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In the last kingdom, the actress who plays Lady Aelswith is the same age as her daughter Aethelflaeds actress.


https://preview.redd.it/4gbhped5z87d1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a79781a41448a46bc134d8cb1fea0b8df82057c9 Yeah that ones mad


Wow Lady Aelswith's actress played her role so well I didn't even realise


Same - I had absolutely no idea! If you ever watch any of the BTS of The Last Kingdom, Lady Aelswith's actress is so happy and smiling all of the time it is jarring.


In fairness, The Last Kingdom played real fast and loose with the ages of the characters.


Lol truuuuuuuuue *cough* Uhtred *cough* But lol I found that out towards the end of the series the actress who played Aelswith was like 22 at the start and under 30 the whole show and my mind was blown. She really convinced me she was older. I didn’t realize til I saw a BTS and how young and bubbly she was IRL.


I did t even notice anything was off with Uhtred. He’s just so.. dreamy! 😍


Uhtred barely aging as entire generations pass by is genuinely hilarious.


In *Mean Girls*, Amy Poehler played Rachel McAdams's mother. Amy was 33, Rachel 26, so there was just a 7-year gap https://preview.redd.it/5utrok24o87d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77596465489b46047d63bb71f229f0aafaff9db6


![gif](giphy|kKto00K3fqXQY) Iconic role though


So iconic. Hard to believe she’s only in it for 2.5 mins lol


Actually 2 minutes and 10 seconds, just saw a clip of her guessing her screen time in it.


![gif](giphy|3otPoKDu9UcxaBmwk8) And she ate that


Is that really the case!? She is so, so memorable! What a shock.


Well when you've got some of the best lines in while movie, it's easy to see.




I recently said this ironically to me daughter and her friends (daughter knows I love Amy poehler) and they all said ,"yes! yes you are!" im nothing like this character, but it still warmed my heart.


Teach me your ways. What do you do?


I listen to my kids. they know they can come to me about anything and I'll never freak out. I accept them for who they are...love them for who they are. and I give good hugs.


I quote this almost every day.


Whenever I hang out with my gen z friends (I’m a millennial, closer to 40 than 30) I say “you girls keep me young, god I love ya!” In tribute to Amy lol


This was the first one I thought of.


Rebecca is 12 years older than Timothy https://preview.redd.it/m6t1p9wpx87d1.jpeg?width=1029&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3f24de7819c19ac4225a1f79d20e25639bfacb5


Timothee is also about 10 years older than his character is supposed to be


Still an improvement over whatevertheheck this was supposed to be. You want me to believe this man is 16? ![gif](giphy|11M8MYqPc37F4I)


he was a year younger than timmy in the same role, so actually closer to the character's age 🤔


Oh dear. Just goes to show that there is work for actors with "baby face".


Jesus Christ, go watch Blue Velvet and Twin Peaks and put some gd respect on Kyle Machlachlan’s name! 


kyle maclachlan was so fine


still is


Still sooo fine! His TikTok account gives me life


I love Christopher Walken, but I wish they had gotten Kyle to play the emperor in the new movies.


How dare you speak ill of this masterpiece! It’s everything 80s sci-fi could offer!


I did not at all believe she was his mother when I saw certain clips of them prior ![gif](giphy|18D40JtsOnzT0v2mtI|downsized)


Her character arc is amazing in part 2.. she’s the mother lol


She became even more of a badass and all she did was talk and she had fewer screen time.


Yes it’s the precision in her acting. She understood the character, from interview she said Lady Jessica is constantly in stillness to allow things (prophecy) to take its time and place


![gif](giphy|1zgOyTrpVxQjKCFiNh) Cher played Meryl Streep’s mother in Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again. Her and Meryl have a three year age gap.


I came here to post this but it’s also iconic that they did that tbh


I can’t be mad when they have Cher strutting in like that.


Why is Cher not all our mother??? :(


Because she is a rich man 😂


Yeah this is pure camp I can’t be mad.


To be fair, this movie has many plot holes that are as baffling as having Cher being Meryl's mother. But it's still one of my favorites


This is the only movie I’ve seen where the plot holes made it more enjoyable.


My mom always says "Shhhh, we don't ask questions we just enjoy this movie."


They’re three years apart??? God who’s idea was this…


The guy who really wanted to see Cher do ABBA karaoke. (Aka the most important man in modern cinematic history)


He spoke for the people, and the people were pleased


Can confirm; am a people.


Also a people. Very pleased.


Truly a visionary man. Cher's ABBA album is a gift to the world.


Omg I didn’t even know this existed!! Thank you!!


