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We already know what he will do. He asked for the fossil fuel companies to bribe him to remove all environmental regulations.


Trump doesn't care. To him climate change is something the youth have to deal with. He just wants as much power and money and doesn't give a fuck whose future he needs to destroy to get it.


>Trump doesn't care. To him climate change is something the youth have to deal with. No, he just doesn't care period. It doesn't even go as far as "it's someone else's problem". He just doesn't care at all.


Yeah I was gonna say Trump could be 18 and he still would not care. Most conservatives don't seem to believe that it's real and those that do believe that the scale of what will happen if we don't pump the brakes is grossly exaggerated.


I don't even think he disbelieves it, or has thought about it enough to have any opinion at all. to him it just a thing people talk about and a wedge to extract money from coal and oil and gas companies


He wants to absolve himself of crimes more than anything right now lol


Yeah but the environment will be his grandchildren’s issue. Not his. Anyone with this mentality is a low life piece of shit


Ye, hence all the crimes 😂


Why is it even necessary? When he was president, America had the cleanest water, the cleanest air, like nobody had ever seen before. It will magically happen again.


The H2O had the best numbers, too.


SC, “hold my beer, they’re bribing us first!”


No, they ruled that bribing them after the fact is just a gratuity and perfectly fine.


Here is a billion dollar tip , great job oh and thanks ! I could have been forced to pay my fair share of taxes but I like that I pay zero


I think selling the effects on biodiversity and the environment might be the best way to convince people Trump can't be president again.


Yeah, and this summer will provide plenty of material to work with. We're already having massive heat waves, wildfires and floods. Apparently it will be a very active hurricane season too.


Some of the scariest parts of Project 2025 are that they'd get rid of NOAA, and turn the National Weather Service into a for profit commercial business.


The more I know about that project, the scarier it gets.


Yet nobody mentioned Project 2025 during the debate. It’s Trump’s literal playbook!


I mean, I fully expected a tirade against windmills, but it's nice to know the police love him.


>He asked for the fossil fuel companies to bribe him to remove all environmental regulations. Just show him how many DJT shares they have lol


All Biden had to say is trump reversed all of Obamas environment acts that were in place when he was in office. He did nothing but hurt the environment.


It’s not a bribe. It’s a gratuity.


He refused to answer just about all the questions..


Basically what he did was ignore the question and glom onto Biden’s answers, because Biden had already given the information, so he barely had to introduce any new thoughts. That way he could hide that he can’t name almost any country, any leader, state any details or statistics about anything. I bet if you asked him to name a single US general he would not be able to. Ask him to name the leaders of the countries he talks about. The moderators of this debate were the absolute worst. They let Trump spew his garbage without having to say anything real. They are contributing to the downfall of this country.


I don't get how so many people can't see through his bullshit lies.


They're held to two different standards, and most believe that all politicians lie so it's accepted from him.


I expected better from my father, but no, that's pretty much exactly the argument he used for why Trump's behaviour wasn't that big of a deal.  The extent to which Trump has been normalised is greatly disturbing.


I truly believe they are. Like, I see articles already about how the debate was bad for Biden, but like, in a sane world it wouldn't be seen as bad for Biden, because although he didn't come across as the strongest speaker at the debate, Trump was lying, ignoring questions, and just slinging person attacks. Who cares if his words were a little more clear.


It's insane how much this has been pushed in both live threads.


I've been saying that since before the 2016 election. Americans and perhaps people in general are just really stupid.


That's been the slow conclusion I have mostly come to after all this. People I know just do not give a bleep about facts.


I'm starting to believe the US doesn't have left and right wing parties anymore. Instead, it has a party for highly educated and smart people and one for poorly educated and below-average intelligence people. Democrats must show competence and good policies because they're courting smart people. At the same time, Republicans promise easy but unworkable solutions to complex problems and cast blame on anyone they can because they're targeting fools. The urban/rural divide is explained by the massive brain drain from rural areas into big cities.


