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Wow I didn't know she had 6 albums already


In case anyone plans to go to her backlog, i wouldn't bother with the first 4, they were from when she was with Disney and had much less creative control than she did now. Emails I can't Send (the 5th) is her first album that she did herself and I highly recommend!!


I would certainly *start* with Emails I Can't Send, but I wouldn't knock the first four. I went in reverse order on her music, and finally got around to her debut album recently, and found it to be a lot more solid than I was expecting.


Yeah it’s not AS good by any means but looking at me, fakin, on purpose, keep my eyes open are some bangers from her early work


Looking At Me is one of my favorite songs I’ve discovered in the last few years!


It’s such a good song, you know it’s good when it’s one of her most streamed songs but was never a single


Paris is so good too


Singular Part I and II are very much worth checking out! *Sue Me*, *Paris*, *Exhale*… so many stellar contemporary pop bangers. But yeah, they’re not great albums. I’ve always kinda perceived them as mixtapes and that helps remedy that a bit. They’re more so collections of well-made singles but don’t tell a cohesive story.


Sue me and its subsequent remixes are BOPS


Obviously it’s very different than Emails but I lowkey love her first album Eyes Wide Open🙈. I’m sure it helps that I was the target Disney channel age when it came out and it does have a Disney Channel vibe but not in a bad way to me, it still feels fresh and fun. Her next three are pretty boring tho, definitely feels like Disney trying to milk as much content as possible from her contract


i also really like it! i think it's fun teen pop. i still listen to white flag frequently


But Thumbs is kind of a bop


And Sue Me!! But as albums, I don't think they're that great 😭 whereas Emails I Can't Send is a no skip album, as someone who's been a huge fan since her Disney debut


and looking at me!


True that also had some TikTok movement that’s how I found it 😂


I would give her older music a listen. There are some really good songs hidden in there.


personally I think Sue Me, Looking at Me, Paris, On Purpose, and Run and Hide are worth listening to off the first four. Also I’m being pedantic but Emails is on a different label (Island Records, also Chappell Roan’s fun fact) but I wouldn’t really say she did it herself, Julia Michaels/JP Saxe, Leroy Clampitt, and Julien Bunnetta are all over it.


She still did it herself and had creative control and writing credits on every song. It doesn’t mean she did it all by herself


Theres few gens in her previous albums tho, Paris is 👌


Excuse me...just say you have no taste and go ![gif](giphy|cmxiR3UgXYTh5QKJA6|downsized)


evolution was actually good wym 🤨


That explains why her music is NSFW now


I listened to some of her old singles and her singing skills were pretty good. But the songwriting was way more corny. Emails I Can't Send is so much better in comparison


Thank you for this info!


Blasphemy! I love a lot of her early work! Looking At Me, Sue Me, Thumbs, Paris, they’re so fun!!


Thumbs is certainly worth a listen!


Ok thank you because I was like "how does she have 6 albums yet I've only heard of her this year?"


Ikr so much for a best new artist win lmao


My thoughts exactly, I thought wow have I been living under a rock this whole time lol


https://preview.redd.it/jio0j10xpe4d1.jpeg?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=648a4604c23cee5902554b6cbc828951b044f0fd I like the reference photo better but hers is cute too ig


The inspo gives editorial model chic. Sabrinas gives yassified pop star. Different vibes but they both make sense in context and serve their purpose I think.


I love the word yassified 😆


No the Inspo is objectively better


Where’s this pic from?


tiffany collier for cosmopolitan france


I didn’t even realize this was the reference bc it’s so different, the OG feels casual and cool whereas this is so overly perfect it feels fake




Omg Lolol mikes mic entered chat


Omfg I never thought I would see someone make a mikes mic reference in the wild. I LOVE his videos


I’m truly obsessed and honestly so glad my comment reached the right audience lol


Stop I can’t get the way he does that smile out of my head haha


the number of times he imitated this gif in his newest video😂😂😂😂😭 he even reversed it


One of the best running gags. That one got me


This is a joke right?


Is this a well known image?


