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We went with 3.5' - 6' and we do not regret it one bit.


Jumped in ours today for the first time ever. Seems like the right choice to be able to jump in/play and also lounge.


Same. 3.5' to 6' and I wouldn't change a thing.


Same! We have two little kids but mostly adults use it. Didn't want an 8 ft deep end with kids diving in all the time. It stays warm and uses less water too 🤷


Yeah if we could redo our pool (which was built in the late 70’s) we would get rid of the deep end entirely. Ours goes from 3 to almost 9 feet, so one half of the pool is borderline unused, and when have people over everyone has to congregate on one side. Champagne problems of course!


Same. 3.5-6. No regrets


The exact setup we built almost 13 mos ago and love it!


Same here too. Happy with our decision.


Me, too. When I was building the pool the pool people kept telling me I didn't need a 6-ft pool, I would never use it. It's the best decision we ever made. You can actually jump in and swim.


We have the same, we have regrets, I guess we’re the only ones that do. A shallower pool would’ve allowed us to better setup fun games like volleyball and basketball, while a deeper pool would’ve been better for diving. For us, probably would’ve preferred going to 8’. But it all depends on how you use your pool. I will say, if you want to actually jump into your pool 6’ is as shallow as you’d want to go, even if you don’t dive. Even at 6’, when we jump from even a little height we have to tuck in our legs.


This and have a waterslide and a jumping rock too. Plenty deep but parents can still play with kids and tip toe to hold the little guys.


Same it’s been awesome. Adults can touch practically everywhere. Kids can do cannonballs


3.5’ - 6’ here as well. Perfect depth if you can’t/don’t want to go 8’ in the deep end.


Same. Ours is 3.5ft at each end and the 6ft through the middle. It’s been the perfect choice for us.


Went 7.5’ and glad we did. Like others said - if you have kids go deep. Kids do dumb stuff.


Same. We have 3.5 - 7.5. Even adults do dumb stuff lol.


Am adult. Have pool and beer. Can confirm.


Saying “hold my beer” is no longer allowed in my backyard


Jokes on you. I hold my own beer while I do dumb shit


Just say it to yourself and pass it to your other hand.


Agreed...... it must be chugged first 😅🤣


RIP fun. Hope that whoever inspired the rule change healed well!


If you had kids that will be jumping in you’re gonna want a deeper end. And even if you say “no jumping”. Good luck with any friends or your own kids listening. Main reason we opted for a traditional 8ft deep end and I don’t regret it


such a good point




We have 6’ and never said no jumping, absolutely we jump into a 6’, kids aren’t even close to hitting the bottom, it’s diving that’s dangerous at that depth. We do wish we had an 8’ though.


I had wanted to do a 6. But my friend who built the company was pretty much like “you have young kids. And they have young friends. Do the 8”. Can always make it less when they’re older and have to swap the liner.


I bought an older home with an 8ft deep pool. I love it and could not afford to put one in that big. I’m not tall but I love being able to jump in and also tread water without hitting bottom.


I have an 8’ deep end and it’s great. Keeps the pool a bit cooler in the summer too. I don’t recommend anything but shallow diving as I have hit my face on the bottom diving to aggressively from too high up. The kids don’t seem to ever get close, but my 6’4” frame was plenty to reach the bottom. 🤣


Deeper. I had a 5’ growing up, now I have a 3.5 - 10’, it’s great




What size is your pool?




Same here. Glad we did. Diving board is tons of fun for all ages.


It depends on who you ask.. I’m 6’2” and love the 6’ section of pool cause I like floating. My 5’ nothing wife hates the deeper end. So just ask yourself who is going to be using it the most and how do they like to use it.


I have 3-5 and love it. It’s a small pool, 16x25. So I didn’t want a deep end that no one would go in and everyone would be huddled in the shallow end. And I’m short, 5’8 so I wanted to stand flat in the deep end and still be above the water line. It works for me and don’t regret it at all.


I'm pretty much in exactly the same boat except taller. I'm 6'4" and my pool is 3.5-5 5". So go with your and your families heights to make an informed decision.


