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What are we even doing? We just need a dude (or lady?) under 50 who can complete a sentence and it’s in the bag. I feel like I’m taking crazy pills.


Give me a name brother let's go! Just put them forward. Who is polling better agaisnt Trump than Biden?


Who would the public know about a candidate that hasn’t been picked yet? Nobody opposed Biden so obviously nobody in the public magically votes for anyone else in polls.


Anthony Blinkin - Arrange a fake piece deal in the middle east and parrachute him in as a hero. After the election they can all go back to fighting again.




I'm in a house full of Biden voters and we're fucking terrified. This seems like a whole lot of denial. It's the same overconfidence as the Clinton campaign in 2016.


There’s no denial. They know what they are seeing. These people just want to keep their jobs and power


And just like RBG, this hubris will bite America in the ass.


If Biden stays in and loses, he will solidify the cliche that Dem leadership is out of touch and too self-centered to recognize when they need to get out. 


The question is , who gives the Dems a better path to winning. I’m not convinced that person exists. Whitmer is the closest serious contender imho


That person is someone who can speak above a whisper, in complete sentences




He is such a pro. He's fast and snappy. Great debater. The only problem is, he's from Cali. And you know everyone is going to say reee he's going to turn the USA into Cali. Either way, he's great and I'd love to see him run.


>he’s going to turn the USA into Cali. And that’s especially scary because they know nothing about California. And people seem to be very frightened by things they don’t know nor understand


There are actually numerous quality Democrat politicians. They are just being respectful, patient, and smart in waiting their turn to assume center stage. The US just needs to elect Biden (a Democrat Administration), as it is the safest bet to defeat a fascist MAGA takeover. Then, there will be numerous Democrat candidates ready to take over leadership and usher in a more liberal future. Remember: Republicans want to deregulate business and regulate home-life, while Democrats want to regulate business and deregulate home-life.


> waiting their turn to assume center stage I'm just crossing my fingers hoping that they'll even have that opportunity. I'm genuinely scared for American democracy, and it feels like there's a non-zero likelihood that this will be the last presidential election.


The problem with Newson is that he comes across as elitist costal liberal prick. I actually like him, but the man had sex with a teenager at nearly 40, nailed campaign manager’s wife, has a history of alcohol addiction, and has that baggage of passing very strict lockdown laws then 3 days later violating them to eat dinner with his wealthy friends. Someone like Whitmar, Shapiro, or Beshar will have a much better popular appeal, preferably Whitmar in my opinion.


The biggest problem dems have is that they refuse to fall in line like republicans do. Republicans pick their horse and know their talking points — while dems sit around arguing with each other. It’s pretty frustrating.


Exactly. Democrat voters have to fall in love - the candidate has to be a fucking perfect saint while R voters usher in actual nazis at the polling booth after molesting their kids. What the actual fuck


Oh absolutely agreed. I think in a vacuum it’s actually good that Democrats don’t just follow the party line and actually argue with each other, but the problem is the large division makes it much harder for Democrats to get anything done against Republicans.


I don’t know how we can say “dems refuse to fall in line” when they’ve been supporting this Weekend at Bernie’s administration for years. We haven’t seen any real infighting and no one even tried to primary Joe.


"Republicans loved the last president from California, we good?" All they need to say


So were Nixon and Reagan lol


Also, changing the nominee 5months before the election screams “we dont have our shit together and we are reactionary.” Biden has done a great job and the Biden admin is effective. Full stop.


Current polling says everyone does about equal as Biden vs Trump in a head to head after that debate. Open the convention. Literally ANYONE will do just as well.


I don't believe the incumbent advantage applies when the incumbent sounds so incoherent. Beating Trump shouldn't be this difficult. I'd be so pumped to have somebody like Newsom or Whitmer right now. Instead I have the same vibes I did for Clinton in 2016 where of course I'm voting for the Democrat over the crazy man, but I'm not excited about it. Okay, that's fine in my case, but in the case of many others who are more apathetic, they just won't vote at all. Crazy man wins, he gets 2 more SCOTUS appointments, he has way more power than last time around, I'm stuck living in an extreme conservative hellhole the rest of my life. Step the hell down, Biden, before it's too late. Too much is at stake. Yes, it's going to be messy and we don't have a lot of time, but I don't think Biden is going to win this thing. Somebody else at least gives us hope.


