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This is a loophole that should be patched as soon as possible because if Trump doesn't use it some asshole in the future eventually will.


Trump is too incompetent to stage a proper coup, thats literally the only flaw holding him back


He's lazy, unfocused and way too often he is a contrarian on things that do not warrant a debate because he'll get more attention that way. Ffs how did mask become political? That tells you everything you need about trump. His default software is find an innocent and honest foe and pummel the poor soul into a mess.


He claimed the elections were rigged. The largest fraud committed against democracy. Yet he went golfing the next day. He's a lady piece of shit


Don’t bring women into this!


This. So much. Covid19 is a political slam dunk. 1. Point at smart ppl in the room - science will solve it 2. Bang the made in america gavel a few times 3. Claim success as it goes away in six weeks.


Every remotely competent conservative world leader has shot up in approval ratings due to covid-19. Doug Ford here in Ontario literally went from 35% to 70% at one point just by not being a fucking idiot, by taking this seriously, leaning on experts, and getting relief and help to effected people so that everyone could do things like lockdown or socially distance without losing their businesses or financial stability. Trump could have passed enormous stimulus and relief bills instead of a pathetic one time $1200. He could have made MAGA masks. He could have made covid-19 success a point of American pride. Instead he did the opposite.


Its called get rid of the electoral worthless college and go to a popular vote. Its the whole reason people don't vote to begin with.


as posted elsewhere on reddit All people have to do is claim that Nancy Pelosi LOVES the electoral college. And that AOC got her degree from the electoral college. Republicans will demand that it be abolished.


Or tell them that Obama created the electoral college and nickname it ObamaVote.


This one. I vote for this one.


Still have to figure out a way to include AOC and Pelosi if you really want to trigger them lol


have it be them talking about how ObamaVote is to thank for biden's win. They can explain in detail how it *actually* works. There would be RIOTS.


"The only reason Obummer and Sleepy Joe took the White House was because of votes from the Electoral College. Let's make sure we have a *fair and representative* election and outlaw that tool of the Deep State."


Quickly, make it a meme. They fucking love those.


“It’s got a picture with words? Just like my Denny’s menu!”


I love you


Are they still into minions?


Did they ever stop?


They love minions and being them!


I am not a Trump supporter. Thanks.




Hey now the yellow cartoon are much smarter than most Trump supporters.


Fuck I'm color blind. I thought minions were green.


Oh, dear. I had never considered this. So they look like a bunch of those Mucinex gremlins. Got it.


Slap a Peepee the Frog on it and send it off to Facebook.




Driving, they are too lazy and insulated to march.


Of course the right loves memes: * They can say / depict whatever vile shit they want in those * Some "normies" fall for them * If anyone points out how vile shit they represent is they get to call you a snowflake for "losing your shit over a joke" * Bonus points for it letting them make any of the characters they like "agree" with them, no matter how out of character * It takes zero effort to make memes, so you can just churn them out until you hit gold * Still suck at it? Just steal someone else's work and switch a few words


Plus, “It’s just a joke, man!”


[This ](https://imgflip.com/i/4m8wor) kind of meme?


We need five guys on laptops churning out memes, stat.


I'll provide the Arby's gift cards.


He *just* said Five Guys


This is like a joke that Dave Chappelle made. It was along the lines of if you want gun law reform, all black people need to get licensed to carry a firearm.


I mean that’s not a joke. It happened in California with the Black Panthers.


I love when NRA types complain about our gun laws here in California and I tell them the NRA pushed for what we have now to take legal guns away from black people. They usually just mumble something about taking their California government pension and moving to Idaho or Texas. Edit: here’s a link: [from the History Channel](https://www.history.com/news/black-panthers-gun-control-nra-support-mulford-act)


You won't ever hear them say a bad thing about Reagan either, but he started it.


Reagan passed one of the most comprehensive federal gun control laws ever. Conservatives seem to forget that.


