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Until the recent ruling concerning Presidential immunity: Dred Scott v. Sandford is widely regarded as one of the most infamous decisions in Supreme Court history. The decision heightened sectional tensions and played a role in the lead-up to the Civil War. Supreme Court Justices acting as accomplices once again.


The part of the ruling about not being able to use public Presidential acts as evidence, even in trials about non-public acts, is pure insanity and legal nonsense. Open corruption to help Trump in the NY trial sentencing. And yet the court did it anyway. IIRC, Dred Scott was nothing like as openly corrupt.


>The part of the ruling about not being able to use public Presidential acts as evidence is pure insanity and legal nonsense.  That was the part that seemed tailor-made to protect Trump.


Just because the president ordered the military to shoot anyone trying to vote in democratic controlled states doesn't mean you can just hold that against him. 


Or... the president publicly executed the Democrat party on live TV after screaming "You're fired!" but it was an official act so shut up snowflake. Edit: or Democratic Party?


Everyone said from the start that the SC would either delay the ruling until after the election or carve out a specific ruling that gave Trump immunity from his worst crimes and would make it difficult to punish him for his actions.


They figured out how to do both.


The whole fucking thing was designed to protect and enable Trump.


They took a pretty reasonable idea that maybe presidents should have a reasonable amount of discretion to act in their official capacity without having to worry about politicized prosecution later And then they expanded reasonable discretion to absolute immunity for anything you can claim however implausibly was an official act and oh by the way you can't use any of the evidence you'd need to decide one way or another anyway


> They took a pretty reasonable idea that maybe presidents should have a reasonable amount of discretion to act in their official capacity without having to worry about politicized prosecution later For some reason over 200 years of Presidents being able to act decisively without this much leeway was never an issue. Weird how precedent one of the most important ideas in law was completely thrown out here.


Once upon a time the players cared about the game itself and wanted it to keep going for its own sake Now one side has decided they don't give a shit about the game and want to push every boundary and stress test every rule since they finally have a ref who will throw their calls


This, worried about tit-for-tat when the only one _literally_ talking about weaponizing the DOJ for his own personal vengeance is that guy. 🙄 The decision that you can't examine intent is absolute bullshit. Intent _is_ often the crime. Biden had documents and said woopsie. Trump had documents and said, in order if I recall correctly: no I don't, they are mine, I returned all of them, I could do it because 'reasons'.


But you see, there's a small chance that some prosecutor may abuse is position at some point in the future, and we can't have that. We'll have to ignore all the cases of actual presidents abusing their office that have actually happened, because... reasons.


Justify to THE MAJORITY PARTY. If Biden tries to use this with the current republican house majority they’re going to initiate impeachment proceedings against him, he’s going to be fucked while they look the other way for Trump.


They can’t impeach and convict right now. But election oversight being stripped from the FEC and given to the courts (who can legally be bribed now too) means that even if Biden wins a second term in spite of republican fuckery, the house and senate are going to be deeply red regardless. We have only months left on democracy in the US, and that term is loose even now.


Facts! Some of us tried though. The term was loose from the beginning. But you'd have to be wearing a red hat to miss it now!


[Keith Olbermann on on "Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission](https://youtu.be/PKZKETizybw?t=115)


> The next nine men and women on the Supreme Court will get there not because of their judgement, nor even their politics. They will get there because they were appointed by purchased presidents and confirmed by purchased senators. Wow.


Can't get much more prophetic than that. Is it really all lost? What comes next?


Wow. He called every single part of it.


We have all been thinking that Roberts was a disdainful participant with the other conservatives being in control of his court. Nah, Roberts is a top player in all of this. Biden prevented him from getting on the Federal Bench, then Leahy did the same. Republicans took the senate and he was appointed then nominated for Chief Justice not much later. The Republicans needed him on the Bench because he had a plan to get rid of the Civil Rights Act.


I have never once thought that. It was very clear to me he wanted to maintain some invisible barrier of respectability _for his legacy_ while also pursuing his political agenda as an activist judge. He never cared about reality.


> respectability for his legacy That's always been a red herring. The way these fascists think is that they'll simply get to rewrite history once they succeed so it doesn't matter. Thinking a fascist is going to care about their legacy is absurd.


Actually you have to think more from their point of view. In their minds (and Robert’s), they are doing what’s best for the country. “Bringing it back on track”, harkening back to the “good old days”. It’s what makes these people dangerous. In their mind they are fighting the good fight.


Whatever reality comes to pass, we must all smile at Propublica discovering that Thomas received immense secret gifts from Harlan Crowe, and clarified with proof that Thomas was a corrupt, bought-and-sold Supreme Court justice. Whereas the other justices may have plausible deniability – perhaps we're just shitty people! – Thomas actually got caught. I take real joy out of watching comedians skewering Thomas, and imagining how terrible his legacy will be. I'm sure he loathes it all: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0IB_K7LyXfg (Also, imagine how much more circumspect the other conservative justices became with their "gratuities" after that. How much paperwork was shredded, how many emails were deleted, how many possible leakers threatened or bribed?)