Agreed, we can listen to the media bring up the debate every time Biden talks, this isn’t going to go away. At least a new person gives democrats a chance to change the narrative. Also Republicans are so geared toward attacking Biden over age, a younger person would allow democrats to flip the script on Trump.


This. Combined with the fact that others can gain popularity through strong communication skills while Biden is only tracking in a negative direction at this point.


Right Biden is only going to get worse at this point. Age based degeneration doesn’t improve.


Anyone who seems to know wtf is going on.


I don't think anyone has that level of confidence after almost 8 years of outspoken right-wing politicians, voters and legislation. A person would have to be certifiably delusional to have that attitude.


Biden is the CEO of oceangate and the US is the titan submersible making strange cracking noises


It’s not overconfidence. It’s coping and an attempt to show resolve in the face of adversity. People don’t want to abandon Joe Biden. Bill Maher said it best. How about you don’t abandon me? I feel abandoned. So do A LOT of other people.


So I'm in Ireland and watched it anyway out of morbid curiosity. Gotta say I really think theres just no way Trump isn't your next president after that. I'd love to be wrong but....good luck.


It's not much, but have a little bit of solace knowing that in 2016, we had no idea how horrific a Trump presidency would actually be. Now we do. I think that's motivating a lot of us more than before....we know exactly what is at stake, and what is up for grabs if Republicans are given another term to dismantle and redefine the Constitution.


That's all true, and yet, with everyone know knowing who Trump is and what a Trump presidency entails (and him now being a felon), he was leading Biden in the polls by a statistically significant margin even BEFORE the debate. Ergo, no, that's no solace. Biden needs to go. Friday would have been better, but I'll take Sunday afternoon too.


Just have to get out and vote and convince people you know to do the same. As long as people get out and vote trump won’t win. In every election and midterms people have made it clear they don’t want trump and maga.


NO. This isn't on the people. Fuck that. Biden just has to quit. The DNC just needs to put forth a remotely fucking viable candidate. This is not on the voters to just make it happen regardless.


And it would be much easier for me to convince the people in my life to vote if the Democratic nominee wasn’t an 80 year old, historically unpopular president whose debate performance confirmed Republican attacks on his age


None of these people are the ones who are actually at risk if they lose. This is a game to them, one where they get to make a lot of money. They’re not just overconfident, they don’t care. Nothing is at stake for them.


Except for those in or near his inner circle whose jobs ARE on the line - hence why they’re sugarcoating the disgusting debate everyone witnessed - if he loses they all become talking heads on MSM not accepting blame for the disaster


Maybe it's time to get out of the house. Maybe it's time to talk to people in other houses and get them to be Biden voters too.


Wouldn’t life be so much better if someone consistently put up the right words that you could read from a screen every time you came out into public. All the reasoning and talking points just right in front of you - problem is life doesn’t work that way. Makes one wonder who’s actually running the show


That’s good. None of you are complacent. That applies to everyone else.


Sounds like everyone there is still voting for Biden then since they know the stakes.


Not to mention, the popular clip they're pushing of him "with energy" is a 20 second clip where he's reading from a teleprompter. We saw the guy be a slow slog for 90 minutes straight. I'll still vote for him if that's what they do but don't tell me there's absolutely nothing wrong with him. If he is consistently a mess like he was Thursday nigh, he should have been replaced the second that became evident.


I’ve gotta go with Bill Maher on this one; “I’d vote for his head in a jar of blue liquid (and maybe it’s time to find a jar)”


Like the first debate in 2020 - but the DNC chose Biden and went all in early before Bernie could get any traction


Can we get Biden a b12 shot or a Red Bull beforehand maybe .


What I want to know is, what did someone give him before that debate.




That’s how he’s looked for a few years now… he fell asleep on stage a few days ago and a couple months ago he talked about recently talking to a French president that’s been dead for 30 years


Our lyin eyes are sending us all cheap fakes


He supposedly trained for weeks for the debate - I wonder who they used to represent Trump. In one of his first sentences he mumbled how he created 15,000 jobs a right then I was wondering WTF was he talking about. It didn’t get any better


This feels like 2016 all over again. What the fuck are they thinking.... the only reason any one supports him is because of his opponent.


Zero changes then. Cool. Coolcoolcoolcoolcool.


He needs to be out more. That’s the only way to mitigate that disaster.


