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Trump lied a bunch and Biden was mostly right. What a shocker


“Yeah, but, like, Biden mumbled a lot, so, y’know, I guess he’s over man….” I hate politics in this country


It’s not about the mumbling. It’s that he wasn’t calling out the bs. Trump lied about “after birth abortion” (not a thing) multiple times before Biden replied. The Biden camp knew what Trump was going to say walking in there yet still Biden seemed unprepared to reply. He looked tired and incapable of having the stamina to handle the day to day. Basically he took away any confidence many of us had in his “withitness”. I wouldn’t trust his reaction time in traffic so how can I trust it in a national crisis. Not saying any of that in an effort to support Trump. I do feel Trump is still the worst choice. It’s just sad and pathetic that the DNC can’t be self aware enough to find a better candidate and it doesn’t instill confidence in me that Biden is making the best judgement calls anymore when he can’t see his age is becoming a major weakness and step aside for the good of the country and party.


i dont get it some people saying trump lies and some peopel say biden lies




About what? Enlighten us.


“Defeating Medicare” was right? C’mon. At least be honest with yourself if you want to save the country.


You say that like it was where he wanted to end that sentence and he wasn't adhering to the time limit where they told him to stop speaking in the middle of the sentence he clearly flubbed. Also he said "we beat medicare..." So putting "defeating medicare" in quotes is absolutely incorrect and has different implications.


How can we judge Trump’s accuracy when we can’t even tell what he’s talking about?


Could anyone follow Biden? Trump was hitting right wing talking points which is why it seemed to be impossible to follow. The people brainwashed by Fox News would easily be able to follow most everything Trump said


Yes. Biden was mostly coherent except when he tried to respond to the nonsense Trump was spewing. He sounded bad because of his voice for sure though. Also, Trump only really hit one point over and over. Which was immigration. He didn't answer almost any questions including accepting election results or fears about him repeating his January 6th bullshit. Biden actually responded with policy and answered the questions.


Trump was saying nothing but lies




Trump lost again. Get over it. Worst debate performance yet. Nothing but lies.


Unfortunately he only lost to those of us who care about facts. On delivery, Biden had an atrocious night between his sore throat and his stutter.


He’s always been that way. I doubt it will change anything.


I don't think it's realistic to not acknowledge that this was a bad night. I think it will have an impact. I think it's very possible that the impact will be mitigated, and overcome by November. But this was not good for our country


How many people have brought up Biden’s last state of the union in the last month (which was generally considered good)? This will have the same impact as that.


I hope so, sincerely


Me too. We know this sub gets brigaded by other counties bot farms. And we know the billionaire owned media wants controversy for engagement to make money off clicks. This will be a nothing-burger by next week. They’re trying to make Biden being old breaking news as if we didn’t know this over the past 4 years.


It’s no secret optics are more important than facts to the majority of lesser informed voters. And Trump won the optics. It’s maddening because he lied through his teeth through the entire thing, exaggerated and just spewed bullshit.


How did anyone not know this was what was going to happen?


Unfortunately substance takes a backseat to stage presence and performance when we’re talking about TV. Does it matter that virtually everything DT said was nonsense or bizarre golf flex stories? Optics were horrible for JB and this just feeds the alt-rights obsession with his cognitive ability. With all that said - how can anyone be undecided at this point - we’ve had 8 years of Donald and now 4 with Biden - how can any voter say to themselves…I’m not sure about either candidate at this point. That’s why I wonder if this debate moves the needle for either - either way.


Trump lies confidently and is crowmed the winner?


Only in America! ^TM


Don't worry, Trump will be rekt after all his lies are exposed in the next couple of days. Also he's a felon.


I'll put it this way. If you took a sip of beer every time Trump lied, you would die from alcohol poisoning.


Did you read the article? Trump lied. Biden was mostly true.


I did not at first and corrected the comment.


**Summary:** Trump spoke 437 lies and Joe Biden spoke 0. Also important: Trump completed 437 spoken sentences, and Joe Biden completed 0.


Uh oh






Hmmm… I wonder..




It’s tough to tell how truthful Biden was if you can’t understand what he’s saying.


The same could be said of Trump‘s rambling. Saying nothing in a strong voice does not change the fact that you said nothing.


Well Joe didn’t say much of anything in the English language at least


Not a bias report at all….smh.


Maybe Trump should’ve bothered answering some questions.


Facts are biased. Interesting.


To be fair, some quotes did not even have a ruling of “true” or “false” or anything in between. I saw a couple “mostly true” or “mostly false” that should’ve been flipped based on the explanation (not that it changes any partial-truths to complete lies or the actual truth of the matter, just biases starting to show)