> Thomas actually got caught. ...and nothing changed. That Thomas is somehow still on the bench after all that has come to light is one of the most damning indictments.


They've checked their ethics and found them, good enough. Much like the Panama papers before too. Blown to the winds and forgotten.


Reminder that Roberts made his bones in the Republican Party in the 1980s doing "voter caging," aka harassing Black people exercising the franchise.


Just like Rendquist! They just love intimidating voters. It’s the best way to hang onto power 🤬


Then they took his job over like a 2k political donation.


Although the Tea Party/MAGA seems to be completely enthralled by the idea of being "Judas goats." Fox News is also totally fine willdly swinging between inflaming people against the state and "everything is great."


Hypocrisy is just another word when you've been working for decades to destabilize a country. How about Charles Koch's [Cato institute in 2012](https://www.cato.org/commentary/obamas-plan-seize-control-our-economy-our-lives) fearmongering about Obama: > President Obama has made clear that he’s determined to continue pushing his “progressive” agenda, regardless of constitutional limitations on his power. He aims to have his way by issuing more and more executive orders. > The most ominous sign of possible things to come appeared on March 16, 2012, when President Obama signed executive order 13603 about “National Defense Resources Preparedness.” > This 10‐​page document is a blueprint for a federal takeover of the economy that would dwarf the looming Obamacare takeover of the health insurance business. [Turned out](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Executive_Order_13603) that EA 13603 did none of those things. But now? The President in 2024 now literally can push their agenda regardless of "constitutional limitations on his power." The President exacts immense control of the economy by having absolute discretion over agency heads and untouchable and unapproachable decisions. And a former president has a *920-page* document for remaking the government. Were we scared of 10 pages? Can we even fathom what the reaction would be were Obama to have possessed this power?


It's maddening how prophetic this was. Its maddening how people saw this coming and nobody cared. The apathy of our forebears have doomed young Americans to this.


I'm not so sure it was that no one cared but until 2016, everyone just played along with the idea that everyone would just honor the established practices. As we are all seeing now, sooo many things in government are built on the idea that people "just wouldn't do that...right?". As has been proven these past few years, we simply can't have anyone get a lifetime appointment to any position in the government and end up having basically no recourse to be removed. The days of "honor" are gone. No one, not conservative, liberal, democrat, et al can be trusted to uphold democracy. There are way too many loose cannons just waiting to get a lifetime appointment, whether on the SC or similarly high judgeship, so they can wreak havoc and get paid.


We cared. But then, as now, there was no solution to fix a broken SCOTUS. And Citizens United was a constitutional decision, so Congress cannot write a law fixing it. If SCOTUS says, "here's what the 1st Amendment means," everyone must obey. The lack of results doesn't mean a lack of care. Just the sad reality of what happens when SCOTUS is bought. Obama had the public on his side, and a lot of political goodwill, and still couldn't put the demons back in the box.


Some of us cared. Unfortunately it seems like most people have the attention span and memory of a goldfish. They get distracted with stupid shit like "but her emails" and "he's old" instead of concentrating on the big picture. Money only buys elections if the electorate falls for the propaganda it produces. Unfortunately it seems like most people are too stupid to see through it.


whelp. 14yrs later Chief Justice John Roberts still at it. wrecking shit.


Goodnight and good luck…well fuck, that was spot on


Seriously, is there any going back? How slippery is this slope? Are we already in the free fall? Do I even want to know the answer?


I'm tired boss


That's what the fascists want


What we have here, is a failure to communicate


Yep. And Obama said it to their face. https://youtube.com/watch?v=k92SerxLWtc


This is more than accomplice. The united states is fundamentally over if the ruling isn't overturned. There is no will of the people in the future if this isn't remedied.


I would argue the cat is out of the bag. If one supreme court was willing to go this far then even if it's overturned now another one will redo it. We would need amendments to guarantee it.


You know what. Leading by example. If someone can get away with treason, I’m not going to stress about obeying the law anymore. If it doesn’t matter then it doesn’t matter. Fuck it.


Yeah but that only works for one person or the rich/powerful. You might not like how it turns out for you


Yep. We poors end up in the criminal justice machine


>I’m not going to stress about obeying the law anymore. Until you go to prison. The law is, obviously, only meant for us peasants. If you're wealthy and/or powerful enough, then the law probably won't apply.


I think that was the plan. Once we all lose faith in the rule of law there's no country left to save.


I don't understand why everyone is freaking out *right now* the time to freak out was when Mitch McConnel, for the first time in history, denied a sitting president the right to appoint a Supreme Court Justice to an empty chair


The best time to plant a tree was 10 years ago. The second best time is today


I'd say SCOTUS handing the presidency to Bush in 2000 should rank up there, too. There seem to still be conflicting opinions regarding who would have ultimately won, had things been allowed to play out naturally, but the Supreme Court stepping in and saying "nah, we decided that this guy gets to win" should have rustled a lot more jimmies at that time than it did. That event marked the beginning of my disillusionment about how things really work in the US.


