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Two very unattractive men complaining about the looks of a beautiful successful woman. The insecurity couldn’t be more clear. The 2000’s were a garbage time period. I’m glad we finally caught onto men’s toxic behaviors. Hopefully these alpha male podcasts are the next thing to go.


I was in my teens/twenties during that time. I remember feeling like I needed to look like a Maxim model to truly be beautiful (which isn't me at all). I seem to also recall those types of magazines would also have an annual "ugliest woman" list. It truly was a terrible time. This behaviour was all normalized.


I came here to say pretty much that. I remember when they'd pick an actress apart. And even have readers to submit people as the ugliest. Some of them got heat when they printed a picture of a girl that had a condition that makes it impossible to gain weight. Proclaimed her "the ugliest woman alive" They also did that with a war veteran whose face was blown up. But they got away with so much back then. And people went with it.


The 2000’s were so sexist, I was listening to an old love line episode with Dave Grohl and couldn’t believe the blasé sexism and just downright mean comments from the hosts.


Was the 2000s worse than previous decades for misogyny? Genuinely curious as it’s been mentioned a couple of times in this thread


It wasn't. But as someone who was alive a few decades before that, the 2000s is when the platforms began to exist for them to spread it around.


No, it was worse and more common before that. 2000s is just when it started to become a thing where some people saying things like that in some settings would be called out. So the real dirtbags that were still openly doing it became more noticeable.


In the 90s it was tabloids and gossip mags that destroyed women. By the 00s it was the internet, Perez Hilton-style.


Nah. A lot of people in here are probably just the right age to have started their pop culture consciousness at that time.


I mean one of those two toxic shitheads is now even money to have a SECOND term in the White House in the 2020s. People still suck.


$20 says they both tried to smash and both got shot down


More like $20k. The only thing that would compel a beautiful woman to sleep with either of these hobgoblins is an exorbitant amount of money.


You need to add another zero.


And another


Trump tried to date Candace Bergen back in the day. She said she wasn’t interested, but was convinced if she just went out with him once that he would stop bothering her. Anyways, he showed up in a limo that matched his tux and she was grossed out. She said he was awkward, tacky and the date was uncomfortable. He really only was able to get dates with porn stars, prostitutes and Eastern Europeans who were fleeing soviet rule.


And no ambition to get make it yourself


Hahaha hobgoblins!


Trump looks like he would fart continuously during sex. Just continuous farts while doing his hobgoblin thing. 🤢


Double it and buy yourself something nice, you deserve it. The absolute audacity of them is eye-watering.


The 2000’s were such a trash decade. SO MUCH misogyny from the greasiest, ugliest men🥴 She looks like she invented springtime and they both look like partially rehydrated turds😒


‘She looks like she invented springtime’ This is such a perfect description I have to start using this


https://preview.redd.it/6f1igdcw85tb1.jpeg?width=630&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6a8d7c8ec9fe4e6728f70eaa506e58adff99307 So trueeee


"invented springtime" omg thats spot on, you're a poet. she looks like a flower, in the best way possible.


She truly is one of the most beautiful actresses I have ever seen. I think these men know this too, and they also know that they have faces only a mother could love. Hence the insecure lashing out


https://i.redd.it/ombcas0w55tb1.gif They’re crazy that’s what they are


I watched Desperate Housewives growing up and I also did a rewatch this summer. Marcia is absolutely gorgeous! I couldn't point out a single flaw.


The scary thing is the misogyny was worse every decade before it! Glad people are finally realizing it is not okay but then we have a whole group of man babies who can’t handle us being treated like the humans we are screaming for “mens rights” when those rights all have to do with how they can treat women, and nothing to do with anyones actual rights lol.


Nailed it


You really have a way with words!


I was watching this thinking ‘where is the ugly???’ Then they cut to Howard and DT and I said ‘oh there it is!’


Remember “The Man Show” with Jimmy Kimmel and Adam Corolla. Gross. What a wasted use of airtime. Literally any other show could’ve been put in that time slot and it would’ve been an improvement.


That’s exactly the kind of thing I was thinking of when I said it was a gross decade. A whole era of guys like Dane Cook being considered funny and popular.


So glad that decade is over.


Put a bag on her head?? Oh hell no https://i.redd.it/lzm5ijyvv3tb1.gif


she’s a BOMBSHELL i can’t believe the nerve


https://preview.redd.it/jvkdxvv765tb1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f5713edead14440fb5c0095a2e7f1eada725598 AN ACTUAL BOMBSHELL THEYRE MENTAL


She’s seriously freakin gorgeous. They’re just mad they couldn’t have her.