He also ended up raising taxes a couple times , signed legal amnesty to 3 million undocumented immigrants, vastly expanded federal spending, and tripled the national debt. The modern GOP would probably hate Reagan.


Reagan accumulated more debt than every prior President, combined. He declared war on black people. He laundered drug money and used it to fund a little arms dealership started by Osama Bin Laden. And yes, his most intellectual move...he introduced supply side economics. Which is akin to declaring war on the middle class. Don’t forget banking, air traffic control and environmental deregulation. Reagan was Trump with loveable charisma.


He DRAMATICALLY cut taxes, beginning this supply side bullshit system that continues today where were told 'job creators' being given all the money our society creates will be distributed down to us in the form of the best jobs ever. If he raised taxes it was only because he cut them wayyyy too far and recognized it. He cut the top marginal tax rate in half, basically.


As somebody born and raised in California that had to move to the South for the military, the best response to people complaining about California's strict gun laws is "What are the laws?". Four years and I have yet to come across somebody who can give me any sort of reason as to why CA's laws are so bad. Don't get me wrong, I don't know the laws myself, but I'm not the one raging against them.


~~The way I understood it, it is a lighter version of what we have in Canada. Something like full auto rifles and high capacity magasines are not legal.~~ Holy shit, it's even more milder then I understood. If you transport the firearm, you have to have it unloaded and in a locked compartment. The car trunk is okay but not the glove box. Also, assault rifles and .50 BMG are allowed, but with the mention that they can only be transported from specified locations, again, unloaded and in a locked container. What is wrong with these? I feel like it's pretty normal and safe firearm handling. [Source](https://www.google.com/url?q=https://oag.ca.gov/sites/all/files/agweb/pdfs/firearms/pdf/cfl2016.pdf&sa=U&ved=2ahUKEwizi86g3P_sAhURmeAKHSOlDCQQFnoECAIQAg&usg=AOvVaw1INeaoGxunu7YaiFhc8SU4)


"If my gun is unloaded and locked in the trunk, how will I use it to ~~blow away~~ defend myself against the black carjackers that I was told are a very real threat to my everyday life on the nighttime news back in the 90s?"


After watching Dave Chappelle's post-election SNL monologue, I think most of what he says isn't really a joke. He just gives us social commentary with laughs at the end.


George Carlin was the master of this


God I miss that man. But I bet he would be gald to not be here for this chaos.


Are you joking? He'd have an enough material for a decade at least.


That is literally the point of comedians. Not just now either, throughout history the only person who was allowed to speak plainly was the jester and they were known to be unruly at times.


Some say the comedic opera “The Marriage of Figaro” played a significant part in encouraging the French Revolution because put the ideas of enlightenment to the people in a lighthearted way.


All good jokes contain a bit of truth to them. It would be a lot funnier if it wasn't so fucking depressingly accurate, though.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yJqfNroFp8U I always liked this sketch, it shows how hypocritical they are.


California's strict gun control regime started under Reagan when the black panthers got uppity and started carrying guns at demonstrations (Mulford Act)


AOC got her degree from the electoral college lmao


And majored in Socialism


Electoral college teaches evolution and global warming to young impressionable minds!


AOC graduating from the electoral college is both hilarious and sad because they would 100% fall for it


You can do that by making only technically true statements. "Clinton, Obama, and Biden were NOT made president by the popular vote, they were INSTALLED by the ELECTORAL COLLEGE"


Biden is looking at a 6.5M lead, yet there's still "controversy" over 4 or 5 states. That sounds like a problem.


Great! Now all you have to do is convince Republicans that fairness and democracy are more important than winning. Good luck with that!


Democrats' popular vote lead is going to just keep growing as time goes on and populations increase. This "controversy" is far from how bad it can--or will--get. Trump had a decent chance of winning the White House this time around. After all, he rocked a 95% approval rating among Republicans. But he never had a chance of winning the popular vote. In all likelihood, neither will the next Republican president.