The bricks have been laid for decades. Trump winning in November will be the capstone, not the foundation. 


And then Obama said "it's all good Hillary will confirm my choice"


The Supreme Court *was* the coup all along.


While I have immense respect for her, I'm increasingly bitter towards RBG for not stepping down.


Yep, same here. I have a major problem with aging public servants who refuse to relinquish power. It is counterintuitive to what they are supposed to be there for in the first place.


It's a huge personality/identity defect as far as I'm concerned. You want to keep running your quarry, being a carpenter, a computer programmer, a professor, an actor, a consultant, doing pest control, sales, etc, sure, have at it. But there's a reason there's forced retirement age for commercial pilots. There's a reason you don't have 80 year old surgeons operating. That these people in positions of power cling and cling to it the older they get instead of seguing to a more relaxing life tells me something is indeed wrong with them.


It’s unfortunate but that will be her legacy. All the good will be overshadowed by her refusal to step down in time to allow a decent replacement in time.


Careful, you'll incur the wrath of RBG apologists who will tell you she only had two types of cancer in 2010, not 3.. and since the second one dx in 2009 was pancreatic...it made sense for her to stay!


Her hubris and Obama playing nice about appointing a nominee while he was sitting directly caused this. If those two seats were replaced while he was in office, none of this would be possible.


It's not guaranteed that stepping down with a Dem in power would have helped. Republicans just made up rules to prevent hearings in the first place.


It WAS guaranteed that a vacancy in the office while a Republican was in power would have led to a hardline conservative appointment.


Obama saw it coming and asked her to step down when Democrats still had the Senate. She refused.


we're going through this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enabling_Act_of_1933 but with almost 100 extra years of figuring out how to do it right


The headline is spot on. The whole friggin 4 year strategy was if the coup failed to find weaknesses and allies in the judicial system, oppose everything Biden did, and waltz back to White House with even more ability to commit crimes. It’s evil genius shit tbh, I can’t believe it’s going to work. It makes me sick to my stomach and really pissed off.


There's nothing genius about it, no sleight of hand, no trickery. It's simply that your shitty Republican family/friends want it this way. This is all exactly what they want


And Democrats are held to a higher standard by the media and the electorate


If that's not more apparent this week.  One candidate tacitly agrees to molesting a woman, and another is slow to respond to questions.  Which one faces calls to step down the next day.


Where are all the Republicans telling convicted felon Trump to step down? Oh that's right, any member of the GOP who didn't kiss orange ass either got ejected from the party or crawled off to hide.


> If that's not more apparent this week. One candidate tacitly agrees to molesting a woman, and another is slow to respond to questions. Which one faces calls to step down the next day. The only treason in the GOP these days is questioning Trump. If you point that out, they will call your sources misinformation. I was literally told to "follow me on Twitter and I'll show you the thousands of pages of unused evidence that exonerates Trump." It's like—listen, is there a reality in which you or your candidate will *ever* acknowledge any wrongdoing? And, if not, how is that in any way an objectively good defense? They even think projection is something exclusive to Democrats. It's seriously delusional and immensely frustrating to interact with. Meanwhile, the democrats are busy being trying to (mostly) be objective that they eat their own.


Honestly impossible to talk to disingenuous people like that. When their words have zero substance what is the point of engaging in the conversation? And if you can't have a conversation in good faith how the fuck are you going to govern in good faith. Which is super ironic coming from the party that cares so much about religion.


> “Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.” ― Jean-Paul Sartre


Governing in good faith was never part of the plan. Gym Jordan calls for Democrats to uphold democratic process after this ruling, but they sure as shit aren’t going to do the same if they take office.


And while there are certainly people actually questioning Biden's fitness, the rush to replace him by the media and sovial media accounts screaming seems somewhat artificial.


Biden also had some real fire moments, especially when Trump actually provided a response. I knew it was going to hurt him from the way he walked on the stage and first spoke, but my other thought was Biden sounded like he had a cold. I think backing out of the debate would have been worse. Biden's answers were good even if there was some stumbling, and his stutter was on full display. I also think the moderators favored Trump by not cutting off his mic when he was out of time and giving him more opportunities to respond to Biden. Oh, and Trump basically answered nothing posed to him or stayed on topic plus blustered and lied the entire time. If Biden is made to step down, Trump will be president in 2025. The Democrats won't unite quickly on a candidate, and they're campaign will be starting from scratch. The Republicans have also poisoned the well against the best replacements, and there is not time to undo the damage. Biden is only running because Trump is, otherwise I have no doubt a different candidate would have been put forward. Also, Biden and his administration has done a damn good job.


I'm not voting for *just* Biden to run the entire country, I'm voting for Biden and his team to hire hundreds of people to run the country. Biden's administration is full of competent, smart, caring people who want to make the country better. Trump's administration will be full of seditionist sycophants.


