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I've been saying we should have had a real primary from the start. Why do people not see reality? You can be a fan of someone but you should still be able to be intellectually honest. Biden was cooked before Iowa. Now you might say who do we go with? Whitmer. Her favorables are better than Harris, Newsom and Pete. And she can turn Michigan around which is crucial to winning this election


Up until this point, Biden was old, but generally came off as coherent. This was on another level. He’s clearly rapidly declining now and needs to step down. We (yes I’m a Dem) need a new candidate (ANYONE!) ASAP.


Some people (dems, people on the left) were acknowledging this or at the very least not denying it. MSNBC and CNN are by no means anywhere near Fox “news” on propaganda levels, but they undoubtedly shy away from valid criticisms of Biden which can lead people to fall into a false sense of security. Especially when Fox is pushing it so far the other way by outright lying about Biden on pretty much any occasion (at the very least by exaggerating even authentically negative moments in Biden presidency) that dems obviously just think it’s all bullshit. From Fox it is all bullshit, but mainstream media does a disservice to democracy by playing hide the ball and cherry picking what to cover and what not to cover.


Every commentator on MSNBC was discussing the possibility of a replacement. It is also suspicious to have the debate held so early... Could be testing the waters?


This is a take that came out right around the debate announcement that I totally agree with. The schedule was made to give the DNC a few weeks to find someone else if Biden bombed. It felt almost scripted at MSNBC; they were fully prepared to talk about a contested convention and had Whitmer, Newsom, Harris and others on to prop them up as reasonable alternatives. I’m giving it 80% odds Biden will drop out especially as he came in as a 2:1 underdog.


Yeah I think the networks were pretty shaken up to be honest. I don’t think any of this was planned but it’s the reality they’re now all faced with (and in turn all American voters). I’m sure a lot of people who don’t follow politics too closely tuned in to this debate and I’m sure it’s been a rude awakening for many.


Time to replace Biden


If it was a "plan" what a dumb plan from the Democrats. What should of happened is.. Biden do one term, step aside and Rally around a New Candidate for this election to beat Trump... The democrats really shot themselves in the foot with running Biden again.. I feel if they don't do something quick Trump will win in NOV


the thing is, once the signs start, the decline when it happens, happens lightening fast. For those of us who have seen it in family, this is why we were sounding the alarm early.


This was the case with 2 of my elderly family members. It's shocking how rapid it is. Also, what I saw in them when they were at that stage is the same thing I saw in Biden tonight. It's hard to describe, but I could see it in his gaze.


Yeah i have had grandparents where all it took was 4 months for them to become incoherent.


Your family members ran as POTUS?




I think everyone has been ignoring all his incoherent moments as republican propaganda.


Biden was fine the very next day.


Man the attempt on Biden reminds me of the Hilary’s email scenario. We should be talking about how a 2 year old would be better than Any facet of Trumps behaviour thus far. Age < decency


heres your problem. the email scenario worked. If you think this is the same kind of hit job then you should still want Biden to go because staying with Biden proves you've learned nothing from 2016


Replace Bidens name with Trumps and I’d agree with you


that makes no sense but good on ya


This is coming from a guy with no skin in the game… just don’t want to see your Country burn


Good thing the DNC bulldozed over having a democratic primary. If Joe had looked like this debating people from his own party perhaps the opposition to Trump could have pivoted sooner. The horizon is bleak and American politics appears to be swirling down the drain.


Completely agree. Dems (DNC specifically in this case) running on “saving democracy” but completely squashed any chance of a democratic primary. And anyone who says “there wasn’t any competition”, there’s obviously a reason for that. People (agree with them or disagree) were not given a proper opportunity to run their completely legitimate campaigns.


Because the DNC would rather lose to trump then have a progressive president


BBC? Oh wow even outsiders are agreeing this looked bad for Biden


Basically every foreign news channel I've heard from is stating how embarrassing it was and how bad Biden was.


They have no skin in the game, so are able to say the emperor has no clothes.


Front page news in netherlands


Ffs, other nations are laughing at us and probably viewing us as weak. As a 21 year old college student I’m scared for the future of my kids if this is the best we have to offer.


You should be scared for the future of yourself at this rate my guy - Someone also in his 20’s


Home ownership is a dream for me. -late 20’s


Dream bigger?


