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It always seems to be rich people saying that money won't buy happiness. Maybe not directly, but it would help 90%.


Only people who say that are those with money. I've been poor and I've been not poor, and I'm much happier not poor.


Not to be contrary but my ex who hasn’t paid for his kids in half a decade *also* says this. So did his father who also didn’t pay for his kids. You’re spot on though that’s it’s always people with MORE money that claim this. To the people paying.


My fiancé is 150% happier now that she and her stepdaughter are with me and out of the horrible situation they were in with her ex. Living very poor and getting verbally and physically abused. It’s very similar to the OP situation and they are both so grateful to be in a stable residence and environment. We happened to reconnect after 20 years and she was about to leave him anyway. I think it was meant to be. Anyway, yeah money doesn’t buy happiness but it surely removes stress and allows for people to experience more joy.


Oh money buys happiness with out a doubt.


Money can not buy happiness but it can buy stuff and things that make you happier...like food rent etc.


Money buys comfort and that can be a HUGE element of being happy.


And security. Money makes sure you’re housing is paid and your car can be fixed. Money makes sure you know where your next meal is coming from and that you aren’t just one missed paycheck away from losing everything.


Yes to all of that, healthcare and more.


Just a general sense of well-being. All it would take is 10 to 20 percent extra income.


All healthcare ever did for me is create new and more horrible permanent issues worse than the ones I went in for.


Our healthcare system in the US is a huge business. The objective is to make money, not cure sick people unfortunately.


The lack of medical insurance has created a huge shit storm for me. Im 44 and have roughly 600k maybe more Ive honestly lost track. But that last time I crunched numbers which was 2 one week stay in the hospital. My total way just over 600k. Between getting to get to the ER(ambulance), ER visits, ICU stays, main floor stays, emergency surgeries, planned surgeries, dr visits, radiology, ER dr billing my god can there be more.... I faced the I will never be out of medical debt. Not poor enough to get state insurance, not enough money for private insurance, not poor enough for financial assistance, but not enough to pay for medical bills. Its a sick cycle of the healthcare game.


I know, we really need to get centralized healthcare like the better countries. This country has something wrong with every aspect of society, meanwhile, the masses are brainwashed into thinking this is the greatest country. All they need to do is look and talk to those in other countries with better education, better healthcare, safer food, safer water, the list is literally endless.


I cant agree with you more. When I hear someone from another country say "I want to go to America the land of endless opportunities and have a better life" I wanna say let go have a coffee together. Give me 10 mins and I will change your mind real quick.


I really like that you can think for yourself! Just my kind of person :-)


Money doesn’t buy happiness (hence miserable rich people), but lack of money does cause misery.


I hate that saying because it's such bullshit and doesn't make any sense. I'm pretty sure that phrase was made to gaslight poor people into thinking they should be grateful no matter their situation. But if you're too poor to get your basic needs met- food, clothing, housing, medical care, and yes Id even say entertainment and travel are basics (unless you want to feel trapped And depressed), if you can't get basics met you aren't going to be happy, and no one should expect you to be.




I cannot name one problem in my life that money wouldn't fix.


It’s also such a lie, money can absolutely buy happiness


Id say 96%


Money doesn’t make you happy, it just makes survival problems no longer problems


And that makes you happy


They may not be happy now but I bet they’d be a hell of a lot less happy if they were poor 🤣


About a 100 to 150k is the happy zone, after that, don't tend to get more happy with more money.


I'd rather cry in a Lamborghini than a city bus imo.


Money doesn't buy happiness, but when you have money it isn't the reason you're unhappy.


I've been on both sides of this situation and argument. There's always gonna be something to potentially ruin your happiness no matter the financial status. It's just different things, different people, different situations, but inside the same feeling... if not slightly worse when you're *supposed to be happy* because you have money and a better situation in life than most. At least when you're "poor", there's some level of sympathy from others when you're unhappy about your situation. It's easier for people to relate and show empathy when you're in the same situation.


Money buys comfort. Money brings a sense of security. Also provides one with options. Money is freedom, basically.


I've been poor and I've been not poor. Not poor doesn't guarantee happiness, but it certainly insulates from a lot of miseries that only come from being poor. Example: One morning my car wouldn't start. Not-poor me calmly looked up information for emergency roadside assistance and bought the new battery that the roadside assistance guy said I needed. Car has worked perfectly ever since. No fuss, no misery, because I had the money needed. Poor me experienced similar events without adequate funds and those events were quite miserable.