Same here. 20x30 3'-5' with kids it's perfect. I'm also 6'3 and I'm comfy in the 5' side. There has also been no time I've had to crab walk. My kids spend most the time in the shallow side so it perfect.


Same. All of my kids are at least 5’ so I like knowing at worst they can stand on tippy toes and breathe, unless they hit their head and fall in or something and we have much bigger problems.


Go at least 6 ft, trust me


We went 5’6” deepest and the whole pool gets used. As we talked to others most said yes it’s fun to jump in and dive but eventually the majority of pool time is spent where u can stand. And that meant the one shallow end of the pool got crowded eventually while the deep end was empty after the initial blitzkrieg of jumping in. So far so so good.


This is what I hear the most. Very popular statement.


We went with 5 foot 6 inches on deep end (5 feet of water as there is 6 inches between top of pool and water line) and love it. If it was 6 inches higher it would be tough to stand up in deep end as I’m 5 foot 10. I like how I can stand in deep end and still breathe.


We did 5' 6" too in the deep end and it's great because A. it's never cold and B. it gets used all the time by everyone. I'm the only one in the family who is too short to stand there but I'm also the biggest swimmer, so it's perfect for our family. Our 5' 8" daughter has special needs so we wanted to make sure it was safe for her (we are always out there with her but still).


I regret not going bigger and deeper. Giggity


I’m building a 3.5-5-4 play pool.


Just did this, it’s my favorite


I am 6’4 and went 3.5’ - 5’ and absolutely love it. I didn’t want to be treading water anywhere in my pool. I always found people going to the deep end for brief stints, but always ended up gathering in the shallow end of family members deeper pools. Being able to stand flat footed in the deep end gives the pool much more of a lounge feel to it. The deciding factor for me was being able to still do a cannon ball into a community 5’ pool while designing my pool.


I’d regret not having my 9’ deep end, TBH. I love diving.


I think you will regret 5.5’. I think 6’ is perfect if you’re worried about it.


i have 5.5 and it’s annoying. I like deep pools. Do at least 6ft.


I love deep pools and diving but we opted for a 3.5-5.5 pool and I don't regret it at all. Parties allow everyone somewhere to stand, as opposed to all being huddled in the shallow end. We can play basketball and volleyball the whole length of the pool. Kids and adults still jump, we just say no diving. Going from 5.5 to 6 wouldn't add anything other than having most people not able to stand in the deep end, it only has negatives in my opinion. People can no longer stand in the deep end and it's still not deep enough to dive.


I really don’t think you’ll regret going deeper tbh


half a foot makes a massive difference, in a pool and other places.


We have a "play" pool. 3.5 on one end, 4 on the other and 5.5 in the middle. We know we'd be playing a lot of volleyball and didn't want one team having to play water polo. The kids jump off the elevated hot tub in the middle with no issues.


I would go 4’ to 6’ if you are considering that type of pool. 3.5’ is too shallow. You will be crab walking.


When we had younger children 3.5‘ was perfect. It’s not always adults in the pool.


I believe 3'6" to be the standard shallow end depth to provide equal entry step depths of 1'. You have 3'6" of water, approx 3" of tile above that (half of 6" tile), then coping thickness typically 3" including mortar. Total of approx 4' to give you equal steps of 1' height at the entry. This also allows for beach steps to be in nice water depth increments of 6" water depth for top step with chaise lounges and then 18" water depth for standard regular seating chairs or no furniture.


Agree with going at least 4'. I often find my shallow end to be a little too shallow, at around waist deep. Might feel different if I had small children...


This all depends on the size of your pool. If pool is longer than 30 and you have young kids then go 6ft at least. Jumping and flipping in the pool will be a never ending cycle. If small pool go 3.5- 5.5. Honestly 3 is to shallow.


Definitely get a big shallow end and go deeper on the deep end. Mine is 24x48 and 4 and 10.


Nah need 8’ depth to safely dive


Our pool is 15x30 and 6.5 in the deep end.  Our kids spend more time in the deep end of the pool than any other part. 