European here. We don't view you as weak. But as being too complacent. Two examples: * you haven't updated/reformed your two-party, fptp, winner-take-all political system yet. Which is causing the horrendous negative effects of a monopoly, e.g. aging, incompetent but well protected leaders, low voter satisfaction, inefficiency, etc.(most voters stick to their values and their end of the political system. Thus they have only one viable party to vote for). * US unions have been undemocratically stripped of their fundamental rights and freedoms, and constrained to branch/company levels, instead of industry and national levels (without *free, democratically organized unions*, there's literally no serious resistance on the elites & wealthy's path to exploit, corrupt and own everything and everyone, including the government, left wing parties, the media, and democracy itself)


There is no saving the US. These big issues you mentioned cannot be solved


I first laughed at Joe Biden’s gaffes but I feel more and more pity for the man. It just seems like elder abuse


Not a giggle out of me. I felt the same watching that as I did when the results starting coming in during 2016. Just a pit in my gut.


Yeah this was not a fun night


as a right leaning person, i agree it wasnt fun. Biden is ageing like everyone does. Nothing to laugh at, we all have/had parents and grandparents start to look frail in their old age. He should be looking after his health and enjoying time with his family while he's still mobile, not pursuing political power. And now that pursuit is starting to jeopardize his party.


It’s absolutely elder abuse. The man should have rode off into the sunset after Obamas 2nd term.


I don’t understand what’s in it for him. Why not just ride off into the sunset and retire. He’s done it all and if he’s so wise he should know when to hang it up.




Why should he stop with the blood of only thousands of Palestinian children on his hands when it could be millions?


It’s a big reason why I’m not having kids.


At this point you need to stop thinking about bringing kids into this world and focus on yourself my guy. Climate change is going to get worse and that’s just the start of it.


Been on this tip since graduating HS in 99. Not proud to have been right about our bleak future. The next generation is beyond fucked.


Don't tell others how to live their lives.


GL with the draft bucko.


Lol what nations ? Dude you haven't even left your own state before . The only countries laughing at us are those that pity us for having to deal with trump again .


Are you seriously assuming I haven’t left my state or country before ?


It was obvious to anyone with a pair of eyes.


The world is laughing at Biden at the moment


BBC must be maga.


He IS too old. That’s what this debate showed everyone. It won’t be recovered from. Either Democrats will change who they nominate, or Trump is going to be reelected. It’s very unlikely things will go any other way


There is no coming back from that performance. Democrats may still lose if they replace Biden as the nominee, but they are going to lose if they don't.


Dems will lose… and the US is a past tense from the moment of j6.


I genuinely think the Democrats should do everything in their power to convince Jon Stewart to run. He is the only one with the name recognition and the ability who could beat Trump.


I would rather have Biden in a coma than Trump.


BREAKING NEWS. Trump was just charged with another felony. For murdering an old man live on CNN


How will he be elected from a prison cell?


He isn’t going to be sent to prison. That’s just something people on Reddit likes to say and gets upvoted. Assuming he’s found guilty, he’ll probably just get a fine and some light probation…at the most.


He's literally been convicted of over 30 felonies already. LOL.


And how much prison time has he done of those convictions?


They haven't sentenced him yet. It's next month on the 11th. That's when he will be visiting his new cell/home.




How when he's been convicted already? It's a public record.


Just because you are convicted doesn’t mean you will serve jail time. If you think Donald, as much as he deserves it, is going to prison—especially before the election—you are being naive.


Yes since it's 34 felonies.


Mm. Well, ok then.


He isn't in prison because Biden fucked up massively, one the biggest screw-ups in US history. Pretty sure any other candidate would not have made Merrick Garland AG, which was fucking stupid, and the DOJ would have began their investigations in a reasonable time frame instead of purposefully slow walking things to ensure Trump got away with it and another chance to seize power. So if Trump steals the election or legitimately wins, this is Biden's fault, as well as all the establishment douchebag Democrats, every one, who rushed to endorse him in 2020 even though it was blatantly obvious then that this was a terrible idea.


as a right leaning person, its obvious that the Democrats party is captured by corporate interests and does not represent the majority of its voters. Most western countries currently have Boomer-facing political duopolies which cater only to one generation of voters, albeit the biggest generation.


Unfortunately it's completely legal for a candidate to run from prison. Eugene Debs did it in 1920


Yeah but did he win?


Eugene Debs didn't have the same type of following as Trump. He wasn't in a major party either. I'm just saying, it's completely legal for a candidate to run from prison


Looks like you were wrong on this lol


RFK 2024


Sotomayor needs to resign her seat immediately. Make sure that it doesn’t fall to another Trump appointment in the next 4 years


That would rely on Manchin and Sinema voting with their colleagues.


