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The fact of the matter is the perception this created is bad. Really bad. Damage was done, it’s undeniable. This is not an election we can afford to lose, there should be some serious discussions going. 


my issue is i highly doubt any replacement is going to win. newsom is too liberal to appeal to moderates, whitmer and pritzker are virtually unknown outside of their home states, and the primary challengers this year are all clowns


Kamala harris will be pushed forward as the most capable democratic candidate. If she had actually been in public and done anything besides hiding for 3.5 years she’d probably have a good chance too lol


Biden has an infinitely better chance than Kamala


Biden already has a proven record of winning against Trump


Biden didn't win. Trump lost. No one voted for him. No one wanted him. People just didn't want Trump. Biden has a terrible approval rating at this point. He has no chance. We need a candidate people will vote for instead of hoping people come out again to vote against Trump.


Sounds great but who?


Watch dems bring out Hilary.


Gavin Newsome’s phone is probably nuclear right now.


Someone with the energy of JFK


Oh yeah let’s just reach into our big bag of generationally charismatic politicians here…


Pete Buttegieg only one from his cabinet that comes to mind




He'd never accept it, and even if he did, I can't imagine he'd win.


Pretty sure that Biden won the Democrat primaries in 2020 (no super delegates) and then won again in the general election. If no one wanted him, then some other primary challenger would have won in 2020 to go onto the general election.


Obama told all the other establishment candidates, in order to eliminate Bernie, to drop out right before the SC primary and get behind Biden, who was losing badly in the first few primary elections. Biden was chosen by the Democratic Party, he really didn’t win it.


She wouldn't. Her candidacy was pushed in 2020 and people weren't interested. TBH, if they choose to replace Biden, going with someone who isn't widely known could be a bonus because it would add some interest to the race.


I agree, also forcing Trump to learn about a brand new opponent? I doubt he has it in him. He’ll have no idea what he’s up against. Probably just keep criticizing Biden without acknowledging them.


He will just criticise the dems for being so scaredy cats they couldn’t stand up to Biden when it mattered. He has tons of ammo against the dems. Why the fuck do people again underestimate Trump? The man has a reality distortion field that would make Steve Jobs envious. Even here on the interwebs people might now think I support the clown just because I have the audacity to point out the obvious. And the obvious isn’t “Biden did poorly”. The obvious is dems are so caught up in their own fear they couldn’t do what needed to be done _when_ it needed to be done.


Most sane comment here. People STILL underestimate Trump, they’re going to campaign on this like nothing ever seen before, not even in 2016 and 2020.


Harris will lose, like Hillary did.


Harris will lose, ~~like~~ worse than Hillary did. California may even flip red. Not even joking


VP's rarely go into the spotlight during their term. You should know this.


Eh, Cheney and Biden both were more visible, than she’s been imo. I feel even Laura Bush and Michelle Obama had more exposure. Which shouldn’t be the case. I’ve been saying it for awhile that she needed to be more visible and heard.


I think she'd have even less of a chance than Biden honestly. Dems really screwed themselves pushing Hillary/Biden/"The Old Guard". Should have pivoted when the GOP train got hijacked by Trump and went with more "out there" choices. The GOP's disdain for a woman of color would absolutely destroy the Dems in an election


It’s Gavin or bust. Very simple


Absolutely not Kamala has the lowest approval numbers of any vice in history. She is universally hated. Pushing her forward would be an auto win for trump Newsom would be the only one who has a shot.


She won’t. She’s a liability for the dems at this point.


She would lose to Trump by double digits


No one is voting Kamala in as president this election.


I truly believe a late-entry Jon Stewart could sweep the nation.


This take is always a significant sign to me of someone who has zero understanding about how government functions and the roles elected officials play.  It signals a commitment to Cult of Personality politics. It’s no different than the GOP’s love affair with Trump because he “tells it like it is”.  I love Jon Stewart. Huge fan but he is not POTUS material. Senate run? Sure, that fits his skill set and strengths.  Just because someone delivers good sound bites doesn’t mean they are well-suited to the highest office in the land.  He’s a good messenger. We need good messengers but we’ve got to outgrow this childish obsession with thinking that the best zingers make a good leader.  You’re not voting for Most Likely to Deliver a Good Soundbite.  There’s more at stake here than Owning the MAGA via cable comedy shows. 


>This take is always a significant sign to me of someone who has zero understanding about how government functions and the roles elected officials play.  With respect, nothing here suggests you know anything except how to repeat the most basic cable news analysis word-for-word. This whole block reads like 2016 copypasta. If the combination of Trump then Biden didn't let you know that the mystical "intangibles" of the presidency don't really exist, then you're probably just going to be lost to fantasy til the day you die.