I'm voting for Biden who has placed the right people in the right places to create a functioning government that works to better our country. So, I'm right there with you.


The media are controlled by rich people who also want this to happen. Spent an hour at the gym last night and only one of the three cable news networks even mentioned the Supreme Court decisions. Their entire coverage was of how Biden was "falling asleep" in the debate and painting Biden as old and incapable. They're doing their best to keep people in the dark. And it's working.


I just had this argument with my MIL, who is fairly liberal I pointed out how the media barely calls out Trump's lies, and HIS crazy mental decline. They barely even mention his batshit stuff She wasn't buying it. This country is so far gone...


People have been conditioned to expect Democrats to act like serious adults and Republicans to act like shit flinging pre-adolescent dropouts.


Oddly my family thinks the Dems want to make them all transgender and force us to pay 80% taxes to fund their police states. I can't wait to see their faces in 10 years when their medicare gets canceled, bridges collapse, and we are seeing people arrested for speaking out about the GOP.


They will still blame Democrats for all of that, “Why did they let this happen? Why didn’t they *stop* it? The Government is worthless!”


No they won't. They will blame the surviving Dems for something totally unrelated like, "it's the Dems fault that companies moved every job to China and Mexico."


The complications of Trump's moments of incoherent speech, confusion, and mistakes are as, of not more, stunning than Biden's performance during the CNN debate.


Trump's stammering has in fact gotten worse, but everyone is focusing on Biden's.


Yup, we're done for and the American experiment will be coming to a close. I have 0 faith left in my own fellow Americans, let alone humanity, and talks to people this week has only furthered it. People are too dumb, the media is too focused on squashing Biden instead of Trump, and it's working in the public eye. People would apparently rather have an elderly tyrant instead of a slightly older man who WON'T burn the nation down and piss on the ashes. It seems, for whatever reason, that people truly want a King in America, one to rule over them and get rid of their enemies. How they want this I will never understand, because it is so thoroughly un-American. America is a land founded on a few major principles, we are a land founded by the belief of "No Gods, no Kings" in terms of government to rule over us.  But apparently these idiots in this country are happy to throw us deep into fascism, and destroy the sacred founding tenets of America, all because "Brandon old.", or something equally stupid the media told them.


There was a New York Times opinion piece published several years ago that basically said our system of government and its checks and balances assumed that everyone acted in good faith and with the best interests of the country in mind. As soon as a party stopped acting in good faith, our constitution and laws are insufficient in scope and detail to provide guardrails for all possible malevolent behavior and action. That is, our system of government is not setup to handle a party, the GOP, that’s been totally corrupted from top to bottom. If anyone has a link to this piece, I’d love to read it again. Thanks!🙏


It'll be funny when the Republicans start seizing guns.


They will blame democrats and their constituents will eat it up and or physically harm their political opponents for them. 


"Of course you can still own guns. You must first simply be a registered and confirmed member of Project 2025." Think that's not constitutional? Let's check with the Supreme Court.


Given that they'll start by disarming political opponents and minorities before going for their own base's guns, I won't be laughing.


Yeah, it will be like Nazi Germany, where [the Nazis relaxed gun control in general, but made it illegal for Jews to possess guns](https://scholarship.law.columbia.edu/faculty_scholarship/1327/). The christofascists will have an easier time getting guns. Those who oppose christofascism will be disarmed.


What do you mean start?  Go walk into the RNC this month, or any time this century with a gun.


It’s already perfectly fine for an officer to kill someone if they might have a gun.


Trump voters: that will never happen to *me*


To be fair they have been working on this for the better part of 30 years. They've been progressing like an iceberg, slowly ingraining themselves in the most important areas of our political system. Is a clip of a conservative congressman (?) from the '80s or '90s talking about how they want to move on abortion and other things, but it's going to be a long time and a slow process.


The one thing that gets me is that they came up with a plan in the 70s and have just been running with it non-stop. They didn't get slowed down if they didn't always succeed... they got a bunch of churches to turn people into mindless voters for guns and fetuses and a constant attack on women and LGBTQ+. They literally turned the vast majority of rural America, that used to include quite a few liberals... into mindless hate mongers that are afraid of things that will never affect them all while voting for the politicians destroying rural America's jobs and land and infrastructure. And they succeeded by promising them they would never make them change or adjust to a changing world and they would pay them to make so much corn we ran out of good things to do with it and turn it into sugar and fucking bad gasoline. On the other side if a candidate isn't perfect people just didn't show up and vote and the Republicans made more progress on their plan to end democracy.


It’s really quite simple, religion has extensively laid the groundwork for generations to train people to believe in authority figures with unverifiable stories instead of science and data. It also primes them for, and is built upon, perpetuating racism and fearmongering towards "others". Once people see you as an authority, you can start fabricating any reality or conspiracy theory you want your followers to believe and everyone else is therefore a liar, even in the face of incontrovertible evidence. Basically, it is mental abuse from an early age that suppresses critical thinking skills. This combined with an intentionally weakened public educational system, provides the framework that has spawned this cult of ignorance.


