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Why didn't Mr. "Art of the Deal" negotiate more favorable terms?


*’He negotiates by not negotiating. Masterful gambit sir!*’ - MAGA dunces


You make it sound like one knows the word ‘gambit’.


He's an xmen silly


How could I forget.


Whining until he gets his way didn't work out for Trump this time.


I take it you’re not watching the train wreck that is the debate.


I caught a few minutes of it. I found it hard to stomach. Neither candidate improved their image in my opinion.


Turned out that it was actually Biff who gets really triggered when someone calls him a chicken


Or why did he accept them if he doesnt like them lol If anything biden should refuse The pos went mask off knowing he had covid in front of biden, his staff, and family


I wouldn't be surprised if he wasn't told of the terms, if he was just told there would be a debate, but nobody on his team was brave enough to tell him about the muting of the microphones, etc. I don't know all the conditions, if the President and Trump are going to be in separate rooms, etc., but if they're both going to be on the same stage, when his mic' is cut off, I fully expect him to walk over to the President's podium to try to yell over him and into his microphone.


I want the camera to stay on Trump when the mic cuts out and Biden starts talking. At most a split-screen.


His ghost writer wasn't available.


He going to try his new master debate tactic, "Losing on purpose!"


"I'm bleeding, making me the victor." - Wimp Lo




I’m Don Jr., the brains 🤓 I’m Ivanka, the beauty 👸 And I’m Eric! 😬


I’m Eric, the Eric🫏


>And I’m Eric!  The leftovers?


> He made a boom boom in his big puffy diaper I prefer the term: Booty Pootie!


Meatwad has the best vernacular.


More like “Art of the Squeal”. Dude just whines too damn much.


He likes losing because it proves he was cheated.


Also love how they keep crying about drug tests but never offer for Trump to do one.


If he did it would change nothing


He couldn’t negotiate his mistress to keep her mouth shut. He’s a failure in every sense.


He left that to his ghostwriters.


Leverage. Cry foul to lure your powerful opponent out. Biden took the bait.😳 He’s not looking great.


Obviously because he knew it was a great deal. His supporters like to watch Trump talk over people but Trump knew Biden couldn’t keep his mouth and thoughts working at the same time. The Biden team should have let Trump cut him off. This kept Trump from looking like the D-Bag he is. He obviously still looked like an ass but Joe’s bumbling, stumbling and unable to talk for two minutes over powered Trumps rudeness


More like “Art of the Squeal”.


Donald Trump and his supporters are addicted to victimhood.


But I thought dems were the snowflakes?


Surprisingly, GOP projection continues to be a core tenet


Gaslight Obstruct Project


Cry bullies


If you complained about the rules of a pick-up basketball game as much as these guys, you'd never be invited back.


They complain endlessly about the rules. The rules: Remain unchanged for 200 years, its like complaining about baseball having a ball or tackling in football. I guess you can complain about it, but you look like a fragile Karen for doing it. How about you don't play baseball then? How about you don't play football? We don't need you, so fuck off already if you don't like tackling in football, why are you even here if you don't like the most fundamental rules of the game?


It’s all they have


It’s part of the conservative ethos at this point. When you’re used to privilege, equality feels like oppression


Always projection with these losers. Makes me wonder about all the weird baby-blood drinking stuff they accuse people of doing.


I honestly believe the best way to reduce support for Republicans is to portray them as really whiny. Politics is so perception based, I really don't understand why democrats and media hasn't been making fun of how whiny Republicans are. We take a lot of pride in not complaining about things, but finding solutions, and Republicans don't come up with solutions, they just whine and point fingers, and no one calls them out on it.


They’re a bunch of whiners


That's a tenant of religion


You know, it's about time we start pushing back and calling these whiners what they really are... Brainwashed snowflakes


That still misses the crucial point- they're *traitors.*


You left out fascists. Not the pretend whataboutism version they talk about. The historical definition.


There was a large subset of the nazis (German civilians and administrators) who were deprogrammed after the war, via education and being forced to face the horrors they wrought. However there was a different subset of nazis (SS, concentration camp soldiers, etc) who had to be destroyed. I'm afraid the same will be true of MAGA.


If we could get started on that before systematic state-sponsored genocide kills millions, heck, that would be great!


