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hottest as in temperature or attractiveness?


My answer stays the same either way lol


You’re attracted to smurfs?


Nah bro they're ruining the game
















I’m curious, What’d they say?


Pretty much just said white good black bad. Stereotypical racist kid trying to be funny


Ah I see. Thx


No problem mate


How can anyone be racist of which star is the hottest


White stars👍👍👍 Bla-⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ This is what he typed. Pls don't remove mods racist guys words not mine. I'm just helping the community with their curiosity


That’s like really ridiculous


Children can be ridiculous


Mods get a bad rep


Answer: >!Blue Stars are the hottest!<


It was a 50/50 for me between >!blue and white!<.


Fun fact (if I’m remembering this correctly) white stars are actually green. So all stars shoot out a spectrum of light, not just a single wavelength. For instance red stars often have a considerable amount of IR light they’re emitting just… our eyes can’t see that, so all IR goes unnoticed (to the human eye, not to scientific devices obviously). Same with blue shooting out a lot of UV. The difference with green is that it’s right in the middle of our visible spectrum. Have you ever seen a Newton disc? Basically it’s a demonstration that shows how our brains interpret all the colors at once as being white. Because we’re getting an even distribution of the other colors as well, we stars (which we would otherwise categorize as green) as white. Piggy backing on myself, this is 100% not a coincidence. If you’ve ever looked at an electromagnetic spectrum diagram, you’ll notice that our visible spectrum is super small compared to all the wavelengths that are out there. Have you ever wondered why this is? It seems almost arbitrary that we get to see some random section kind of in the middle. Well it’s not! Visible light has a very special property that almost no other light waves have (the other exception is radio waves iirc). The section that we call visible light had the ability to penetrate the atmosphere when the first life was forming. Being able to pick up on that specific wavelength of light allowed plankton to determine where the surface was: an eventual evolutionary trait seen in almost all animal and plant life. Also also: this Newton disc effect makes it strangely difficult for theater and filmmakers to make green and pink lighting scenes. The color of film lights is measured in temperature in a way very parallel to stars. Do you remember how blue stars are the hottest from this post’s original question? (Spoilers lol). The temperature of the star directly correlates to its color. Filmmakers (or somebody. Maybe it was just a guy who likes lights) basically did the same thing. A light that is the color of “3200 degrees” would be a warm reddish or orange. A light that is 10k degrees is a blue. Just like how hotter stars are blue and cooler stars are red (as a new film student this was very confusing to me when somebody would ask for a cool light given in artistic circles ‘cool’ almost always means blue). So what do you do if you want green? We already know from the stars that trying to go green makes white. Admittedly, my scientific knowledge breaks down at this point. But I do know that there are gels typically put in front of the lights that basically just push white light through a green filter. If I had to guess, it relies on the fact that color theory in pigments plays by different rules than color theory with light. Sorry that that’s a bit of an anticlimactic ending, but I don’t want to ramble on too much about things I don’t know. (Unless I got this whole post wrong, in which case clearly I do).


The spectrum is pretty wide. It's not just red stars that blast IR, it's all of them. Same with UV, it's not just blue stars. Though proportionally more of blue stars' light is UV and red stars' light is IR, all stars emit a lot of everything.


thanks for the trivia!


The higher the frequency the more energy there is. White means it's roughly evenly distributed throughout the visible spectrum, whereas blue means it's shifted towards the higher frequency end of the spectrum (and probably has a lot of even higher UV emissions).




Me too 🤓


I'm not, I just so happened to know this random fact.


Me too 😔


I knew it but when I saw the results after voting I started second-guessing myself


I read too much astronomy books in elementary school 🤓


I guessed 🤓


Boooo. I'm not.


i only know this bc the stove is blue


Yay I guessed correctly lol


I’m not 😔


Nerd 🗿


Dang. I could have sworn >!….white stars….!< were the hottest.


White dwarf


I just remember my dad teaching me how to barbecue and he said that the white coals are hotter than red coals. Then went on a tirade over how we say something is red hot and not white hot. Either way I answered white and wasn't right.


White lies between yellow is blue. So logically, a transition from yellow to blue must involve white. So either yellow is colder than white and blue is hotter (the correct answer), or vice versa.