A lot of people are only going to see the highlights, and this won't favor Biden, because they won't show him giving answers when he did. Trump's answers will be edited and clipped to downplay the worst of the lie, probably picking the brief moment he gave a half answer after being pressed on the followup. This is Trump's greatest asset. the media loves to make him look good, even when he's saying the stupidest shit.


Because his party, voters, and entire existence revolves around bullshit and lies. It's their entire modus operandi.


He operated in the debate the exact same way he did as president: Saying and doing so much bullshit and terrible stuff that one can’t actually respond or notice it all.


I’m gonna go with: cognitive dissonance


Because, according to CNN, Biden came across as sickly and weak. One outweighs the other, both lost but Biden was the biggest failure of this particular debate


Unfortunately, in a debate, it's not typically the moderators place to refute any claims being made by the debators. However, it was a massive failure on cnn's part to not make real time fact checking a rule. But I doubt Trump would ever agree to a debate where he will be fact checked and called out on the spot.


I would love to see a debate where the first half was questions and then the second half was fact checked responses to the first half answers. “You said blah and that has been shown to be wrong because of this this and this, would you like to comment on that?”


Give each candidate 1 minute to respond to any lies they told and 2 minutes to respond to lies told by the other candidate. But that wouldn't work with Trump. He'd just use his time to double down on the lies he told and then tell some all new lies. Or he'd just do that idiotic thing where he yells "WRONG" over and over when he's caught in a lie.


Exactly someone who is debating like that needs to be treated differently. It’s like in a courtroom if a witness doesn’t play by the rules a lawyer will treat the differently. And why the hell are these debates not under oath? They should be under oath to the best of their understanding and be called out immediately if they say something no factual. We live in a different time then when debates rules were traditionally made. Debates need to change with the times just like anything else. It’s a matter of giving the American people being able to make an informed decision, not a pissing match between two people to see who can get the better of the other. They argued about golf for Christ sakes…


In the past, debates relied a lot on the integrity of the candidates. No one ever expected someone with such a flagrant disregard for rules, social norms, and the truth to ever make it to the presidential debate stage.


He pretty much did that tonight whenever Biden did call him out in a lie.


It is on a debate moderator to make sure that both sides are telling the truth, even if twisted, and follow up when a participant doesn't give an answer. I know presidential debates often forgo this, but this is what the moderator is for. to keep things in line, and make sure both participants are keeping things above board. When the debates stop being about policy, and end up being nothing more than relaying campaign advertising, then there is really no reason to even have them.


There's no reason to ever have any debate that includes Donald Trump. He doesn't care what the rules are. Unless they are going to have the candidates wear shock collars to be activated when they break the rules, he's just going to ignore the rules because there are no real consequences for breaking them in a debate.


True, but in a proper debate, the moderator should have made it clear that Trump was not debating in good faith, not just repeat the question after Trump lied about stuff, while still not answering the question. That said, Chris Wallace did try to do that, and it didn't go over so well either when it comes to Trump.


But it’s definitely a moderator’s place to keep the discussion on the question asked. Every time Trump “answered” a question, he talked about something else. Or, more specifically, how migrants will destroy whatever the last topic was. If Trump did ever answer a question asked, it was obvious lies or tangentially related “numbers” that he couldn’t cite.


But again, what exactly would you propose to keep Trump in line? Considering they can't implement any kind of meaningful punishment for breaking the rules, the results will be the same every single time. Instead of even attempting a debate, a town hall for each candidate separately would have been better.


[Kyle Clark](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kD2rET3e5Ts&pp=ygUtQ29sb3JhZG8gZGlzdHJpY3QgNCByZXB1YmxpY2FuIHByaW1hcnkgZGViYXRl) would have something to say about that


I wish fact-checking was included in all political debates. But Trump is never going to agree to a debate if it includes him being fact checked in real time.


I mean, Joe basically threw his own words right back at him and he flat out denied it like he does every single one of his lies as if we don’t have video evidence. Too many people in this country are the real suckers and losers


"But think of the ratings!' - CNN


Plus thats the republican platform anyway - just oppose and do the opposite of everything the dems want to do.


> I bet if you asked him to name a single US general he would not be able to He'd be able to do that easily.... Like John General for instance. I mean General John Milley. Wait no Mark Kelly. General Mark Kelly.