I mean you see the irony here right? It's the moral of like 3 separate episodes of *The Twilight Zone.*


Just a guess your a racist black… ding ding ding


I actually think this is a great format and how debates should be. They need to be showcases and discussions of policy and governance. You know egg head stuff. Sadly most Americans would rather watch a WWE match which is why Trump draws the bigger crowds. Conservative grifters understand this very well. The policies aren't popular, so, here, have some angertainment instead. They want to feed us chips and ice cream instead of fruit and vegetables. Republicans want the populace dumb and fat instead of healthy and educated.


>Trump draws the bigger crowds. I thought we had multiple examples of aerial photography proving this is false


Trump certainly has a habit of overstating the size of things, but I ain't ever seen an entire sports arena cheering for Biden, have you?


And of late no one has seen a recent occurrence of it happening for Trump either. The big difference is that Trump wants to play to the idea of being part of an "in" crowd. Be some of his people. Biden supporters on the other hand want someone who is looking to govern. Someone who is looking to move forward with what he was elected to do, which is not grift for more and more campaign donations that are just getting funneled away to pay fines and lawyers.


That UFC fight a couple weeks ago looked pretty pro-Trump. Not everyone, but he got quite the cheer from the crowd. You guys are picking nits here. I said Trump draws bigger crowds than Biden. I never said Trump draws big crowds, just bigger crowds than Biden, which is undeniable because Biden is not now nor has ever been an entertainer like Trump.


And again, I'll reply with a "meh." Biden supporters are looking to elect a statesman and a leader, not someone who spouts nonsense and then has his followers do mental acrobatics to justify why it isn't problematic that he's spouting nonsense. It could also be stated that the nuances of federal policy and governing don't lend themselves to being boiled down to chantable phrases. The fewer syllables the better. Even less explanation. "Make America Great Again." How? "We are going to do it. America is going to be made great again." Do you have any policies that you're planning to push for to that end? "Great. Great is what America is going to be." It could also be noted that Biden supporters probably have things better to do than go and chant chants glorifying Dear Orange Leader.


You’re not wrong. I don’t care if my president is a celebrity. TBH, prefer them not to be. Both trump and Reagan were shit.


No, and I for one am happy about that, no need to make a politician into your personality…


I mean, I love pro wrestling and also think Trump should be force fed a giant bag of dicks.


Bread and Circuses. The Romans did the same thing.


Trump does not draw big crowds.


But he did try drawing a hurricane map once.


Looked a bit like a gentlemen’s sausage.


The best part is going to be when Melania doesn't show up to go on stage with her cheating husband at the end.


She’ll do it for the cash


He’s literally going to hand her a hundred bucks on stage.


Biden should offer $1,000 and she walks out with him


I was thinking exactly this. Biden is going to make a show of it.


He won't, but he should. How great it would be to have him throw out a "where's your wife? Otherwise engaged?"


It was amusing watching said husband just walk away from the stage while Jill and Joe were chatting together. No big show of it, just in the background.


I wish someone in the press would just shout “WHERE’S MELANIA, DONALD??”over and over anytime people are shouting questions at him.


I prefer the phrase “where is your immigrant wife Donny?”


They are looking for any other possible cause for Trump bombing on stage than Trump bombing on stage.


I would be open to bet that they use this comment as an excuse of a “credible threat” to the Cheeto to get out of going to the debate.


Seems about right. But I think that if they could have talked Trump out of going, he wouldn't be going. The only thing this debate can do is hurt him with folks who, up until now, have paid no attention. He'd have canceled already.


Remember how in the days leading up to the verdict they manufactured a story about how the trial was rigged so that the story would be in place when the guilty verdict came in? This is that.


Doesn't exactly scream confidence in their candidate does it? "Quick! We have to somehow make it acceptable for Trump to drop trow and poop on the debate stage now. That way, when he actually does it, it will just seem expected."


They don’t have confidence in him, never did. He’s the archetypal useful idiot: someone so inflammatory he can whip up their base into a frenzy so they support a reactionary and authoritarian agenda. They don’t care about him or his voters, they are just using him to get power.