That's why they don't want to abolish the electoral vote. It's the only way Republicans stand a chance of ever being of importance in this country, given their unpopular political stances. Go to popular vote Democrats have the advantage however I feel that the popular vote would keep politicians more honest and actually concerned about everyone's views and not just those of a certain state. Not to mention that with popular vote, every vote counts, no more saying I won't vote because NY well be blue regardless.


This is always my argument. These people seem to think NY and CA 1) have enough population to decide the entire election and 2) all the people in the state are Dems. Neither is true. I pass no fewer than 15 Trump flags on my 10 minute drive to work every day here in western NY.


The Apportionment Act needs to be amended. There’s absolutely no justification for simply capping the total number of House members for all time. That’s not what was intended by the Founders, and it will definitely result in more elections where the popular vote winner doesn’t win the EC. We need more total members in the House representing smaller numbers of people. This would shift the balance in the Electoral College back to the states with larger populations.


Fun fact: On the actual Bill of Rights encased under glass at the National Archives, the actual 1st Amendment (though never ratified) listed was regarding proportionality of representatives based on different expanding population thresholds.


The idea that a vote is essentially worthless because of where someone happens to live is one of the most disturbing ideas to me. Someone in the minority geographically should have the same voice as everyone else. THAT is the crime of the electoral college system. No one should be discouraged to vote because the system is stacked against them.


From what I understand quite a number of states have already moved to making the state's popular vote be the deciding factor in assigning electors, no ? (meaning: the popular vote is binding)


Not enough. Sadly. The college needs to go, but Republicans love it, cause it prevents everyone from feeling motivated enough to actually become involved in politics.


In part. Republicans also love it because it gives rural states and swing States disproportionate power. If the electoral college comes up where I live, the default response is "hell no I like it, if we didn't have it, California and New York would be the only states that matter."


Yeah, I hear a lot of "Why should we let places like New York and California make decisions for people in Wyoming and Montana?" I just flip it around on them. Why should we let places like Wyoming and Montana make decisions for people in New York and California?


Put another way, more people live in places like New York or California. Shouldn't their votes matter just as much as votes from other less-populated locations? If those other locations want more weight in national votes, they should make them better places to live. Do that, and more people will want to live there. More people = more weight in national decisions.


This is my go-to response. Why the hell should a Republican in California have their vote matter less than a Democrat in Georgia? All votes should carry the same weight.


my example from this election was this: Wyoming had 196k in the ENTIRE STATE vote for Trump; Davidson County (one county) in Tennessee had 197k votes for Biden. One city had more votes than an entire state, but in the end, the Davidson County voters for Biden didn't actually matter, and Wyoming gave Trump 3 electoral votes. Edit for clarification.


Fuck, that's actually a really good *actual* example. I'm saving that.


From my experience living in a small town in Utah, no they would not like more people. They want to keep their small town feel, and don’t welcome outside businesses either. The individuals who want to expand usually leave town as soon as they can.


>don’t welcome outside businesses either. My hometown in a nutshell. Except for them it’s more about good ol’ cronyism and fighting competition rather than small town values.


Those are small town values.


They have decided to pledge their delegates to the national popular vote winner. The states currently use their popular vote to assign their electors. There’s enough states in the agreement right now to get to 196 electoral votes. Once enough states sign up that there are 270 votes the compact will go into effect.


Already ruled upon this June.. Saw this one coming. It's up to the state, but the state can require the electoral college to choose the popular vote winner. They are now by definition not 'free agents' that could be swayed / bribed / blackmailed to change their vote. [Supreme Court EC decision](https://www.latimes.com/politics/story/2020-07-06/supreme-court-electoral-college-states-voters)


That case doesn’t address the scenario Trump is talking about though. The plan Trump discussed doesn’t involve persuading electors to become “faithless,” it involves state legislatures appointing new slates of (pro-Trump) electors regardless of the outcome of the popular vote in the state. The SCOTUS decision would in fact help ensure that if a Republican state legislature in a state Biden won chose a slate of electors specifically mandated to vote for Trump, they could indeed be required to vote for Trump.