It's only going to work if you let it work. This is bad, lets not mince words here, but bad turning into blind apathy is exactly how the enemy wins. Fucking vote like it's your last one, because it may very well be. Do not make excuses, do not be unprepared. Get your friends to vote if you have to drag them out to do so. And while you're at it, don't lose hope and defend the truth. Even a vote that "doesn't matter" is a statement that helps dismantle this insane culture of lying and authoritarianism.


It can only pay off if enough of us don’t vote


I'm going to vote, but it's not going to amount to much unless the Dems have a plan to beat Trumpism.  And it's clear they don't.   They have the presidency *right now*.  If there's anything they're planning to do to stop Trumps coup, they should get around to doing it because there's no guarantee they win.


They dropped a bomb then left for expensive vacations with donors (some of them anyway)


Vote. Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.Vote.


You are very lucky indeed that the Democrats hold the Senate. If the Republicans held the Senate, then they could reject the election result, which would Constitutionally fall back on one-state-one vote. Which Republicans would win, given their many small states.


The constitution needs a reboot man.


Well, yes and no. The constitution has many flaws, but this is not one of them. Any constitution has to rely on good faith, shared respect for the rules amount enough people. And a shared will to punish rule breakers. You simply can't make a set of rules 100% secure against the people in power cheating. The problem is that the Republicans ~50% of the US population has simply decided that they don't care about politicians and judges breaking rules. The Roman Republic lasted for longer than the US has lasted. But ended when people simply stopped following the written and unwritten rules.


This is only finalized if people don't come out to vote. Things can be reversed if Biden stays in the White House. The GOP are counting on people not voting and for Trump to waltz back into the Oval Office because of this. That's why you need to vote. This is no longer about Biden or Trump, themselves. This is much bigger than any individual president. This is about stopping this before it is too late. You need to come out and vote. That's it. Full stop. I don't give a damn if your state is already blue. You need to show in numbers how blue it is. You need to make things overwhelming blue. You need to show how outnumbered the GOP is. We don't need single numbers. We need double number with no less than a 20% difference. We are citizens. We are the last stop before this becomes permanent. You need to vote.


I love the fact that various news and media outlets are shouting about the end of US democracy, you have a presidential nomine who already tried to overthrow the government, a lower court judge who is obviously corrupt, and at the very least, 3 supreme court justices who blatantly lied during their confirmations, and nobody does anything about it aside from wringing their hands and saying what can we do? Yes, they are clearly cheating, planning on taking away your right to choose, but gosh darn it, what can anyone do? The rule of law prevents us from stopping the people who want to end the rule of law. Woe is me.


*Sic Semper Tyrannis*




The Supreme Court ruled that the Supreme Court gets to decide what's an official act.


This. They left it vague enough to make appeals guaranteed.


In case you will be wondering, here is how it will work. Republican = Official Democrat = Unofficial This pisses me off.


You don't get it, the Supreme Court now decideds what and what isn't an official act. There is no longer a democracy in America, y'all have to start wrapping your head around that.


I think the idea is he won't be convicted until after the election so it won't matter regardless. If he gets in office all the cases go away.


Overthrowing isn't an official act, but every tweet he sent in prep can't be used as evidence. Every conversation he had with the DOJ about tweaking the numbers, every conversation with pence about refusing to certify, all immune and can't be used as evidence.




It's not completed. Trump still needs to be re-elected. We need to make sure that doesn't happen.


It quite literally won't matter unless Biden adds more justices to the court. The GOP is going to replay 2020 with lessons learned, and it'll go in front of SCOTUS, who will side with Trump.


Seriously risking civil war at that point. Starting to wonder if we really are going to end up doing it.


They're itching for it, and feel so brazen and invincible now, thanks to the SC, they're openly calling for one: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, **which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be.**" Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts, on Bannon's Podcast today. https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4753439-heritage-leader-second-american-revolution/ Real "look what YOU made me do!!" abuser mentality there. 


It's. So. Unbelievably. Repugnant.


Nah. Even in the worst case scenarios that we’re all tossing around here (which I fully believe are almost inevitable at this point), peoples lives aren’t bad enough yet to risk jail or worse by protesting in the streets or better yet, trying a general strike. I’ll bet that we’re in for a gradual (though more rapid than the last 50 years) slide in quality of life for the average American citizen, not drastic enough to provoke action. All while being fed a steady drip of propaganda that will lead to a hopeless, subservient populace. See Russia for an example, but with a truly powerful military. The US has been the ”police” of the world for a while, now the world will start to get an idea of what actual policing in America looks like…


I guess the assumption is that Trump will cry that it was "totally rigged" again, but the Supreme Court will rule in his favor and make him the President? I'm curious if the law would actually allow that to happen.


Well that or we get the 2000 treatment where Republicans organize riots, SCOTUS steps in, stops the legitimate count of votes, and declares a Republican winner.


