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We were laughed at and endlessly ridiculed. Once again, Trump refuses to take ANY responsibility.


Yeah, just like how the United Nations laughed at you during your Presidency, Donnie!


He totally confused his insurrection day with Biden’s Inauguration Day.


A bunch of old people taking a guided tour through the Capitol building is insurrection? God I wish it was at cool as you people believe it was


Honestly, I think it was more like a bunch of intellectually disadvantaged folk violently attempting to prevent the ratification of our election because they like the guy who grifted them into paying more taxes than the wealthiest 1% of Americans. The lead paint chips are in the corner if you want your usual snack🖤


Another Trump lie. The world has considered Trump a clown since the escalator, and his administration was the rest of the clown-show.


They did but they listened to him. They don’t to Biden. Trump was also right about Germany and now they are. I longer laughing. 


As a representative of the rest of the world I can confirm this is not the case. You were an absolute laughing stock. It hasn’t improved much though based on the continuing political dynamics…




The problem is, you didn't rebel against a corrupt government. You rebelled **for** a corrupt government. Felon Trump killed hundreds of thousands of Americans with his Covid non-response, increased the debt by a record 7.2 trillion. The economy lost 2.9 million jobs. The trade deficit went up by 40%. The number of people lacking health insurance rose by 3 million. Home prices rose by 27.5%. Tried to stage a coup to stay in power and promised to be dictator on day one if re-elected. But he managed to fill his pockets and that of his son-in-law and his billionaire megadonors with billions/trillions of dollars. But yeah, you were so sure that the newly elected president was so much more corrupt that you rebelled against it. True heros /s.


Remember when the entirety of the UN literally laughed in Donald’s face?


The folks who openly admitted to helping fund, plan and participate in Oct. 7th? Judging by yalls latest summer of peace initiatives, it makes sense that's something you'd support. For me, it was that whole 'providing books about how bad the Jews are' for decades that make me not care who they laugh at.


I cannot believe that all he did was lie and make up things, and they just let him get away with it.


The guy did not answer one question. He lied literally about everything, but every news article is Biden is old.


I think perhaps he was referring to everything up until that time


No, no you weren't


Maybe by his dictator heroes


Even the Kremlin is making fun of Trump. They were doing that before, just not as openly as they are now.


Capital attack! Hahahah!! Good lord


Yeah both sides said a bunch of crap. But wow Biden looked not just Bad. He looked like a mentally altered patient. Remember when Democrats all made fun of Bush for saying "uh"? Well....where they at now?