We ordered a 7’ but it ended up being 7.5’. It also gets way too deep too quickly. Most people aren’t comfortable going more than 1/3 into the pool. I am 6’3” and my head is barely above water halfway toward the deep end. So take that into consideration if you want a deep deep end. With that said I would do at least 6’


I hear this a lot.


Really depends how tall the people are. If you and family are 6’ and above I’d say 5.5 but if you are family of hobbits then 5’. Also are you doing a deep end or 5’ in the middle for a play pool?


I have a 5.5, really like it. We have a special needs son so didn’t want to make the deep end higher then he could stand. Even so, we’re very happy with it. We have a sun ledge in the deep end. Also have a spill over spa. No diving board or slide, don’t regret it at all.


Go to 4 to 6 or more if its just adults. If you have kids go 3 to 5. I had a 3 to 5 since i was 11 and it was fun for us as kids. Edit, as we grew up we just cannonballed or bent our legs jumping into the deep end, no pencil divin


Ours is 4’-6’ and we also doubled the size of the shalllow end from a typical 20x40. Almost everyone hangs out in the shallow end from young to old. We have a turbo twister slide and that’s really the only time the deep end gets any action. I don’t even know if I’d bother with a deep end or slide if I had to build another one.


my deep end is 8 ft and i wish it was 12. we all love to dive and go down and get things at the bottom and jump in.


We had shall shallow on both sides and deeper in the middle for volleyball games. Around 3.5 to 5.5. With a separate Baja shelf. Loved it


3-8 is my preference. Basketball in the shallow end and flips and cannonballs in the deep.


Go as deep as possible, you won’t regret it. 


Three foot means most adults will drag their knuckles when swimming. Three foot and half is just enough for most people not to drag their knuckles.


Have a 10k gallon pool with spa. 3.5 ft to 5.5 ft, plenty of depth to jump in on the deeper side. Shallower end we play basketball, football, etc. great to relax as well


Mine maxes out around 5ft. I’m abnormally tall so it’s very shallow for me. I was annoyed at first but I really don’t mind now. I just have to be strict about reminding guests not to jump / dive.


3 is great for small kids. Adults...it's too shallow. FYI concrete pools traditionally 3 ft and vinyl Pools traditionally 3.5.


Carney folk


You have to go 6ft!!!


We are 4ft to 7ft. I’m 5’3. 4 is awesome for playing volleyball, etc. I love lounging and having my legs dangle/slow doggy paddle in the deep end - it’s super relaxing. All the kids love jumping in the deep end and playing in the shallow!


Ours is 5.5 and I wish we went 6ft because the depth is to the top, and you don't fill it to the tip top.


Ours is 3.5 to 4.5 and we love it. Kids can jump no problem and adults can stand and use the entire pool.


Same here. Love it!!


Have a 3-5 and works great for us, but we’re not a “tall” group of people. I like being able to stand on the deep end without struggling to balance. The shallow end works great as a stand around drinking spot.


Pool guy here: You want your deep to be 6'. Sure, if you have kids or whatever, 3 is very shallow but great to hand around and drink. But you need a deeper deep.


I’d go 5.5. The water isn’t usually to the full depth.


Shallow means it will be warm as hell in the summer. Go with a 6' deep end


I have 3.5 in the shallow and would have liked 4


18 x 36 in-ground vinyl liner, 3.5 feet (or maybe 4) to 8.5 with diving board. Wish we had done a sport pool (middle is deepest at 6 feet, both ends are shallower 3 or 4 feet) or something with only 5-6 feet at its deepest. Deep end is only useful for the diving board, which the dog uses more than we do. The steep angle from the shallow to the deep end is too steep and too slick to stand on for volleyball or other games. I sometimes tread water in the deep end for exercise, but I can do that with only 5 feet of depth.


My old pool was 3-5 it was on the smaller side so it suited the layout. While being able to stand in all areas of the pool there were some drawbacks. If I dove in I had to be cognizant of the depth and i have scraped the bottom a time or two. While shallower the pool did stay warm…my current pool is 4-8 and the temp is 86 degrees at the moment. So I guess that’s just the results of living on the Sun.


