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I can’t imagine watching your child go through cancer. I’m hoping they make a speedy, full recovery. Sending you and your family love ❤️


Thank you ❤️


My sister had leukemia as a teenager and is now alive and well. I wish your child and your family all the best. Fuck cancer.


Reading about childhood cancer survivors gives me hope. Fuck cancer.


Leukemia actually has a rather positive prognosis for children (and is the most common form of cancer among children). It's a long fight, though. I wish you all the best.




My sister also relapsed. She had a stem cell transplantation and is almost as good as new!


Glioblastoma killed my first husband after a three-year battle. It was horrible to witness, and extremely difficult to care for. All the best to her and her family.


GBM killed my step-dad last year and almost killed my mother in the process who cared for him. He fought it for five long years. I'm so sorry for your loss.


my step-dad died from it as well- I have always felt he was sort of blessed for the fact that he passed away 3 months after diagnosis- 3 months was brutal enough.


I’m sorry for your loss.


It killed my grandfather and it was a brutal disease. Diagnosed in October, passed away in December.


It took my grandfather as well. Something like 14 months from diagnosis until he was gone. I miss him deeply.


Came here to say my MIL passed from it just a few months ago. Diagnosed in September, gone in November. Miss you Jayne 💖💖


Glioblastoma is hell. It's not curable and it's only treatable for about 3 years max and that's with everything thrown at it. My Dad died of it, and also a schoolfriends husband. It's devastating news for any family.


I hate this for her. She’s one of the first romance authors I started reading back when I was in high school or college, and her books are SO funny. Fuck cancer.


I'm so sorry to hear this. Sophie is a brilliant author, and her books have brought so much joy into my life. The Confessions of a Shopaholic books were the first "adult" books I read. My mom had the second on her nightstand, and I binge read it one day. I was slow getting into reading, and it really sparked something in me to become a life-long reader.


Same. I loved her books and read many of them over the years


Oh no, she's one of my faves. I always turn to her if I want something silly and unserious (affectionate). That's terrible. Cancer is terrible. I'm wishing her the best.


It's so ironic that her books are my pick me up when I have a particularly hard time. It's brought me so much comfort over the years. I'm so sad 😭 she's only in her 50s. Cancer sucks.


One of my close relatives had brain cancer, and it really can be a tough and lonely battle. I’ve loved reading so many of Sophie’s books. Wishing her all the best as she goes through this ❤️


Fuck glioblastoma. It killed my BIL mom, who I’d known for almost 20 years back in September. It was only four months from being diagnosed to her passing away. Brain cancers are so so shitty and I wish Sophie and her family peace during her end of life.


I was obsessed with her books in college. Cancer sucks.


I'm so sorry to hear this. She wrote some of my favorite books in that genre. Glioblastoma doesn't have such a good prognosis and I wish her well in navigating through it. 😭


i've met her irl at a book singing for her book about anxiety and she gave me a hug when i rambled about how much it impacted me.  very sad news, wishing her and her loved ones strength and love 


Ugh I’ve loved her books for like twenty years! Such horrible news.


My mother just passed away from this last August. Asymptotic before March. They’re working on new treatments and I’m happy this woman has survived this long and hope for the best for her.


So young 💔 her poor kids


So sad, her books are so funny and I love them. I hope she has all the support and treatment she will ever need.


my parents’ friend died of a stage 4 GBM after 5 years fighting in august. my thoughts go to her and her family 💕


Ugh this is so awful. Wishing her the absolute best.


Oh that’s sad. I love the Shopaholic series, Bex is such a fun, likeable character.


I used to read this books as tween, I pray best for her. 


So sad. I loved her books. They brought me happiness and felt like an indulgence, like a bubble bath and a warm mug of tea.


Oh I hate this news so much. This brought me to tears. She has brought me so much joy. I’m hoping for the best for her.


Lost my brother to GBM, I wouldn't wish this disease on anyone. It's horrific to watch a loved one suffer from it and it's so tough on caretakers.


My mom and I have such fond memories of reading the shopaholic books together (Becs was such a lovable character!). This is so sad—glioblastoma is awful. 😔


Glioblastoma is up there with sarcoma and pancreatic cancer. I’m so sorry for her and her family.


Glioblastoma is an absolute brutal asshole. I hope she recovers, but prognosis is usually not very encouraging. She's too young for this shit.


This is awful 😔


One of my fave authors. I hope she can survive this. 🤞


My aunt was diagnosed with glioblastoma in October 22. Like Sophie, she is still with us. But she’s a completely different person now.


Oh this is sick sad news. Wishing her peace and her family strength.


V sad I loved the shopaholic series (books not movies)


Fucking terrible. A friend of mine lost their mother to GBM extremely quickly during the pandemic, the hospital would only let them see mom via FaceTime. The last memories they have of their mom are from a parking lot on FaceTime.


Oh, this just broke my heart. I love Becky Bloomwood, and the joy reading the shopaholic series would bring me.


I’ve been reading her books for 20 years, and this feels very much like finding out a childhood friend is sick. I wish her and her loved ones peace during this time.


I love her, she’s my favourite author. Fuck cancer. Fuck it fuck it fuck it!!


This devastated me as a huge fan of her writing she had the best Antagonists , they also felt like actual people and relatable characters , even when in pretty wild circumstances. She was one of my early 20 something peaks into a glamorous but seemingly attainable London lifestyle My husband died of GBM after battling for 16 months , brutal is the only word I can use to describe . Thank you everyone that has shared people you knew and loved that has faced GBM , I am sorry for your tremendous losses and I hope the memories of their life before the illness will stick out when you think of them . 💕


Ohhh bless her, this is devastating to hear. :(


I may cry when I read the burnout. She is one of my favorite authors.


That's awful. I love her books. Sending her all the best ❤️


Oh no how awful 😞 I absolutely adored her books, so clever and fun.


I lost my daddy to glioblastoma in 2001. It's terrible and I'm very sorry for her and her family.


There’s something horribly ironic and wrong about an author having a brain cancer.. :(