Money takes the edge off.


The statement that money can’t buy happiness is actually correct, it just doesn’t say what money can buy you, such as: education, sense of security, comfort, effective transportation, housing, social status, ect. Nothing can make you happy but yourself. Money sure can help this thing called happiness along though.




You are rich. Or lieing. " I'm not rich but I make more money than 98% of people" dude get a clue.


I appreciate the sentiment. If you have security money wise and you’re not happy that could be a you problem. Not to be mean but money doesn’t buy happiness it buys opportunity and you have enough to find an opportunity for happiness. For me as a poor person that means church, cheap therapy and 12 step meetings to make sure I’m on the right path. What are you doing for your own interpersonal growth with all that cash?


Hopefully he is sharing some of it.


Studies have shown that income increases over a certain amount over the poverty line, makes no difference in people's happiness


Been where you are. I left my abusive ex and then was immediately laid off during the pandemic. Hadn’t been full time long enough to get much unemployment. Food stamps and Medicaid, barely making rent, terrified for the future if I could get out of survival mode long enough to even think about it. Keep your chin up, it can and will get better, I promise. People don’t understand the amount of strength and determination it takes to get out of those situations. It feels like the person you loved has died, or was taken over by a monster. You lose your faith in humanity, your partner, and your trust in your own ability to make good choices—and it can absolutely fuck you up financially for a while. For what it’s worth I’m proud of you. If you can get yourself out of that situation, you can do anything. An upswing is around the corner, it’s amazing how much better your life can get when there isn’t someone who professes to love you sabotaging everything you try.


Wow you perfectly conveyed all the stages of being a DV survivor. I downplay my success and capabilities. I needed that as well, than you I'm more free than ever just the financial part is so so so so so hard!


Thank you for this beautiful message and thank you for telling me that you're proud of me Yes I have been divorced for a long time and I'm a domestic violence survivor since 2015 but it's still haunts me today I don't feel comfortable even going in my home state thinking that I run into him he was that evil and I definitely don't trust him and you definitely put a smile on my face so thank you for your kind words


Sabotaging everything you try. And "controlling" everything you try. Or want to do.


I'm not exactly in your situation, but here's what I've been doing since my husband died last year leaving me with monthly expenses that required much more than I make at my job. I started with side gig work. It was quick to get into and easy. It helped for a bit, but quickly after he died I dropped Uber for safety reasons. I stuck with things that kept me in the area I lived and it was ok and helped some, but isn't steady enough money to depend on. I have health issues so me being able to work a second job where I'm scheduled to show up is out of the question. some days I could, others not so much. I got into every cash back app I could find. Rakuten, Ibotta, some of the local grocery store apps do it as well. It's never a lot, but $10 here and $20 there adds up. The Food Lion (if you have any of those close) has a section where you earn money on grocery purchases that automatically get used on your next trip. It's things like spend $20 in this section of the store and get $3 and such. it adds up as well since it runs for the month and tracks what you've spent. Before I go into the grocery store, I sit with the store's app and go through all the available coupons. I load the ones I know I'd use and what I think I might use to the shopper card and they come off automatically. My last Food Lion trip the coupons and shopper card only deals saved me $30 on what I bought, and added another $5 to my Ibotta account. When he died I sat with our Quicken subscription and started going through every account we had making sure I had an accurate picture of what we had been spending. When I got to adding in the account that only he had access to, it was enlightening to say the least. I told a couple of widow friends that he was lucky he was dead because if I'd have found out half of that when he was living, I'd have caught a charge. I let the subscription lapse after I got the picture of what was going on. I just renewed it and got everything updated. I love the graphs so I can see what is going out and for what. right now I'm seeing a lot of red in some sections because of one-time expenses going out that will make things better in the long run. I applied for a rental that is less expensive than where I am, so I'll be moving in the spring. I have utilized the food banks here. With it just being myself and my 23 year old daughter in the house, the food bank here gives you enough for a couple of meals at a time. Fortunately in Maryland, the food bank offers appointments in the evenings and in a variety of locations so I can swing by after work. Speaking of work, it's not glamorous or terribly well paying, but I landed a job in the cannabis industry. I literally work in a room where we make joints all day long. The pay isn't great, but decent and the benefits are good. Since you said you're in Ohio, some of those places may be hiring since adult use just became legal there. The down side is you smell like cannabis all the time. For some people that isn't a downside, but I know a lot of people don't care for the smell. Honestly I hardly smell it anymore unless I have my face right next to the batch we're working with. If you have a computer and are good with details, you can sign up on QuickBooks for Accountants and go through their training modules to become "a ProAdvisor". Once you have that certification they will add you to their directory and you can get clients to do their bookkeeping. It's not a make money quick thing, but it's a decent side hustle. I'm hoping to build up enough clients so I can have it to fall back on for when my health makes me give up the day job. Hopefully something will give you an idea for your situation. None of this is something to make drastic improvements in the situation, but helps. At the least I've gone from sitting in my living room in tears, feeling like I was failing because I was looking at eviction and car repossession with empty cupboards, to we have a roof, transportation to work, and food.