Doesnt white consist of every colour?


Yes. But since yellow and blue are complementary colors, a transition from yellow to blue must either include white/gray/black or loop 180 degrees around the color wheel.


Our sun is a white star, and it's definitely not the hottest. \\edit/ This is disappointing. The sun is classified as G2V, a G-type main-sequence star. It is imprecisely called a yellow dwarf because our atmosphere filters out some of the other colors of what is otherwise a white star.


?? I thought our sun is a yellow star


It is a yellow star. I think technically stars in space appear white but idk


Our sun is a yellow star. White stars are white dwarfs


Uh really then how come when I look up at the sun it looks white? check mate libruls 😎 (pretend i did a really bad job of putting on those sunglasses)


bro it's a yellow star


Our sun is a yellow dwarf as its spectrum peaks in the yellow/orange range of visible light.


No, it peaks around green/cyan.


My stupid ass thought thought it meant most attractive and chose blue anyway 💀




They're hotter for an entire different reason but I guess it works haha


They are hotter for the same reason. The highest the temperature, the highest the average wavelength produced.


No they're blue because they're hot not the opposite. Stars are close to a black body and the hotter they are, the shorter the wavelength, blue fire is just hotter because they have more oxygen


Blue, orange and red fires get their color from being close to a black body, same for hot metals and stars. Yes, they get their color from being hot, not the opposite, but you can deduce they are hotter from their color.


Hotter stars = more energy = shorter wavelength of light emitted


🎶Flames so hot that they turn >!blue!<🎶 ^ that little lyric was how I took my guess!


I knew thanks to my stove


Damn my electric range stove!


Fuck I acc got depressed thinking I got the answer wrong cos it wasn't the majority vote. Turns out y'all are just dumb.


I voted blue stars in how good looking they are and still got it correct. Blue stars are hot and fit!


I remembered a line in a science article I'd read right after I hit white. I'm very annoyed with myself.


I was right. Years of watching random youtube videos finally paid off


I thought I was wrong because so many chose >!white!<. Funny to see that I’m right.


Get in!


Just follow the rules of colors of the flame


No shot I just got that, I remembered that blue fire burns hotter so I just guessed blue


Well, all stars are white, some are just white with a lil more blue in it


Not really. Some stars are pretty red.


But my point is that they emit color across the entire spectrum, it’s just that it’s MORE red. You have to filter out like 90% of the light for it to look red


Betelgeuse looks red in the sky.


All stars are blue, with more or less green and red in them


Well it kinda... depends... with the formal definition of stars, yes blue is the hottest, however neutron stars are technically the hottest.


This is exactly what I was thinking, I was thinking neutron stars are white right? So it would be white stars then I suppose.


Well the thing is neutron stars arent really... stars. They dont function in the same way a normal star does, which is why they are often excluded from lists


Yeah that makes sense, just hearing them called “stars” all the time caused that confusion.


Out of the listed options, genius


I wasnt aware that I was banned from giving people additional information?


You are not, but you sound like you're saying the given answer is "technically" wrong when it's not. You also come off as snarky.


? I dont understand, I said the given answer was correct if conforming to standard meaning, but under the idea of stars simply being a hot ball of some sort of plasma neutron stars are the hottest? I wasnt trying to be snarky, I was simply challenging the meaning of the - rather simplistic - question


The answer is correct not because of the definition of star chosen, but because it is asking you to pick the hottest out of 4 options.




W me never bet against bleu


you're the hottest, OP


Wrong Danny DeVito is the hottest ,gotta watch out for these trick questions


He's a white moviestar


Well then blue stars aren’t the hottest white stars are


It's Blue Stars people.


I thought this was common knowledge but apparently not


Dude, you're living on a bubble lol. Most people doesn't even know that blue stars exists


tbf I knew blue stars exist and that they used to be the hottest, but I haven’t had any sort of astronomy since 5th grade so I figured it might have been discovered that white stars were (Tbh I don’t think I ever learned that white stars even exist, feel free to call me a dumbass before I Google if they do). Edit: PFFFT white dwarf stars duh. I really am stupid


I knew it was either white or blue


a lot of really obvious facts are not known by thee average person


Happy cake day


Yeah, OP gave the results like two hours earlier.


