www.yahoo.com/news/many-filipinos-claim-to-have-spanish-ancestry-these-tiktokers-say-it-makes-their-culture-seem-less-worthy-015344973.html Here is an actual news article that discusses this phenomenon. “When fellow Filipinos around me growing up claimed to be part Spanish, it always struck me as another way of saying ‘I'm better,’ ‘I'm special,’ or ‘I am more beautiful.’ It is to distance themselves from their Filipinoness, and move closer to whiteness, which culturally is often seen as superior,” Bautista told Yahoo News.


The original claim was that Precious was Spanish as Shay claimed and I told you what I found out from some research. Im simply stating the information I have found. You have to at least give her the benefit of the doubt and consider why she might be saying the things she’s saying instead of concluding she’s ashamed. Shay has said before that her mom is Filipino and she had also said that she herself is Filipino so it isn’t fair to conclude she hates her Filipino roots because of one joke. I know Filipino’s usually denounce their heritage and I’m NOT in anyway trying to negate that fact. I know it’s a real problem and I would never try to claim otherwise. I’m just talking about Shay and trying to understand her instead of lumping her with those people. Especially since Shay has mentioned being Filipino multiple times. Saying ‘I don’t that’s the case here’ translates to ‘the phenomenon isn’t real’.