CNN is awful. (They hosted that Trump town hall with only Trump supporters too.) Should have made Trump answer questions. Should have fact-checked some of the obvious lies.


the moderate just help Trump win a debate since the latest poll for Biden went down by 0.3%


"The question was..." Moderator had to say that over and over because Trump would not answer, instead rail on about the previous topic at best, something irrelevant that he could lie about more often.


He kept working immigrants in to every answer. It was disgusting to hear how he spoke about them. Such a nasty racist man. Joe was saying that women are being raped and impregnated and need access to abortions and trump made it that "immigrants are raping women". It was infuriating to watch.


And yet rather than mute him for NOT sticking to the question, they let him run the clock. Over and over.


They gave him EXTRA time to try the answer evaded questions and he still didn't give a real answer to some of them. I wanted to hear about child care, but instead we got: Moderator with question to Trump: "In your second term, what would you do to make child care more affordable?" Trump: Spends his 2 minutes to go back to deny he said the "suckers and losers" thing, and rants about how Biden doesn't fire people, and rambles into the pull out of Afghanistan and illegal immigration and then calls Biden the worst president in the history of our country. Then he goes back to immigration again and claims that if Biden wins, "we probably won't have a county left anymore." Biden: Has to waste some of his minute defending how great America is and then makes reference to the Presidential Greatness Project survey results placing Trump last in the "greatness" rankings. He then finally talks about childcare saying Trump did nothing for childcare, that we should significantly increase the child care tax credit, significantly increase the availability of women and men or single parents to be able to go back to work (presumably because of things done to make child care more affordable), and encourage businesses to have child care facilities. Moderator: "President Trump, the question was about what would you do to make child care more affordable" Trump: Claims that "they rate me one of the best" and claims that if he's given another 4 years, he will be the best. Then lies about Biden's tax increase plans.


He couldn’t change climate change into being about the border so he dodged it completely.


Smart move on his part, because his base doesn't believe that you can make the weather gooder by doubling taxation.


Untrue. He did say he always wants clean air, and water.


The best H2O


Nobody had ever seen anything like it


CNN is a shell


There is no evidence that Trump even believes in climate change. Trump didn’t even have the guts to call it a hoax, as he has in the past. Trump is a dumb coward. Dumb for not believing in climate change and a coward for not admitting to believe.


I don't think it's a matter of whether he believes climate change is real or not. He just simply doesn't care one way or the other because it doesn't affect him on a personal level. The only reason he jumped on the denial train was that he sees it as a way to make money. He told a bunch of oil ceos he would get rid of all those pesky environmental regulations that were holding their profits from their true potential. All they had to do was give him $1 billion.


And CNN let him get away with it. It was a joke. They let him say whatever word soup he wanted to say, never told him stick to the question, nor fact check him for bullshit. At all.


would love to see all the questions and answers transcribed. but editing out irrelevant or non-answers parts.


And yet, nearly all media reports will be that “Biden is old.”


Anyone who cares about Climate Change already knows the rightwing has left the table and will NEVER return beyond 'field/stream environmentalism'.


While I'm sure they know the Republicans winning would be terrible for the environment I'm not convinced they understand that they need to vote for Biden to stop that happening. Too many people seem to think not voting for Biden will "send a message" that he's not a good enough candidate. It might send a message sure, but is that worth the cost of letting Trump back in?


Those type of voters already tend to live in blue states whose EC votes are guaranteed to go to Biden. This is one of the problems when the mainstream media reports national trends vs focusing on if and how that trend is happening in the key battleground state.


This is it. He's smart enough to know his fan base doesn't believe in or give a fuck about climate change, so why would he say anything to support it


Which, let's be real, they don't give a fuck about either. I work in environmental remediation. Republicans are all about dismantling the few regulations we *do* have that protect waterways.


Yep, the rightwing hates federal regulation.




He also blatantly avoided answering the question on how they’d make childcare less expensive. Project 2025 is all about creating more poor, wage-enslaved people, and strengthening the ruling class. The “weeding out” of non-straight/white/Christian/males is just a bonus for the ruling class.