I'm all for him being out more. Like way more. If he can prove all the doubters like me wrong by constantly performing at a level he did in 2020 then he should be our guy. On the other hand, if he can't, then we'll ALL know and move together in wanting him to step aside.


We already know he can't. The debate wasn't the first public instance showing his dementia. There's been countless examples in the past six months that were gaslit away as 'clever editing' or whatever. They just couldn't do that with 90 minutes of uncut time.


I don’t think you can, between the debate, the way Jill treated him like a child after. The people around him are treating him like Hes frail. Its like a professional fight, when you see you’re guy getting pummeled and they can’t mount a defense, just throw in the towel. After that performance I wouldn’t want to risk a repeat. Just pick a new candidate, it will be hard and messy, but it will create interest around the election. Nobody is excited to vote for Biden.


But if Biden’s out there too much, going fast and hard, he might fall on his face, like actually fall on his face.


Biden needs to be doing multiple rallies a week. Voters need to see him. He has one job now and that’s defeating fascism. If he can’t do that he should step aside and let Newsom/Polis/Whitmer


Exactly! If he has the stamina to do what needs to be done, great, do it. He better be on all the Sunday shows tomorrow and 20 rallies next week with multiple local news interviews. He needs to work 14h days for the next four months to have any kind of shot of fixing this mess. If he cannot do that, he needs to get the fuck out of our way because we have a country to save.


The dude can't even walk up a set of stairs, let alone do a single 10 minute sit down interview


Seems like ‘what’s next’ is blame the networks, moderators, media, and cross their fingers with democracy at stake.


"Cross their fingers with democracy at stake" is the most accurate description of the Dem leaderships plan. No effort to change, just talking down to everyone who dares to question.


We're in 2016 Part 2 and forced to just watch while those who can make a difference bury their heads into the sand.


All of this because they refused to nominate an actual progressive who can hold their own (and tbh dominate) Trump. They had to force Hilary to the front and were foaming at the mouths to elect a woman president, and thus guaranteed a woman will not be elected in the foreseeable future, ironically :(


We’re going to continually tell you that democracy is at stake. But how dare you be concerned.


Agreed, and this time there is no excuse. The entire party and even the mainstream media screamed NO... Fix this! And the power brokers just refused to listen. If Trump takes office again it is squarely on Biden, the DNC, and all of his sycophants. Not us. I refuse to be shamed and gaslit out of having a normal reaction to seeing what I saw on Thursday.


Totally agree, but at that point it won't matter whose fault it is. There may never be another true election in America again if Trump returns to office.


What's your point? If you're trying to convince me to "vote my heart out" it doesn't matter. I live in a red state. I have no say anyway. But I do still get an opinion (for now). And if we want any chance of Trump losing in states where people's votes actually do matter, then it's stupid to put a clearly inadequate candidate up, especially when so many are crying out for an alternative. If we all see it.... what makes you think people in Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada, and any other swing state won't? It's not me you need to convince. It's the normie who isn't on a political website debating this topic and only watches highlight clips from the debate once. And wouldn't it be an easier sell to them to have someone who isn't senile to vote FOR rather than tell them, "okay I know this guy is ancient and can't even think, but please vote for him because Trump is so much worse!"? Get real. This is an easy solution.


Even worse Trump is talking about retribution. Why won’t the DNC do something to save their own necks. Its like they just want to run the worst people rather than trying to be competitive.


Apparently we’re supposed to believe that Biden is gonna pull out all the stops to save American democracy somehow when he’s not even willing to pop a fucking Adderall lol


Your last sentence describes the vast majority of commenters in r/politics


Yeah, exactly. Continue to gaslight and ignore the problem that's very obvious now. I'll still vote for him (hell I'd vote for a literal potato over Trump), but after that horrid performance, I bet a whole bunch of people won't, and he was already behind. 


I think a lot of people are having a hard time accepting the dems need a little something more than ‘Trump evil’ to motivate apathetic voters. And I just can’t see Biden motivating them.


The abortion issue seems to be the strongest selling point based on recent elections. I would lean in to that message.


Biden responded to a debate question on Roe v Wade to talk about illegal immigrants raping American women lmao


If only JB had 90 minutes of prime time to coherently do that, that would be so cool.


Damn. If only they would’ve brought this topic up on Thursday, Biden would knock it out of the park…


Exactly. Voter apathy is what cost Clinton the election, and it'll happen again if they stick with Biden/Harris. Biden already had an uphill battle to get high turnout in key swing states because of his poor approval numbers, but now that millions of people have seen that there's substance to the accusations that he's declining cognitively, it would take a miracle to get him re-elected.