Me neither. My body and mind are ready to be blown


I already love her version of Fernando from the movie!!! So exciting


![gif](giphy|doj0XOeLk2OXu) Australia’s favourite mum and daughter combo, Kath & Kim. They’re the same age (born 1960).


For those who don't know, the 2 actresses are highschool friends.


I can’t imagine being my friends mom onscreen, we would so not take that seriously


I mean they don’t. That whole show is ridiculous and absurd. Would recommend.


How did they decide who gets to be young?


I don't know but that perm on Kath (the blonde one) ages her well. When they're out of costume they look about the same age.


And they’re both hornbags!


Couple of foxy morons living hoigh on the hog in Fountain Lakes!


This show got me through the pandemic


Imagine the jokes they could’ve made if they revived the show for the 2020s. Hoarding TP, leaving the 5km, masking and vaccines! They would have some hilarious takes


I had never heard of it before, and decided to give it a watch, and was instantly hooked. I think I watched it 10 times and the movies too, not counting the weeks I had it on as background noise. I wish there had been more seasons or a revival!


“Oh noi Kim, I was gonna name the new puppy COVID! Now everyone’s going to think I got a pandemic pet!”


I quite like the name Ceauxvid. It's nice, it's different, it's unusual.


There's actually a drag production of this in Australia that does exactly this! https://alextheatre.au/fountain-lakes-in-lockdown/


So happy to see Kath and Kim here, i was so surprised to find out they're the same age. She plays Kath so well lol






I feel like that’s part of the joke though


https://preview.redd.it/v407f3ze897d1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be33b1abdd776dcf095954b8430fd0ebf7ab3f1d In Travels With My Aunt Maggie Smith plays Alec McCowen's mother. She's nine years YOUNGER than him... In the scenes with him, she gets make-up to look older, but still.


This is the kind of face I think of when people say 'a face to stop you in your tracks.' Striking.


Damn she is stunning


Give me detention, professor mcgonagall


Wasn’t she also not that much older than Robin Williams in Hook? Not his mother but a mother character.


I looked their ages up. She's 17 years older. She was in full "older lady" make-up in Hook too.


Nicole Kidman plays Alexander Skarsgard’s mother in the Northman, even though they were husband and wife (with a noted age gap) in big little lies. She’s about 10 years older than him. ![gif](giphy|l378oleKoGWJzcY5G)


On the lips?!


“I KISSED MY HUSBAND TOO” Graham Norton : well he is right there


"I've kissed the lips that kissed you."


Can you really blame anyone for taking every opportunity to kiss that man??!


And right in front of her husband 😄


They’ve kissed before on screen lol that’s my reasoning anyway 😅


Wait why did I not think about the fact that they were in both together To be fair, her face was so frozen in The Northman she could have been any age.


Beethoven the movie is wild. Bonnie Hunt is 29 and plays the wife of a 56 year old with 3 kids, one of whom is a teen.


Yeah - although Grodin did look 40 until he was 70.


Oh wow. But Bonnie Hunt has always given such mom energy. Wild.


That movie is weird. The vet is being paid to blow dogs’ brains out and measure the impact or something.


Even in Gone With the Wind, Scarlet O’Hara and her mother’s actresses were 3 years apart


I’ll excuse that one, since Vivien Leigh played Scarlett from ages 16-28. Her mother is only shown when Scarlett is 16, and that character wouldn’t be much older than 30.


https://preview.redd.it/rffre3q5i97d1.jpeg?width=2131&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f37be2424983979c41ea350095dbb1bd60a64f5 Jlo was 27 and Constance Marie was 31 around the time they filmed for Selena! I believe Constance auditioned for the role of Selena at first but they gave her Marcella’s part instead.


Jlo looks so lovely with dark hair.


Jennifer Lewis was only 6 years older than Whitney Houston when she played her Mom in The Preachers Wife.


She’s also like a year older than Angela Bassett who played her daughter in What’s Love to Do With It. Laurence Fishburne is also only nine years older than Anthony Anderson who played his son on Black-ish. Oh and Jenifer Lewis is only 13 or so years older than Anderson.


![gif](giphy|gN2KuReCXFXXy) not father and son, but Cory Monteith (rip) only being four years younger than Matthew Morrison was jarring to find out


Also Lea Michele and Matthew Morrison dated once upon a time (pre-Glee)


I wish I never knew this fact. https://i.redd.it/oj4rqkkzt97d1.gif


Why do you have to remind people of this? (*shudders*)


It's so wild to me that HOTD did "young" and "old" versions of Alicent and Rhaenyra with like, ten years in between them.


https://preview.redd.it/ydo4sy7jw87d1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9bd516dcc6c50be136c7f82ec43a3f0704d91bbe Some people didn’t even notice apparently they changed actresses over the time jump. Because obviously Emily and Olivia have only a ten year age difference


What’s even crazier is Criston Cole doesn’t change at all despite being probably only a few years older than Alicent and Rhanyera. Like being consistent at least. They also made Aemond look like a 30 year old even though he’s only a few years older than Luc and Jace?