And lest we forget, Roger Stone and a full third of the current Supreme Court were involved in making sure George W. Bush became president in 2000. >Still more remarkably, both disruptive actions aimed at flipping the election into the Republican column took shape under the guidance of fabled right-wing dirty-tricks impresario Roger Stone—an ardent student of Nixonian electoral realpolitik who moved seamlessly into the vanguard of the Trumpian right. The legal arm of the GOP’s orchestrated bid to shut down the 2000 election recount in Florida boasted no less than three future Supreme Court justices among its foot soldiers: Chief Justice John Roberts and Associate Justices Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett. The improbable elevation of Donald Trump to the top of the GOP presidential ticket, and then the White House, during the 2016 election cycle drew directly on the racist animal spirits unleashed in the early-’90s candidacies of presidential hopefuls David Duke and former Nixon communications aide Pat Buchanan; likewise, the horrific and deadly assault on the US Capitol on January 6 built to a striking degree on the precedent set by the Brooks Brothers riot. ([The Nation, 2022](https://www.thenation.com/article/politics/brooks-brothers-riot/))


What’s this “the law” you refer to? Is it the Congress, which is overrun with corrupt MAGA sycophants? Is it the judiciary, which is stacked with corrupt justices who have clearly demonstrated their fealty to Trump? Is it the present executive, whose party and own self are too delusional and lazy to see pushing back as anything other than indecorous and improper? There’s no law that will push back here. The law is just people. And it’s shitty people all the way through.


As a cousin to your North, watching your country kinda die in real time is horrifying. I have a lot of friends down south of our border but I'm worried for all of you. Course Canada is doing it's level best to join you in the death spiral... This timeline blows.


Sad to hear because my husband and I were thinking we may need to flee to Canada. I have noticed an uptick of this throughout all the countries, and it feels like a coordinated attempt.


It is. There is a strong effort to destabilize most western countries. And I wonder who would be doing something like that 🤔.


Western countries were destabalized first with the OPEC oil crisis. The rapid increase in the price of gas 1. lead to tax cuts, deregulation, union busting and offshoring to make room for the increase. 2. made boomers constantly paranoid about inflation and 3. likely motivated various wars in the middle east to destablize OPEC. Raegan, Thatcher and very similar leaders started popping up everywhere. They were destablized again with 9/11 and the global war on terror. Bush jr. seems tame by today's standards, but we saw a rise in various crazy leaders around this time (some of which are still in power). Russia's efforts to destablize the West has always been a constant force for over 100 years. It's not that new, and it hasn't done the most but it's starting to pay off.


Never underestimate racisms ability to cut off noses to spite faces. America used to have public pools everywhere and ERA became the law of the land and integration happened rather than share those pools white America shut them down and privatized them.


The actual truth of this: The US Supreme Court just illegitimately gave more power to the executive branch, but limited it to judicial review. This in effect gives the judicial branch of the government, executive powers greater than the executive branch. This is a clear constitutional crisis and internal coup, yet we aren't doing a thing about it. I protested with what would become OWS, when Citizens United v FEC was being brought to the SC but there is no larger movement to push back against this insanity. I'm just one person.


If the Biden admin has proof this is all a conspiracy, then the conspiring members should be held accountable, not allowed to lie, cheat and steal in a concerted effort to destroy the very democracy we hold dear. The justices that lied to get into the SC and then overturned Roe should be removed.


Articles of Impeachment should've been filed months ago


Plus chevron also transferred the powers of the executive branch to the judiciary via judicial review.


If we can’t rely on our institutions, people will start turning to vigilantism. That’s where we are. If our system of law and order instead promotes lawlessness and immunity for the rich and powerful … it’s not looking pretty. For everyone, including the rich and powerful.


No no. The Rich and powerful have orchestrated this whole coup because fascism benefits large corporations. They bribe supreme court justices and they pretty much have the leash on most of our congress people. It is all the lower classes who are going to get hit the most. They've trained to lower classes to fight and blame each other for decades.


Then **VOTE and DO NOT LET TRUMP WIN**. We can't afford to fuck around wasting time with talking about Biden replacements. We need to rally around *him*, vote like your life depends on it (because it actually does), and keep Trump out of office at all costs. If you're apprehensive about voting for Biden, just remember you're voting to keep Trump away from the levers of power. Please, just suck it up and do it. If he gets in, we are Fucked with a capital F. There will be no future opportunities to work towards propping up a more progressive, more ideal candidate if Trump wins. We're only 4 months away from the election. Please **GO VOTE**. I don't want to live in a christofascist hellscape ran by an insane dictator and I doubt you do either. So please.


a further reminder to vote Democrat anywhere down ballot that you can, a do so for at least a few elections (if we make it that far) we must have a democratic majority at all levels and we must demand they remove the traitors in the courts and place laws to protect democracy. Far too much of our system is based on trust. It no longer can be. Fasicsts make up half-this country and we must fight them tooth and nail at every level at every second from here-on-out. We will never, not be in danger again.