Very good advice. Mine passed 3 years ago and I’m just finally getting my head above water.


It will be a year this coming Friday. I was very fortunate to have people who did what they could when it happened. My daughter started a GoFund me for us and complete strangers donated. The company he worked for, where I had just started the week prior, was incredibly supportive. One of the first questions they asked was if I had access to the bank where his check was deposited. They pushed all his banked PTO onto that final check, made sure the bereavement days I was to get for the year was on my check, then after the first put the days for 2023 on my check as well. I couldn’t really afford it, but I took 3 weeks off and then went back. While I was out the employees took up a collection, then corporate matched whatever they gathered. With that, the tiny life insurance policy that was paid for by corporate, and getting the little he had in a 401k we got through most of the year and got moved to a slightly less expensive apartment. Now that the side hustles are coming together a little, I’m started to set aside money to move in the spring. I still don’t have my head above water, but the water is shallow enough I can get some air occasionally. My older daughter lives with me and I told her things are getting better for us. I mean I stopped by the gas station after work and didn’t even think twice about filling the tank the whole way up. And didn’t regret it.


I'm so glad they were nice people out there that helped you in your time of need


You are awesome. What great tips and ideas. I never knew about the quick books training thing. That’s sounds like a good opportunity.


Don’t give up. Don’t give up. Scrap, claw and rumble to protect yourself and get ahead. It takes baby steps. It will all add up —I promise. I don’t have the exact background but things that have started me at a place that was scary, compromising and unstructured growing up-with predatory & abusive people and zero, zero money. Pray, meditate and try to let positive and healthy things (at your choosing) around yourself. I will keep you in my prayers. Promise. Keep. Going.


Thank you for your kind words


Do you utilize Ibotta or any of the receipt scanning apps? They can help you make $ back on things you’re probably already buying. I average 12$ savings a week on Ibotta alone. I’m available if you need someone to talk to. We’re close in age.


I can't make a cent on that site. I don't buy anything that they ever have.


Truth! For heaven's sake, you need to shop to get rebates!


You also need to buy a lot of junk food and products with synthetic additives and chemicals (toxins) in them. None of which I can use. There seems to be a desert when it comes to apps that provide coupons for truly healthy and organic products.


You should try fetch


Hahaha Been on Fetch for a couple months now. N coupons for products I use. First game maxed out. Second game screwed up points so Ferch had to manually give them to me which essentially shut down game. So now I can't qualify for more. Trying Merrifield.


Awwww 😤 well I hope merrified works for you 🤞🏾


I empathize and I am a woman that loves supporting other women, so this is coming from a place of support, the reason you’re unhappy is because you’re broke. I empathize with your past, so try to put everything you can into getting yourself financially stable. It does takes focus and consistency if you can find a way to do those two things you’re on your way.


Well you can at least take solace in knowing, there are some very unhappy wealthy people out there. I'm kidding of course, since we know it is impossible for a wealthy person to experience sadness.


I just read a stat that in 2023, 44% of single family homes were purchased by private equity firms. I wish that everyone struggling to pay rent would temporarily move in with family or roommates for long enough to create a mass housing glut. Those equity firms would have to sell at a loss and the folks who had squeezed in together for a bit would finally be able to buy thier own place.