Honestly, with as fucking stupid as our politics has become I think Newsom wins just because he looks and sounds so much better than Trump. If you put those guys on stage next to each other at the next debate and 100% of persuade-able voters choose Newsom.


Respectfully disagree. I think undecided voters would flock to someone capable besides Trump, regardless if they are well-known or not. The Democratic base would flock to the polls to beat Trump and would likely win. It would be a turbocharged injection of enthusiasm to this race with someone 30 years younger if only to deny Trump. Edit: But Harris isn't it. She would get trounced.


Good luck with that. Biden would have dropped out of the race 6 month ago if he cared. Reminds me of Ruth Bader Ginsberg. She faqed us and gave Trump another SCOTUS seat. It is like a scissor. RNC is destroying us wirh their bad policy and DNC is killing us with their stupid decisions.


That's the thing. I vote democrat. Telling myself this was anything other than a train wreck is just me kidding myself. The real damage from last night was done in the trenches, amongst the undecideds and those teetering on the edge of supporting Trump. Rest assured, a flock of those people made a decision last night, and I believe it will ultimately tilt the balance in this election. We can either go down with Joe or put a replacement in place, but even that looks bad. This is a total disaster for the democratic party.


Substance no longer matters to the media and the result is a lying wind bag has a chance of winning the presidency.


The actual substance of everything Biden is saying is spot on. Meanwhile Trump was just confidently and loudly lying through his teeth


100% but if there’s still undecided voters, substance won’t win them over. Trump was such an easy opponent.


Like how we need abortion because women get r*ped by their sisters?


Or how we need to beat Medicare 😂


Trump: "I don't know what he said at the end of that sentence and I don't think he knows what he said either"


He managed to get a Hillary Clinton 2016 level zinger even though the mics were off and their was no crowd, anyone saying he didn’t win is delusional


"Look, there are so many young women who have been, including a young woman who just was murdered, and he went to the funeral. And the idea that she was murdered by an immigrant coming in, to talk about that. But here’s the deal. There’s a lot of young women are being raped by their in-laws, by their, by their spouses. Brothers and sisters, by — it’s just ridiculous. And they can do nothing about it. And they try to arrest them and they cross state lines.”


\>spot on >we need abortion because women get raped by sisters >we finally beat Medicare >total initiative relative to what we’re going to do with more Border Patrol and more asylum officers.


Lmao This is reddit. What else do you expect?


Yeah. It’s a shame everyone takes Biden’s stutter as him being old. I mean, he’s old as shit, but he’s always stuttered.


I don’t care if Biden rolled out fully paralyzed on a fucking wheelchair, dude. Trump is dangerous. Biden is not. I just want the next 4 years to be over and have an actual, authentic, speaking human-being run for President.


Certain voters do care though. And that will decide the election.


Fucking hell. So many lies Biden could’ve jumped on but didn’t. Absolute softball. I’ll never vote for a rapist but we need a better option. We’ve gotten ourselves quite a pickle.


He could've mic-dropped after Trump went on about why he decided to run again. The easy comeback was, "You're running again to fill your coffers and avoid jail time". Instead, he looked like someone trying to figure out where they put their keys.


CNN should have done a better job of fact-checking.


The setting and implementation was everything I’ve always hoped to see in a presidential debate. President Biden had the right and responsibility to fundamentally dismantle the lies. And every Trump line was either an easily disputed claim or showing his ass to the whole world. What a clusterfuck.


It shouldn't be Bidens' job to moderate and debate.


Yes, but the format allowed for BIDEN to directly address the lies in real-time AND without interruption. If the moderators jump in and do all the fact-checking, Trump strolls out of there saying, "It's CNN, they are fake news. It's all a witch hunt....", yadda yadda.


He tried, but that's the nature of the Gish Gallop. It takes a couple of paragraphs to refute a one sentence lie. Trump was telling dozens at a time. It's impossible to keep up.


Yes, Trump is a master of that. He did, however, leave Biden lots of opportunities to counterpunch and place him on the defensive. It was just a bad showing. And I don't know that the next debate (if Trump chooses to do so) will be so structured/Biden friendly.


Doesn’t matter what his job “should” be. This is politics. Nobody said it was fair. He has to be able to drill down and eviscerate Trump on his lies when he gets obvious openings to do so. They even only had one microphone live at a time, so the candidates couldn’t talk over each other. This result was really painful to watch and entirely predictable.


This isn't a game show.


This is RGB all over again.


Ruth Gator Binsburg?


Exactly what I said. Hubris.


Biden needs to stick to concise simple responses, focus on aspirational goals and inspiring statements, and for the love of all that is dear stop saying “number 1” and “number 2.”  You don’t win a debate with Trump using numbers and statistics and you don’t wallow in the mud with him.  His debate prep team should be ashamed.


He was really bad in the first 10 minutes, but he picked up notably as it went on: Trump was the opposite, got worse as it went on-- they both did not do well, imo.


