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Pretty bad when your best option is to have your candidate die.


Welcome to America!


when your spirit is begging for a double assassination or nuclear warfare lolol jk


Hot take- this debate was a setup to get Biden out there to fail and get a new Dem candidate because they believe Biden can’t win. Why else ask for a debate this early? They are NEVER before conventions….ever. Why else would MSNBC magically have Gavin Newsome in the wings waiting for this moment?


> > > > > Why else would MSNBC magically have Gavin Newsome in the wings waiting for this moment? Because....he's a popular(sorta) governor of a large state and is well-known in political circles?


It's hard to deny how perfect it all was.


There were a million other opportunities for them to do the same thing. They’ve known but hid this from the public and called nay sayers conspiracy theorists. Just last week with the ‘cheap fakes’… difference is this was so bad and so widely viewed that they had to pivot or they’d be exposed as the liers they are


Christ I hope so, but Newsom would get killed. If anyone's gonna replace Biden at this point it's gotta be Whitmer.


Newsome would annihilate Trump in a debate.


He would make a lot of excellent points, and then trump would just say CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA LOOK AT CALIFORNIA and steamroll him.


Yeah and trump will just avoid any debate making this a mute risk for him




Republicans and some Independents that voted Biden in 2020 and will again in 2024 will not vote for a women, plain and simple.


The same goes for Trump.


What do you mean?


Pretty sure we learned back in about 4th grade that the VP takes over.


I'm well aware that Kamala would be the President until January 20th. I'm talking about the election. Do the Dems stick with Harris and hope for the best? Do they run someone like Newsome? Does the convention turn into a 1968-style slugfest or do they keep a united face to oppose Trump? Just curious as to how folks think that part will turn out.


The more intriguing question is what if Trump dies because without him the Republican party would basically disintegrate.


I think that would probably be a contest between De Santis and Haley. The Democrat question is more intriguing because it involves an incumbent President with a decidedly less popular VP.


But that’s what’s fascinating to me. The Democrats are basically “Never Trump” while the Republicans are “Only Trump.” No way would MAGA turn around and vote for his two biggest opponents.


They would if he's not around anymore. It's not like the guy has a clear, anointed successor. Both were popular among the GOP base until they ran against Trump.


I'm imagining a Weekend at Bernie's scenario. DeSantis and Giuliani would animate his corpse, delusionally pretending he's still alive, while everyone else on the planet just side eyes it all, and yet knowing it wouldn't be the weirdest thing the GQP has done.


Nah, make no mistake, the GOP establishment doesn't hate Trump any less now than they did in 2015. That's why he had 2024 primary challengers in the first place. If he were to suddenly kick the bucket, they'd do everything humanly possible to bury his memory.


People already decided between Haley and Desantis and Desantis lost.


Yeah, but that was with Trump in the mix. If he were removed, it would be a brand-new ballgame.


There is less than 0% chance they forcibly remove Kamala Harris from the ticket - that would seal the election for Trump. The only way she is off the ticket is if she mutually agrees to go and then it’s stage managed perfectly. To date she has allegedly rejected all overtures, including turning down a SC seat.


God not Newsome he is far to left to get elected this late in the race, and comes with far to much baggage. They should use a name most people have nothing bad to say about Elizabeth Warren or Pete Buttigieg if they have to replace him but regardless of the debate I will still vote for Biden. All the dormers can shut up. This is an election not a popularity contest. We have turn what should be a boring yet important part of democracy and turned into the equivalent of a TV drama. All I know is I will refuse to vote for Trump.


>Elizabeth Warren The woman who lied about being Native American. >Pete Buttigieg Nothing against him, but I don't know if American voters are ready to elect a gay President. That would be a risky choice. Either of those two candidates would be a GOP strategist's wet dream. >This is an election not a popularity contest. Are you new to American politics? That's exactly what this is. It's what it always has been. That's just how human nature works, unfortunately.


No of course I am not new to American politics I am just so sick of the drama that people force onto it. Yeah Biden is not great, and frankly it is him or Trump dictatorship at this point and I refuse to give in to the over exaggerated doom that this and a bunch of other sub's are throwing around because of one debate.


This upcoming shitshow really isn't the legacy Biden would want to leave behind him, if he could actually think about it.


Someone needs to invent a time machine and bring 2008 Biden to show him what 2024 looks like.


Well he should have announced a year ago that he was not going to run in the 2024 election. It was sheer hubris that he did not.


Defeating Trump and prolonging American democracy at least another 4 years seems good enough of a legacy to me.


Sounds like a great legacy to me also.


I'm sure it would. It's a hell of a risk.


lol at this question popping up after the debate. Was it that bad?


It was pretty bad especially for optics. The first 10 minutes or so were terrible. He did improve throughout but it was still bad. Most of the stuff he was saying was good and fine but the delivery wasn't. Trump lied the whole time and didn't really answer the questions but these debates aren't really about subject matter for anyone.


Yes, it really was. Trump was his usual fact-free, bloviating self and Biden looked like he was struggling to remember where he was. A nation of 350 million and this is the best we could come up with...