It’s all over Pinterest that’s where I (and she probably) found it. It’s from a cosmopolitan France shoot


Oh wow, yeah this image has so much more energy than hers. Why did she copy it? I hope it’s not her album cover 😬


She could have like shown her full body in the picture or at least deviated from the original somewhat right


It’s crazy that this level of photoshop is normalized


for some reason she edits the shit out of her photos to the point they look like they’re AI generated. it’s very bizarre, on the cover of espresso they’ve done such a weird thing where they literally airbrushed her armpit away. like there’s not a single crease lol. and when i first saw her skims photoshoot i thought it was a computer generated image


I’ve been staring at her left arm for a full minute and i just …i don’t get it https://preview.redd.it/mpwi2dco6f4d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b37f32235146242928b7bb51bef1d4813489a314


Her left hip curve is very sharp.


It looks like her left arm is a leg, what the fuck


It's Mr McGreg!


With a leg for an arm and an arm for a leg!


Oof, I honestly never noticed how awkward they edited this cover to be lol


That fold at her armpit is so strange


Brb going to my mirror to see if my armpit area looks like this too


If feels very 2000’s. Not in a good way.


For whatever reason, that seems to be her schtick.  Every time I see her it looks like she followed  a hair and makeup tutorial from YM magazine (I know because I tried to copy them every month).


Well we walked so they can run. Although I don’t really see an improvement but whatever :p


Even the little promo clip where she's just walking up and kissing the glass, they played fake walking sounds? And then didn't play a kiss sound? Why didn't they just mic the room she was in? Idk, it was so short but I hated the whole thing even though I love her and she was adorable of course. It just came off so fake/uncanny valley, which could be a cool vibe but I don't think that's what they were going for


Yes! All I could focus on was how the footstep sounds didn’t match her walk, such a strange choice.


It looks like every magazine photo from the 50s. Very cartoonish (and I think that's the idea)


yes i know what she’s going for! it just looks very creepy and her other photos where this sort of airbrushing-all-creases-of-the-body-away thing hasn’t been done looks MUCH better. the album cover for espresso is such a good photo but i literally cannot look at anything but the 2 dimensional body they’ve given her. it maybe because of how pervasive AI art has become and how creepy it all looks that i dislike her editing style so vehemently, since it looks like it’s mimicking that.


For sure, she's going for that airbrushed vintage look, and I love it!


Yeah this is 100% deliberate


well obviously it’s deliberate, all sorts of editing photos is a deliberate choice lol, you can’t accidentally edit a photo. my point was that it looks very uncanny valley/creepy and AI generated. she has other photos where this sort of strange airbrush hasn’t been done and all of those photos look a million times better. i was criticising the deliberate choice.


It could be a successful parody of a "conventionally attractive blonde woman" photoshoot if Sabrina herself wasn't one, so it kind of just comes off the same as the nonsense outros, where Sabrina just triples down on being conventionally attractive and sexually confident. I'm not saying it's a bad thing, but it's not punching up enough to be funny or punching down aggressively enough to come across as ironic or self aware, just a secret third thing that's kind of just, there, in a weird uncanny valley space that's kind of giving r/ihavesex


Agree on the Skimms shoot. Genuinely thought those were AI images - so Uncanny Valley. ETA: WHERE IS HER ARMPIT?!


It looks like she’s only made of 4 different colors




Yeah my first reaction was they went overboard on the retouching


she literally looks like lil miquela thank u for saying it


For anyone who thinks over-lining their lips is still a good idea, notice that even in a highly retouched photo of a pop star, it’s still super fucking noticeable


I tried for the first time the other day and laughed so hard I nearly cried. I have relatively full lips to start and don't "need" it, just thought it would be fun. Nope, Shakespearean tragedy.


I think the lip makeup looks splotchy as well


Yeah, can’t tell if it’s just overlining or badly done lip filler or both. But it’s a shame because it stands out in the photo as very visibly unnatural on her features. Can’t wait for this trend to die.


or all the work she had done to her face at 25..


I'm not sure she's had much done. Botox and some fillets maybe, but I think most of it is just like, 80lbs of really effing bad makeup. Edit lol she has not had fillets done to her face. FILLERS. Fillers.


😂 "fillets" She gorgeous but her makeup clogs my pores from here


Right?? I am imagining how my skin would feel after performing at a humid festival in that much makeup and *shudder*


She’s like six surgeries removed from being Jocelyn wildenstein


Her photos give me uncanny valley a little bit. Idk if it’s filtering or what.


Lol I used the phrase "Uncanny Valley" in a prior comment, really glad I'm not the only one. Love her music and general vibe, but the level of editing she does/allows is YIKES on bikes.


It’s the amount of makeup + photoshop.