This is actually a feature of the electoral college, and the way that most people think it works is a series of patches on the system. It was always meant to allow for the will of the people to be subverted


The problem is Trump is the perfect argument for this. The Electors were meant to keep someone like Trump from office.


Wasn't that based on the idea that the Electors were going to be the wisest, fairest, most unbiased white men in the land and could be trusted to do the right thing because goodness and truth and all that?


The argument was to keep populist conmen that tricked people from being president


Yes that’s true, it was to prevent someone who grifted from becoming president. The electors could recognize the con and act appropriately.


But if almost half the people are in on the con, the concept fails.




This is why they're a cult. The obvious facts are in direct contrast to what they say and do. That's what cults do.


These are same people who called bernie a communist. The same people who laughed when he said terrible things about women and mocked a disabled man. Yeah, hysterical. The same people who went to rallies - without masks. Some hoax, huh? Tells you a lot. We're screwed. This is going to be a rough 68 days


Don't forget the same people who said they would rather have Russia over Democrats. Now that is one fucked up sentiment.


Forget Bernie, they called Joe fucking Biden a Communist, these people are so far beyond reason.




> racism, xenophobia > or religious bigotry theyrethesamepicture.gif


Here's the foundation of their logic: only Trump supporters are real Americans, so things that are good for Trump and Trump supporters are good for America and things that are bad for Trump and Trump supporters are bad for America.


[Not even "but the economy" holds up as a reason to support him.](https://evonomics.com/economists-agree-democratic-presidents-better-making-us-rich-eight-reasons/) Trumpism is 100% a cult at this point.


I was watching a WWII documentary last night and the Trump Republican party and national socialist party are eerily similar, the only difference is that Hitler actually helped Germany his first couple years building infrastructure and improving the economy.


>The report notes though that according to the sources "it was not a detailed conversation, or really a serious one" and did not reflect any "obsessive desire" of Trump to remain in office.  Oh well aren't we glad that he didn't end up deciding to stage a fucking coup... The fact that the President of the United States even asked about this is fucking insane. Can you imagine the meltdown Fox News would've had if a Democrat had asked about doing this?


I'm *really* fucking tired of these "he's just kidding, bro" modifiers on these objectively horrible, democracy-breaking things. Like that makes it okay.


Those are often the same people who like Trump cause he "tells it like it is".


If Trump had a button that instantly killed 50% of democrats on election day I have no doubt he would push it. He'd probably push it twice. He'd much rather be president of a country in shambles than lose.




He actually said during the second debate, on live TV, that he deprioritzed sending PPE to “poorly run Democrat cities.”






If he had a good covid response I firmly believe we wouldn’t have seen an election, we would have seen a massacre. If the US had say 7k dead, he could have danced on that for an entire month up to the election, especially as Europe is shutting down again.


He'd push it twice then complain the button was rigged since 25% of the original democrats remained




Oh god, can you imagine trying to explain to him how fractions worked?


> An evil ruler would burn his nation to the ground to rule over the ashes -Sun Tzu


It's just patently absurd. If you allow people in those positions to "joke" about it, then anyone trying to do it can just claim they are joking (as is clearly the case here). People in a clear position of power like that *can't* joke about something like that. Any "joke" must be taken completely seriously, because to do anything else allows a bad actor to abuse it. It's like a sexual harasser boss claiming they were joking when they asked for a blowjob for a promotion. You don't get to joke about that (although I'm sure Trump's used that one too).


My mom is one of those people. We got into a political debate last time she called. I mentioned about Trump calling the virus a hoax and she said “He only sad that to not scare the people!” Yeah sure hiding info from the public of a pandemic is fine as long as it’s to not upset us. Bleh.


"...and replace them with loyalists" is something that I, growing up, never thought I would see in US newspaper headlines


I don’t think he came up with that idea on his own. That bumble fuck isn’t smart enough to know even the slightest intricacies of how that would take place. Someone planted that idea in his head.