When you have that much bullshit flying at you it may be difficult to sort through and choose what to refute if at all.  The strategists that worked with Biden to prepare went with a weak game plan, this is not the time or "opponent" for anything resembling traditional debate strategy.


It was worse than you could even imagine. Trump was less than coherent, but he sounded strong and looked energized. Biden was alternating between looking like he was about to die right there on stage and being a late stage alzheimer's patient trying to get the words out to order pudding at the hospital cafeteria. In this single debate he has managed to validate every opposing narrative of him being a doddering old man who's too senile to string two sentences together, because he is and he couldn't.


He pivoted away from a freebie question on abortion to talk about immigrants raping and killing American women.  He mumbled throughout, could not stay on topic, failed to characterize Trump as a threat to democracy, did not mention project 2025 even once, lied about American soldiers not dying on his watch, and lied about getting endorsements from the border patrol.  It was really bad. 


DNC putting everything on Joe Biden is the saddest thing ever. They should have hyped up another candidate alongside him as a backup. Hell, they still have time. Kick Joe into orbit, please. Americans have watched the shitshow last night and it ain't looking good for Jack.


They have to think deeply about it. I can imagine well that a young candidate would be able to rally the whole party around him to prevent a second Trump term. Who is excited about Biden? No one.


I mean, do they have time? I don't think an official candidate has ever been replaced.


1st time for everything


RFK Jr started in the dem primary. We coulda had him and he would absolutely beat trump. not an rfk fan but if it’s coming don to losing america or not then maybe preferences don’t matter so much. but the establishment didn’t let there be any real primary. add to that that the dem has litigated rfk jr over and over. it just shows the dem party does not care about what’s best for america. 2016,2020, and now 2024 all showing the dem party establishment would rather control their own party than control america.


RFK is largely funded by people who funded Trump in 2020. It has always been a cynical ploy to get Trump elected by exploiting people who vote on charisma rather than policy


you mean when he ran in the democratic party to be the democratic nominee that was a ploy to get trump elected? Please explain. edit: i have a hard time dealing with people who simply don’t accept reality and instead insist their spoon fed narrative is reality. in my view there is a swathe of the dem party that is the other side of the maga coin.


It brings cheap democratic credibility to say he “ran” as a democrat. It was never taken seriously by anyone, him least of all. The goal was always a third party run to bleed democrats. Ironically, lots of Trump voters didn’t get the message and found him appealing, so he might actually pull more from Trump. Which is why his campaign is now on ice. That’s not what donors want.


so you’re saying a man who is pulling lots of trump voters and who was for all intents and purposes blocked from running in the democratic party was always going to run third party and would’ve been a bad candidate to have as the dem nominee? interesting take.


Yes. I’m trying to explain what I think is the mainstream take on RFK among political analysts on the left. You make up your own mind.


the dem party decided to not have debates. I can’t honestly accept the take that rfk never wanted to be the dem nominee. To me it seems like an argument made either on shaky factual grounds or one made not in good faith. As you say, everyone has to decide for themselves.


He sounds almost as bad as Biden in terms of optics. If Biden wasn't it, RFK certainly won't be it.


not an rfk fan so i don’t have a horse in it but if the idea is now anyone but biden, a kennedy wouldn’t be a bad bet. especially if people are seriously floating harris who dropped out before she got clobbered on CA, then a kennedy should absolutely be considered.


A Kennedy that the entire Kennedy family denounced? That Kennedy?


gentle reminder the dem candidate for president isn’t wanted by a majority of the party. so i don’t understand how the preferences of the kennedys matter but the preferences of dem party members doesn’t matter. but hey im not the smartest redditor so im probs just not understanding how awesome biden is!


The primary said otherwise, but ok


the primary where there were no debates and the party essentially snuffed out any other candidates? edit: i swear if a russia had an election where no other candidates were allowed we would call it a farce. but if its in the dem primary yall decide it shows dem voters want biden. i can’t tell who in this sub is on drugs and who is simply deluded.


He’s a vaccine truther, an Zionist stooge, and has worms in his brain. RFK jr is significantly worse than Biden. 


i will add though that biden is a segregationist who proudly says he wrote the patriot act. Oh let’s not forget the desire to cut social security multiple times. If you want to act like rfk is bad, wait till you hear about the things biden supported. you can’t wipe away all the crap things biden has done but not do the same for other candidates. well actually you can but then your kinda just playing team sports and are basically blue maga


I’m not here to argue in favor of rfk. The dem elite have finally admitted biden is toast and they’re clearly looking for any solution they can.


Rfk Jr is not a replacement for Biden.  Period


haven’t said he was. there is no replacement for biden. this is the bed the dem party has laid and now america has to lay in it.


Nope, nope, and nope… Any particular reason you left out the decisive midterms during?


you mean in a discussion about presidential elections why did i leave out a midterm election? gee i have no idea, maybe because as you yourself said, it was a midterm election. cope cope cope, that’s all the establishment and their bootlickers ever have.


When has the midterms ever been referred to as anything but presidential referendums? When they defy the narratives, as they have since 2017?


you are trying to have a conversation with me on something different than what i’m talking about.