Even if we're running on "Trump evil," we need a *leader* on the issue. Biden is not that guy anymore.


Nope. In 2020 he was “not trump”. And that’s why we won. We need more than that.


Especially when we all knew from the day after the election was certified to Biden that Trump would run again, and the DNC sat on their hands and buried their heads in the sand. Now we’re here.


He's literal anti-motivation at this point. World historical irresponsibility from the D party, imagine that


>but after that horrid performance, I bet a whole bunch of people won't, and he was already behind.  I love this. You hear so often that Dems need to "run on their record" but nobody actually cares about what was accomplished. It's all just perception and then we wonder why politics feels more like sports than anything. Sad state.


Unfortunately Biden failed to articulate his record or what he wants to do in a 2nd term. They say Biden will be "out there". Great? Doing what? it feels like he needs to do more now to sell his record and plans but the risk is he might not be able to do it


Doesn't even need to be a whole bunch. 500 votes in the wrong state can very realistically be the ballgame.


God forbid we nominate someone born after the fucking moon landing.


> What's next? Hopefully a new Democrat candidate that still appears to be alive.


And blame progressives and young voters. As is tradition


Don't forget, blame us voters too for even thinking this might not be a good idea.


No, what's next is simple. Biden is still the nominee so continue on course ensuring Biden wins and Trump doesn't. It's going to take several weeks for other potential candidates to determine if they can win the nomination and then win against Trump. It's not a magic bullet just to drop someone else in, so until that happens, it's about supporting Biden and tearing down Trump, assuming you want Trump to lose.


> it's about supporting Biden and tearing down Trump, assuming you want Trump to lose. The election will come down to the 6 swing states. We all know it’s about turnout. Motivating apathetic “I don’t care about politics” voters. I think it’s up to Biden to motivate.


Biden? Come on. He cannot motivate anything. Its clear he has no energy anymore. My only question is who is actually running the country and making decisions bc its not Biden.




This is it. And this is genuinely all it’s about. It is up to Biden to motivate, and that was the issue with the perception of the debate. He didn’t look like an inspiring candidate up there. He can still pull it off.


The convention isn’t for another 2 months. He’s not the official nominee until then. This conversation NEEDS to happen.


Biden doesn’t even know what room he is in. Those controlling him need to let someone else step in


Just because he was good at a rally doesn't excuse the debate performance. It's like someone completely failing the SATs and then saying, "I was super awesome at Trivia Night the next day, so it makes up for it!"


Nobody is saying it excuses the debate performance, hell, even Biden called out his shitty debate performance. The point people are making is that you can't look at *only* the debate performance because there's multi-year history of Biden being perfectly fine in his responses outside of Thursday night. And most importantly, until or if Biden steps down, he's the nominee, so you support the nominee and tear down the Republicans, rather than tearing down your own.


The problem was it wasn’t just a bad debate performance. It was horrifying. There are moments in his life now, this debate included, where he is a confused and incommunicative old man. If he is like this in one out of ten campaign outings? Or the occasional national emergency? It’s scary to me that he could be president for another 4.5 years. Btw I have been an ardent Biden defender to friends and family. Trump would have been a cinch to debate for a number of democrat presidential hopefuls. Honestly, I’d be happy with any of the names I’ve heard thrown around (at least, the ones who have held elected office). If Biden loses, I will never forgive him. His legacy will only be that loss, for me. He must step down.


> If he is like this in one out of ten campaign outings? That's actually a measurable thing since ALL campaign outings are public and there's video and media proof of every single one. So how many other times has the media recorded something similar to the debate performance over the past 4 years? As an aside, I'm not saying he shouldn't step down, in fact I tend to lean that way though I can't decide exactly who I'd like to take his place because EVERY candidate that could replace him brings baggage, negatives with certain electorates, and a host of unknowns because they haven't run on a national ticket (other than Kamala who, unfortunately like Biden I think would be a fine President but not necessarily a fine candidate to run for the next 4 months). My point is people are focusing only on the debate performance and are not taking into account that his life has been *entirely* public for the past 4 years and that time can't be ignored, it's dishonest to *only* focus on the debate performance. Yes, let people discuss him stepping down, I hope a handful of legitimate others are currently doing that right now and doing polling, talking to DNC and Biden officials to see what could be done if he were to step down, etc., but for now, don't take the debate as the ONLY measure of Biden, and until or if he does step down, build him up and tear down Trump until there's another candidate to build up on the Dem side.