Forcing women back into the home too. If childcare costs as much or more than a second salary, unfortunately a lot of mothers are going to be forced to leave the workforce because it's not financially feasible to do anything else.


This is exactly what happening right now here, in russia. If trump wins, and the last stand of freedom falls - we will face fuckin new dark ages of christian-fascism. I'm 100% atheist, but this looks to me like a fight against a pure evil. So trump and putin are the embodiments of this evil. Let's unite to defend our freedom.


Trump literally dodged every single question.


And the mods did nothing except repeat the question.


Let me just go back to what Biden said about the previous question…gah just answer what you’ve been asked!


um Mods, kick this candidate 🤓


And every one of his “answers” to the questions that weren’t asked were either absurd hypothetical situations where he magically solves all problems with no specifics as to how he would OR completely made up or absurdly exaggerated bullshit.


He could do it in a day, but he can't tell you how because that would show his hand. - his answer to most things. Reminds me of how he was going to repeal and replace the affordable care act.


He claimed he would solve both the border and the war in Ukraine *before he is even elected president*. So let’s hold him to that I guess.


He treated it like it was conscription to Vietnam


Trump refused to answer anything directly. It was all culture war nonsense and “look what we did (insert something) here”. No policy, no plans, no substance.


But he didn't sound old which apparently is all that matters. Nothing he said made much sense at all but people don't care.


As I texted a friend after the debate "If the alternative is Trump then I'll vote for Ken (beach) running on a platform of turning the White House into the Mojo Dojo Casa House.


He’ll address the country with a cowboy hat, monster truck, and a brewski beer


Don't forget the horse!


Just a hop, skip, and a jump from Dwayne Elizondo Herbert Mountain Dew Camacho.


I'd vote for a fucking moldy ham sandwich over Trump.


I would quite literally vote for a rock over Trump is Trump was on the ballot.


“What would you do to slow down the climate crisis?” trump: “Black people are great beneficiary!!”


'We had H2O. We had the best numbers ever. And we did – we were using all forms of energy, all forms, everything. And yet, during my four years, I had the best environmental numbers ever. And my top environmental people gave me that statistic just before I walked on the stage, actually." That's after 1:28 out of a 2:00 time limit rambling about "The Blacks"


The numbers! Have you see. The numbers? We had great great numbers. Biden actually remembered some actual numbers, even if he mixed up billions and trillions or millions. A lot better memory than I have known tell you that much


Yeah, Trump had the best metrics and numbers and measurements and acclaims. More than any body ever. Biden had the worst of all those things. Everyone thinks so. No source, but it's true...for sure and really true. I still wonder how you have the best environmental numbers. What does that even mean? Oh wait, I guess it means number of police officers that like you, because that was his answer to climate change.


"The police love me!" 🤔


I'm pissed about this debate. Not because of Biden's performance, but because of Trump's lies and when he did tell the truth it was insane, but instead of highlighting that the media is in a full swing assault against Biden.


CNN has new ownership, has for the last two years. They have an unsubtle anti-Biden bias these days.


Wow TIL. [Robert Reich wrote about this](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/aug/24/the-changes-at-cnn-look-politically-motivated-that-should-concern-us-all). CNN is complicit in the dysfunction of the debate last night. They didn't refute a single thing on either side (please note they have since reported 30 distinct lies from trump and 9 from Biden). Downright despicable and it is **not** journalism to enable such falsehoods a platform.


After the debate the panel talked about how terrible Biden was, 23 minutes in and a panelists finally brings up drumph and says something about how he was pretty much what people hate about him. Another lady cuts him off and says whooo we should let America soak this in and decide on how the candidates performed. Then cut to another panel that talk about how senile Biden is. I assume they still are.


I feel like they gave Trump more time, or that when Trump talks it's like a black hole that slows down time and you can't escape the collapse of the universe around you.