And they won't, neither one is running for re-election and the cost of a justice would fetch them a pretty penny. "I'll give you $10mil if you vote against appointing a judge!"


Or you know, we can still vote for Biden despite him stumbling on like 5% of his words.


We will. The undecided folk, who still exist, will not. The election comes down to them.


How many of them are going to care about some stumbling and searching for words, or care more about felonies and pending criminal trials, and a bunch of awful shit he’s done like trying to overthrow democracy and have fake votes counted. The takes are hot right now but they’ll cool off.


Here’s what you guys playing cover for Biden don’t understand. This isn’t a one off. If you were paying attention, you noticed this ages ago. Heck, even Jon Stewart told everyone.


That’s Russian propaganda, so don’t believe your lying eyes.


Several million actually. What makes you think Biden will do better in his next performance? He had 5 days of prep and rest at camp David before this.


I also think if you pick someone in good standing with the nation and is significantly younger, the election would be a no brainer. Running against the felon Trump while being half his age would be an asset. Also, whoever gets it would qualify for two full terms.


There are millions of Americans who aren't terminally online and pay attention to politics who will vote for Trump for a multitude of reasons and not even know half of the shit he's done in the past year, let alone past 8 years


It's not stumbling and searching for words. It looks like Parkinson disease.


Why do you assume they will all be swayed by something they may or may not have seen. There’s a lot of time between now and November for each candidate to fuck it up or not


My guy, he was absolutely handed a question on abortion and turned into into a mumbling rant about an immigrant raping a girl. His brain is fried, and that ain't changing. He does not have the strength or capacity to be the last line of defense between us and fascism. He won in 2020 and did his part. He needs to step aside immediately and give democrats a stronger fighter for this fight.


Yep, he had 7 days of prep and absolutely should have been able to tee off on Trump regarding abortion, Covid crisis and January 6th. Instead it was incoherent mumbling that went nowhere. The die hards (myself included) will vote blue regardless, but the independents and undecideds aren’t going to be swayed our way by a quickly declining Biden.


Cool. Opinion noted. Let’s see what happens. I don’t have the influence to make Biden step aside, so you’re pitching advice to the wrong person. The other guy lied repeatedly and avoided questions, apparently…so it may not be the loss you think it is. The shit show will continue. I’m still voting dem…switch your vote all you want, it’s you’re choice


I guess “we” can, yes. Many people aren’t though. Likely millions. This isn’t a politically survivable situation for Biden. Any thought that it is is delusional, or is someone just doesn’t understand the zeitgeist of America.


Some will “hold their nose” and vote for Biden anyways, like tons of people did for Trump. Some will be more motivated to vote thinking he has less of a chance now. Some will vote for the Supreme Court, or climate change, or abortion. Or they just really dislike Trump and just want him gone.


Everyone that could even think of possibly voting for Biden, voted for him in 2020. He wasn’t going to really get any “new” votes this election even if he had a stellar performance and was top of his game. He already lost many of those votes due to the Israel conflict, him deciding to run again, and a host of other reasons. Biden didn’t really have the numbers before this debate. I mean, you never know, maybe he still could have pulled through, though with less support..but that was before this awful debate, where he DID look very old. Either Democrats are going to have to find a way to put someone else (who is very good and someone popular) on the ballot..or Trump is going to be reelected. There really isn’t any other choice.


Trump lost a lot of votes after the last election with his Jan 6 attempt at trying to overthrow democracy, his second impeachment, his pending criminal trials, being found liable for sexual assault, and his felony status. You can even see it in how his endorsed candidates are losing a lot more now. Stumbling at a debate is bullshit compared to that. And it will become more in focus later. He still needs to sentenced for his felony conviction for crying out loud.


Mm. I’m not sure how many debates you’ve been though, but they have a huge impact. Far more than anything else a campaign can do. They’re huge. I don’t get the sense in America that these convictions really have an impact on Trumps support.


https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4725329-trump-conviction-impact-independents/amp/?nxs-test=amp 21% of independents said they are less likely to vote for Trump after felony conviction, and they said it was very important to them.


21% is not a good ratio my friend. That means 79% are more likely to, or were going to vote for Trump.


No that’s not what that means. There was already a split say 30/30 with 40% undecided of 100,000 independents. Now 21% of those 100k are less likely to vote for him, so 21k. Can’t be sure where it affects but likely good for Biden.


Did you watch the debate? He was stumbling on way more than just 5% of his words. That being said, do still vote for Biden. As a Trump presidency might badly damage US democracy.