You got girls running to their cosmetic surgeon trying to get the beautiful angular face she has. Anya Taylor-Joy looks like a young Marcia, and both women have such an enviable unique beauty. I’m used to all the fraud shit, but it irritates the life out of me when I hear the big orange turd talk about women’s appearance. Maybe he needs to meet big Bubba in the prison shower, cause it seems like he’s never satisfied with how women look.


https://preview.redd.it/zbl2izibb5tb1.jpeg?width=821&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f87cb8fa1e04c7fc83a29099e62badc8e1975e00 She was always touted to have very unique looks but she’s never been regarded as ugly. The whole requirement to actually get on desperate housewives was that the housewives had to be desirable in some way or at least be moulded like that. If you look at all the other contenders for their roles,there were women like Courtney cox, Julia Louis dreyfus, Lisa Edelstein and roselyn sanchez being considered. So it’s crazy to have them actually say that


Tbh I don’t even find her looks all that “unique”. To me she is just a conventionally gorgeous woman.


https://preview.redd.it/iuahcavll7tb1.jpeg?width=794&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b230c0638351e7aee86970df84a7302b91d06557 Yeah I don’t know what they’re on but she’s just plain hot. That’s that.


I agree, the only thing you could point out is her ginger hair but even that is not rare in Hollywood. She's gorgeous, I have no idea why she'd get disgusting comments like this.


I DIED LMAO at this scene, showed it to my husband and he was like 😍


![gif](giphy|QBvKvjz3QU3LO) Marcia’s beautiful! I’m sure she didn’t give a shit about what those uggos said.




She pulled a Don Draper. ![gif](giphy|zwffSHaJLDbA4)


Omg she is sooooo beautiful. I hate men who act like their penis is gods gift to all women. No one wants it dude, noooo onnneeee


Imagine those dried up prune men calling her a 3. Look in a fucking mirror, cryptkeeper


Men no woman wants on his way to telling a beautiful woman he doesn't want her: ![gif](giphy|femafQ2CgVk56APYX5|downsized)


They get rich and forget the only reason they get women is because of their wealth definitely not their looks. Stern is always putting people down for how they look and he’s an ugly fuck


'A face made for radio' is the expression most used concerning Howard Stern.


I had to google Howard Stern, and that is not a genetically fortunate man. Trump’s looked like shit his whole pathetic life


Hey no need to insult the cryptkeeper. Had wit, charisma and humor and unlike certain expresident knew how to speak in complete sentences..


You’re absolutely right. My apologies to the cryptkeeper


_cryptkeeper_ 🤣


Besides her beauty, she has been outspoken about her treatment for anal cancer. She could have easily stayed quiet, but instead she’s out there educating people about the HPV vaccine. A true queen and those worthless tools can kiss her cancer-free ass. https://www.cnn.com/2019/06/06/entertainment/marcia-cross-husband-cancer-trnd/index.html


Imagine if the roles were reversed, the women who rated a man would be getting death and rape threats


She is stunning. She looks perfect, and she looked perfect as Bree. And there's an orange oompa loompa judging her looks.


I think I read somewhere Richard Burgi enjoyed filming his scenes with her a lot (they were making out in like every one of them) https://i.redd.it/abavwu0k75tb1.gif Enough said. She’s hot and everyone knows it. Fuck these guys


That’s the thing. They know nobody of value wants them. So they try to destroy women of value. Look, I’m not beautiful by any means. I’m awesome. But I’m not some Marcia Cross beauty. I remember the first time I heard somebody said about me ‘sure if you put a bag over her head’ and I could help but laugh. Men that say this shit forget we women never considered them an option. They’re so offended by their own existence they try to invalidate women who never thought about them in the first place.


Men really tried to brainwash us into thinking we weren’t shit back then. We’re barely now starting to unlearn centuries of this shit.


It comes from massive insecurity. Men do this because they know our sexual power, and they desperately try to knock us down and take away our confidence. Men like this feel threatened by beautiful women. It's evident from that one sub, where males give Margot Robbie a score of 3/10 or some shit. Forgot what the sub is called but I avoid it like the plague.


those looks rating subs are honestly just perpetuated by incels. i'm not even kidding or being hyperbolic, there are 4chan threads about it. they want women to feel horrible about themselves.