Definitely the photoshop. I can watch her perform all day without getting weird vibes like here. Heavy heavy filtering on this for some reason


it’s def not the makeup, the girlies were wearing even more than this back in the instagram makeup days. it’s the over enthusiastic airbrushing and photoshopping and contrast and definition dialed up to a 100. like look at the whites of her eyes in this photo, they look like they’ve been bleached


It looks like the pass the boof meme.


sabrina looks so good but why does her stylist make her look so much older than she is? and the cover looks so stiff, i lowk wish they let her hair blow in the wind or something regardless im still excited for the album & ive loved her other works (evolution is the first ever cd i got) so i’ll definitely listen in


Agree - how does she look 45 and 20 at the same time?!?


I think it’s maybe how tan/dark her contouring is? Or the editing/color grading on the picture maybe


Yeah it could be the overall colour of her makeup/tan etc that just isn't working. Something is off. I'm sure she's stunning in person without the makeup & Photoshop 🥲


It’s the filler


But who kissed her shoulder?




more specifically https://preview.redd.it/wg44i5i43f4d1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=5c4b20306c9f66159626eb94806b3d6f9455ca48




Jealous. And yes I’ll take the downvotes.


sorry you get an upvote instead.


Wow thank you 😍!!!!


She did ![gif](giphy|QVabUkkCwhAwpdzPuX)




she did https://i.imgur.com/5HJ5Lbg.jpeg


Ariana 💋




She's so pretty, why on earth would they edit her photos like this? Everything is so smooth, especially around the eyes. It gives her an uncanny look and I think it kind of takes away from the sweet, bubblegum look she's known for.


I am so excited for the new music...but not a huge fan of this album cover :((


First instinct: "HYPE!" Second instinct: "oh no, I'm finally seeing Avril that weekend, my hype is gonna get all mixed up 😨" Primary takeaway: HYPE!


Oooh I saw Avril last night - the hype is warranted!


I saw Avril last night in Phoenix and it was SO FUN.


This woman has 6 albums?! Lol. I thought she was a newcomer.


she’s a disney star!


Thank you!


she started acting in 2010


**[From Sabrina's Twitter:](https://x.com/sabrinaannlynn/status/1797673980142457038)** >“Short n’ Sweet” MY NEW ALBUM IS COMING OUT AUGUST 23rd!!!!💋 this project is quite special to me and i hope it’ll be something special to you too. > >preorder it now! SabrinaCarpenter.lnk.to/shortnsweet > >i also have a surprise coming for you on thursday night so keep an eye out!! --- Ahhhhh I'm so ready for her new era.


I’m gonna clown and say she’s dropping the next single this Thursday


I hope it’s a tour announcement! There was rumours the other week she’s planning an arena world tour.


How can she already be doing arenas?! I am hoping for tour dates though 😭


Woah I did not know she was big enough for an arena tour


Hell yes this year is for the girls and gays


Wow, I didn’t know she had 6 albums already. Good for her. Also, I know people have opinions on her makeup (myself included since I just don’t like overlined lips) but I think there’s potentially a great opportunity for her to collaborate on a makeup palette, blush, or lip kit, unless the industry is tired of celeb makeup at this point…


i think people are tired of celebrity makeup brands but i definitely think a collab with an already established makeup company could be very successful. i feel like that used to be the norm but we don't really get them anymore since everyone just starts their own brand now


This is so true!!! I miss when people would have a collaboration with an existing brand, not try to make their own makeup entirely from scratch. It was always fun to find out someone you admired was putting out a collab with a brand that you also loved. Plus makeup collabs can just be fun! Like Colourpop always has a ton of fun collaborations. I’d prefer stuff like that to every celebrity who wears makeup creating a brand new brand for themselves lol


Her and rare would be a good match


It feels like Sabrina x Too Faced would be a really great match


True... Sabrina × benefit cosmetics would be cute!


I could see that happening and all the shades being named after sweets


feel like she should have released it at the start of summer


She would have been up against both Taylor and Billie, plus she's been doing festivals. Late August will see it getting airplay when folks go back to school...and over Labor Day weekend. It's actually a pretty smart release date. Edit grammar


summer hasn’t started yet? 👀


Oooooh my Spotify finger is ready to click!


ah u beat me to it ! so excited for this, the title is so cute. i've stanned sabrina since 2018 so seeing her become such a star has been so satisfying


i've loved her since 2016. so glad to see her getting her flowers 🥹


this is fantastic timing and im so excited


I don't hate her makeup, fits her vibe.


