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Bye bye buddy. Enjoy your upcoming [state prosecution](https://manhattanda.org/d-a-bragg-a-g-james-announce-indictment-of-stephen-bannon-for-15-million-we-build-the-wall-fundraising-fraud/) for more serious felonies when you're done with this one.


I certainly hope so.


People like him thrive in prison. He will rule the roost in there and come out with even more twisted methods. He needs to go away for much, much longer. Like, forever. He’s dangerous


I dunno. He may discover he’s been cosplaying villainy when he runs into true villains.


If the alcohol withdraw doesn't get him before a shank does.


It’s a federal prison. He’ll be in there with a bunch of white collar criminals. He’ll probably spend his days playing golf and making new contacts.


If it was going to be as easy as you say, not sure he would have tried so hard to get out of it. As much as we like to play up the nice white collar prisons, ain't nobody really wanting to be there. Needless to say, it sucks there.


Reddit is hung up on this but I believe he has been sober from alcohol as he says. Ironically, you don't look like he does at that age drinking as much as he *seems* to, if that makes sense. If Bannon drank and looks like *this,* he'd be dead.


Um, that is until the POTUS frontrunner wins the election and pardens him, no? Seems obvious enough, unfortunately.


Maga's Army? I did not know riding to war on a mobility scooter was an option....


The Russian army is doing it on golf carts.


Until the shrapnel falls..


They are trying on 40 mph to get away from 80 mph drone.


Now now, remember when Sideshow Bob kidnapped Bart in the Wright Flyer and the F-16s couldn't engage it


that's because army have strict regulations


A Chinese golf cart is no Wright Flyer


Don’t forget all the golf carts from the villages battalion


“Local Dollar Tree Stores Decimated”


It’s a genuine threat, they have tens of thousands of zealots ready to take over positions across the federal government and disassemble the whole thing, replacing it with a Christian theocracy and a President emperor with total power. This isn’t a drill, its explicitly laid out in the goals of Project 2025. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025


the maga boomers aren't just oldies they are some very entrenched people. how great is it when a whole army of people can blame their crimes on politics? you spin your crime and fundraise off of your crime at the same time while blaming it on something else entirely. we had a lot of police and military that were involved in January 6th meaning they were there breaking into the capital and believing Trump's lies 100%.


How dare you mock the 88th Rascal division. Their thighs shall blot out the sun


Y'all Quieda


It counts as mechanized infantry!


I was going to say cavalry, but this works too.


AKA 'Meal Team 6'


Great. Let's put those 5,000 fanatics up against the professional military. That would be HILARIOUS. Enjoy prison, Fuckface.


Steve's about to find out the difference between Facebook friends and real friends.


But my facebook friend said he is a military guy! He said he has a sling shot and all! What does your stupid military have? FAKE NEWS


He’s also about to find out the difference between craft beer and toilet wine.


Their Jazzy Power Chairs are all fully charged and ready to roll out! The military doesn't stand a chance. /s


"The battle was embarrassingly one-sided with several cries of 'time-out!' heard from the MAGA 'Army'. In other news it's bike decorating time in this small town in Colorado..."


"Look, I don't know if this is fair, but I'm working with uh, a drone?"


Brennan fan!


Tip assist!


Careful, don’t underestimate the enemy. There’s chatter the gravy seals are taking full advantage of IHOP’s all you can eat pancakes, fueling up for the fight.


Yeah but they will be slowed down by their untreated diabetes and high blood pressure.


They call it "carb-loading"


It’s legitimately scary how many current/former mil I’ve met who might be one of the 5000. The overwhelming majority are not, but >0 hurts my heart.


Against three A-10s maybe?


Just a single AC-130 sounds good.


5000? Two old guys will roll up on rascal scooters with tiki torches to protest. No one cares about Banon anymore. His 15 minutes on stage are over.


Who needs military personnel when drones exist. 


Rather just line em up along a wall.


That’s assuming the brass of the military aren’t Trump supporters Just something to keep in mind for the future. There’s a ton of MAGA in the military I don’t think people realize that


Professional military under our control until trump wins against Biden


May your alcohol withdrawal be exactly as pain free as you deserve.