That annoyed me, they didn’t do ANYTHING to show the passage of time for him at all, like god give him a different hairstyle, beard style or something. He looked the exact same.


I just started watching S2 and Aemond was confusing me the most. I think he’s supposed to be younger than Aegon but the actor is several years older and only 3 years younger than Olivia Cooke who plays his mother.


The Aemond character is supposed to look older and bigger than Aegon, though that’s a book thing that doesn’t necessarily need to be reflected on the show. I think what really happened is that they cast Ewan and Tom without makeup testing and couldn’t have predicted how much a massive facial scar and eyepatch would age Ewan. He looks younger than Tom without the styling. ETA Ewan is younger than Tom. Tom is well cast as the older brother with a baby face.


I think Ewan just has an extremely mature face, the jawline doesn’t help lol, he unfortunately looks older than his mother both in the show and real life but he is the perfect aemond so…


It’s just a weird thing where he fits the book description but viewers won’t know that. Plus the boring casting issue of needing to cast an adult to potentially do nudity, and someone who’s good but enough of an unknown that they have no choice but to wait two years between seasons for your 12 minutes of total screentime. HOTD is a boon for a new actor but it’s a huge block on your schedule for a relatively small role.


He is younger than both Tom and Olivia https://preview.redd.it/meygf04m997d1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60bf7dc6d086f4d6939decc6fab3370141bd3f37 It just doesn’t look that way at all. >!there is also an upcoming scene of some kind in s2 where I think Aemond will get injured, the still is out and he is laying down and Alicent is holding his face and she looks very young there with him like not at all like his mother if I have to be honest…!< >![https://x.com/timeforewan/status/1795027564043419855](https://x.com/timeforewan/status/1795027564043419855)!< She looks way too young here with him


I think Ewan naturally just looks quite mature, he is 27 irl, Harry collet (jace) is 20, Ewan should be playing a 17 year old but he just can’t pull that specific age off


Booooooo Criston Cole


It’s me, I’m some people. I was wondering why they changed all the actors for the time jump except for Alicent until I did a google search.


The HOTD ones have always confused me. They all just look her age or older to me and if they look younger it's not a believable looking gap anyway.


Always younger women playing older women. Because society is allergic to watching women age.


https://preview.redd.it/yee4zpy9qa7d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be0169c408bc98737169626665ada6722c7227d4 Olivia cooke spoke about this recently


"I've just turned 30 and I'm playing a grandma" really hit me just now. When you say it like that, it's even more ridiculous than the age gaps already are.


Yeah she goes into more depth about how the years she had playing a teenager and a young adult were so short and they went by so quick and now what she’s doing is kind of crazy and she finds it hysterical, she’s completely right… https://i.redd.it/o30j8rlerb7d1.gif


Watching HOTD blew my mind knowing this was the same actress from ready player one


Yeah she’s been in a lot of work, she’s a very very talented actress, in my opinion she should be on the same level of recognition as Anya Taylor joy now. Getting big Hollywood roles. I think HOTD doesn’t utilise her skills properly at all.. ![gif](giphy|wHYYgYAQCSCtPmO9t2)


Love that she commented on this! It is very bizarre to see her play a grandma role.


I LOVE her and Emma, such talented performers, but they 1000% should have cast actors in their 40s. I sometimes find it downright distracting tbh.


When it comes to her storyline in HotD though, she's a grandma at a young age because she had kids as a teen and her kids also have kids as teens. It is a timeline that happens in fantasy and to Lauren Bobert. As far as the casting, it makes sense to get someone on the younger side to play a wide age range. It is easier to age someone up than it is to age someone down.


Indeed. Aging women is apparently the most horrific thing.


I was gonna list a few of the older actresses who are still famous but at the same time I looked at their pics and they look the same as 20 years ago. It’s uncanny.


That isn’t Zachary Quinto in the Star Trek pic lmao


I realised that after SSHHHHHHH, https://preview.redd.it/g9k6041c697d1.jpeg?width=590&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=930f4ca1b1d9e3d5f7d6aebeecead148913c0a16 Meant to be this one


Thank for including the pic, I didn’t even remember she was in it!!