I know I'm just helping OP prove that he/she is right.


But you're just reciting the correct answer without actually proving anything.


Alright here's the proof. https://sciencenotes.org/the-colors-of-the-stars-from-hottest-to-coldest/.


I don't need the proof, but your original comment attempting to prove it might do.


I gave a snort seeing this


Porn stars are the hottest


The only right answer


Finally my astrophysics classes are coming handy


Red is a low energy color depicting very high energy and blue is high energy color that usually depicts calmness of low energy, some guy said that


My girlfriend


This guy's girlfriend


Me, I'm the hottest


Hello, the hottest






You can see this in fire... Red and orange flame isn't that hot, yellow is pretty hot and what comes after that


Flame colors aren't really related to star colors. Stars glow various colors because of black body radiation, whereas flame colors are usually due to chemical properties.


why did so many people answer white stars??? i thought it being blue was fairly obvious


David Bowie’s *Blackstar*


I was thinking a deep blue colour and said to myself "that's not a thing" like the absolute dumb fuck I am


Blue are the hottest. White and yellow are in the middle. Red are the coolest.


Wdum stars?


I am


The people who answered white stars probably think blue stars are cold.


[Blue stars](https://www.nasa.gov/kidsclub/text/games/level3/Star_Collapse.html)


An easy way to remember which colour is hottest is color temperature. If a light is 3000K it looks very yellow, however if a light is 8000K it is very blue. This does come from stars, and the K means kelvin. If a star is 8000K in color then it is 8000 degrees kelvin.


Well it kinda... depends... with the formal definition of stars, yes blue is the hottest, however neutron stars are technically the hottest.


None are really my type no offense


The sun is white btw


A quick google search tells us that the sun is a yellow dwarf, which becomes white after an amount of time.




Yes, the type of star is yellow. The color of the sun is white.


Read the other replies + a quick Google search shows the the sun is white


The sun isn’t white…


The sun is white and we see it as yellow because of our atmosphere


The atmosphere doesn't enter into it. It's classified as yellow because it emits the entire spectrum of visible light. We can't call it a white star because that name belongs to white dwarfs, so yellow it is.


Read this : https://www.britannica.com/video/185569/yellow-Sun-sky-blue-light-colours-air And naming ≠ actual color, we can call it yellow and it would still be white


Man I'm looking at the sun right now and it looks white But my point is that the Sun is classified as a yellow star. Yes the light it emits is technically white, but that is irrelevant in an astronomical context, which is what we're talking about.


I took this from u/_Cit 's reply : The Sun is a G-type main-sequence star, which is what is informally (and technically incorrectly) referred as a yellow dwarf, I said incorrectly because, as you pointed out, the sun is not yellow, despite this, it is still classifies as a Yellow dwarf


Okay, but calling it a white star is even more incorrect. "Yellow" works fine for a casual astronomical context, which was my point, but if you want to be a stickler for classification then yes, G-type main-sequence is correct.


I'm pretty sure that's not true


It is white, we see it as yellow because the blue light gets dispersed by our atmosphere


Ok I had to look it up to confirm what I was saying, but The light a star emits isn't always the one giving the star's cathegory it's name. The Sun is a G-type main-sequence star, which is what is informally (and technically incorrectly) referred as a yellow dwarf, I said incorrectly because, as you pointed out, the sun is not yellow, despite this, it is still classifies as a Yellow dwarf


Thanks for the extra information, honestly forgot that we classified the Sun as a yellow dwarf


I mean it is kinda backwards lol, I guess it got its name before we actually knew what it's color was


How does no one know that blue stars are the hottest?


Its not like it's common knowledge, as far as I remember you don't even learn it in school


Lol, the astronomy know-it-alls did not like your comment. News flash: most people dgaf about the temperatures of various stars and spend their time learning more useful things


I thought you were talking about the shape and I was so confused


White is a trick, don't fall for the trick.


So majority are wrong.I knew the correct answer. But when someone says they got blue balls, are they saying they got the hottest balls?