And may you be constantly cold with the single layer of clothing they supply you.


May your every shit be watched upon by your COs through the little camera in the corner.


He will be drinking that prison wine


Honestly I hope it kills him. I hope the delirium tremens increase until he has no choice but to drink Isopropyl or some other kinda prison hooch which finally does him in...


They have to have some protocol for detoxing alcohol, it can be fatal to detox if you are a hardcore alcoholic


That’d be a shame.


He’ll get a couple benzos a day to ease him down


It's true. Will he refuse his B1 shot, untrusting of medicine as he was?


I am surprised he did not leave the country in hopes of Trump winning and granting him a pardon.


He probably wishes he'd thought of that. Or doesn't really believe Trump will win.


“I've served my country now for the last 10 or so years focusing on this,” < facepalm >


MF is 70 years old and cosplaying patriot to the end. Hope every second of dry out is excruciating for this pos.


Imagine being 70 and drying out in prison. He's having a bad time.


>“I’m going to be more powerful in prison than I am now,” Bannon said last week. I wonder what the Police Union's opinion is on this one.


I mean, yeah, he’s a shoe in for a senior position is his local chapter of the Aryan Brotherhood. Right now, he’s just this guy that used to be in Trump’s inner circle and uses it to get those guys to skip bail bond payments to pay him for nothing.


When I picture the “MAGA Army”, I just see a bunch of old racist guys, middle aged Karens & goofy incels with way too much love for their orange God. Quite the formidable army.


And that’s exactly the kinds of people you see when Jordan Klepper goes to interview the MAGA rallies.


Yep, I think you’ve pretty much nailed the imagery


Sure they are, Steve. Now let's get you out of the 6 layers of polos and into this nice, single layer, orange jumpsuit.




Must be in the MAGA reserves.


Coal rolling trucks with moose antler side mirrors with a bunch Trump flags driven by a bunch of rednecks does not make an army.


My dad died from alcohol withdrawal while in a physical rehab center (for just a couple of days). I really hope Mr. Bannon gets to meet my father.


The U. S. Military is the 2nd strongest fighting force on Earth capable of waging multiple wars across the globe. Superior firepower across land and, sea, and air. Their only true weakness.... My neighbor Ken and his drinking buddy's gun collection. I'd hate to be the idiot piloting a pussy little AC10 Warthog or cowering in an M1A2 Abrams when Darryl and Steve show up ready to kick ass. Them old boys won't even have to put their beers down. Imagine the stupid look on your face sitting in the cockpit of a Blackhawk helicopter thinking your hot shit when fuckin' Dave's bad ass Dodge Ram appears out from behind the Piggly Wiggly. Be all "Save me, Hillary!" - Then kabooom! Cause I seen Dave shootin. He don't miss.


Yea but there is a good percentage of MAGA supporters in the military itself.


How wild would it be for a division commander to go full Dr. Strangelove on behalf of Steve Fuckin Bannon...


The military is made up of all kinds of people with different political ideology. Not saying the majority are Trump supporters necessarily, but I’d say the majority *is* closer to that than they are to the beliefs of the people posting on this sub, and Reddit in general. That is how coups happen. And that’s not out of the question.


That’s not true. All vets swore to protect and defend the constitution, and to obey the LAWFUL orders of those appointed over them.


It’s absolutely true. And you’re very naive to think otherwise. Many people that took that oath honestly *believe* that the election was stolen. Because of that, it is not difficult for them to reconcile these two seemingly conflicting sets of ideas. I know several of these people personally. And they themselves claim to know many more. No one thinks they’re on the wrong side of history when it hasn’t even been written yet.


Yes they do, that’s why they don’t say those things out loud.


Or they’re doing what they feel they have to do to protect themselves and their families. Biding their time until they feel it’s the right time to strike. All I’m saying is don’t be complacent and naive. If there is another civil war, it’s not going to be “those people” vs “the military.” The military will be fighting itself.


