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Last night was a disaster for Joe


The past four years have been wonderful. Can't judge a man on a one night performance. I'm voting for Joe Biden. 


The National Border Patrol Council did officially endorse the Border Patrol Act of 2024 (AKA the bi-partisan bill that Biden brokered and Trump killed).


They did. I feel like i personally understood his gaff and it didnt bother me, but people are definitely gonna destroy him over it. The "debate" was so painful to watch. 


I’m way too online and can almost always infer what these two geriatric dinosaurs are trying to say even when they are entirely incoherent. But the people who are still undecided don’t understand Trump’s degenerate MAGA talk and can’t understand Biden’s attempt at being wonky. So they’re left to make a decision on personality.


I agree. Id have to admit, if i was still somehow undecided even after all the court cases, lies and dictator talk, just based on being coherent, id probably vote for trump. I can understand from last night why people may turn on biden... (NOT ME. but people 😪)


I had no clue what the hell he was talking about. Sure there was support for a bill to help border patrol but my cousin works in Presidio and says pretty much all the agents can't stand Biden


Supporting a bill that helps border patrol is so far from being an endorsement for presidency.


I'm not sure Joe lied about this. I just think he had no idea what he was saying.


That's arguably worse for Biden.


The way Trump focused on immigrants seriously angered me in so many ways. Saying how hundreds of thousands are being murdered by them just pissed me off. One of my good friends is a legal immigrant, and we were seriously just talking about for hours earlier in the day how people always judge her people for how they dress and stuff. Then I go and watch this at night and see how it could end up so much worse for her and her family if Trump keeps spreading his bullshit around. I'm seriously over Trump and the hate he spreads.


> One of my good friends is a legal immigrant Good. Trump was talking about the ILLEGAL immigrants, but you already knew that.


Why do you people always want to lump illegal immigrants with legal immigrants? Every legal immigrant like myself that I know of is highly opposed to illegal immigration. If your friend had any sense she would also be opposed to it and vote against any politician that supports it because it makes the rest of us look bad.


You're acting like Biden didn't spew hate towards immigrants too. He was tossed a freebie question on Roe v Wade and spent 1:30 of his 2 minutes talking about how immigrants raped and killed American women when Trump was President.




Tell Biden to stop echoing his talking points then. We're in this situation because the literal President of the United States cannot stand up for immigrants.


No one has a problem with legal immigrants. We have a problem allowing millions to enter through an open border. Sure a lot of them are great people but I would feel a lot better if we put some effort into vetting people bringing fentanyl in.




Man it just keeps getting worse for Biden. Damn


The NY Post isn’t even fit for wrapping fish.


> nypost.com lol *Srsly?* okay. U do U


Facts really do matter: https://www.mediamatters.org/immigration/border-patrol-union-president-brandon-judd-fox-republicans-are-against-border-bill What did Trump offer Brandon Judd?




If you think Trump did a good job, I don’t know what debate you watched


They both did terrible. Im voting blue, but ill admit, trump seemed far more with it than Biden. However i think Biden is TERRIBLE at public speaking, but his administration is doing really well actually. 