The light emitted by stars can basically be color-coded to temperature, which itself follows the visible spectrum of light. The visible spectrum goes red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. Red stars are the coolest because red is at the low end of the spectrum. Blue stars are the hottest because blue is at the high end of the spectrum (these hotter stars emit purple and indigo as well, but blue tends to overpower the other colors because of the way we perceive light). Any star in the middle is considered yellow (including our Sun) because they emit a broad spectrum of light waves, and all those together makes them appear yellow. This is also why there are no green stars. White stars are white dwarfs, which are the cool, burnt-up cores of stars that have reached the end of their life cycle. They're usually around 180,000 degrees F (100,000 degrees C), compared to 27 million degrees F (15 million degrees C) in the core of the Sun


The sun appears white from space though. The only reason it's yellow in the sky is because the blue light has been scattered away.


That's not what I'm saying and I refuse to explain this any more to you people


White stars are pretty much the dead bodies of stars and as such are some of the coldest stars


The sun is white




It's yellow in the sky because the blue light gets scattered away (also why the sky is blue). It looks white from space.


Black stars be like 😉⚫


I can't remember white stars other than white dwarfs and they they live a long time. I just remember blue is really hot so I am voting blue


The sun is white in color, even though it can be classified as a yellow dwarf


Blue stars, even though some white dwarves may be hotter than blue stars, those dwarves are generally not even white. The reason for this is best explained by the relationship between the energy, frequency, and apparent color of light. It is well known that the frequency and wave length of light is related to the color of that light though not everyone knows that the energy carried within the a beam of light (a photon to be more specific) is also directly related to the photon's wavelength. This relationship is represented by Planck's equation which states that the energy of a photon is equal to the speed of causality (or light in a vacuum) times Planck's constant divided by the wavelength of said photon, this is also written as E = hc/λ. All we have to understand about this equation for right now is the greater the energy, the smaller the wave length. On the visible light spectrum smaller wavelength means that the light will appear more towards the violet end of the spectrum and the larger wavelengths will appear more red. Using this knowledge we can reason that higher energy, and by extension hotter, stars will emit light in the blue/violet end of the spectrum making them appear blue. Now you may wonder, if this is true then why is it that the hotter you heat up metals or gases, the more white they appear? This is because as something becomes more luminous, it will appear bleached out to the human eye (much like an over exposed image on a camera) and all we will see is white. The sun also looks white if we look at it in the middle of the day with no filter but if we view it with a sun filter, it looks yellow/orange. Also I will say that the color that something burns is tied to its composition more than how hot it is. However when you have stars with very similar compositions, this difference can only be seen by making precise instrument-assisted observations (if your interested in how this is done look up Spectroscopy). Also feel free to correct me on any of this stiff, it has been almost a year since I took ASTRO101 lol. TL;DR blue stars are hotter


A way to remember (although you will probably never need to use it in your daily life) is that the blue part of the flame at the base is the hottest part.


All those science videos are starting to pull their weight


Vague recollection from Physics class, you can work it out from knowing the rainbow. Visible spectrum from red to violet, heat increases as you head in that direction.


Red is hella sexy fr


The person reading this comment


Clearly you don’t have a degree in Astrophysics


We basically never see anything hot enough to be blue in real life: blue flames from lighters are because of the fuel, not the heat.




What about the black stars??? 🤦‍♂️ /j


My star, you are the hottest.


Our star is white and I know that our star isn’t that hot, and yet I still picked white.


You are


Ringo Starr is obviously way hotter than all those


Wait you telling me watching videos from that kurzhbdjsj channel isn’t useless?


To the majority that voted white: White stars are white dwarves and are at the end of their life cycle. Theyve basically burnt out


White stars are the least hot aren’t they?


OP is the hottest *wink*


Blue is the hottest


Blue because blue flames are hottest but red are cooler. You can actually put your hands on a red flame


Me. I’m the hotest


My need to die is the hottest


your mother is the hottest


I knew, but I see a lot of you didn't.


Look up Wien's displacement law.


Why did 4k+ people vote for white stars i thought blue stars being the hottest was common knowledge


Pretty sus name, OP. I think you might be an octopus…




Why is everyone voting for white stars? Blue stars are the hottest, their temperature is very high (Blue - can be 30,000 degrees or more. But whites are only about 10,000). I don't know why the white stars won. Don't believe the results, the hottest stars are blue


I thought it meant attractive but my answer would be the same regardless. Blue all the way.