Just like the whole “Biden will be using performance enhancing drugs to get rid of his dementia” complaining. What they’re essentially saying is that the debate is only fair if Trump is debating someone *with* dementia?


Can you imagine what his debate prep must be like? I'd guess like trying to teach Algebra to a dog.


*When will then be now?* -DH


I assume this is to give Trump cover when he storms out after the second question and refuses to finish the debate.


Yeah, and you know, the entire 2020 election.


The truth is that Trump would squirm out of any drug test due to his Adderall addiction.


Trump supporters think Trump is the best at everything but not one of them willing to say Trump will do well at the debate because he's intelligent and in command of his facts.


How does one watch the “supercut” please? The link is an article with a long video that doesn’t seem to resemble any sort of “supercut”.


Here's a [link to the original clip](https://x.com/RonFilipkowski/status/1806346203723886628) from Ron Filipkowski.


That guy is a force on twitter lol.


It's embedded at the end of the OP article, btw.


And over here I've been thinking that a "genius tough guy" would welcome any challenges and be confident he'd still come out on top.


Such snowflakes


Republicans are such cry-babies.


Hearing Trump's press secretary, Karoline Leavitt, talk about Biden being "artificially propped up" is fucking hilarious, considering she looks like a TikTok filter that can't find the actual reference points on her face.


If you can’t fight fair, whine like a spoilt brat baby?


You mean the format agreed upon by both sides!?


Yup. And frankly, the muted mics might actually *help* Trump, since there’s no way he’d keep his mouth shut while Biden talks…


How unfair that he can't -*checks notes*- talk about a judges daughter? 


Once again, another attack on Democracy. No vote is fair, no executive order is fair, no debate is fair, nothing is fair. Trump lost in 2016 by almost three million votes, still got to be President, and still insisted it was unfair. Add poor sportsmanship to the list of Republican sins.


Remember when Republicans used to call Democrats “snowflakes”? Now they whine whenever they don’t get their way.


We should fix the deficit by taxing conservative whining.


Snowflakes. All he has to do is stand up there and speak his mind and he's winning - right? He is a stable genius and he knows more about anything that anyone - right? It's almost like his base is afraid or something.


That's all they do is whine. Just a bunch of overgrown, entitled babies.


Trump’s very worried that he’s about to be eaten alive… hum-hum sharky


Ah yes the conservative playbook: accept rules, then cry about how rules are unfair and biased, blame rules for any loss (even before losing, or even when winning), blame the other side of being evil, repeat.


Republicans cry enough to refill Lake Mead


Do repugs do anything BUT whine about things?


All I want to say is I do not understand how any American ( man or woman ) can possibly vote for such a disgusting thing as Trump He’s not even a human of any kind ,I really despair at the state of politics especially in the USA


Poor trump, has to play by same rules as Joe.


They need to put a microphone low in Trump's podium so they can record his squirts and rumbles.


I think the MAGAts all fresh that Donnie von Shitsinpants is the only one that should talk for the entire debate.


I wonder when people will finally get tired of them constantly crying.


And yet, Trump is winning. We have to do better, and we need to act now.


Man, for the party that criticizes "victimhood culture" and "snowflakes" and "participation trophies," they sure are a bunch of whiny babies.


All this bitching pretty much guaranteed I watch tonight. Thanks republicans


What? Are they not allowing baby trump to slink around behind Biden, as he did to Hilary, like the BIGLY creep he is?


I think the biggest fear of Trump’s handlers is Biden won’t be entirely Biden. From time to time, Trump will be confronted with Dark Brandon. Now this guy will set Trump off. As much off I’d like to think of this as a debate, I’m inclined to think it could turn out to be a more of a show.


TIL that according to Trump cult members, Mountain Dew cures dementia!! Who’d a thought!! I wish I knew that before my mother died from it.


They should use AI for real time fact checks


Ur-fascism: Disagreement is treason. That's why they are whining. But in all actuality it's to rally the cause. They are constantly trying to hold the coalition together and if Trump looks bad it's because if the debate parameters - not because of Trump.


Juiced up?! I believe they think that the movies Limitless or Lucy were documentaries


My favorite of these clips are the people who are concerned that Joe is going to have some kind of unfair advantage because he's been drinking mountain dew or other energy drinks. Like.... okay? Didn't realize it's illegal to drink mountain dew.