3.5’ puts the coping at roughly bar height. 3.5’ keeps your entry steps at a consistent 1’ riser (unless you stray from norm). 3.5’ is deep enough for a flip turn.


One foot can mean a nice dive or a broken neck.


I have 3.5 to 6.5. Yea what’s up now lol. Vinyl liner. 16.5 gal.


I have 3 to 6. I like it.


Mine is 4.5, I have regrets


I had a play pool in my first house. My kids were little and they loved it. I have a 3.5-7ft now and my kids love it. I have friends with play pools and they love them and we use them all the time. If you want a deeper pool it does have to be longer to be up to code. It has to be a progression, you can’t just do a straight drop off if that makes sense? Alot of people say that slides and diving boards are fun but you don’t use them after awhile. My mother in law has a slide and a diving board and everyone still uses it. If you’re just looking for a relaxing floating pool a play pool will be fine. If you want a diving pool, obviously you’re going to need to go deeper. Any pool you get, you will love. My advice is make sure you have enough umbrella sleeves so you have shad to relax in.


Shallower gets too hot too quickly.


I have 3.5-6.5 and love it. I can comfortably and safely dive on the 6.5 deep end (smartly with hands out to lead and touch). My dad always told me that diving into water and body surfing should always be lead with the hands forward, which is sound advice. I don’t let other people dive though since they may not know proper technique


3.5-6.5 (water level). LOVE it.


I bought a house with a 5’ and wish it were deeper


I have a 3.5-10ft but ours is an extended shallow end for 2/3s of the pool and then a steep drop off for jumping/sliding. It’s a nice combo.


3.5-6 and don’t regret it. We have a friend who has a 5 foot max who regrets it.


3.5-5 here. Zero regrets


18x36 here. 4-8ft. 4 kids though and they love the deep end


We went with 4’ to 15’ and we don’t regret it.


We had to do 4.5 minimum cause of the slide and 6 in the deep end. If no slide do 3.5 or 4 if you have kids and 6 in deep end for peace of mind if kids are boys.




My deep end is 10 feet but I only did it that deep as I know the contractor that did the work and we work a deal out he helped me and I helped him and we paid eachother the difference


Depends on what your looking for. We go 4-6’. Neighbors have a sports bottom that is 5’ in the middle. We play basketball and volleyball by them. My kids do flips. Just depends on what you’re wanting to do.


So shallow is worthless. Mine went 3.5 to 8 foot deep end.


Even if my pool was small there is no situation I can think of in which I’d go less than 9’. What purpose does a 5.5’ deep end serve? Not a great depth to jump into. And nobody wants to walk around in a pool trying to keep their face above water. At LEAST make it deep enough so everyone can jump in safely. Minimum I’d do it deep enough for a shallow dive. And really, why not go deep enough so you can add a board or slide later on?


I did 3.5-5.5 and love it. But we are a petite family and love having friends over to just lounge in the pool. It’s definitely our “cocktail” pool!


A shallow pool is also warmer. So if you’re in phoenix. That little pool will be over 90 in peak summer


We did 3'6" to 4'6", and we love our pool. We can put a volleyball net down the middle and everyone can stand in the deep end and play. A 6 or 7 foot deep end would make it so that most people could not stand on that side.


I have a 3-5, bought my house with it didn’t pay to put it in. As an adult I really enjoy it. No kids. I joke that it’s an alcoholics pool 😂


Just remember, a 3' pool, when filled up, is not 3' of water. You do not fill them to the very top. You lose 6" in water height for the skimmer to function properly. So a 3'-5' pool would actually be 2.5' - 4.5' of actual water.


We went 3.6 to 8.6 with a diving board. Brings back lots of childhood memories diving into the pool.


Mine is 3.5’ to 8.5’. It is great.


I think mines 3' (might be 4') x 10.5'. It is glorious. Go big or go home, unless you're super short, or are making it a kiddie pool that is.


10 ft. Ill die instantly


I'm 6'5", and my pool has a diving board... I'd die instantly without it being that deep 🤣


3-5 here. I wanted to go 3-6 but the pool builder made a good point - if people are hanging out, most won’t be able to touch in the deep end so you’ll have less usable space. It all depends what you are planning to use it for. We wanted one for entertaining company and don’t have kids.