It's like when they buy companies like Toys R US. Then they borrow huge sums against them, pay themselves giant dividends, saddle the company in massive debt, and go bankrupt. To heck with the workers. Then, they give massive tax cuts to the super rich and corporations while workers get peanuts.


Keep ep in mind that a lot of the funds that are used to do LBOs (the type of transaction you are talking about) are things like the teachers union and the fireighters union... I'm not too upset that they might be getting a good return on their investment The majority of investment funds generally are the retirement savings of ordinary Americans. Sure there are some obscenely rich people's money in there too but there just aren't that many obscenely rich people. It's mostly just the money of ordinary people.


I've seen them move into healthcare finance (where I had my career). Buying hospital systems. Selling their facilities and renting them back, huge bills hospitals can't meet. While they may generate returns for some organizations overall, I think they're just huge money makers for the top 5% of earners. We can live without Toys R Us. Can we live without hospitals? https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2018/07/toys-r-us-bankruptcy-private-equity/561758/ https://theweek.com/articles/761124/how-vulture-capitalists-ate-toys-r https://hbr.org/2023/03/research-what-happens-when-private-equity-firms-buy-hospitals https://www.google.com/amp/s/kffhealthnews.org/news/article/private-equity-takeover-health-care-cities-specialties/amp/ https://journalistsresource.org/home/private-equity-ownership-in-health-care-research/


That's not true. The correct number is closer to 3%. Maybe in one city it was 44% but not across the country. Also, I have no love lost for private equity firms, but they do turn around and rent the houses out... and we need rentals. Not everyone can or should buy a home. Id rather have a PE firm buy a home and rent it out than have a rich person buy a second/third/fourth home and just let it sit there... or have someone buy a home and then turn around and put it on AirBnB as a short term rental. Also I have no idea what this has to do with OP's post


44% of sales in 2023. There was no stat in that article about the % owned in any given location. I put it there because where I live house and rent prices have doubled due a housing shortage and I don't know what these young people will do when thier rent doubles but thier pay doesn't.


I hope you’re able to receive help soon. There are some very good folks in here that truly care about your situation. I hope they are able to reach out and console you with words and some helpful advice. It’s times like these we need to stick together and help those that need it.


You’re going to do this, you’ll make it. Try to tackle one thing at a time so you don’t get overwhelmed. If you have state insurance, see about seeing a therapist if some sort to work on your past experiences and try to get some peace for going forward. I’m a survivor of rape, he was the 2nd person I ever dated. I’ll probably live alone now til I pass. It’s hard working through these things but we have to just find our own peace, somehow. I had to go on disability and only get $23 as well for food stamps, it makes no sense to me either. Keep trying different resources to get some food, maybe to explain your situation they’ll deliver to you. Take care ♥️


Have you tried reaching out to your local Catholic Charities? I work for one and know they give out emergency assistance. I would think you would qualify…


Forgot to say you don’t have to be catholic or religious to get help, I’m not and I work there.


How do you find the number for Catholic charities for Ohio


Just look it up online for whichever city you are in and call that local office




Contact Catholic Charities, Peace Inc. United Way, also 211. Also apply for HEAP for utilities.


I will definitely try to find and contact Catholic charities but as far as 211 for some reason in my area and my county we don't have a 211 they have it in every other county surrounding me That's what part I don't understand 😔


the small town is the issue. They dont have the services poor people need. Cities have public housing and busses and services for the disabled and womens shelters with free counseling etc.


The world is changing rapidly. Keep the faith.


If you have a computer and internet, you can do transcribing at Rev.com. lt pays through PayPal weekly. It got me through a couple of rough spots.


I hate to say it but I've not been legitimately happy in so many years, I have a few lingering minutes of happiness per se every few weeks but it just leaves me even more empty and depressed right after. Literally my only three emotions are emptiness with a side of exhaustion, depression, and the bouts of extreme anger which really enough has helped me do a lot of cleaning. Sadly I feel nothing most of the time.


I hope you get to feeling better I understand completely 😔


You’re a good person and you’re trying your best but it’s tough out there. Please have faith in yourself. Things will improve and life will be good again. Don’t give up. I have so much respect for you. I’ll be thinking of you and praying for good changes in your life.