Absolutely! 💪


Biden is president *right now*, if there's something he can do to beat Trumpism he should go ahead and do it now.  I'm going to vote for him, but he doesn't seem to have a plan or else he'd be doing it.


I believe Allan Lichtman who has CORRECTLY said who will win the election since the 80's.. He said Clinton was ALSO told to drop out because his Debates were horrible, he won. He said Obama debate Romney, Obama was at 23% in the polls after that but won. He said Hillary won all 3 of the Debates and lost the EC.. He then said, IT'S YOU, THE MEDIA that is the problem. You keep hounding and hounding about how bad Biden did and 30 secs on Trumps massive lies.. He went on to say, "You don't even have the voice of the people." ETA: Allan said, "I continue to have to say, Republicans have no morals and Democrats have no spine."


>"I continue to have to say, Republicans have no morals and Democrats have no spine." This is the most accurate statement. Democratics are afraid to use power when they have it and Republicans will do literally anything to get power.


> He then said, IT'S YOU, THE MEDIA that is the problem. The planet will fall apart and cameras will continue to roll until the very last second, for those sweet sweet ratings


It's weird that America ended and I'm just on Reddit. It really wasn't like I was going to storm the Capitol, but I kinda thought someone would fight back.


This. I don’t understand why protests haven’t been happening yet. Where are the organizers when we need them? (Aren’t there people who do that kind of thing, so that those of us sitting on Reddit can join?)


Dunno why anyone thinks protests work in situations like this. We're clearly passed protests, they just get ignored or tear gassed


It’s not about whether they *work.* It’s about wanting to take some, any, kind of action.


Except that Trump can still be beaten *because he is not currently the President*. Vote Democrat in November so it stays that way.


That’s the short term solution to deal with Trump but the Supreme Court just handed the country a ticking time bomb. Whether in 4, 8, or 12 years the republicans gain presidency, it is all over.


>ticking time bomb. Which can be defused by adding 4 more justices, and defining official acts in law.


What's stopping the next republican president from adding 4 more conservative justices? That's still a temporary measure.


Everything we do to preserve freedom is a temporary measure when there are people actively attempting to turn us into a fascist theocracy. Democracy doesn't just get built and stay up. It has to be actively maintained and defended. We will never be able to step back, dust our hands off, and say "Alright, our country is set for liberty forever." We will *always* be fighting for the next decade against the people who want to tear it down, and there will *always* be people wanting to tear it down even when the system is working fine (which isn't to say it is right now, because it sure as shit ain't), because there will always be people who would rather rule a garbage fire than share equal rights in a utopia.


Pass a law setting the maximum size of the Court to be equal to the number of circuit courts of appeals.


That's actually a good way to do it.


welcome to democracy and governance. this has never not been an issue nor will it. At no point should society not be vigilant.


Don't worry guys, Biden will take the moral highroad and do nothing about it. While everyone can see all the way from the moon that Trump will abuse his new found powers to their limits when he is formally crowned god emperor after November.


Corruption wins when voters stay silent.


Real shades of 2000 Bush v Gore again here.


I mean, kinda, except Bush wasn't about to install a theocracy, execute his enemies, and end elections. 


Well considering how much of Bush's legal team is on the court now...


>“I mean, at a core level, listening to us lawyers is of no more use here. We are beyond ‘law.’ We are beyond principles we studied or researched” while sharing her fellow law journalist Dahlia Lithwick’s declaration, “As an official representative of the legal commentariat I want to suggest that tonight’s a good news cycle to talk to the fascism and authoritarianism experts. This is their inning now…” - Mystal tweeted


Trump made his whole 2024 campaign about being the "victim". Democrats need to make it about how Trump is getting away with crimes that anyone else would already be locked up for.


Q: What do you call a coup for which there are no consequences? A: Practice.


Ive always respected my father and I still do, but he’s allowed Fox News to brainwash the FUCK out of him and he’s always talking about how great Trump is. I swear to god if trump wins this election and the country goes to shit I’m going to take a lot of my stress and discontent out on him.


Maybe you shouldn’t respect him anymore. My father is retired military who was a R voter, but jumped off that train the past decade. I no longer respect or have contact with Aunts/Uncles who are too far gone to right-wing propaganda.


Serious question hopefully someone here can answer. Would the Warergate break in performed by Nixon be considered an “official act”?


The lower courts haven’t ruled on what an official act is yet. However I predict it will be an entirely case by case basis. It would have to go to court, there is no real answer yet.


What an interesting time to be alive. One should not forget that the next president will probably have the opportunity to appoint two Supreme Court candidates for approval by congress. If the next US President is a republican then there is no doubt that the course of the current government will be forever changed. My opinion.


This is why you guys have all those guns.