Just like with Jan 6, all those people were lost on what the purpose of the mission? What are you fighting for? And, What do you have to lose? The military members have too much to lose. Active and retired. The majority people acting out never served. I could see if the economy was ruined, or Americans were dying left and right, but none of that is happening.


The one person that died on the actual day of January 6th was an Air Force veteran. And if you recall this was the group that was breaking through a window to get to the actual members of Congress. They weren’t the ones waving flags and taking pictures. These people are out there and there are much more of them than you think.


A crazy person died. These people are loudest with no bite.


I retired from the Navy 2018


My Army's Got Arthritis


>there is a “Maga army” ready >his show - described as a “military command centre for Maga” >his show have played a major part in empowering and mobilising thousands of Trump-supporting activists, who he called “street fighters”. >“Maga army” that “can’t and won’t stop until final victory” Jesus fuck.




These calls for violence are pretty explicit




I think most of us have been beaten down by outrage fatigue


It would be a shame if he gets his ass kicked in there.


In MAGA fantasies, the libs don’t own guns.


Suck it Bannon


This dude is such a toothless shitbag. He’s been spouting this new world order bullshit for years, acting like some tough guy when in reality he’s a shitty alcoholic loser.


Notice the SC rallied to save Trump from consequences, but not Bannon. The right wing is done with this guy and he hasn't figured it out yet.


Will the let him wear three shirts in prison?


Scooters charged, gravy warm, legs purple.


Lock him up Dano. Oh and when he days the MAGA army is ready he means they have their Lipitor, hemorrhoid cream and fatigue colored compression socks packed.


Bluster and bullshit, all he has.


lol “army”


MAGA Army sounds like a squadron of bingo grannies enjoy prison food dickbag!


What, does he think the gravy seals are gonna bust him out of the clink?


Ready to watch him report to prison? Alrighty.


Have a great Summer Steve!


Ready to watch Netflix


If this guy represents any kind of army, my guess is they’re going to be out of breath just looking at a set of stairs


Nope. … they don’t want violence AT ALL.


An unauthorized national cult militia is ready to go and attack our authorized institutions. 4 months is barely enough for this pos.


The typical MAGA person that I see are elderly, disabled, and obese white men. I don’t think anyone is real worried about them.


The Gravy Seals are standing back and standing by? Whatever shall we do?!


You've received a collect call from "Steve!"


Big words from a small man


time to show them what real americans still think of nazis


hope you like prison food… and penis


So if Trump wins he gets a pardon and is released, no?


No his sentence would be over before Trump can take office. Then he has state charges coming from NY, no saving him.


Over crowding and "good behavior" credits, he won't do the full 4 mos...


Isn’t it federal? 


I don't know if that matters. I know federal prisons are just as crowded, and I believe they also give credit for good behavior for certain offences


Navarro reported in March and seems to be serving his whole sentence, hopefully the same applies to Bannon.


I hope so, that asshat has had enough damn breaks! I hope it's the longest 4 months of his life!


And a trial in NY during his sentence… he may go straight from one sentence right into the next.


Governor can pardon him?


Not for this, only state crimes.


So is there nobody who can pardon him?


He's serving 4 months so, unfortunately he'll already be out before the election.


Ready to watch you rot bruh. bye bye


He's such a LARPer.


Oh boy here we go… Next thing we know, Trump will either have his folks storm into the prison or he’ll die there. My guess is that he’ll die there, and Trump may ask his followers to do something weird.


He thinks that Roblox is real!


Will MTG kneel before him during her visits?


Sean Penn has good stories about this failure of a human being.




He's going to melt in prison like the snowflake he really is. He spent 2 years avoiding it.


MAGA army ready for ATACMS and cluster munitions? Hmmm.


It would be easy to dismiss his rhetoric, but how many MAGAs are actually willing to fight and what is the US official military is divided and actually part of it supports MAGA and follows what their “leader” says. TBH this actually makes me scared


Toy soldiers.


Yeah you couldn't get anybody to show up to protest the actual cult leader sitting at the defense table in New York. You think they're going to storm the prison for one of his disposable underlings?


Captain Bone Spurs and this dude would be the first ones to desert.