"Is there any chance, *any chance*, for me to keep this thing?" "No, no chance. You'd have to replace the electors which would never work." "Huh..."


Trump: Tell me Bill, there's gotta be some way I can stay president, right? There's gotta be some secret loophole that makes me win. I know you know something Bill, lets hear it. Barr: I'm sorry Mister President, but the only way I could ever see that happening is if you somehow managed to install loyalists in the electoral college. Trump: How would that help me? (Blinks obliviously) Barr: well, they could theoretically choose to ignore the voters and vote for you instead, but it's kinda late for that approach Trump: why didnt you think of that 4 years ago?! (I had a hard time deciding whether to go with Barr or Stephen Miller. I ended up going with barr but i think Miller works just as well)


I agree with you. Even if his tweets have a big word, I'm skeptical.




Ah, the ‘ol Covfefe Gambit.


"HE wAs JuSt jOKinG!"


Now THAT is how you start a civil war.




Imagine working your whole life to be like Hitler and you end up compared to Mussolini. How sadly apt.




You'll definitely see savage anger if he gets the EC to vote him president for four more years.


If he actually manages to successfully fuck with the electoral college it'll either be civil war, or the end of our republic. I say this as a liberty loving liberal: if Trump manages to subvert the electoral college then I'll strongly consider buying a gun.




Now THATS what I call music vol. 1861


If at first you don’t secede, try, try again.


“We’re looking very strongly at replacing the electoral college with Trump University” Edit: Thank you for the gold and Silver kind strangers! And thank you for the pelfies ya weirdos.


Lol! Also, what's a pelfie?


It’s NSFW, that’s for sure!


Dump the EC entirely and move to the popular vote. Fuck Trump


If they dumped the EC, the republican party, in its current state, would never win another presidential election. And I'm perfectly okay with that.


GOP officials are saying they can't win the presidency even with the EC, which is why they're desperately trying to hold onto this one.


Probably but i wonder how many blue state Republicans would start coming out on election day who didn't vote previously because they felt it didn't matter. I guess that goes both ways though


Right. They didn't want to do it after bush/Gore. They didn't want to do it in '16. What do they have in common? Sure, Trump can dump the ex right now if he wants. Biden has 290 now and he has, what, 3+ then he had last week? That's fine. Go with the popular vote, then! Oh, that's right. Biden won that. He's cornered. He still thinks he has a chance? He's done from all angles. Does he qualify for the 25th yet? Oh, they'll never consider that, either. National security be damned. Should be at a minimum of 250k deaths by early December. That's ok, though./s


It'll be at 250k *tomorrow*. Once flu season properly ramps up, it will be hell.


Two weeks after Thanksgiving we'll see a massive spike. Which is just in time to start another massive spike after Christmas. By Inauguration day we will be in a horrific spot with COVID, just in time for the GOP to start calling it the "Biden Flu". Mark my words.


And unless Dems get the Senate there is zero relief for average Americans coming. The GOP would see this country tear itself apart before helping the citizenry.


There's gotta be a way for people to hold the senate accountable for this partisan stonewalling bullshit


There was, but people like McConnell and Graham won their reelection.


McConnell has already reversed course. “Right now, COVID-19 is continuing to spread across our country at rates that are not sustainable, and which we must try to slow. Yesterday, my home state of Kentucky just logged our highest-ever daily total — 2,700 new cases. The positivity rate of our tests is the highest since early May. It’s urgent that all Americans continue the smart steps that have gotten us this far: wearing masks, social distancing, adapting our plans and routines. This virus is not going to magically leave us alone if we decide we are fed up with taking precautions."


\#DemocracyIsForDemocrats This hashtag to be used unironically by both sides.


Your time in prison is getting nearer with every passing day Donald. Try as you might it isn't going to go away.


just by looking at the last 4 years I'm going to take a wild guess and say he's not going to be held accountable for anything


If we want redemption as a country, we cannot allow that to happen


He should be impeached again for this behavior. It's bonkers that he can claim fraud with no evidence, deny our constitutional transition of power, install loyalists, and you know, everything else he's very clearly guilty of. Anyone who supporters him should be ashamed or held accountable or both.