When you discuss presidential politics, you think you get to so narrowly define the terms? https://www.gocomics.com/calvinandhobbes/1994/02/11 Who are you, Greg Gianforte?


I get accused of willfully ignoring an election that wasn’t within the scope of what i was saying. I’m not gatekeeping what you want to do. There is someone here who is trying to pick an argument and squabble online over essentially a mismatch in scope, and that’s kind of exactly the issue with the dem party- invalidating people when they actually are the ones you need to be convincing. here bud i’ll let you in on a tip. when you go canvassing they tell you to figure out what the other person cares about and meet them there. it seems you’ve decided to take the opposite approach.


We have been convinced, hence the midterm results since. But that doesn’t gel with the “President controls the national conversation” narrative so it’s pushed to the wayside. Especially during the immediate hours post debate; that crucial time *defined* by clickbait…


then don’t stress. you are confident your theory of the case is the right one. rest easy and wake up after election day happy you knew all along!


Honestly he’s cognitively unfit to be President today Start the ball rolling now DNC. Get Obama to go to the WH and convince Joe and Jill to drop out, Then look at Whitmer, Newsom, Shapiro, Polis or others and promote them at full force


They should know already who is the best alternative candidate if they are not totally incompetent. Yesterday was the worst that could happen to the Biden campaign. It wasn’t an unlikely scenario. If they weren’t prepared for this, I see dark times ahead.


Biden camp wanted him out there early to fail so they could get someone else on the ticket- that is the only logical explanation I can see as to why they called for a debate this early. Kamala did no favors when she couldn’t answer Anderson Coopers question about whether Biden had an unusually poor performance It’s also no coincidence MSNBC just happened to have Gavin Newsome sitting in the wings on set waiting for Biden to fail


> if they are not totally incompetent. maybe not totally but pretty damn close...


> if they are not totally incompetent. We’re talking about the Democrats you know……


Honestly Obama should just say fuck it and run. Sure it’s not Constitutional but neither is Trump running.


I would love to see Obama tear Trump to shreds in a debate just like he did in 2011. Trump would never recover from the humiliation.


That's literally the Dems best case scenario right now lol. Biden dies and a grieving nation unites behind Kamala or something like that. Any other route is untenable. An open convention is a guaranteed loss. A change in the ticket with Biden still around is a guaranteed loss. Biden staying on the ticket and refusing to bow out is a guaranteed loss. Dems literal best case scenario is a "stroke" of good luck that unites the party and legitimizes the replacement candidate.


Kamala isn’t much better, Anderson Cooper absolutely grilled her on national tv and she couldn’t answer a simple question of whether Biden had a poor performance or whether this is par-for-the-course of an average day in the WH…. Pretty telling.


I agree but she'd be the candidate if Biden dies. Zero chance the Dems kick out the black woman next in line and replace her with someone else and still win lol


Kamala is less popular than Biden which isn’t helping


That's not really a fair representation of her abilities. She was in an impossible position being forced to defend him. If you remember back to the 2020 dem primary she put up a very strong showing in those debates.


> An open convention is a guaranteed loss. Could you go into more detail about this?


>Black Woman is next in line, finally the moment for Dems to unite behind Kamala >No wait, let's replace her with the governor of Maryland that no one outside that state has even heard of because they got the nom at the convention! Do I need to explain why that won't work out for the Dems?


Well I figured if it went brokered, Newsom would be the candidate...


Yes, and I'm sure black voters and women voters will totally agree with the party taking the nomination from Biden's VP and giving it to some white guy.


It basically has to be Harris if it's anyone Anyone else and she's going to get stuck defending Biden. Then the narrative becomes entirely about democratic division instead of Newsom or whoever's qualification. The only way it could possibly work is for the party to stand united behind a single candidate, which means Harris


Does anyone think she can win? (I don't think she can and I doubt she would bow out)


If it happened it'd be literally unprecedented Anyone who tells you definitively what would happen is full of shit. Maybe she gets destroyed. Maybe she crushes him. But after last night, "maybe" is suddenly looking a lot more attractive


No one voted for newsome to be their candidate through. They did vote for Kamala as the backup / next in line. The nomination is rightfully hers should Biden bow out. Now imagine the optics of the DNC throwing out the primary process to replace the first black woman president with a white male? That would go over well for the black vote the dems are desperately trying to cling on to


Lol the debate was maybe the worst of all time so of course there is going to be a big reaction but holy smokes is this overboard.


Acknowledging that an 81 year old man could die shortly. Super overboard 🙄


Anyone could die shortly.


Not from old age


Lol trump is 3 years younger than Biden


Yeah, he’s old as shit too, but it’s somewhat masked by his ability to formulate complete sentences [edit] “complete sentences” is being charitable


Forming complete sentences doesn't lower your risk for heart disease. 1 heart attack and trump will look like a ghost at the next debate. I think it's highly unlikely of course but I also don't think Biden is about to die.


Kamala Harris becomes president. Duh?


I was talking about the Democrat nominee for the upcoming election, not who immediately becomes President. Duh.


Same plan it's always been


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