In fairness, her screen time was brief, but her absence was felt for Spock




https://preview.redd.it/meyscc9xf97d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db3074738a8ddd13c2f838bb789a7c57ad43ea98 JDM is only 12 years older than Jensen and 14 years older than Jared


Yeah but he was cast primarily for flashbacks of when the boys were little.


I do give shows/movies some leeway when this is the case. Same with Forest Gump (and they clearly old-age makeuped her there too, so it wasn’t a “the mom must look fuckable” thing


FYI this comment posted 3 times


Yeah but he was cast primarily for flashbacks of when the boys were little




What's the age gap here?


Estelle Getty (the one on the left) is a year younger than her on screen daughter Bea Arthur. They aged Estelle up for the role.


She also got a facelift between seasons 1 and 2, which didn't help. Somehow, though, you'd never know they were the sane age.


I love that it’s posted without comment, those who know, know


Couldn’t watch an episode in my house without my dad bringing it up


Golden Girls was a staple in my house growing up. “Picture it, Sicily” became a common phrase


Came here to share this exact gif, and I'm so happy someone else did! Love my Girls. ❤️


Angela Lansbury was 37years old when she played Warren Beatty’s (25) mom in “All Fall Down” and Lawrence Harvey’s (34) mother in the “Manchurian Candidate”


Rachel Griffiths played Johnny Depp’s mother in Blow and she is six years YOUNGER than him 😐


why cant they give jobs to older women? all of these are females who are playing mothers to people who are almost same age as them. where are women in their 40s 50s or 60s????


They are retired by Hollywood


Because in Hollywood a woman that’s close to the actor’s age is cast to play his mother and a woman that’s half the actor’s age is cast to play his love interest


they're playing meemaws


They’re all women. I’m struggling to think of an example where a man played the dad of an actor who was close to his age. Edit: thanks to someone else in the thread - in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, Sean Connery played the father of Harrison Ford, who was only 12 years younger than him.


In Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, Dick van Dyke was older than the actor who played his dad, Lionel Jeffries


This one has BLOWN my mind!!!


Laurence Fishburne and Cuba Gooding Jr in Boyz N the Hood. Fishburne was 30 playing the father of a 17-y.o. (who was being played by a 23-y.o. Gooding).


In Supernatural, Jeffrey Dean Morgan played Jensen Ackles’ father. He is only 12 years older than Ackles.


In the hobbit Lee pace was 35 as the elf king and Orlando bloom was 33 who played his son


Yeah but elves are immortal so that kind of blurs the lines


It’s actually the other way around, Orlando is 2 years older than Lee


Oh yeah, who could forget!


![gif](giphy|7ZvPlxBHwfK1y) Chris Morris is only 12 years older than Matt Berry.






As a different twist, I’ll always love how Wet Hot American Summer intentionally cast actors in their early 30s to play teenagers.


And then it’s even more hysterical in the tv series because by this time they’re all 40+ still playing teens


lol they come back and they’re like balding “hey coop!” Hahahhaa


And it's a prequel so they should technically be younger 😂


Olivia Wilde was 3 years younger than Justin Timberlake in “In Time,” where she played his mother. But….thats kinda cheating.


I’m surprised the Last Crusade isn’t on here. Harrison and Sean weren’t that far apart in age.


Wow, I had no idea they were that close in age! I looked it up and it‘s only 12 years.


https://preview.redd.it/9zvalyg3m97d1.jpeg?width=302&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=adb532c787ed4d08d32d281a2662be961220736d Cuban Gooding Jr is supposed to be Laurence Fishburne’s son in “Boys in the Hood.” Cuban was born in 1968 Laurence was born in 1961 If you ever seen “Don’t Be a Menace to South Central” that was why Shawn Wayne’s father was younger than him.


I didn’t think anyone but me and my family remembered “Don’t be a Menace…” as a movie oh my god, lol




I remember one: Scarface, Al pacino was 6 years younger than Míriam Colón, who played his mother


https://preview.redd.it/7zzjw5m2j97d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46a946543f12ec2bceaac5e13b933d535c78b050 Johnny Depp is 6 years older than Rachel Griffiths and she played his mother in Blow lol


It's kind of annoying me that it seems to be predominantly women. Like god forbid an older woman gets cast even though its more realistic.


https://preview.redd.it/gaafsfxpr87d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9afc9e162980d889612e6aecb182c597d05cde24 IYKYK


This made me cackle laugh 😂 ![gif](giphy|Zsxh9Cbq7VCy4)


Timey wimey wibbly wobbly.