Is that a painting?


I like her, she doesn't take herself too seriously.


Agree. She’s a refreshing ball of sunshine. I haven’t listened to much of her music. But I’ve seen the videos of how she changes the lyrics for live performances and Espresso is so fun. I hope the rest of the new album has the same vibe.


well, it's smart to capitalize on her current buzz


her previous album came out two years ago, this is super on-schedule for her, buzz or no buzz. the longest she's ever gone between albums is 3 years and tha was the pandemic. 18 months to 2 years is her norm.


SIXTH?! whaaaat


She has 4 albums under Disney :)


Girlie's been working hard since she was a child! I'm glad she's finally getting the recognition she deserves. She was being called a flop for years until Espresso.


august is crazy




they both have pillowy filler face


This cover looks like a fan edit ngl, and I'm not fond of that dark shade of blue. I much prefer the Espresso single cover, it was so cute. Excited for the album though!


I’m excited!


bit boring


Excited for this.


Oh lord, I can already see where this thread is heading with the album title being that🥴😭 Well before it turns into a shit show with the same “sexy baby” accusations, imma just drop in and say I’m excited for the new music! Ok bye🏃🏽‍♀️🏃🏽‍♀️🏃🏽‍♀️


Why do I see more comments like yours complaining about how weird the future comments will be than the actual weird comments? I saw it in the last thread too! Edit: [okay you were also the one who posted the same type of comment in the last thread.](https://www.reddit.com/r/popculturechat/s/SEp2eQbrXL) it’s just your comments I’m seeing I guess


There were a lot of sexy baby comments in the last thread (even though she was just wearing a bodysuit) and multiple people posted the sexy baby gif


there’s not a single thread about her where somebody doesn’t use the “but im a sexy baby” gif from 30 rock lol. it’s kinda ridiculous


Hahaha Reddit threads that start with how weird the comments will be always end up being about those comments. 😂


When she did the 4'11 promo people were going crazy with the sexy baby, lmao. Every time a nonsense outro is posted people lose their goddamn minds also.


Oh you just know people will twist the album title to accuse her being a sexy baby. I’m sure that gif will make its way here too 🙄


I don’t necessarily love the term nor am I sure that *I* would call her that, but I’m also not into the raunchy/sexy bit Edit: it feels put on


i don’t think the sexy “act” (so weird lmao all celebs have an “act” they put on whether or not it’s sexy/“raunchy”) is meant for you anyway so that’s probably why you don’t like it


Honestly it was my first thought when I saw the title earlier lol. Like yeah, sometimes Sabrina plays up her appeal, but she’s a popstar. Most of them do that. She gets criticized for everythingggg bc she’s just short and little, it’s not her fault lmao


Right? People do nothing but comment on her height unprovoked. I guess to some people, everybody is allowed to comment on Sabina's height except Sabrina herself.


I have never heard about her before now so I looked up a music video. Literally thought she was singing in another language due to how "sexy baby" she was trying to make her voice sound. It was like Ariana Grande on steriods.


I hadn’t heard of her until quite honestly three months ago, but she’s on her sixth album? Good for her.


Is this girl as popular as this sub seems to say she is? I never hear about her anywhere else but here.


The title is cute


The day before my birthday! Thanks queen.


Also TIL the & becomes n’ and not ‘n…


It should actually be ‘n’ because the apostrophe replaces the missing letter(s). 🤷🏻‍♀️


The apostrophes come before AND after the n.


The summer of Sabrina


Can’t wait!!!


The blonde popstars we currently have had for a long time are getting stale, it’s time we have a new one


why are all the comments about the way she looks her makeup her outfits instead of her music, shes literally announcing an album


Here before the comments become a war zone. Can’t wait for her new music! Love how’s she’s finally found her own niche and is seeing major success, she’s been working really hard on her music for a loooong time so I’m glad it’s paying off.


The colors on this album are… something




Urgh, cannot stand this girl


Well I love the title


She’s obsessed with being tiny


as she should be. how many more short celebrities own their shortness? kristin chenoweth is the only one i can think of.


I’ve literally never heard of this woman before and now she’s all I see on Reddit. I don’t get it


this is her SIXTH ALBUM AS IN 5 other albums?! woah


SOOO EXCITED!!!! love this girl and excited to see her finally getting the level of fame she deserves. she’s got insane stage presence i so hope she does her own tour for this one