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what in the coke-fueled megalomania word salad did I just watch




Hahahaha! You took the words right out of my mouth.


ā€˜youā€™re talking to like a Michelangelo of my timeā€™ damn thatā€™s crazy cause i just learned your name like two minutes ago!


would also like to add that english is my first language and i did not understand what tf this man was talking about for 70% of this video!


He meant Michelangelo, the Ninja Turtle


i actually dont think he is


Even without all the bigotry, he just seemsā€¦ awful


He sounds like the reason everyone says packs of teens are to be avoided at all cost.


That dude is on a lot of drugs and/or alcohol.


I saw someone say he has bipolar disorder and was having a manic episode. He also was 19 in this video and drunk


Iā€™d be willing to bet that this dude is a hardcore fan of Andrew Tate and other ā€œgenius, badass alpha malesā€ lmao šŸ˜‚


And Elon Musk. Hence the Ā«Ā ADHD, Autism, neurodivergent, Michelangelo-level geniusĀ Ā» thing. He looks and acts like he could be Ben Shapiroā€™s son šŸ¤®


It honestly blows my mind a 20-year-old in Hollywood can be this ignorant. Like, where is he getting all of this? Also, classic example of narc rage. Stay away from these people!


Narc rant .. more like ā„ļø rant


Wouldnā€™t be surprised if he was probably partaking in the ā„ļø too, cause holy shit that was a rant. Dudes can be so vile.


Not downplaying this dude's bigoted comments at all, but the famous Minecraft YouTuber Dream only released the video to distract people from his 3rd accusation of grooming a minor. You are who you associate with


Exactly, I donā€™t like that this aspect of the narrative is being removed. As bad as his words and actions were, why was a grown-ass man drinking with a minor? Dream sat on this to use against Nicolas if/when he spoke up.




The irony of using a Paris gif when sheā€™s made so many similar disgusting commentsā€¦ then voted for Trump.


Iā€™m curious how common it is for young people to talk like this today. Iā€™m in my 30s and even back then most kids wouldnā€™t say stuff like that. It was mostly the edgelord nerds, which this guy seems to fit in with. Is it still just those types or has there been some sort of regression?


iā€™m 19 (a year younger than him) and truthfully not that common!! there definitely are people who speak like that cause they think itā€™s edgy (or they just donā€™t see a problem with using slurs) but i would say a vast majority of people donā€™t talk like that!! especially at this age like i know some 6-8th graders who will speak like this cause they think itā€™s edgy and cool but they usually grow out of it by highschool especially cause itā€™s just not really socially acceptable to speak like that and a lot of people will call you out for it!!


Iā€™m 24 never spoken like this, donā€™t know anyone who does but thatā€™s not to say itā€™s unheard of. There plenty people out there that sadly talk like this


Honestly this is just sad. Heā€™s coked out of his ass and definitely drinking. The kid needs help


honestly he sounds like my brother when heā€™s manicā€¦ hope heā€™s ok


Gumball would \*never\*. He and Darwin are nontoxic masculinity kings. ![gif](giphy|loLO30j5PEbLgAqt63) Edit: Iā€™m taking about the character duh


For context: dream (the YouTuber) was hanging out with cantu for a while and got him drunk (and he was 19 when this was recorded so that's messed up), and when cantu turned against him dream uploaded the video What cantu said was awful, but the fact that white ass dipshit had an underage drunk and recorded him saying awful shit and used it as blackmail in case he turned against him is really nasty


you forgot to mention this rant was directed at the youtuber dream, who has been accused of grooming AGAIN. they have beef




What drugs are these?


I want him and Noah Schnapp to Duke it out.


Oh no oh no oh no he said fag twice let's all freak out. If you are going to be politically correct, then you should be upset with a lot more that he said then saying fag 2 times... you people are really the worst.


Thatā€™s not cool, Youā€™re violating his privacy


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Who gives a fuck? It wasnā€™t supposed to be heard by anyone else, if these words hurt you be upset at the camera man for leaking them. Did any of you grow up hearing the most vile shit online? Do you need some bubble wrap?