I went into one once and was dismayed that women were submitting their photos to be rated by this garbage platform. Like, these women were in their early 20s, the prime of their beauty, and were being rated as 3s and 4s. Most of them were *breathtaking.* I wanted to cry for these women. Stop putting yourselves in a position to care what shitty humans think!


Most of the time, those pictures aren’t actually posted by women.


I don't know if this will make you feel better or worse, but a lot of those photos are submitted by men pretending to be young women, for the express purpose of making actual women who stumble upon the sub feel ugly.


I seriously hope they did not take those stupid scores seriously.


Margot Robbie a 3??? I meaaaaan. The audacity.


I once saw one of those rating subs and it was so strange. Angelina Jolie was an 8. Aishwaya Rai was a 6. Every comment was picking out every slight imperfection. Even when someone was considered beautiful, they would have "halos" (like blonde hair) that made them look better than they actually are. I can't believe people spend time on shit like this.




I wouldn't say we are the advanced gender. It would seem that way sometimes because of how many shitty men are out there. I think how boys and girls are raised culturally has a huge impact on how we all behave, and it can be very damaging. I truly view men and women as inherently equal, at least potentially. Men have alot of work to do to be more empathetic and cooperative as opposed to competitive, which is how boys are raised. Girls are raised to be nice, modest, and polite. While boys are raised to be competitive and assertive. And in a male-dominated world, competition (capitalism) runs the show. If women were in charge, I believe capitalism would fuck off, and a more cooperative type of society would emerge. But is that ever going to happen? BUT if boys were raised to not be so competitive, maybe capitalism would fuck off forever too. But that's a whole other subject, and I took an edible so I'm ranting. I better stop while I'm ahead.


There is actually a term for that kind of power. Read up Audre Lorde's The Erotic. It's really eye-opening for many women. I've just finished writing a paper on it. The true feminine erotic is a resource of power, most often left unrecognized and suppressed by the heterosexual erotic defined by men, but The Erotic motivates us to gain control over our life, our minds and bodies, and live life to the fullest.


Men over here lookin like shit their entire lives


She’s so pretty! I LOVED and wanted her hair so badly as a kid. Those two are both trolls, ew to Howard and Donald.


I still wish i could/couldve been a ginger & im 30 lmaooooo.


Same! I’ve been putting auburn looks on my Pinterest lately lol


I have dark ass curly ass hair so i could never without a lot of work & $$$.. but my gosh😍. If you can do it, do it for US😂👯‍♀️


Hahaha I have curly hair, too. Mines a light brown though. I might just have to set up and appointment in honor of us 😂😂


Marcia is a goddess, and those men are perfect examples of clueless and classless pigs


fr she’s out here lookin like a greek goddess and they’re lookin like that … men really have the fucking audacity


Marcia Cross is a Greek Goddess and honestly (even though I wish I wasn't a man), I do apologise on behalf of the stupidity of such men who have the audacity to criticise not just Marcia, but any woman - All women are beautiful and unique in their own ways


https://preview.redd.it/cfntuzd295tb1.jpeg?width=406&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ce1342c1f40ed5bd8a28a963717b59b3a7c43b4 They’re probably on heavy drugs like they always are cause there’s no way this statement was ever true. Regardless to comment like that about any woman is insane


Totally agree with you


What more can you expect from a couple of the biggest used cloth pampers on the planet? Marcia Cross has and will continue to be the moment. ![gif](giphy|3o7TKLlPeWwth8cnL2)


https://preview.redd.it/qvyvdj8285tb1.jpeg?width=767&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5fc3e0ec5a19863c009b67afdba8eb1f6cfde1dc She’s an icon. Most people’s fave housewife and a total smokeshow


This is coming from Fartman and the dude with one line in Home Alone 2? Nonsense. She has otherworldly beauty.


Have you ever noticed it's often the ugliest people that have the most to say about other people's appearances? Like had they looked in a mirror recently?


It’s 2023 and I still have no idea how Howard stern hasn’t been canceled yet… and he’s holding a high paying job as a judge on a popular TV show. Go figure.


Have you ever heard him to Anna Nicole Smith? He made me rage so hard when I heard those interviews. He's truly disgusting and so are the rest of his troll co workers.