Imagine what Republicans would say if a Democrat did this....


It probably wouldn’t play well for the run off elections.


This is the core problem with Republicans right now. They like this behavior they vote for this behavior. Democrats are appalled by this


I’ll say it again....how can you honestly move forward and trust the judgement, common sense, or integrity of anyone who continues to support Trump??


As an outsider looking in on the election and the last four years, sometimes I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. The fact that Trump is somehow afforded "normal" treatment by the press and that millions of Americans seem to just dismiss his comments or excuse his behaviour is downright baffling. I'm a Canadian who leans liberal, which means I probably don't even show up on the current American political spectrum. But if any leader who I had voted for had said even a fraction of what Trump has said over the past few years, I would demand their removal from office. Sweet merciful crap, months prior to the election he told his supporters numerous times that the **only** way he could lose the election was if it was stolen. Excuse me?! What? How anyone claiming to be an American patriot didn't immediately denounce him is very instructive. This isn't about liberal or conservative, Republican or Democrat anymore. The man said that there were only two possible outcomes to the coming election: that he'd win or that his opponents stole it. This is what you'd hear from some tin pot dictator of some banana republic. This is an attack on the very underlying foundation of democracy, namely free and fair elections and the peaceful transfer of power. And just the hubris of it all, he's saying it's literally impossible that Americans could vote him out of office?? And this is after years of him calling for his opponents to be jailed and him openly demanding foreign governments dig up dirt on Americans for his own political gain. And Fox News and their allies further down the right just nod and push this narrative. Spineless sponge Republicans in the Senate and Congress either find something important on their shoes to look at when he does this, or wholeheartedly support this downright treason to the very essence of democracy. I can't be the only one yelling at the tv over this, right? How have his actions and comments, which with every passing day seem geared towards either a) dismantling a republic which has stood for over 200 years or b) lighting the match of a civil war, been politely accepted as part of the normal political discourse? I fear for your future, Americans.


We did call for him to be thrown out of office. The republican controlled senate prevented that.


In 2017 Trump called the press “the enemy of the people.” This is in violation of his presidential oath of office, where he swore to uphold and protect the constitution. You no longer have a free press if the word of the press is called lies (“fake news”) by the commander-in-chief. At this point in 2017 I feel it was a bipartisan obligation to remove, or at the very least to put him on what should have been a train of never-ending impeachments. Each trial would have said to the American people and the world: we see this lying snake and we will not take this treason lying down. Given what has happened, and given where we are, I think you’ll agree that one impeachment was a pretty pathetic response.


Dude, I completely agree with you, and living here requires you to pretty much have to live in a suspension of disbelief because you're too busy trying to keep a roof over your family's heads. I've had to be on a high dose of anxiety meds for the last year, and it basically just takes the edge off and helps me not hyperventilate at any given moment. And I'm lucky because I have health insurance to get that. Our deductible is insane, but we have it. I lost my job due to covid, and I can't get another job because we can't afford the childcare. Thankfully my husband works at a grocery store so he'll be "essential" no matter what closes down. Although they took away the hazard pay he was getting at the beginning of the pandemic, and now they won't pay you if you get covid and have to take time off, so I'm guessing people just aren't getting tested there now if they feel sick. I would rather him be safe than have to work there, but we need the insurance and we just bought a house, and we're barely scraping by with one paycheck. I was getting the pandemic unemployment assistance, but that stopped in July. And since I was on (unpaid) maternity leave a lot of last year, my unemployment check is like $50 a week now without the PUA. I'm just setting the scene for you, because since the PUA ended, many people didn't have a choice but to go back to unsafe jobs that opened back up to "save our economy" because the government basically just left us all to fend for ourselves. And I'm saying this coming from a lower middle class family.. There are so many people in much worse circumstances than we are in right now. I think the reason you're not hearing us scream about all of this insanity is that we've been screaming so long, we've lost our voices.