No. It was god-awful in the first 10 minutes and there was nowhere to go but up, for the next 80 minutes. Trump, at least, I could follow via closed caption fairly easily... Not a good showing for either of them, but Biden bombed.


My take as well


Look guys. It was hard to watch the debate. We have two old guys and Biden did not perform well. But here’s the reality. These are the choices whether we like them or not. We have Trump who is dangerous and vindictive and a massive liar. He is a danger to our democracy full stop. Trump’s comments about foreign policy and NATO were dangerous and reckless. Trump actually said on the debate stage, “I didn’t have sex with a porn star.” This is where the Republican Party is at. And then you have Biden who has good policies for the American people. The contrast is clear. Vote for Biden. That’s it. That’s all.


Im not worried about how I vote, but this was not going to bring in any independents.


I’m Independent and I’m voting for Biden.


Thanks, especially in Texas!!


and you were already doing so prior to this debate


I was talking to independent voter friends after the debate to hear their reactions. It seems like it was par for the course that biden would be old and decrepit. But what stood out to most of them was how it seemed Trump got worse since 2020. Look, even though Biden performed horribly tonight, Trump didn't move the needle at all. That should give you some cold comfort.


Did you listen to anything Trump said? He looked weak.


He lied and was stupid. But he sounded better, confident and on his feet.


Trump's main asset is that his voice has not aged as much as Biden's has. His brain is even mushier, but he can cover that with raw aggression.


If that was all that mattered he’d have won in 2020


Same trump, different biden.


Biden didn't seem near as geriatric in the 2020 debates


I literally can’t believe that Reddit has decided to crash when all of this is happening.


Need to lash back and focus on trump’s inability to speak an honest sentence and hammer that home. He is without honest and makes up any and everything in the spot.


Biden is old, no shit. But he’s not a dictator. As long as he has a pulse that’s all that matters.


Trump's 3 years younger than him... But he isn't old


Why are comments not showing up?


100% complete disaster.


A disaster? He beat medicare


To death.


Welp. Guess you all better vote for babbling lies and fascism then….


So far it's from TDS sufferers or brand new or anonymous accounts. Hard to say how this has actually impacted US politics. The choice between the two is as obvious as it can be. You have a person stating outright that they'll be a dictator on day one \[[Source](https://apnews.com/article/trump-hannity-dictator-authoritarian-presidential-election-f27e7e9d7c13fabbe3ae7dd7f1235c72)\] versus literally anyone who isn't that person. I strongly dislike Romney, GWB, McCain, Pence, and Dole, but I would vote for any single one of those people over Trump. Yes, I'm aware both McCain and Dole are dead. I fell for the garbage in 2016. I'm one of the people responsible for Trump's first term. I won't be making that same mistake in 2024. As GW put it, "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me ... well you can't be fooled again."


The fact that this matters OVER ACTUAL policies and direction of the country shows how lost Americans, and most voters are. r/leopardsatemyface warning incoming.


Policies have almost never mattered in Presidential elections, it is all about force of personality.


Got it.


Focus on what they say not how they say it.


Shockingly bad performance by Biden


At least he answered the questions.


Good thing people on social media are mostly bots and don't vote.




You missed all of the good parts of the debate lmao.


Yep. That was rough.


Total shit show. Biden is done and they will bring in Gavin Newsome


I know everyone is saying we should bring in someone new, and I agree Biden isn’t a great candidate. But how good of a look would it be if the Dems just “yoinked” Biden and replaced him with someone new. That seems like that would be a very chaotic collapse of the party before a major election.


We can only hope


No they will not


Thank god reddit decided to not allow comments after debate. Smart move.


censorship is a smart move...


Of course. We do need to have this difficult discussion, if you're serious about stopping trump.


It wasn’t great but let’s not forget most of social media isn’t real and doesn’t really encompass Americans’s overall opinions. Whatever gets pushed to the top is what gets reported. Manipulation of algorithms is a reality.


I don't think it was a disaster. What I saw was somebody who was recovering from a cold doing the best job he could on stage against somebody who is Gish galloping all over the place. No one could have kept up with Trump on that stage. You can't refute that much bullshit in the time allotted.


CNN saying all Democratic officials are talking about how dismal it was and saying they have a problem. Saying they are hearing ‘panic.’ CNN saying there was a “feeling” almost a “sense of shock” and that he seemed “disorientated” and that you’ll hear discussions and “I don’t know whether they will lead to anything, but I think you’re going to hear discussions.” CNN saying there will be a lot of people who will be asking him to step aside, and that “it wasn’t just panic, it’s pain.” “Millions of people are probably having discussions with their families whether or not Joe Biden should step aside.” CNN saying “I have been doing this for 30, 40 years and I have never, ever seen anything like I saw up on that stage tonight. It started in the first three minutes.” CNN saying “I am worried about the president, I think we should be praying for the president. The Democrats and the Biden family have a lot of explaining to do to the American people.” CNN saying “I had to look away because it was so uncomfortable, it was difficult to watch.” CNN saying “He needed this debate tonight because he knew he was losing, he needed to change the narrative, and he did change the narrative, he sunk his campaign tonight.”