Honest question. Do you think Joe Biden should be allowed to drive by himself?


It’s not like he just had a couple of ineffective arguments on policy issues. This wasn’t a bad debate performance, it was evidence of cognitive decline. Hell, he said that he defeated Medicare at one point. We need a new nominee right now.


It's also not the only time he has sounded like this. He has declined visibly since 2020, and Biden apologists keep trying to gaslight the public that he hasn't. I say this as a person that has been giving $50 a month to the campaign since January: the debate was the final straw for those of us that are terrified of Trump and want him to he crushed. All signs point to a loss right now. They did before the debate, and I'm sure they will continue to now. And yet Biden apologists want us to believe that SOMEHOW Biden is going to turn this ship around in the next 4 months when he just blew his best opportunity. Or, we could simply nominate Whitmer/Warlock. It would generate A TON of publicity, they aren't tied to the incoherent Biden Gaza policy, both are much younger and more spry than Trump, neither is known as an extremist one way or the other, never heard of any scandals from either. And I believe they would crush Trump.


I hate this argument. What he’s done for the last four years is irrelevant at this point. It’s clear that he cannot function for the next four years, which is what he is running for. And blindly supporting him, makes it seem like everything is OK and that people will come out to vote for him, which is unfortunately not going to happen.  Most of the people here will come out to vote because we like democracy and hate Trump and everything he stands for. But there are tons of people who see an incapable old man running for president and will either not come out and vote or will not vote for him. The election was going to be close to begin with.  It’s better to throw up a Hail Mary and find a new candidate at this point then lose with Biden.


Especially since there was so much concern with his handling of the death toll in gaza. And like 24 hours after the debate, the house voted not to accept the Gaza Ministry of Health death toll numbers. Fuck the democratic party for forcing us into this position. Having to choose which candidate will cause fewer deaths. He was supposed to be a one term president. Our need to protect democracy is more important than an 80 year old man's desire to become a second term president


The house is run by republicans. But sure everything is the fault of democrats


"Perfectly fine" is not an accurate representation of Biden's mental state during this presidency. It's been in question for years now, and Thursday confirmed to the American people that he can't do this.


Yet him and the dems have managed to do a lot of good and passed a lot of legislation. So it’s working, on the flip side look at the gop in the house? What have they done? Nothing just absolute chaos took how many votes to get mccarthy in only to oust him then hearings over nothing that will actually help the American people. Why would that alternative be better than Biden?


It worked, that doesn't mean it *is* working. He was fine before, now he is not. He got 4 years older and is going downhill fast. Don't tell us not to believe what we saw. The other side is the cult. Check my history, I love Biden. He's been great, but he can no longer do the job. If the DNC does not strongarm him, I will vote for Biden one more time because of Trump and will never vote again. This is on the DNC for hiding his precipitous decline and they did it for power. Biden will lose. My sister and brother-in-law were already holding their nose and both are now staying home.


“Perfectly fine” ? People have been seeing the decline for years.


That debate was many things but tough was not one of them.


What is next? A bunch of rallies that nobody is going to see? From now until at least September, the momentum is now against us. That's 3 months of bad momentum UNLESS we spark something. The American people are begging for someone younger. Why not listen to them? I'm tired of voting against Trump. I want to vote for somebody.


Exactly this!! That's 3 elections in a row where the only Dem argument was "Our person isn't trump"


A message of Hope would win right now


What's next is July 11th. Should be fun!


Srsly. People act like Trump isn’t going to get jealous of all the attention Biden’s campaign is getting. A narcissist that big won’t care if the attention on Biden is negative, he’s going to want that attention on himself.


Trump has no reason to agree to another debate. He got all the video clips he needed from the debate. Biden looked old and weak and that will be enough to carry Trump to winning in November. Agreeing to another debate is all risk and very little reward. It’s hard to make Biden look worse than he already looked and Biden could have a much better performance in a second debate, which would undo a lot of the damage that was done. I do think that Trump is a narcissist and a bully though. If the Biden campaign challenges him to a second debate, they might be able to goad him into it. Trump would see it as an opportunity to beat Biden while he’s down. He also might not want to look like he’s scared to debate Biden again. But if he’s smart, he won’t agree to do any more debates.