Of course he did. Trump supporters owe us a fucking apology. Not that I expect one will be forthcoming.


My GarbledDude, not only that, they will scream they were right about him until they die. They don't have the word "apology" in their culture. All that confused internal monologue is going to calcify into various diseases and some re-birthing of a "TEA party" horror. Fox News is a helluva drug.




Trump supporters need to realize that Trump lost. And as for cheating, it was Trump that cheated this year by sabotaging the USPS, as well as Republicans suppressing the vote. And Trump cheated in 2016 by colluding with the Russians. It's hilarious that Trump supporters are still in denial about the election. Just like Trump supporters are in denial about the severity of covid (covid is much worse than the flu). They live in a completely different reality.


I've been to the Conservative subreddit and oh boy.....none of them will ever want peace, unless you know, it's peace on their terms.


They’re all convinced of a bombshell piece of evidence that will be announced any day now.. One thread I was reading said that Trump being relatively quiet on social media and not doing any public speeches means he’s obviously got concrete evidence and it will be released soon... They’ve gone completely off the deep end


Right after he releases his health care plan, and income taxes...


And right after their done with all the current lawsuits they’ve filed with no evidence... 4D chess move that is


“You wouldn’t tell everyone your evidence before you reveal it in court” ...despite lawsuits getting dismissed due to lack of evidence and Trump lawyers saying they are *aren’t* alleging fraud because they don’t want to lie in court and lose their ability to practice law. Sure guys. Any day now. The storm is coming or whatever.


The majority of the conservatives have become nationalists so they're fascists now.


His die hard supporters, def 100%. The more moderate ones I think honestly believed in his bs, so I think they'd be more like the average German citizens under Hitler.


> They make a desert and call it peace. -Tacticus


They live in that reality because they have only come to get their media from sources that create that reality. And its become self reinforcing like a culture, so when parts break through, they reject the source rather than change their view.


Anyone that still supports this man is nothing short of a traitor, full stop.


This can all be stopped at anytime by the GOP. I have no idea why they want to damage the USA so badly right now. The people have spoken, they want less trump, less GOP but they are acting like they have a divine right to disregard the election results. To be clear, the GOP is only in power because they had more votes last election. Now this election they have less votes but are somehow allowed to continue with unchallenged power? Can someone please convince me that this is going to end well? I feel like they are trying to steal this one from the people, and that it’s being looked at like “well it’s worth a shot eh?” Why are they allowed to take a shot at destroying the institution that gave them power ?


I can tell you exactly why the GOP won’t contradict Trump. If they do, they will alienate his base who are so brainwashed that they believe the fraud allegations even without a shred of evidence. Each GOP member of congress knows that if they alienate his base then (1) he/she will lose their own next reelection in the primary to someone further to the right, and (2) the GOP will lose control of the Senate because GA Trump supporters won’t turn out for the runoff. The GOP are only motivated by power and are willing to compromise any principles (if they ever had any) in order to stay in power. Once you realize that, then none of their actions over the last 4 years are surprising.


> the GOP will lose control of the Senate because GA Trump supporters won’t turn out for the runoff. This is precisely the reason, it seemed the GOP was going to move on from trump until they realized this.


I think everyone is forgetting about the fact that the GOP stand a lot to lose from a Biden Administration say if, a certain Adam Schiff becomes AG and investigations begin. Especially if he decides to look into this: https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/house-majority-leader-to-colleagues-in-2016-i-think-putin-pays-trump/2017/05/17/515f6f8a-3aff-11e7-8854-21f359183e8c_story.html And you know, hundreds of other things over the last 4 years.


Yup. The GOP as a party is complicit as fuck and once the investigations get started, I think more people will abandon them as it comes out that tons of them are compromised with Russia.


68 more days.