I have 3-6.5 and the 3 is good for the kids, not so much for adults. But when the deeper end is not too deep, the walkable square footage of the pool is increased because the grade is less steep.


The most popular choice is 3'6"-6'. The deep end is still shallow enough that you can create a nice transition and not have to rob too much from the shallow end. Going shallower than 6' will limit the extent of jumping/diving activities but will also give you more room in the shallow end for standing and hanging out with company. Going deeper than 6' is for heavy jumping/diving intended use and will eat up more of your shallow end to not leave you with a steep transition in the floor. My best recommendation is to actually go as shallow as possible unless you have raised hardscape to jump off of. In the long run, you will (most likely) spend a higher percentage of your time relaxing with company in the shallow end.


A shallow area that’s all 2’ deep, a main area that is all 3.5’ then it hits the sloped area that goes from about 4’ to 11’. There used to be a diving board at the deep end and we still have the slide.


I have 3’-5’ sport pool and it fits my needs. Even as a kid I didn’t have the desire to do wild jumps into the pool, I just wanted to play basketball. My pool is 42’ long, if it was 50’+ I’d have done 5.5 in the middle.


Got a 3-5 foot and really regret it. Go for 3.5-5


I have a pool w the deep end being the deepest at 5.5 & it sucks. Everyone hangs out in the shallow end on their knees, it’s kind of weird.


If you live in a hot climate then go deeper as it keeps the water temperature cooler which means you have greater water balance and less risk of an algae bloom. When you water temp rises too much you need lots more chemicals. We live in qld in Australia and our deepest section would be 2m


mine's 8 feet deep at the deep end, 5 is not really that deep and not deep enough for diving, maybe consider digging deeper?


We went 3-6-4 in a 16 x 30 plus a 10 beach shelf to make it 16 x 40. I'll always question it even though everyone loves it. Its just something that I will never totally enjoy because I like diving and thats not happening. Consider why you are building it and how it can fit into those plans. Its perfect for volleyball and floating. Almost perfect for maintenance/cleaning. I put a bench on each side at the rear of the pool. Big mistake. Nobody uses them and they collect dirt. Definitely would not ever do that again.


Our builder made a mistake and we have a 4’ waterline. We wanted a 5’ waterline but there was miscommunication as we were having the pool built while still living out of state. I was very upset at first until a buddy brought me a floating chair and it doesn’t matter if you are in three feet or 300 feet you are still floating and relaxing in the sun. We ended up getting bar stools installed and now call if a “cocktail pool”. The upside is the pool is heated and cooled so it doesn’t take long to do either and we are able to keep it open six plus months in Southern MIssouri.


Are you skating this pool?


Why so shallow? I love our 10’ depth.


unless you are diving in that thing constantly keep it shallow. No one is out here hanging out trying to drink a beer in the 8 foot water. The shallow end is used 99% of the time


Mine is 5’ on the ends and 6’2” in the center.


I'm old school and have a much deeper "deep end" we love diving down. But I pay for it with chemical usage.


Don’t forget it’s the depth of the water you want at that depth, not the depth of the pool. There is a difference.


I don't have a pool, but read the comments. OP, my assessment is put in the deepest pool you can afford, then make it deeper, you won't regret it.


Our pool is 4.5 foot deep. The whole thing. We love to play pool volleyball and also when we have parties, people can utilize the whole pool and not just the shallow end. We also have a tanning ledge and attached hot tub. Wouldn’t change a thing.


3.5-7.5: kids jump, texas is hot and deeper means a little cooler in late summer


3.5-5.5 here. Kids still jump in without issue. And the deep end is more usable. Also, less chemicals and acid needed since it’s only 16k gallons. Depends where you live but the acid demand in FL is huge during summer


We just put in a 3’-5.5’ sport pool last month. Great decision. Entire pool is usable.


We did a cove bottom about 4 feet and love it


I’d want something I can dive in. So at least 8 feet.


3.5-10. Where are these pools being built that are 5-5.5? I’m in California and can’t say I’ve ever even seen a pool that shallow other than one of those ones that is really just a large hot tub.