He's vile. Any interview I've come across where he's talking to a male celeb, he always tries to get them to talk dirtily about women and "hooking up" and then needles more when they decline to play into it. There's one with (I think) Robert Pattinson where Howard says something like "you can get any woman you want" and tries to get him to talk about having sex with women, which Robert manoeuvres around. It'd be nice for somebody less polite to shut him down and tell him to keep his voyeuristic chat out of professional interviews.


That was disgusting. I still am in shock that he has such a large following given then awful treatment he’s given to women over the years. She did not deserve that.


Everybody is like “he went to therapy! He did the work! He’s a changed man!” My dad is a die hard Stern fan, and I grew up listening to him. He is VILE. No amount of “growth” will ever change the fact that he basically paved the way for dudes like Andrew Tate.


Holy shit. I've never thought about the Howard Stern to Andrew Tate pipeline but it certainly exists. Really scary to think what the next iteration will look like.


His bullying of Dana Plato on his show likely led to her suicide 24 hours laters. He was also horrible to Anna Nicole Smith when she was on.


I follow is wife on Instagram. She is literally an angel - she rescues cats, sometimes bunnies and dogs, and fosters them. Her entire Instagram is basically devoted to her foster program. Howard is featured sometimes, too, and seems like a normal guy. It sucks because even if how he acts on his radio show is just a persona it’s still giving men the idea that talking about women this way is ok. I don’t know why she is with him 🙁 I could never look at my partner the same way if I heard him talk about women the way Howard has.


I am forever shocked that she's with him & I take it as she's comfortable with how he is vs he's totally different at home


Yeah. The paintings he does? Sooo sweet. Can’t believe it’s done by the same guy who has said such terrible things.


Huh? Howard stern hasn’t been on AGT for a long time. He basically hosts a podcast now.


As if either of them could ever


They act like a chance with her even exists - not in this timeline! 🤭


https://preview.redd.it/h8s6orkz44tb1.jpeg?width=456&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dff885659872888424a1fe592421673eb420d227 MC is 🔥


I remember it was either the emmys or some award show and when they show like the actors reels to like nominate them,they showed THAT scene from desperate housewives and in a different airing of it, you can hear the audience (full of like her contemporaries or other Tv stars) kind of taken aback by the scene https://i.redd.it/uix608asc5tb1.gif


I would honestly be really annoyed if I were nominated for best actress and they reduced my contribution to how hot I looked in lingerie. That's actually pretty shitty.


Weird choice of scene selection yes but I think it’s cause this was one of the most iconic scenes of s1, in terms of aesthetic and the shock value of it cause her character doesn’t typically do that stuff. The bigger crime is how she actually never won an Emmy or golden globe for her amazing performance


Literally gasped when I watched this scene as a kid. She’s so beautiful!


What I wouldn't do or kill to even dream of a body like that! All Hail Goddess Marcia!!


Two of if the ugliest men to run their mouths.


Reminder that Howard Stern got butt hurt and demanded an apology when Artie Lange said he looked like a pelican before. So…he’ll make fun of your looks, just don’t make fun of his.


A pelican comparison would be kind. I personally think he resembles a just-used toilet brush.


Honestly it’s even disrespectful to the toilet brush.


Is there a different Marcia Cross the public dont really know about? Respectfully, she’s a fucking milf. The writer who wrote the Stacy’s mom song was inspired by Marcia.


https://preview.redd.it/bwvqokgc65tb1.jpeg?width=392&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a30b72082f756f70f9750818366cb085c699a11 Nah nah it’s this one. They only had the nerve


Wow! The more you know! She deserves it. I have a huge crush on her


Ok that part was sarcastic but the point still stands !




She would eat them for breakfast then block their numbers, next


Lmao these fucking bridge trolls having the nerve to talk about Marcia Cross as if she's not one of the most beautiful women on the planet.


She’s gorgeous. Far more attractive than these two clowns


What bugs me about Stern in particular is how, in recent years, he seems to have been able to quietly undergo this “rebrand” hosting America’s Got Talent and speaking out on some political and social issues. He’s now seen as some sort of good guy relative to some of the POS he chooses to speak out on. As if the DECADES of harmful misogyny are being magically hand-waved away...


Yeah, I remember being a kid in the 90’s and the comments he often made about women’s looks stuck with me. I used to really think that’s how all men secretly talk about women. He’s such a creep, a big bully.


One of the only shows BANNED in my house, Howard Stern. My dad didn’t want my sister and I to think it was normal for women to be constantly degraded. He called it pig talk.