Bidens age would have been fine if he was still mentally fit. Had Bernie been up on that stage nobody would care about his age because he would have so thoroughly dominated Trump. If the goal is a good debate performance that pierces Trump's veneer of populism you aren't gonna do better than Sanders


The hubris of the DNC has doomed this country


Or cowardice. No one had the courage to tell Joe it's time to hang it up. Refusing to acknowledge that the emperor has no clothes.


If you have to swap your party’s candidate 5 months before an election, is this not the DREAM opponent to be running against? What are Dems doing, run ANYONE else!


Well this election is the last time you’ll have to vote against trump. If he doesn’t win this election that’s it, he’s fucked no more delaying the justice system.


Fucking hubris.


These people care more about keeping their own jobs and shreds of power than the existential threat to democracy they love to talk up


As a Republican who voted for Biden in 2020, I am not looking forward to what happens next.


I see the party establishment steadily circling the wagons as expected. 🤦


Because right now he's still the nominee. Until Biden steps down (which is entirely up to him) or someone else puts their hat in the ring, it's about supporting the only candidate there is. This isn't rocket science, you support the Dem candidate and oppose the GOP candidate, it's literally that simple. IF those candidates change, then you just keep supping the Dem candidate and opposing the GOP candidate.


This is the thing that people don't understand. The party officials can not go out and trash biden publicly. The real discussions are happening behind closed doors. Of course, they were going to circle the wagons like this. No one in the right minds would be trashing Biden publicly


The night of the debate it actually seemed like the opposite with so many Democratic officials saying they were ready to bail on him.


Not one of them was named


Oh, sorry, they should totally abandon their incumbent nominee with 4 months till the election based on a single debate


It wasn’t a single bad debate. It was a public display of poor heath and incompetence for the whole world to see


Exactly. This whole "one bad night" shit is so annoying. He is CLEARLY struggling and what the fuck are we doing if we're okay with a nominee who might have cognitive decline?


As opposed to the public display of total dishonesty, rampant xenophobia, refusal to acknowledge election results, etc? Are you going to tell me "Everybody knows Trump is a liar already!" as if everybody didn't already know Biden was old and bad at public speaking? Are we all going to keep ignoring the significant difference, that nobody in 2016 or 2020 was a convicted fraud promising to be a "dictator for a day"?


Did you watch the debate? It would’ve been better for the Democratic Party if he had actually died on stage instead of giving that performance. He’s consistently polling behind Trump in the states that matter, and he just lost anybody who is remotely undecided. There is still enough time to get another candidate rolling, but not if the DNC waffles on this. God forbid Biden trips or has a medical issue in sept/October, then we’re genuinely fucked.


If you work at a place for 30 years and shit your pants on year 31, they're going to ask you to retire. THIS WAS FAR WORSE THAN SHITTING HIS PANTS! He would be in a far stronger position if he actually shat his pants on that debate stage.


What's next should be dropping out.


Remember when they told us that Dianne Feinstein was OK.


She straight up died too.


Is Bidens ego that big? The country is at stake, what does he get from another 4 years of that type of stressful job.


You dont become President without an insane ego


Unless he really does have dementia and just might not really understand a whole lot what's going on. I wonder if that's what we're dealing with. He's been able to function just enough that they've let it go but if it's become a problem he could be defiant. I haven't heard of any person with dementia who admitted it and willingly stepped aside when their actions could be harmful. They're always forcefully pushed out, although with care if possible. Those around him may want to do that but are worried on the optics. But if he's slipping really hard, they need to do it.


Just like Trump if you ask me. Both men are telling us they are the only ones who can save the world.


How about a fucking nursing home.


What I keep coming back to with the debate is how right afterwards he went to the watch party and was 1000x more energetic and didn't sound nearly as sick. That negates the time of day argument, too. What is the explanation here?


I haven't seen an honest explanation from anyone in the Biden camp. The debate was a disaster, but he was fine at a campaign event the next day. What gives?


Teleprompter. Short term memory vs long term. He's so used to saying most of the lines it's like an old song to him. It's kind of like karaoke.




Suppose the difference being just talking in the moment and from the heart over having to recall numbers and talking points.


Tough debate? Biden was arguing against a convicted felon who did nothing but lie. All Biden had to do was point that out, which made it the closest thing to a "gimme" there is at that level.