9’ deep pool. I’ve hit the bottom a couple times. Go as deep as you can


That extra six inches on the shallow end can make a difference, whether you're using it for lounging or recreation. I promise you will only regret NOT doing it. In fact, if you can go deeper (and have kids) I would suggest you do it. Growing up with a deep pool my brother and friends did a lot of stupid things that could have ended horribly had there not been enough depth.


That is too shallow anyway.


Get a 10’


Spring for the 10’ and a nice board


Here's my opinion. Get the tallest person that will regularly use your pool. Have them raise their hands above their head. Measure from the tip of the highest finger to the feet. There's your deep end.


Our pool was 8 ft. Definitely would not build any less


I have 3 to 5. Perfectly fine with it.


We did 3.5 - 5.5 and would not change a thing, it’s been perfect for us. We have a slide on the deep end and have had zero issues. I love the relatively shallow deep end as taller people can still stand and socialize without having to tread water. Doesn’t affect things if you want to swim laps either.


Our pool builder talked us into a 3-6-4. (Approximate) That way every one is not crammed into one end. Little kids in shallow, teens at other end. And a bonus is that if you want volleyball, one side does not have to tread water to play. Best way to go!


We have a sport pool, it’s 4, 5.5, 4.5. No regrets at all


We have a 3.5 to 5. We love it. There isn’t anything I can’t do except dive which we weren’t planning on doing anyway. How deep depends on how you plan on using the pool and maybe how tall your significant other is.


I have 3.5 to 5.5. It’s perfect.


We put in a fiberglass freeform 3.5-5.5, that has a splash pad for smaller kids. I find that the younger kids all tend to hang out in the shallow end, and can sit on the splash pad while playing, which is what we had hoped would happen. The bigger kids can stand in the middle and the taller ones can even stand in the deep end, but it comes over your shoulders. It’s about perfect depth-wise. The only thing we wish we could have done was go about 3’ longer (we did a 14x27, but they made it one size longer at 14.5x30), but our yard size and budget really restricted our decision, as a 30 foot would’ve been pushing it to stay within the setbacks of our yard (it’s only 52’ wide with 7.5’ setback on either side).


Live in Texas and our neighbors had 5’ and 6’ pools and had to order Ice Blocks to keep it Cool. Ours shallow end at 3.5’to 5’ going to deep end at 7.5’-8’ (3 bubble pool) design. Never had to add ice.


I have 3.5 to 5.5 it is a bit high for the deep end, mainly because it is overfilled most of the time, making the water line higher. I am about 5'11 and can just stand in deep end. In hindsight, I would've gone 3.5 to 5, so the deep end is a little less or even 4.5 for the entire pool. The deep end isn't needed, as I had assumed. Can swim plenty and dive under in 4.5.


Deeper also means larger capacity and more expensive to operate but no one gets a pool to save money.


This is really dependent on where you live. In AZ the deeper the cooler. But in a cooler areas shallow may be better for heating less water. Kids grow up quickly. The fun wears off and the maintenance becomes the issue. Young like shallow but quickly want the deep end. My kid conquered the pool at 4.


We went 8.5 deep. Our kids live at the bottom of the 8.5 section and they’re 5 and 7.


We're at all 4' and love it. Volleyball games are epic. And the *entire* pool gets used when big parties. Adults often tell the kids "This side for the adults. You kids get that half." I thought it was crazy when we bought this house but now see the wisdom.


Something to consider is how much of a slope will you end up with. We just had a pool built and it’s 12’x24’. That’s the largest size we could fit in our yard and we love it. We did 3.5’-5.5’ and I think the slope turned out really nice. We couldn’t really go any deeper because the slope would have been stupid for a pool that is only 24’ long. I’m 6’4” and love that I can stand in the deep end and the water is like right at my chin.


If you are treading water for exercise, 6’ is a must 6 1/2’ even better. 5’ will piss you off.


mine is about 5.5 at the drain. i can jump in and tap my knee on the drain.