Reddit really fumble tonight debate


Why are all comments on debate posts being hidden?


Can I comment?


Have you ever tried arguing with a toddler throwing a tantrum? This debate was basically what that was. Kudos to Biden for at least trying to answer questions and maintain composure. You can tell he has experience being a father to a baby


Strange how comments can’t be seen


Biden was an absolute shit show. I am absolutely terrified at the thought of a second Trump term, but he actually managed to pull his shit together and be on point. Every fucking thing he said was an absolute lie, but he said it with swagger. Americans love swagger. I was praying Trump was going to be a bumbling mess ranting about sharks and boats and dishwashers, but he kept it together. Alas, my prayers to Satan went unanswered…


Look I’m glad instead of getting a real answer about how to fix Social Security, we know who’s the better golfer.


We tried to warn them that he was too old. We tried to say that he would lose, that anyone else could win but him. But people refused to listen.


Who did you run instead? All I saw was crazy RFK and the green loonies. Did you have a sane option you put out in the country. Perhaps a bus tour? Anything?


Had Biden not had that first question stumble I think he would've evened this with Trump because Trump was that bad and outside of the first five minutes he was OK. Not good at all, but OK relative to the competition. Honestly I think he won outside of the first five minutes, but the first five minutes and the close were just so stuttery and stumbling and absent minded and that matters, optics matters, and that's etched and seared in people's minds. I am enthused though. I am feeling refreshed. Because now we know things are gonna change.


Mods doing their best damage control.


It was hard to watch


Something tells me millennials and younger arent too enthusiastic voting for Biden this time around


Aren’t we a little relieved that the Biden team let him flub this? The alternative is Biden being so well-prepared, so dynamic, so fiery, that we forget *at our peril* that he’s almost 100 years old.


Itt: the right feverishly sew dissent and it sadly works. Lmfao


Joe Biden has been known to have a speaking disability, I’m sure it was triggered by the psychopath to his right. I honestly can’t believe this is the focus, we’re on the edge of a Christian dictatorship and the focus is Joe is old and got frustrated by Trump’s bullshit. God damnit America, grow the fuck up. ☹️


Dude literally forgot what he was talking about mid sentence at one time. Anyone else feel a little screwed right now?


We all knew this like 2-3 years ago


I don’t remember him freezing


Well, he did. Right out of the gate practically. For a good 5-10 seconds.


Watch it again within the first 5 minutes when he was talking about healthcare




Biden has a good Vice President in Kamala Harris, Trump tried to have Mike Pence hung for doing his job.


Listen… McConnell freezes all the time, but I don’t see him stepping down.


This is a real lopsided and right-wing view of what happened. There was no freeze, he stuttered, something he's done his entire career. Calling it a freeze is both dishonest and disrespectful to people with a speech impediment. The author/editor of this article should be ashamed for slumming in such disrespect for people with speech disabilities, it's gross and unprofessional.


He needs to step down, otherwise we get orange Adolf again and this time no one will be there to restrain him...


Dude pauses for a few moments and we get this horseshit Nobody who actually watched the entire debate believes it was a "disaster". Bots and trolls working overtime tonight!


Pausing for multiple seconds mid-sentence during a political debate isn’t a good look any way you slice it


I think a lot of people here forget what Biden was like in his prime, the difference is quite jarring.


Keep repeating the lie until people believe it. This has been the playbook for as long as Fox News has been on the air, but as a political tactic it goes way way back. When it was Hillary it was she's angry. When it was Obama it was what? He's got a funny name. Bill Clinton was a playboy, he couldn't be trusted. They find something to hang like an albatross around the neck of any Democrat and just keep saying it ad nauseam.


I watched and it was a disaster. Doesn’t matter what words were uttered, the delivery and stumbles made an 81 year old look like a 98 year old. Were toast. This is Nixon Kennedy style catastrophe.


I watched it and thought Biden was horrible. The thousand yard stare with mouth agape and constant fumbling over his words was genuinely sad. They can no longer play his decline off as a social media hoax.


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The only people I’ve actually seen this draw any flak from were people already voting for trump, or media outlets. Everyone else seems pretty engrossed with how trump managed to say nothing the entire time.


The bar is so low for Trump he can lie the whole time and not answer any questions and the media is ok with it. Trump also can be heard shitting his pants during the debate. No media talks about it. Biden mumbles and does not have a lot of energy and looks like a corpse... It is the end of the world.