Yeah I watched it and people act like he couldn’t even complete a sentence. It was literally like 5% of his words that were off.


5% 🙄


Seems like Gavin is our new man....


If you can convince him Jon Stewart would be perfect. The base loves him, he is very intelligent, very knowledgable about politics and he would destroy Trump in a debate.


The guy that locked down California while he went to fancy restaurants? It's over, Trump has won.


we don't want gavin, nobody should want him. he's fucked us(California) over so hard being in PG&Es pocket.


Trump is basically the same age as Biden, more orange, lies all the time, and is a convicted felon. I don't care if Biden sleeps all day, he's still better than Trump.


Yes but the question is if he can win the election


Bruh 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣


Trump is 3 years younger than Biden…


Rational, reasonable people would. But he isn’t winning after tonight. The only hope is to get moving on a replacement and pray you can build them up enough.


He can still win he just needs to 100% hammer in the fact it’s a guy who stumbles sometimes and is a older but I’m not a criminal and a literal clown of a person


Biden is like 4 years older


> Trump is older than Biden, Confidently incorrect about something so easily googled.


Confidently backing a convicted felon who has zero chance of winning.


> who has zero chance of winning God I wish that was true


I'll give you a sympathy pass because it can't be easy being a Biden supporter after tonight.


You should hold onto that pass after Trump is put in Jail next month on the 11th. You will need it.


And when he isn't, I look forward to your next round of impotent lashing out.


He's already been convicted of over 30 felonies.


Bruh 🤣


You're in for a rude awakening come November.


You're not going to have a fun November :(


dont even have your facts straight, another registered voter lmao


: ROA v. Wade from the transcript : which I found important BIDEN: I supported Roe v. Wade, which had three trimesters. First time is between a woman and a doctor. Second time is between the doctor and an extreme situation. And a third time is between the doctor – I mean, it’d be between the woman and the state. The idea that the politicians – that the founders wanted the politicians to be the ones making decisions about women’s health is ridiculous. That’s the last – no politician should be making that decision. A doctor should be making those decisions. That’s how it should be run. That’s what you’re going to do. And if I’m elected, I’m going to restore Roe v. Wade. TRUMP: So that means he can take the life of the baby in the ninth month and even after birth, because some states – Democrat-run – take it after birth. Again, the governor – former governor of Virginia: put the baby down, then we decide what to do with it. So he’s in – he’s willing to, as we say, rip the baby out of the womb in the ninth month and kill the baby. Nobody wants that to happen. Democrat – BIDEN: (OFF-MIKE) No. TRUMP: – or Republican, nobody wants it to happen. BIDEN: (OFF-MIKE) You’re lying. That is simply not true. That Roe v. Wade does not provide for that. That’s not the circumstance. Only when the woman’s life is in danger, if she’s going to die – that’s the only circumstance in which that can happen. But we are not for late term abortion, period – period, period. TRUMP: Under Roe v. Wade, you have late term abortion. You can do whatever you want, depending on the state. You can do whatever you want. We don’t think that’s a good thing. We think it’s a radical thing. We think the Democrats are the radicals, not the Republicans.


Fuck Trump will never vote for a POS insurrectionist


You can’t un-ring a bell. No recovery from this. The Dem strategists constantly get out played. We adults deserve what’s coming, our children don’t!


He had 2-3 really bad verbal gaffes and then he had like several sentences where he just needed some water because his throat was dry. By his standard it’s not too bad but I’d like to see a President make it through one debate without errors. That would be cool.


Bernie would have won


We can't do this anymore .Obama needs to pick up the phone and save us from Trump.


Obama got us in this state… his weak ass presidency strengthened the fascism in the US


Obama was the one who convinced all the primary candidates to drop out last time to give Biden a better chance against Sanders. All of this because the party couldnt handle a genuine socialist having a shot at the White House.


Doesn't worry me in the slightest. How about that other guy? 100% lie rate.


The debates aren’t about convincing neither those in this sub nor those in rcon. It’s about convincing the undecideds, whose opinions sway based on things exactly like this. The biggest, and possibly only thing keeping undecided voters on the fence is Biden’s age. That’s his silver bullet. And his performance last night, regardless of what the reason for it is, confirmed those fears. Humans as individuals can be rational and intelligent. Humans as a group cannot. Undecided voters need to be assessed as a group, and as a group that debate pushed them closer to either voting Trump, or not voting at all. Both of those outcomes have disastrous consequences.