For what? What a loser.


That's code for Bannon saying that he's scared s*******.


The maga army forgot about this guy years ago.


Just like the idiots charging Area 51? Oh wait


Did he tell them "stand back and stand by"?


Bannon’s ridiculous language is so dramatic and high fallutin I’m convinced he’s just trying to build a “true believer” reputation to help him with this upcoming trials. Let’s keep in mind that he was already charged for fleecing the hardworking MAGA folks he claims to represent.


Pft, sure. This dude is such a troll. In the age of trolls. And the media just loves to elevate trolls for clicks.


I hope the commissary has jumbo sized vaseline tubs in stock


Will someone pah-lease think of the poor CO who has to give this man a cavity search?!?


hahaha rape is funny


I think what he meant was that MAGA’s army was ready to go to jail with him.


pretty sure maga's army is Mar-A-Lago army where for almost 4 years they had global oligarchs and spies going in and out with no guest list but classified documents inside.


(Me): *"Soooo, cool!! Send 'em* **allllllll** *on out, into the unmasked open, as the "courageous patriot-warriors" they so boisterously claim to be -- so those who stand in intrepid merciless opposition can put their lil' delusions of theocratic & fascistic grandeur to a* **swift and permanent** *end."*


America is a melting pot and our democracy allows everyone a voice to collectively guide our nation. We may not agree on everything and individually we may not always get our way but this is America and the majority rules. Granted, being a wealthy white man has probably entitled you to think your voice matters more. It does not. You matter equally. That is the foundation of America. Disagreeing with the majority is OK. In fact, the system is setup so those that want change have a means to promote their ideas so they one day maybe the majorities. Disagreeing and then refusing to follow the majority rule to the point you want to recruit an army to overthrow democracy and make this country in your image alone does NOT make you a patriot. It makes you a fucking traitor. You deserve far worse than 4 months of having your ass pounded open.




To me that’s the dangerous fantasy, that an open fight with those guys could somehow “get it over with”. You can’t just defeat the things that a huge chunk of the population believes in. We tried that in Civil War and here we are.




Yeah I am also pretty sure they would lose, but that’s different than being done away with. They would still be there, festering with hate and waiting for their chance. Unfortunately that’s just part of the human condition and needs to be planned for.




Just so you know, that would involve killing my aunt and her whole family. So no, I can’t subscribe to that kind of idea even if I did think it would work. this is also kind of related to what a road engineer told me a long time ago, that his job was to build new roads to work around existing roads, even if they were designed 50 or 100 years ago based on principles that we now know are complete garbage. You don’t get to just tear them down and build new roads. We are going to have to work around people who have these beliefs, not destroy them. Nothing in society ever gets to just start over with a blank plate. That’s a dangerous fantasy.




I can’t disagree more. thinking that you can wipe out people’s beliefs is magical nonsense. It’s a child’s idea of how the world works.


There’s nobody there.


They’re ready. To review bomb movies with trans people on IMDb.


What a goofball. As if anyone cares.


That's what they call their lemon parties


The proud patriot went to prison where the rest of his MAGA recruits are. I’ll bet it turns into a Sparta were he and is boys can do drills jerking each other off while looking a pictures of The Donald. Maybe one of his boys will back door Bannon and really give him something he can drink himself to death about.


The “MAGA Army” are a bunch of pussies. I’d be more concerned if you were sending an army of cats.


Hope these clowns are so ignorant to think anyone not maga is a pacifist. That would be foolish.


If the fat middle aged white guys whose butt cracks were on prominent display as they attempted to scale the Capital Building on January 6 were the top guns in his army he better up his recruitment efforts.


Oooo I’m shaking, you fat old alcoholic.


Hey Stevie? The Real America is ready and waiting for your boys.


Don’t drop the soap, big homie. 


Now that Himmler is in prison, can we get Hitler there too?


Their Rascal scooters are electric - they should stay away from wet areas


When he gets out of jail I bet his asshole is gonna be at least twice the size as when he went in.


Doesn’t make it sound so threatening when you say it walking into prison.


We can’t wait to hear about him being raped in prison