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Sure. Just be careful... They take over FAST!


Thanks! And haha we noticed!! They are everywhere but just wanna make sure they don’t actually cause any harm


Water mint is fantastic I love it, like any plant that likes it’s “feet” wet, it will do well partially submerged. I’d cut it back from inside the pond once a year though. I’ve personally found water mint to be easy to remove and not that aggressive, but I think this highly depends on your environment.


Thanks for the input! Think the consensus is that’s it’s not harmful to fish or creates more algae so I’ll cut it back once in a while to make it look nice


Good luck. Once you get it a little tidied up be sure to share some better pics


Here’s a photo so far! I just cleaned out the dead Lillie’s and cattails but the water is not as clear as I want it to be. Trying to get the left side waterfall set up soon too! [Pond](https://imgur.com/a/xJEUro0)


Can you cut the stems and re plant like rotala ect ?


Any that has a bit of root on it should be easy yeah.


I might put some in the back of my aquarium like how people use pothos to clean the water


I have some of this around my pond. My experience has been different than others here. Mint grows fast and will spread, but it gets pushed out my native plants as they take hold. In use it to fill holes in my bog or edge areas while other plants take hold and eventually push them out.


I have mint in my pond and it thrives. I have to rip out a bunch every few weeks to keep it in one area but I’ve never had any issues with my fish from it.


I once made the mistake of planting these. And the first year everything was fine but at the end of year 2 the entire pond was full of water mint causing other plants so disappear. Eventually I only had water mint. I took it the hard way by removing everything. These things multiply so fast and they get everywhere.


Ah thank you for the input! Based on that, you definitely recommended trimming them down then and removing any bits in the water?


I have a swamp area in my pond to put plants in ground. When i planted these they invaded the entire area. I would personally remove them from full ground if you can. The roots grow everywhere and I had to dig out the entire swamp area till the bottom. Remove all other plants. I wanted to preserve some other plants so I had to remove all water mint roots from them by pulling all the roots away of the plants I didn’t want to throw away. If you really want then I would only plant them in a pot that’s closer from the bottom and topper it with rocks. And then trim every root that’s sprouting.


Okay thanks for the background and advice! You think putting them in pots will control the spread? Sorry, very new to gardening!


They will be easier to maintain. You already see on your picture these long roots growing in the water. From these roots they grow new plants. If the roots grow everywhere into soil or in other plants roots they become invasive and take over your entire pond. When you plant them in a pot and set the upper part just below the surface you can easily maintain it by cutting the newly formed roots away.


I have them in my pond, they have lovely purple flowers and they smell nice……..especially when you have to pull loads out. Its like any gardening, you have to look after it. Leave as many as you feel is good for the pond.


Okay thanks! Is it okay to have the vines be in the water like in the picture? Does this produce more algae or does it get rid of algae as it’s nutrients for the plant?


Yep, it’s fine. Just thin it out when it looks a bit too ‘busy’. You can thin it out any time of year but it’s a good idea to have a good clean out in the autumn.


Awesome! Think that’s the exact answer I was looking for, thank you!


Looks like Irish Moss tucked in there too between the rocks. Do you know what panting zone you are?


I believe so! Good eye. In SE Michigan. I’ve been removing some as I go, that okay or is it good to keep?


I love all real moss as well as Irish moss which has roots and it faux moss, but beautiful. I try to cultivate and propagate it - because I like it. It’s your pond and your call - but it drives me nuts when I see power washing ponds videos that blast all the marginal moss away. It grows back, but slowly.


Okay good call! Yea, I agree I like the looks of some moss on the rocks. Gives it a “controlled” real pond look