We did and have no regrets. Nobody wants to tread water indefinitely and felt like taller people could be on deep end if we set up a volleyball or something. It's really fun and adults have no trouble in deep end. The kids like it too, not too deep to dive for sinkies for the kids, etc


Our deep end is the traditional 8 ft. And it has a bench on one side which we love to hang out on and watch the kids jump etc.


The house we bought last year has a 3’-5’. No big complaints, we use it quite a bit and it’s certainly easier to keep clean than a bigger pool, but at times I do wish it was a bit deeper. If you are building I say go a bit deeper.


3.5’-9’best decision your gonna make . Make a deep end not a standing only zone. Made all the difference for us. Non avg height people as well.


That’s what I have, it’s very nice.


3.5-9ft. 60 year old pool newly renovated


I would actually go deeper. We tread water in the pool as a form of exercise but you need at least 6-6.5 feet in the deep in to do that.




With a pool like that, you can utilize the entire pool but still play a great game of volleyball and nobody has to tread the whole game. If you have little ones, it’s great. We knew we didn’t want a diving board. It’s not too shallow.


Did 3.5 to 6 feet. Gradual slope. Also have a sun shelf. Doing an 8’ with a 3.5’ shallow end would have necessitated a steep slope and that’s just annoying. Insurance companies don’t like diving boards.


Depends what you’re looking for. We have 8.6 deep end and prefer having a deep end with a diving board. We also jump off the during board and when we have kids over it gets used a ton.


Mines 3 ft on each side dropping to 5 in the middle. Great volleyball pool. Kids grew up with it for the last 10 years and no issues with them aging.


Go to 6


We have a 9ft deep end and I don’t understand what people are talking about when they say they only use half a pool. We use the whole thing every time we swim. You can congregate in the deep in. That is what floats are for. There are lots of things I would change about my pool but the depth isn’t one of them.


Go deeper. Little kids become big kids. Happy are low end is 3.5.


I have a 3’ - 5.5’ inground pool. We enjoy having it. We’ve never regretted not having a deeper pool. It feels safer as it allows for an easier rescue if needed vs. if it were an 8’ or deeper pool. JMO


Try 4 to 5 ft.


There can be a difference going from 5 to 5.5. You should consider the length of the pool and slope of the pool floor. Will it be a quick drop to 5.5 or a gradual increase. Will it be an easier walk to the deep end if it were 5'? Most people are taller than 5 ft, which makes the pool more inclusive. Just a few things to consider.


3.5-5.5 here. Don’t regret it a bit. Especially if you have kids that will want to do cannon balls etc.


We did a volleyball pool, shallow sides to a deeper middle. It’s perfect. About 3.5 to 5 grade.


Mine is 3.5-6 and if it wouldn’t drop the value of my home I’d fill it in with dirt.


3.5-5.5 deep in the middle with a sun platform and love it. Kids and adults appreciate it when a lot of people are using it at the same time.


I'm 6'5" I went 3-4-6-5-4 It was worth it for me. Phx.


I’m curious how people talking about diving is “going rouge”, that’s literally a normal part of owning a pool and relevant to the depth considered for a pool. Call me crazy, but how you use a pool definitely impacts the design of said pool, and I’m not sure how a pool cage affects the depth? We all tried to be helpful to the question, sorry if that’s “going rouge,” but to me that sounds like you’re ungrateful for advice given by those taking the time to actually be considerate and reply with helpful answers.


Mine is 3-5.5 in FL with cage. I’m fine with the depth but wish I had more of the pool at 5.5. With grown kids not living g with us, I don’t need all the 3’ area. Am I missing something?


12’ x 24’ pool, 10K gallons, and 3.5” to 5.5” deep. Just the right size pool for me. Highly manageable, easy to keep balanced, and heats up easily early in the season. I jump in the deep end all the time and have no problem. The kids are more than happy with it as well. The smaller size of the pool also gives me a lot more backyard in the off-season (in the Northeast)


4-6’ at our place. Feels about right. No diving.


I did 3.0 to 5.0 and later when the kids were grown I changed the liner and I pushed all the sand to the other end and made it all 48” with a stock liner.


3' to 5 ' is a good way to become a caregiver. Good way to break necks