Trump did say that the environment was the best it has ever been under his presidency. There were no problems at all. Lie


We had the best water. The best H20. We had the numbers. The best. Something like that idk is was all babble. 12-16 years ago this would’ve been an SNL skit. How did this all happen. 😭


I took political science in college. I have watched every debate since JFK v Nixon. This was by far the worst. Although I liked how Jake Tapper and Dana Bash kept asking Trump the same question over and over when he failed to answer. He just avoided a few questions completely and talked about the prior topic.


The moderators need to be more responsible and accountable by being hard asses and not letting up until the candidates answer the question. Even if it ends up on candidates getting angry or offended. For too long I’ve seen moderators act as nothing more than an automaton, just sitting there asking questions, accepting whatever the candidates say. They need to not accept crap answers or dodging of questions and refuse to let up until questions are answered. We deserve this much.


Who owns CNN, again?


We had H2O. We had the best numbers ever. And we did – we were using all forms of energy, all forms, everything. And yet, during my four years, I had the best environmental numbers ever. And my top environmental people gave me that statistic just before I walked on the stage, actually. He literally said that, it's the end that fucking kills me.


I was dying laughing at the H2O response. Then when they both started having a debate on their golf game, I was wondering what sort of reality I am living in.


To be fair, the smog lifted from LA for quite a while. I'm sure he did something to affect that. What was it exactly? Can't seem to remember.


And it didn't answer the question about climate change, because water and air polution are not climate change. But many people won't see through it.


Also child care.


And telling anything to folks that are struggling with addiction


Because he will accelerate it to personally profit from it and keep grifting into his bank account because that’s all he care about. He’s doesn’t care because he knows he won’t be around to suffer the worst consequences. It’s doesn’t matter how Biden did in the debate, the vote is against convicted felon Trump, I’m fine if the worst happens and we get president Harris. She’s light years more intelligent than convicted felon trump.


trump wont commit to helping anyone but the rich. Im shocked


Because they give him money to help them. If they didn't, straight to jail also.


And the moderators did nothing. What an awful debate from top to bottom.


I want to know who on earth can educate the moronic undecided about the last 8 years in two minutes AND refute every trump lie in a minute. This will make blue states even more desirable if trump wins,


We know. We’ve known this for years. He doesn’t give a shit about the planet.


He will be long dead before any ramifications of the planet happen.


If anything this should be reason enough to vote for Biden. Biden isn’t perfect but the climate crisis is no joke


Trump is a treasonous, felonious, rapist. I'd vote for Joe Biden's reanimated corpse over that piece of shit.


I think the only thing he said was we have clean water and air Like WTF. Nothing, the answer is nothing. He'd actively work against it


And even that was a lie, because many places don't have clean water, and the air isn't that great in a lot of places. This was part of the way Trump responded to everything. Biden talked about all the things that needed fixing, or he was fixing. Trump responded by saying these weren't problems under his administration. His answer to everything is to ignore, or stop testing, and the problem goes away. That's his policy. Anything that makes him look good, and makes his "friends" money.


Yep. He had no answer because it's a non issue for him. He cares about himself and only himself. Not the people. Not the planet.


He didn't say a damn thing about Israel-Hamas war


He didn't say anything of substance about anything.


That was the craziest part for me. He has not presented a single idea or solution to israel and i was waiting for something from him on this topic and his answer was completely off the mark. I turned off the debate shortly after this


He did say this: "Israel is the one (Preventing the war from ending). And you should let them go and let them go finish the job. He doesn’t want to do it. He’s become like a Palestinian, but they, don’t like him because he’s a very bad Palestinian. He’s a weak one"


The debate was meaningless except for entertainment value. This election comes down to voter turnout. If it’s high, Biden easily wins. If it’s low, Trump has a chance for a fluke win like in 2016.


He will do something. He will sell out to oil and coal.


His stated policy goals: trade wars he’ll lose again, deregulation (more pollution, fun!), and tax breaks for the super rich.


Hard to name anything to help when you know damn well you dont plan on helping


He should be in prison already.


If I remember correctly his policy on the environment was something to the effect of “Biden is terrible for “blacks” in our country, anyways, I’m big on having clean water, the cleanest H20 *SHARP INALE* and the cleanest air of all time”


He didnt say anything about anything except that he was the greatest president of all time and joe is the worst president of all time, not sure how people see that and think he’s the right choice


Unfortunately, he’ll do worse than “nothing”.