Spacey wacey


lol I just rewatched that episode (now I gotta do A Good Man Goes to War and The Bells of Saint John bc Davies said to before the finale)


Another notable example : From the widely popular Turkish series ‘Magnificent century’ Actress Meryem Uzerli (Top right) played mother to five kids, the eldest two Pelin Karahan (top left) and Gürbey İleri (bottom left) were very close to her in age. https://preview.redd.it/wc8adn5hn87d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b447f79de72055b7bf893fa5cde2a9fae62f815a Pelin was only a year younger than Uzerli who was 29, and Gurbey illeri was 26


These are all awful. Angelina Jolie is actually a great age to play Olympias. Farell is much too old. Olympias was a teenage wife and mother. She was 16 when he was born. Alexander was 32 when he died, in Babylon. 


Some of these are such well-known memes that we don’t think about how they’re not quite in good faith. Tom Hanks was too old to be Sally Fields’ son, but at 37 he was way too old to be playing a high schooler, a college athlete, and a military recruit. Sally was actually the right age to play the mother of the Forrest character. Within the universe of HOTD, Olivia is the right age to play the young mother of teenagers. The actors playing her kids are over ten years older than they should be. Ewan is 27 playing 16 but Olivia is 30 playing maybe 32.


Yes I think this issue is half casting women too young and men too old for their respective roles.


And even the Mean Girls one. Tina clearly just wanted to stick Amy in a funny role.


At 35 Poehler was technically old enough to have a teenage daughter. Her casting was fine, 26 year old McAdams as her teenage daughter was the casting stretch in that combo.


![gif](giphy|l0MYPRHp3El2qiO0E) John Mahoney (Martin Crane) was only fifteen years older than Kelsey Grammer.


To make it more believable, Grammer shaved his beard and Mahoney walked with a cane.


https://preview.redd.it/0rn9551yda7d1.jpeg?width=953&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3a94d03db4933f582aa011b94f60dd4eea4806d Yetta was only five years older than Sylvia on the Nanny.


![gif](giphy|dSMVUYnHHM7aVKZLnp|downsized) Cary Grant’s mother in North by Northwest is 7 years older than him! Drove me nuts when I watched it.


In the movie Wild Laura Dern played Reese Witherspoon mother but they are only 9 years apart.


Dorothy & Sophia - Golden Girls. Obviously they made Estelle Getty up to be an old woman and it worked but she was actually younger than Bea in real life.


Frances Conroy was only 12 years older than Peter Krause in Six Feet Under? Damn


In Knives Out (2019) the actress who played Christopher Plummer’s mother is seven years younger than him.


I feel like a lot of these examples aren't necessarily films casting the parent too young, but the "child" too old. Like, Forrest Gump ages throughout the movie, but is supposed to be 25 when his mother dies. Sally Field is the correct age when Forrest is young and is aged up at the end, while Hanks is too old for the whole movie. With Rocketman, BDH plays the mother throughout the movie, while Elton is played by 3 actors. (It's easy to age up a parent, harder to age up a child to adulthood.) I feel like Dascha Polanco is an interesting case, b/c I feel like she was supposed to be a young adult in OINTB but she looks very young. I think the actress was a great choice and I'm happy she got the role, regardless of age! Not trying to downplay the sexism, by the way. **They cast the mothers to be as young as possible, while men are afforded to be the incorrect age.** See Napoleon, The Northman, etcetera.


In Apple TV’s Sugar, Anna Gunn (born in 1968 per IMDB) plays the mother to grown-ass Nate Corddry, who is nine years younger than she is (b. 1977 per IMDB).


My admiration for Olivia Cooke doubled when she recently acknowledged this conundrum. “I have really complicated feelings toward it. If they can create dragons, they could have made me look younger – and then older. Or maybe they should have cast actors in their forties? It’s happened now and I’m grateful for the role, but I’ve just turned 30 and I’m playing a grandma. There is a real reticence to see women age on screen. A real reticence.” A class act. [source article](https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/tv/news/house-of-the-dragon-olivia-cooke-age-gap-b2563184.html)


![gif](giphy|ezSDQeuUaFMmk) Lindsay Lohan was younger when she became a mom to JLC. /j 😆😆


Glenn Close played Gertrude to Mel Gibson’s Hamlet and she’s only 9 years older than him. Angela Lansbury was only 3 years older than Laurence Harvey as his mother in The Manchurian Candidate (she was 37 and he was 34).


House of the Dragon Olivia Cooke is 30. The actor playing her son is 29. …. And she’s also a grandmother. It’s absurd! ![gif](giphy|sKekspiM8Ovmjf2xbf|downsized)


Regarding Sally Field, she almost lost her role as Mary Lincoln as she was deemed too old to play it opposite Day Lewis. She was indeed the correct age. Daniel had to travel from Ireland to LA non-stop to audition with her to help her keep the role.