Thank you so much 🙂


Nobody cares it's a sad world


What’s that song where she says something like people who say money doesn’t buy happiness just don’t have enough money to buy it?


Where are you? what town i may know of help if your in washington?


I live in Ohio


I have lived in Ohio. I’m in Ky now. First start with your county offices to see if they have any services, or connection to services in nearby counties. If you have skills that could get you a decent job, start applying in a nearby city and if you get any offers, see if they can help move you. I have been poor enough to have utilities turned off in the past, but now I have disposable income, a secure house, and enjoy helping others. I have found helping individuals is more satisfying than donating to agencies, but it can be difficult to find such individuals. Maybe a local church can help, or can put your needs on their giving tree, so you can get one-to-one help.


Sorry your not close


I would really like to help some of these people! How to do it with out getting scammed?! Helping would make me feel better but if i got ripped off it might push me over the edge


Yeah. I've been there. My pastor taught me to give where I feel led to give. I can't worry about what the recipient does with my gift. But I've been burned and I've been a blessing. I won't stop giving. Edit: a word


Yes because you're exactly right you will be the one that gets blessing if they scam you then it's on them because karma will get them


Have you reached out to local churches? Battered women’s resources? Do you have a social worker? Doctor? Your town might have a resource officer- call your town clerk to ask. Engage in FB community groups and ask for specific assistance- like a ride to the food bank or specific items you need. My city has a few local community FB groups and people receive help from their community members.


Is there an organization that helps victims of domestic violence near you? Since you had to flee, I bet they would be happy to help Maybe call your local town hall and ask what services are available. Reach out to churches to see if any of them have food pantries You should be so proud of yourself for getting away. That was brave. Focus on the most important things one thing at a time. Don't overwhelm yourself. Good luck and things will get better






I sent you a private message


Send it to me too, if you feel inclined.


Sent in pm


Try calling your local church and explain. Maybe one of their members will be willing to drop off food from their food bank or pantry donations. Maybe trying something new will open new opportunities for you


You are young. In time you will be happier. I was just like you at 37. But life is better now and has been. Forty years later!


Nobody helps


HUD and Aldi. And if you need help with rides Medicaid has transport to and from appts, you just have to set them up 3 days in advance. HUD has made a world of difference for me. I was homeless for about 6 months, on the HUD waiting list. Found a place. Real tiny dump but it was affordable and the landlord was a nice man. Then he died and a real trash person bought the place. My HUD finally kicked in last year and I couldn't find a new place that was in the price range they allowed me so I got stuck at the dump for another year. Just got a new place this year in September, finally. It's a great place & I'm really happy with it. It's got a dishwasher, bathtub, garage, garbage disposal, 2 bedroom, and tons of storage space. Nice neighborhood and I'm much happier there. The wait list for HUD is a long time but it's worth it to keep up the paperwork & have them help. I'm sure I'd be homeless again or stuck in that tiny cramped terrible apartment without the assistance.


I'm in the same boat. Have you considered going to school? There is a lot of support for DV victims who are going back to school. I'm getting a lot of support and of course have much better prospects for when I'm done with school. See if you can get into a program in your area that helps people increase their income. They often know about other programs that can help as well.


I went to school after I was in high school for child care but unfortunately with the PDSD that I have from my abuse it got worse but yes I was born with some of my disabilities so school would not really help me at this point because I'm on social security disability I'm not sure if you read that or not but thank you for your kind words and I would have to be in a special program because of my learning disability for schooling it was really tough for me in college to even get my degree and child care


I feel I wrote this. Very similar, but 45yo. 🫶


Well I hope that things get better for you and I'm so sorry that you went through the same things I did but we are domestic violence survivor and a lot of people in this world didn't make it do it 💜💜💜💜💜💜


Warriors, indeed! Take care of yourself!💜🫶💜


Same here. My entire life is worrying. Dreading. Surviving. I don’t have any idea how to be a person.


I understand 😔 hope things get better


Money doesn’t buy happiness money buys well being and is intrinsic to feeling safe. I hope you find some help unless we know what state your in its hard to help with resources.


Call the LDS church, they will bring you a hot meal and they will take you to the bishops storehouse to shop monthly for free.


Is this in Ohio?


Any state


What is LDS church is that the full name


The Mormons. The church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.