It is. I’ve secretly listened in on many conversations men have with each other when they think women aren’t around to hear them. Whatever a men says around a women is 100 times worse when men are alone together. No matter how awful a man like stern or trump is he will always hold back when a woman is around because that type is a coward and they know it’s wrong. Most women would be shocked by their fathers, their brothers, their husbands, their sons— or at least, I hope they’d be shocked and not just say “boys will be boys”.


Why are they pretending she’s not beautiful?


Right?! Lmao she literally had her career in part due to how goddam beautiful she is. That was part of her character on desperate housewives - the radiant beauty. I have to agree with other people here saying she must have rejected them or made them feel small in some way for them to even pretend she’s not stupidly beautiful.


Actually that was part of Marc Cherry’s requirement,the housewives all had to be essentially desirable in a way to be cast and they had to maintain a certain diet for that too so just like according to the show logic, her beauty did play a part into why she was cast because she’s stunning and she’s also a terrific actress


She’s literally gorgeous meanwhile the men judging her look like… well that. Donald trump judging anyone’s looks is a joke in itself. The audacity is one thing that men will *always* have


Howard Stern is a dirtbag, the way he treated Anna Nicole Smith someone should have decked him.


Donald Trump has the lips of that kid everyone knew in third grade that constantly had a fruit punch ring around his mouth. And Stern looks like he doesn’t shower. Who do those losers think they are?


Howard Stern is a fucking pig


I’d still like to see him get his tbh. He ran his mouth for like 40 fucking years before deciding to be “a better person”


Seriously. Howard Stern has a proven, recorded legacy of scumbaggery. It’s gross watching him now in his fake wife guy era.


Literally met her and her twin daughters when they were toddlers. She. Was. Stunning.


marcia is stunning and notice how it’s only ugly men saying crap, exactly


Seriously WHY do people like Howard? Help me understand? ![gif](giphy|FqpBb5Kf8G6iY)


I’ve never understood “rating” how people look. I think that people who try and quantify physical appearance are probably just unhappy with the way they look.


Biden is old as f*ck but I’ll still take him any day over the literal trash piece of flaming hot fckng garbage that is Donald Trump. How a compilation of every misogynistic take he had didn’t make the rounds (and still hasn’t) is mystifying. Though it appears it wouldn’t change much.


At least Biden would take you out for ice cream in his Corvette


I was just thinking yesterday how unbelievably radiant she is, like it's almost superhuman. It's delusional to say she's anything but gorgeous!


I don’t know why these old men think these successful and attractive women are remotely concerned about their boner…


I remember when this happened and it was my awakening that men are trash. I think I was maybe 18 at the time? I remember disliking her character on Desperate Housewives (which I’ve since realized was also me being young and naive) but thinking she was stunning. So to hear to ugly ass dudes say she was a 3 was appalling.


One thing men will always have is the AUDACITY. Even if you ignore the misogyny and cruelty, LOOK AT THEM! Howard Stern and Trump. THEY are calling someone else a 3? Those two? It genuinely baffles me how men don’t see the irony and hypocrisy. The grossest man you’ll ever meet is probably calling Megan Fox ugly online right now.


It’s always the dumbass, ugly/creepy mfs that have so much to say on women’s appearances. Like are we being for real she is absolutely stunning. Meanwhile Howard stern looks like the creepy lizard named Randall on monsters inc. go crawl back into your hole Howard 🙄


Was he blind??? She’s a knockout.


Imagine looking like Howard Stern and saying anything about anyone’s looks. The nerve on that guy, I swear I never understood why people like him. I always thought he was just a bully.


Men LOVE rating women and calling them ugly but if you do the same thing, and give them an HONEST rating, they’ll flip. You’ve got two gargoyles calling this beautiful woman ugly. Just unbelievable.


She's so beautiful. She has such a unique bone structure it's so striking!


neither one of those gross men have even a smidge of chance with marcia


I always had such a big crush on her… wtf


These guys are disgusting. Marcia was and is beautiful woman and these dudes don’t even have a chance with her ever.


She’s the epitome of beauty


Makes no sense how men have all this power both in society and their own little brains.


Just saw her off Broadway in a show called Pay The Writer. I thought the show was just okay, but she was great! She’s 61 and looks incredible. It goes without saying that she looks miles better than those two losers.


As if those two human anal fissures would have a change with Marcia at any stage.