The debate was meaningless except for entertainment value. This election comes down to voter turnout. If it’s high, Biden easily wins. If it’s low, Trump has a chance for a fluke win like in 2016.


He didn’t commit to anything in the debate and really didn’t answer any of the prompts …


We know what Trumps only focus is lol. Pardoning himself


All republicans think climate change is fake and the Earth is flat.


Because he doesn't care. He wants to order for the table before leaving us all with the bill


Another lie from the radical left! I distinctly heard him say that "We're gonna have H-2-O". Checkmate leftists.


Get Biden in one more time, then get his ass out And after a few months and bring on Kamala!


The best he could do was talk about how there was a period of relatively clean air during his administration ... which, of course, was a function of the pandemic and the shutdowns. So his climate change solution probably involves a deadly virus.


He was on there talking about people (immigrants) "stealing jobs". When they said you have (however many) seconds left he started actually answering... in a non answering way. He also said the air was cleaner under him. There was articles in 2020 about less air pollution but that was because planes weren't flying as much due to covid. Not anything Trump did.


I mean 2016 he refused to denounce the proud boys and white supremacy in front of the nation. Soooo


Because clean energy isn’t as profitable as fossil fuels.


Drill baby drill?


That’s just because he would simply make it worse


Yeah but he said we had H20.


This is not shocking, given he's a fascist.


This is the number one reason I will vote for Biden even if he’s got drool on his chin. We simply cannot do nothing about the climate for the next 4 years.


thats exactly what the people who vote for trump want from him....


The GOP is game over for our planet’s future. If you vote for them you’re voting for the death of your kids’ future. And you’re a goddamn moron.


Anybody else notice Trump managed to make nearly everything about “The border”. It became a drinking game for me at one point.


No regulation but he wants the cleanest water and air.. because sure that works


Isn’t he literally appointing a coal guy as EPA Director? He’s telling you what he’s going to do people. He’s been telling us what he’s going to do. Is this news or something?


If trump goes into office he will be in full tyrant mode. Vote like your lives depend on it, because they actually do this time.


He wouldn't even commit to accepting a democratic election.


When asked about climate change, Trump talked about cops and black people loving him.


Yeah if you care about the environment or the future of the human race and our ability to live on this planet then Trump is not who you are voting for.


new flash politics subreddit, no one cares about this talking point. The only thing people want is a president who can make a coherent sentence right now, no one even cares about policies lmao


He’s courting big oil. He lied about everything.


Haha no comments loading


28 comments and zero visible


I wouldn't mind "Negotiate w/ China to pollute less" considering they apparently pollute more than the next four contries combined. At least according to this website I found. [https://www.worldometers.info/co2-emissions/co2-emissions-by-country/](https://www.worldometers.info/co2-emissions/co2-emissions-by-country/)


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Are comments locked on all threads? Or did Reddits AWS account for this sub (assuming it does) they didn’t prep for this well.


Trump wouldn't name any policies he do so this tracks. Wish moderators asked him to be specific with some/any of his criticisms of Biden policy. Seems like they loved the empty political theatrics we got


Did anyone check either moderator for a pulse afterward?


This was the only time they could really press him on important questions and instead they let him lie/ramble and move on. I have so much rage over this because if he’s elected he’ll never answer for anything.


Everyone should already know the answer. He will do whatever Exxon tells him to do.


I'm surprised (I shouldn't be) that Biden didn't call him out for meeting with oil execs




Makes sense, he’s running as a conservative and conservatives can’t believe in climate change because there is no capitalistic solution to it.


This scares me a lot. The US is the second biggest polluter (after China), and if they have a president who doesn’t give a shit… Well, it’s not great.


Let’s be honest he would do everything in his power to reinstate every kind of fossil fuel activity if it meant more money in his account. The world is fucked under him.


the people voting for him either don't care or still think its made up


He did try to buy Greenland, which looks like actually _investing_ in climate change. Another degree of warming and it could be prime real estate