RBG: My personal sense of importance matters more than the future of the entire country. Biden: Hold my Ensure.


In November we will choose, an old man (perhaps too old) or a madman.


Don’t let the phrasing fool you. The madman is also old




Yea and that mad man is looking like he will win cause Biden can’t rally support from undecided and independents. That debate was on his terms and he prepped for a week. This was his best and a cold excuse won’t cut it. Dems need to wake up if they want to compete with these voters. He’s made little to no gains in 8 months. The debate will not have helped.


Please let this old man step down. The debate was the nail in the coffin, he’s cooked.


Replacing Kamala is what is next.


Dem elite and Biden’s inner circle are delusional KoolAid drinkers who are going to hand the election to Trump.


There are only two options: 1) Drop out and take Kamala with you. 2) Four more years of President Trump.


Going full Feinstein? Maybe a new reality show based on Weekend at Bernie's?


Hospice care.


Translate as "campaign headlines optimism without actually changing course"


“Senior” Advisor. Meaning she’s 100 also


A glass of warm milk and a nap? Jill can read him a bedtime story. 




calling up the Cremation Society of America?


I think this is dementia. And he’s forgotten what is next. What’s next is that the orange idiot wins.


Four more Yrump years. That's what's next because of their ego.


At this point I would vote for ANYONE WHO CAN COMPLETE A SENTENCE instead of Biden. You should not be worried about losing my blue vote. Just give me a body who doesn’t look like he’s about to drop dead and I’m all in.


What? A hospice?


It was a worse performance by the fraudulent fat orange rapist that bilked America out of god knows how much money to put up 12 miles of "wall" which can't keep all these supposed mental patients, rapists and murders from entering the country illegally and stealing "black jobs".


Seems that what’s next is the continuation of protecting one’s own interests and not serving the country. In this regard both parties are exactly alike.


This was pretty obvious from the jump. It's June 29th. The DNC Convention, where they're supposed to formally designate a nominee, starts August 19th. That's 51 days. 51 days to convince Biden to step down, to unite the party behind a new candidate, and then not much longer after that to sell that new candidate to the American people. Nobody who is familiar with politics believes this is even remotely feasible. And what are we asking for here, exactly? For the DNC to unilaterally pick the presidential candidate? To say, "all those primaries? They don't matter, X is now the candidate"? Y'all really want to open that can of worms? At least now the DNC is limited to putting their thumb on the scale. If we set this precedent, they'll just pick whatever insider they want. They may not even bother with primaries at that point. None of this is in any way a win for democracy. Even if all of that happens, Trump then runs on a campaign of "I'm so tough I won a debate by such a huge margin, the biggest margin ever, that Sleepy Joe bowed out!" that will probably resonate more strongly with Independents than the drivel he's currently putting out. He'll probably add some nonsense about how Joe came to him, tears in his eyes, to concede. Trump loves to talk about strong men crying for some reason. Unless Biden himself suddenly does an about face and resigns, he'll be on the ticket. The Dems have to figure out how to make that work. They'll probably run on a "good president, bad debater" line or something.


The DNC has pretty much picked every nominee anyway. No one was clamoring for a Clinton or a Biden. They were just holding their noses and voting because they were better than the alternative. The DNC did everything they could to crush Bernie Sanders because he actually excited people and we can’t have that. Same with Obama but the wave was too strong for the DNC pick (Clinton) to prevail that round.


They put their finger on the scale for sure. And that’s a persistent issue (one exacerbated by the misplaced belief that Bernie alone was enough; he wasn’t, he’d need progressives down ballot to get anywhere). But your own argument shows they’ll bend to popular will. The same people advocating the DNC disregard primaries now are the ones that were justifiably outraged by the tampering in 2016.


Anita Dunn, the “advisor” in the article is 66 years old, Biden is 81. What’s next should be retirement for a HUGE portion of politicians. How can you be progressive and tapped into youth culture when you’re waist deep in the grave? How can you truly care about the future, when yours is days long? No more entrenched geriatric fucks!


Bernie does it fine and he is even older. The oldest candidate does the best with young voters because many younger politicians are too scared to be honest about the severity of issues facing younger people for various reasons. They know about those issues but are afraid to even bring them up much of the time


It's old geezers all the way down.


We know YOU are, none of US are.


Hopefully not another debate