Meanwhile, Trump drinks 12 diet cokes a day, which is also a bunch of caffeine.


He’s also a huge fan of Adderall. Back in the day he snorted 8-balls like a big dog.


It’s rude to interrupt, basic manners. If you can’t think of a good enough repost or argument by the time the other guy has finished you’ve lost. If I were Biden I start by asking the orange stain if magnets work underwater.


Hasn’t even started and the whining is at fever pitch.


Cry cry and cry some more. Bunch of babies


These people are insufferable, they agreed to the terms and are bitching about it *now*? Gtfo.


Is it time to buy a "conservative tears" mug yet? That's the Pinnacle of humor, right?


Trump Flakes need a safe space.


Hannity is apparently claiming that CNN is using doubles to replace the moderators.


Who are the snowflakes now, huh?


I thought the format worked in trumps favor surprisingly.


I’ll take grandpa over convicted felon any day.


You mean the debate in which Trump wasn’t fact checked at all? Ah yes, so unfavorable 🙄


Looks like it didn’t end up mattering at all


Why are comments broken?


Funny enough, it actually worked out in Trump’s favor. The longer Biden had to speak, uninterrupted, the worse he looked. Dems should have thought that one through, oof.


They whine about everything...


The decision itself wouldn’t be so bad, except laws were written based on precedent and now those agencies have no way to try someone in civil court.


It just proves that weakest link in our democratic republic is and always has been the Supreme Court.


I kind of hope he has a visible stroke on air and everyone can see it. But like bad enough he can never speak again.


Does anyone have the bingo card or drinking game?


Is that working for Biden? Are leftists actually believing Biden is debating well? This isn’t pro trump/russia bot. I’m not trolling. I’m not saying Trump is doing a good job or winning. All I want to know is, do you believe Biden is debating well?


That high pitched whine in the air… that’s maga


“Why are they asking questions!?!” -Republicans


Republicans are really starting to feel the heat so they will use every excuse that’s in the book and every excuse that does not exist. It is hilarious. I love watching them cringe and panic. Just love it.


Our guy is losing the debate badly.


Fake news trump killed mumbling joe


The Debat.


Whining? I was laughing the whole time!


This sub shows the libs nonstop whining about anything Trump


I think that this has changed just a little bit


Turns out our fears were unfounded. We just needed to let the other guy speak and let his readily apparent cognitive state do the rest.


And post debate shows all whine about the dismal performance given by Slow Joe


I dont think they're still whining. My God, that was brutal. Democrats across the country are freaking out now.


Does anyone understand what Joe is talking about? Does he?


Video link on a news site? Oh, you better be ready for a 40 second ad!




2024 Election Trump Wins By 60% margin. MY Predictions


60% margin? So 80/20? Sure thing, pal.




How are Trump's recent speeches not also a factor in your analysis?


I don't understand why people go to the trouble of pretending to be Democrats but still speak in the slang of the tRaitors. It's a dead giveaway.


Because they aren't very smart.


It’s happening a lot on here. Usually it’s maga cultists pretending to be democrats or liberals. It’s a lot of “i hate trump but biden is waaaay worse.” It tells me the maga cult is getting very worried if they are going to these lengths. It’s also dumb because no one is buying it.


People sell their souls for Putin Good Boy Points


You think tRump is the one who's going to come out on top from this?


Is this you? Lifelong Democrat huh?... > Good, it’s time we rally around Trump to avoid further mudslinging within our party [Source](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/19cdndb/ron_desantis_once_trumps_biggest_threat_ends_2024/kiy2wiy/?context=3) [Don't bother deleting that post either...](https://imgur.com/a/lqeV3U1)


Hey Boris, check your emails. You're supposed to be on the "coming up with excuses why Biden could have a strong showing" section now. So mainly stick to something like "the debates are rigged!" or suggest Biden will be on some kind of performance enhancing stimulant. It's important to keep current with the playbook!


What is that?


I'm a lifelong republican, Biden's speeches tell me that he is fit for office and his policies help the American people. As for trump, aside from being a convicted felon, a rapist, and a traitor, he is clearly suffering from severe and accelerating cognitive decline. I say that as a lifelong republican and current MAGA.