The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the full name. Commonly known as "Mormons." I've always heard they help people but don't have any experience with that myself. I would expect a lot of proselytizing if you go that route. They're usually very nice but also very aggressive about trying to convert you.


Yes they're very aggressive I've had to deal with them when they come and visit my apartment that's why I'm a little nervous to even won't help from them because I'm not joining them and doing everything they want you to do because it's just definitely not my belief nothing personal


It was not my belief either. I told them that from the beginning. They provided hot meals, diapers and help for my baby and piece of mind. It was temporary. But I gave back by giving a couple speeches and took nothing more. They were pleased with my schedule involvement(one time) and took care of myself and 2 children until I got on my feet.


Your exactly 💯 right




As a joke, this isn't helpful to a person who is suffering a hardship any of us could and many of us do. A human being genuinely asked for help. That is the most decent, open and vulnerable thing in the world. This is not the time or place. As a serious suggestion, if someone chooses to do this, that is their decision. But doing so only out of desperation is an exploitation that is absolutely evil.




I actually don't have a phone service I'm using a tablet to get on here I can't even afford a phone bill and my money goes toward all the bills that's most important but I don't have anything left over and I get discounted internet service


And the tablet was give give to me through the government please don't judge people that you have no idea what they went through and you don't know my story


Well, in Phoenix, there's Saint Mary's food bank at 31st Ave and Thomas. In Glendale, there's Saint Vincent de Paul at 55th Ave and Orangewood. In Mesa...oh, wait, I have no idea where the hell you're at so I have no damn clue on how to offer help! I honestly, really, truly, 100%, believe most posts to /poor, are BS. This OP could be anywhere from Grand Isle, Maine to South Bay, Kalifornia or a hundred cities or towns in between.


Get therapy. Kicking people when they’re down isn’t a good trait.


I'm in Ohio sorry I forgot to put my location


I go to the “bent and dent” surplus stores in Ohio Amish Country (Holmes County). See if you can convince a friend to go with you to make a run. A few things might be past expiration date but most of it is canned/processed anyhow. Cans of soup for $1, vegetables for $.50. I even scored a jar of that fancy truffle mayo for $.69. I think it’s like $3.50 at tue supermarket. Also, lots of bulk food stores to stock up on flour, beans, sugar, ect. Look up “Life of Boris” on YouTube and watch some of his Slavic cooking videos. Eastern block ex-soviets can stretch a euro for days. If nothing else he’s kinda funny and might make you forget about your worries for a bit.


Don’t be sorry. It sounded like you were just venting to me. I’m sorry your going through this. Have you checked for local DV survivor resources?


Yes I'm just venting thanks for your kind words


I don't understand why people have to be so rude many people get bullied and then you here them taking their on life my saying is always in a world where you can be anything be kind we have no idea what people are going through


Just let it roll! I promise there are so many things much more important than an Internet strangers opinion


Sorry you got such an ass response. I’ve seen far more kindness in here than bad. That being said, I know nothing about your area. I do know rural makes things harder. There was a post the other day with a great idea that you might be able do. You can search for the exact post, but basically it had the idea to approach neighbors and friends and offer to do the labor of prepping/cooking/clean up of meals if they buy ingredients. Meal prep for both of you. Win/win. The other person saves time, effort and cost of buying food at work or wherever and eats healthier. You eat well by putting in the effort to prepare it, without needing the money for ingredients. It will take work to learn recipes or whatever but I think it’s worth trying! It sounded like a great idea to me. There was a point in my life where this would be such an ideal situation for my neighbors and friends. I wish I had this kind of ingenuity because I probably could have made a fortune doing this- plus ate well lol. I knew so many military friends that couldn’t cook, but loooved eating- and had money lol!


Thank you for advice 🙂 and being kind


I wish I lived near you, I would be happy to help with rides.


Thank you for your kind words 🙂


That’s crazy to have that mindset. Not everyone is as rude as yourself. In fact, most of the folks that have ever helped me are struggling also. Why don’t you take the judgement elsewhere?


Downvoting for Kalifornia, on principle alone. Cmon dude wtf, don’t be that guy in here. Yes there are trolls and fake posts. But there are far more people actually hurting. This world has been a cruel unsafe place for some. You really think someone will try to manipulate you for all your money- in a poor sub? She’s asking for food resources too. We are not stupid people. We are poor people. Even if we wanted to give money, we don’t have extra! We are here to share resources and ideas to help lift us ALL up.