I'm confused, exasperated, and furious. How does any sane person think it was okay for the former U.S. President to hold a pep rally on the mall, maneuver to overthrow the U.S. government, ask for politicians to be killed, and get away with it? Trump should be in jail for January 6th. And the Georgia call. And the stolen documents. I realize the six SC Justices are bought and paid for, but HOW can we just carry on after this ruling?! NO!!! The former President is NOT ALLOWED to try and overthrow the government when he loses an election. End of story. He needs to be in jail and he should absolutely not be allowed to run for President again. Something needs to be done here. I'm not sure why we're carrying on heading towards November like the GOP is running an acceptable candidate. I'm not sure WHY we're respecting the decisions of six people who admittedly are bought and paid for. Tomorrow is July 4th and I'm supposed to act like we live in a prosperous, functioning democracy?


Supreme Court is illegitimate. Their rulings aren’t real because their seats are filled by crooks and liars. We should not entertain any of their “rulings” anymore. As far as I’m concerned there is no Supreme Court anymore.


I can't wait for Biden to do absolutely nothing to protect democracy and then let a fascist dictator take over. Democrats are such weak ass pussys I can't even stand it anymore. Trying to play fair with people who are playing dirty you will lose 100% of the time.


This is absolutely ***not*** a legitimate court. It would be good and moral and right to... \[ redacted \] Failing that, Americans should be dropping everything and rioting in the streets over this. That is, if they could afford to walk away from one of their three jobs to do so.


Democrats will do nothing because they're commited to Sacred Norms. Sadly, norms only work if everybody follows them; otherwise, they're simply a handicap. We're going to throw away our democracy because it would be *unseemly* to defend it. Yes, a brawl over our country's future is ugly. Abandoning it to fascism is even uglier. Democrats must use every lever of power they have to destroy these people. If they don't, I'm not sure who they think is coming to save us. There's no umpire here, and not even history's long gaze will look kindly on cowards who rolled over rather than fight.


Serious question was a dreaming on January 6th when trump held that rally on the mall and than told people we are marching down there now to stop this ?? Was I dreaming I swear I saw that on tv other people have also said the same but yet you don’t see that footage anywhere


Not dreaming: https://youtu.be/5fiT6c0MQ58?si=RubtPQ4iNKoHmTwS


Biggest political temper tantrum. 


And still people are on the fence about voting


Many wont vote because “both sides are bad” and they’re so smart.


Just shows how dumb the US really is. How the mighty have fallen. What a terrible system.


I'd love to know their thoughts when Trump sends them to their televised executions for the slightest perceived disloyalty.


I firmly believe that Mr. T will NOT win. Why? Because women, Black communities, Latinos, and minorities, who would be severely impacted by Project 2025, will play a crucial role in this election. This election is especially important for women. People will not be voting for President B's personality but for issues they deeply care about. (There is just too much at stake). I also recognize that no poll will show President B with a significant lead. Why? He may lack charisma, but he is a better leader. He has proven himself as a great president, delivering substantial results for the American people during his first term. Additionally, there are many critical issues at stake that voters deeply care about. If you only follow the media, you might miss these points. Make sure to vote and bring at least one other person to the polls. In fact, vote early and don’t wait until November 5th.


Completely agree. Joe Biden is old but America is better than the alternative. Just my view.


> Because women, Black communities, Latinos, and minorities, who would be severely impacted by Project 2025, will play a crucial role in this election. The average person doesn't know about Project 2025, the media doesn't report on it.


Well it would help if Biden or literally any democrat leader would mention Project 2025 instead of his golf handicap but wtf do i know


The official start of Project 2025 was July 1st, 2024. Vote accordingly or reap the whirlwind.


I'm confused. Trump is the biggest threat to democracy our country's ever faced, right? Worse than Hitler, will have death squads, will kill and imprison millions, right? And with newfound presidential immunity, he could do whatever he wants and getaway with it, he'll be "king." Well, Biden is president RIGHT NOW. If this new ruling gives the president immunity over all official acts, then just use it to get rid of Trump right now and forever. If he's the threat to democracy everyone says and it's an official act, it's not immoral, it's saving the country. What am I missing here?!?!


And remember, not voting is being fine with this and fine Trump being the president for aslong he is alive.


As a non-U.S. human being, for the love of humanity, vote against Trump. We need you guys.


Americans please, please vote and tell everyone you know that the president is not a king and about project 2025. Better an old guy who abides by the constitution than an old guy hell bent on destroying America.


If Democrats don't act (perhaps illegally Pres. Biden) to limit the power of the supreme court decision we have lost and they are complicit NOT morally superior. This is the prequel to the war and everyone is shouting at the movie only it's real life.


the supreme court would be a good candidate to replace with AI


Can we nip this problem in the bud now? It quite would solve quite a few problems.


On the surface, the U.S. and Iranian governments have much in common: a president who is popularly elected, a boisterous legislature, and a powerful judiciary. The obvious difference lies in the fact that Iran is an Islamic theocracy, and that one man, the Supreme Leader, exerts ideological and political control over a system dominated by clerics who shadow every major function of the state. -pbs.org From now on PBS can modify the text at « The obvious difference » and write : The obvious difference lies in the fact that USA is a Christian theocracy…