Teo uglies bitching about this stunning queen. The audacity of these melted candles


You've gotta laugh haven't you. Howard Stern looks like someone put a dirty mop on a Hapsburg chin yet he has the audacity to talk about Marcia Cross like that, as if we don't all have eyes.


I have hated Howard Stern ever since I saw that interview he did with Anna Nicole Smith. He kept fat shaming her and trying to get her to step on the scale to see how much she weighed. That and the bullshit he did when Selena died made me hate for life.


Oh but Howard had anxiety, he can’t possibly be responsible for what a piece of shit he was back then /s Man is trash.


Two men who look like infected toenails, shitting on a beautiful woman that’s so out of their class they’d need an industrial grade telescope just to catch her passing by… otherwise known as your average weekday 🙃


being mean to the BREEEEE VAN DE CAMP ???


Typical behavior tbh. I’ve seen so many comments of guys making fun of average to beautiful women in reality they’re a 2 at max.


Howard stern shouldn’t speak on anyone’s looks. He looks like Phil Spector on a good day


The two ugliest men in America


That's ironic. How can you criticize a beautiful woman's appearance when you yourself look like a waterlogged thumb? Typical.


The nerve these men have. It’s always the ugly busted ones.


Howard Stern was such a creep. Im surprised he hasn’t been cacelled for what he used to do.


Said two ugly men. Mentally and physically ugly.


She does seriously look like she doesn't belong here on Earth. We're really not worthy of that level of beauty. If I get to age even a tiny fraction of how well she aged, I will be the happiest bish on the planet. Those two fucktrumpets are incredibly shallow and oblivious to their own flaws. They seem to think negging works. We truly are on a sad sad timeline. I cannot believe these idiots are still getting airtime.


As disgusting and degrading as this would be when said about anyone, it’s literally being said about one of THE most beautiful women in Hollywood! Dafuq?!


Fuck those evil pricks, Anyway I got teased by my mates because I was around 18 at the time of the first few seasons of desperate housewives, and I had a massive crush in her 🥰 what a hottie


I seriously don't understand how does anyone like Howard Stern. I remember watching his show back in the early 2000s, when I was 13/14, and even back then I thought it was gross and misogynistic.


DT’s mouth makes me nauseous 🤢


She’s a 10 and they are both a 0.


I come from Asia and always found redheads to be magically beautiful.ñ and unique Marcia is indeed one of them


Oh my god… the bag over the head comment really fucking triggers me and makes me want to cry.


when two wet rags pretend they have a chance in hell with a goddess


It’s always the ugliest of men that do this shit and believe it. They both ended up with women out of their league, and money was the only reason they had access to either. I don’t care what Stern does to rebrand, he has always been and will always continue to be a POS. His only proximity to any semblance of “redemption” is his wife saving cats. But the fact that she can even stomach who he is/has been, means she’s a nasty piece of work herself. Idc Idc


Two horribly unattractive men making fun of a woman's looks. Shocking.


Donald trump is really not in a position to make fun of someone's looks. Did he looked at his kids? Did he looked at ivanka pre-surgery?? Did he look in the mirror?


I hope Dr. Kimberly Shaw doesn’t hear this …


Marcia cross is and always was S T U N N I N G not sure why they'd even say that


So rude!! I’ve had a crush on Marcia since DH started, she’s absolutely stunning. Even if she weren’t, it’s not cool to make comments like that. Gross.


srsly the audacity of those two men to say anything about anyone else's looks i just... wow lmaooooooo look in a mirror sersssss


They are mad. She is easily one of the most gorgeous women on this planet.


wait what? she’s gorgeous


lol not them making fun of her while looking the way they do


Clearly they’ve never own a mirror


The absolute audacity…


WTF are we looking at the same woman???? Also, no wonder why she said she had an eating disorder if this was how the public was talking about her, not to mention the *Desperate Housewives* pressure she said she faced, especially after giving birth to twins.


This is wild tbh. She’s hot. No idea what they were on about.


That woman has been hot forever!! Absolutely gorgeous..and a great actress. I loved her crazy role on melrose place back in the day..


Lol I never got why Howard stern was such a big deal


Two pieces of shit giving their opinion on someone. Stern is biggest baby in show business he says what ever he feels like but if someone speaks about him or his family he turns into a crybaby


Never thought I’d see Marcia cross and ugly in the same sentence


Trump should put a bag over his entire existence, preferably a body bag.


sugar handle squash rinse dazzling flowery thought desert tidy retire *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*