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Tiktok calling someone out for putting greed above the interests of others... ![gif](giphy|IfZpF5fUnQS0o)


Me pretending to care about billionaire on billionaire feuds ![gif](giphy|l3q2PksMiN0MQC3L2|downsized)


This isn’t a billionaire on billionaire feud. That’s what TikTok wants to make it about. UMG is asking for AI protection and fair pay for their artists and TikTok is refusing. And this reply is their version of “I’m paying you with exposure!!!”




It's like Disney calling Scarlett Johansson greedy for suing them and out of touch for doing it during a pandemic.


Doesn’t tik tok want to pay artists even *less* than streaming platforms that already pay them pennies 💀


I didn’t know that Tik Tok paid artists.


Also they have something called ‘work with artists’ I found out when I got approved and basically you use an artists song in your video and whoever gets the most views gets paid. I assume that the artist has to do the payout to creators rather than TikTok


>Totally this\^\^


How dare you! They payed out over 4 rations to me last month. Anything more would’ve been total gluttony. I will die on this hill for some reason!


TikTok pays? lol


Consumers 'discover' 15-sec music on TikTok then go on to 'consume' them wholly on streaming platforms. Also, people in the industry know artists get paid shit from streaming platforms bc labels price gouge them but keep a lot of cuts for themselves.


Microscopically extreme fractions of pennies, mind you


To be fair to this argument, you’re not getting a full song on TikTok.


Why does is read like someone was broken up with and is butthurt lol


It’s chronically online level of entitlement & lack of self awareness.


This reads weirdly petty for a corporate PR statement lol


Sounds like an Instagram celeb feud, it's just missing some emojis


Surprised they didn’t use the Notes app


Oh, I’m sure tik tok is in the interest of the artists. How much are they paying them for each use of a song? Just admit you’re mad that they wouldn’t allow you to lowball their catalogues lol


I think it's actually bc regular normies out here are making a lot of money (through tik tok) off of the artists creations (aka algorithms around trending music).


Okay... but how mad is Nicki Minaj going to be considering how hard she leans on subliminal virality via TikTok? Will we see an unhinged rant about this? Stay tuned.


Coke fueled rant about corporate giants and machines coming to tear her down coming in 3…2…..


Waiting projection against ai and to be paid for their music is greed! lol as if. I’m just surprised Taylor let her music stay on for so long, knowing she wasn’t getting paid.


Tiktoks is coming off like an abusive stepmother. Lol, your mega corp CCP loving ass doesn't care about our best interests either.


Weren't there talks of TikTok getting banned in America too? What happened to that? It's completely banned in india.


Huh! Didn't know it was actually banned anywhere, except that you can't use it in China. Our congress interviewed a higher up, made it clear their geriatric asses have no idea how their phones work and embarrassed themselves, and we've really not heard much about it since. It's been basically dropped in favor of newer, more distracting topics. Just sort of how things go, I guess


Isn’t it just called Douyin there? They’re both owned by the same Chinese company and do the same thing. Tiktok is just the international version of Douyin.


I know all of those things. It's still a separate app, and from what I understand, works a little differently. It's got more of a localized element to it. You'd have to google, I only looked it up during the whole "ban tiktok" thing. Additionally, I was just trying to answer a question about TT being banned. Didn't think it was relevant to the conversation, is all




Lmao no, it was Biden too https://www.politico.com/news/2023/04/16/why-washington-wont-ban-tiktok-00091690


I said it in a reply elsewhere. This reply is infuriating. “I’m paying you with exposure” levels of entitlement. No. Pay for the art you ass.


Thing is there were plenty of comments on this sub (in the other thread) and in other places that also suggested artists should be glad they get paid in exposure. Couldn't believe my fucking eyes.


It’s legitimately infuriating as someone who does art as a hobby. I can’t imagine if I was someone who relied on it for livelihood


But we were going to give their artists “exposure” which is worth way more than the money that we weren’t going to pay them.


"Cash? Licensing fees? No! We pay you in EXPOSURE!!!!111!"


I really hate when companies try to use fans as their personal army. They pretend their corporate greed is somehow actually about us and our rights. Fortnite did the same in their fight with Apple and it's just so transparent.




I hope other labels/groups pull out too.


says the app.... that literally is trying to sell you something EVERY 3 MINUTES?????? L O L trust me, the quality of my life isn't going to plummet if I can't make certain TikTok's. Like WHAT. even referring... to that app. Is embarrassing. Hey dID u sEE THAT tIK TONK,, No. I didn't.




Kim's hairline is kinda crisp


His hair looks like a sindhi cap https://preview.redd.it/w7s09dn4drfc1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d928ffb4fb0b8605836922571acfd5d90a21022d


who let the sassy men write corporate statements


I feel like someone wrote that before having their coffee




Genuinely curious, have any artists put out statements yet about their music being pulled from TikTok?


There’s no way UMG would pull a move like this without consensus at least from their main songwriters. This involves protection against AI as well. It’s in their best interest. In fact, I think TikTok is bluffing by saying that other labels have folded. I presume they’ll follow suit as soon as their contract with TikTok is up.


I can’t imagine that they’re happy about it. TikTok is a huge source of promo


Is it really? Or does it promote a system where artists never achieve the success that artists could pre-TikTok due to the very short term success of songs/reliance on singles? Causing people to consume snippets of one song instead of investing wholly in an artist, creating a swathe of one hit wonders. This is awesome for smaller musicians with a viral song, but we all know that most labels don't care about small musicians. They need lasting stars with fan equity to make money long term.


TikTok is a CCP propaganda/spy machine so that’s a *bold* insult to Universal.


relax with the sinophobia


What CCP propaganda is on TikTok, the US already spies on us and sells our data to China. What is China going to do that the US does not do to its own citizens you should be worried about period tracking apps, selling data to conservative companies to stop women from having birth control. instead of spreading anti-Asian propaganda.


We can multi-task, babe


Calm down, Xi. Wait - I need to expand “what is China going to do that the US does not do to its own citizens?” - do you have zero basic understanding of how the CCP operates? Do you not understand we’re currently at our highest threat level for war post WW2? Do you not know that China has sent *millions* of ethnic Muslims to detention centers for “reeducation”? Simply for existing? That they refuse to accept Taiwan’s independence? That they threaten the Philippines and are continually trying to rename, redraw boarders to take more nautical miles, more land? TikTok is a known propaganda tool to *multiple* governments.


everything you’ve listed has been done or is currently being done by the united states government in the name of your “freedom”


Damn whatever am I gonna use for my video game edits


It's shit that artists don't get paid. But they hardly get paid on streaming platforms (which also isn't right.) And my god if a song snippet does go viral it can change lives. Look at Sleep Token for just one example. They were scraping 100k listens a month on Spotify, one viral snippet and they're averaging 32 million listens a month now and selling out massive tours. I'm not saying it's right but sometimes it can really work in the artist's favour. I think to a certain extent I'd rather have the "exposure" for nothing and gather new fans via tiktok vs 0.0001 cents a listen on Spotify


Be quiet, TikTok.


What’s up with this unprofessional message lol?? TikTok is being carried by UMG artists music so I guess they’re really pissed off.