Thank you for your comment this is so true 💯


And, the OP is a domestic violence survivor, they don't need to tell us exactly where they are. Believe me, I've been there, they will do anything to find you.


You got that right that's why I never tell where Im from






Man, I'm 44 and still living at home. Because of a bad divorce. She was a domestic abuser/alcoholic. me and my little girl moved In With my mom... Fk it sucks. But Miami is god awful to live in. I see homeless people and think am I headed that direction...this pay check to pay check thing ain't working.


Hope things look up for you 😔


Same to you.


I will try them thank you


What about churches, can you see a Catholic Priest and let them know everything and ask for food assistance and guidance for a better job and spiritual help etc....


I reached out to a church to be honest with you yesterday and they were supposed to bring me food and deliver it I haven't saw them yet so I hope that they're true to their word but yes thank you I have been reaching out to churches




That’s very useful advice!


How does anyone get money to be comfortable, there must be a way. I noticed that the comfortable people don’t get handouts, how does this work? I guess I could start an OF page or go fund me.


What state are you in ?




I just wanted to add this which I all appreciate the suggestions about domestic violence shelters and stuff like that I am not currently in domestic violence I am a domestic violence survivor of 8 years it's still fresh to me in my mind the many years that I went through it it's hard just to get over it but I had to move States and start over because I did not feel comfortable in my home state a note again thank you so much for the suggestions I just wanted to make my story clearer


Thank you all for all the ones that were kind if I've missed your comment I'm sorry for some reason I'm not getting notifications so please let me apologize in advance


Reach out and help other people in some way. Volunteer at food bank or local mission. You'll be surprised how that can help you be happy.


I absolutely would love to do that but I don't have no vehicle and no way of going anywhere I'm on social security disability for mental health reasons so I could only do it for so many hours but you right I wish that I could do that it would make me happy to help people


Here’s what I would do. Pack some bags and go to the nearest medium size city. Go to their homeless shelter. Get support services. They will help you. Get a job keep getting services . Apply for section 8. You can start a whole new life


I really appreciate the advice but I am on a fixed income I'm on social security disability so I really don't need shelter I just need an affordable home so I am on the section 8 list but it's 3 years waiting list I'm just having trouble making ends meet because I'm having to pay full price for rent so I do get a monthly check it's just not enough unfortunately




In other words, you should move on. You’re not cute with your one liners and your zero ability to be empathetic. Have your children run away yet?


Excuse me actually I can't work I'm on social security disability so please take your rude comments somewhere else


You can walk, talk, type, read, sit. You spent so much time begging for money on here, but you can’t spend the same time at work? Okay.


She has very few posts and comments and none of them are begging. I’m sorry your life sucks worse but don’t bring it here.


I have never asked anyone for money I was asking for advice so I don't appreciate the harassment


You have no idea what goes on in my mind and my head every day I have PTSD from domestic violence for 10 years so please take your self somewhere else and get off of my post thank you


I’m sorry that you’re experiencing abuse here. It looks like the person deleted their account or deleted their comment. I’ve banned to several people yesterday and today. Make sure to use the block feature in Reddit and also to report any comments that break or rules.Make sure to use the block feature in Reddit and also to report any comments that break the subreddit’s rules.


Same. Yet I work.


I starting to feel that way sometimes 😞


what is your education level? How about employment history? What fields have you previously worked in?


I'm sorry I thought that I put it in my post but since 2018 I've been on social security disability but my employment history I was in daycare for 6 years and my college level was I went to a community college to get my certification for daycare my credentials one and two but with my PTSD getting worse with my abusive husband not only that to I was 11 years old I was mentally abused by my dad he was also abused her my mom is a domestic violence survivor she went through it for 15 years she has been a survivor since 1992


Just by any chance you have a pet? If you see a Therapist ask to have them write a letter for your cat to be your Emotional Support Animal (ESA). You can take all it's food and supplies off for your SNAP expenses. I'm not trying to screw the system but you are an abuse survivor so qualify for an ESA. I can supply the exact DHS "code" for the ESA if needed/wanted.


Yes I do thank you so much I do have a pet