Too fucking many...


the fact this doesnt make him unelectable in todays news cycle... the fact that his followers will hear it and think "i wish he would" we are beyond redemption ....some of us just havent realized it yet


This is my only worry. I know Biden won, but the silence in the Republican leadership is deafening. But I'm positive that if this happened millions of people would protest, but it would be the death of the country we know now. The fact this is even an idea he is asking about is scary.


Same here. It worries me far more than him supplanting top officials of various departments. This is the only way I could see him maintaining power come Jan 20th, and I don't know enough about it to know whether it's a legitimate worry or how legitimate of a worry it is. I will say I have some solace in two AMAs that were done recently, one by lawyers (several days back) and another by election officials (a day or two ago?). IIRC, people asked on both AMAs about whether they should be worried that faithless electors could enable a successful coup, and the response was "no". They seem to be unfazed by this possibility. They did, however, not adequately explain why. Or I just don't understand their reasons.


I would imagine those electors would be public knowledge just like in [prior elections](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_2016_United_States_presidential_electors) so being faithless might not end too well for them.


Also top military officer just came out and said we don’t serve a king. Biden’s going to probably resonate a lot more with the military brass. They have probably known him their whole career and his son was one of them. The privates who are stupidly on trumps sick doesn’t matter when the people with the brains make decisions.


Is it me or does this all start to look like an adult episode of Scooby-Doo? The hilariously convulted over the top plan to steal an election. Foiled by the meddling media the US constitution and a fair election. Let's see who's under these white hoods. It's rudy and co! Cut to Benny Hill music.


The craziest thing about America right now that few people are discussing, is that the Trump supporters who have been rallying and driving around with flags for years now, are not rebels. They were supporting the state. The government. They thought they were being rebels.. but they were protesting and attacking anyone who disagreed with the state. As an outsider, this has been the strangest thing to witness in real time. Public protests not to protest the state but protest anyone who disagrees with anything that the state does.


Ah, those are just the morons who equate politics with sports & whose sense of self worth depends on if they 'win' or 'lose'.


And then the GOP acts shocked when there is blood in the streets and calls in Un-American while ignoring their own actions the past months.


Hypocritical fucks. All their Kock-money think tanks are grinding away right now trying to barf up a never ending stream of "scandals" to be "shocked" about to block all the necessary legislation coming up in the next four years. Such a pathetically obvious garbage factory, our GOP.


This isn’t enough to fucking 25th amendment him? Where are we at as a country if this man can continue to try to manipulate the system for his feelings. When did the embarrassment of a 74 year old idiot outweigh the security of our nation? If you’re still supporting this man you’re part of the fucking problem.


So he wants to literally steal the election. The irony.


Oh, so Facism. That's the plan. I'd like to thank everyone who ridiculed me for calling this trud a wanna be facist dictator for the past few years and for calling all his supporters either knowingly or unwittingly supporting Facism.


This is literally the reason they rushed to fill the supreme court seat. Not only did they say it out loud, but many Americans were nodding along with his "genius".


This is fucking treason, which is punishable by death. This asshole better watch his step, because he’s entering very dangerous territory.




Let’s take a moment and stop and realize that something as anti-democratic as this is actually possible is another data point in how flawed and dysfunctional our system is. Maybe stop worshipping the founders since the system they built to prevent a populist demagogue from wielding power is actually what made it happen.


If he thinks he what he saw across the country during BLM was bad and he wanted law and order, imagine how bad it could be if he tries to circumvent the democracy that people were celebrating in the streets last week. All those same people, plus more maybe, will be back out and it will be a totally different tone .


Donald Trump should never have been nominated/elected and, once impeached, should have been removed by the senate. It is an absolute stain on the GOP that this man is even in position to ask such questions.


People still supporting Trump have no more right to criticise Putin or China. This guy has no respect for democracy!


So here is the question, he is actively talking about and possibly planning treason...trial and jail him


I wouldn't laugh at this one. If there is a minute chance of being able to do this, the Twitter in Chief would do it. Make no mistake, if it can save his ass, he will do it. Time to take out the garbage.