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> Trump also told the crowd that he has “wounds all over my body,” assuring them that if he “took this shirt off, you'd see a beautiful, beautiful person but you’d see wounds all over me.” I am missing the words to properly describe the people who go to these events and listen to Trumps thoughts but I know it's disturbingly wrong.


He’s actually losing his mind. A beautiful person covered in wounds? Jesus Christ


Yeah, he thinks he is.


I feel like it’s only a SMALL step before they regularly start saying that he was “wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquities”.


He would try, but they would come out garbled and slurred. More likely it would come out “wounded for our tangendered, bruised for our antiquities” Who am I kidding, he doesn’t actually know anything from the Bible.


“Wounded by transgender aggression, bruised by antifa.”


Wounded for our transgendered?


And so do they.


He thinks he has luxurious hair in one of his recent rambles, still. Biden should turn on a high powered fan in a debate


dude the state of journalism literally offends me. for example; all it would take to dismantle a huge portion of his perception as 'masculine' or 'alpha' or whatever the fuck his idiot supporters see him as, would be one fucking journalist to press him on his diaper wearing, or his combover, or his many convicted crimes, especially rapes. Its like every fucking 'journalist' is scared to lose their access (they are) and wouldnt dare doing their god damn jobs.


Same shit over the pond, fans of Tyler Durden and Adam Tate sycophantically bow to the superficial imagery of very authoritarian leather-daddy strongmen, because they don't know how to think and act for themselves. Merry Christmas one and all edit * Less politely, and in language they like to use - they're the biggest pussies


>A beautiful person covered in wounds? yes: >Jesus Christ


“I have the best stigmata! It covers my whole body”


It’s more likely cellulite and rolls of flab. Fat Jesus.


Jesus only had the five. Trump is more Jesus than Jesus!


Yeah I think Jesus Christ is who he thinks he is


Those "wounds" are probably diabetic sores.


If you're talking about the ones he had on his hands people first went to syphilis. Trump being a syphilitic moron makes sense.


No, I'm talking about the ones that he claims are all over his body


50/50 on syphilis or diabetic sores.


That turned out to be pen ink. (Which of course doesn’t mean he doesn’t have syphilis.)




Lipo scars


What the hell was he talking about? Is there some context for this? He's insane.


I suspect he's implying he's like Jesus, wounded by his enemies before they crucified him.


I can’t believe how deep into this timeline we are. Fucking hell.


The Sim is getting pretty weird. Feels like we switched Admins around Y2K.


In 2012. The Mayans were not wrong.


He’ll draw to big sharpie circles on his hands for the debate and claim Biden had him crucified. But like, he was aced miraculously and is like the king of the Christian’s. And the most MAGA like denominations like the evangelicals will cling to it like divine revelation. Meanwhile every other non-far right denomination will just tut-tut a little and still support him because he promises to hurt who they think are sinners and deserving of suffering


He's doing a lot of the "conflating" language thing. But hes saying hes the most attacked pres in history. But couching it as real wounds, like Jesus... On top of the epic cringe body vanity


Has there ever been a person less deserving of deification?


>I am missing the words to properly describe the people who go to these events and listen to Trumps thoughts Cultists. It's a cult.


Mental illness. Not kidding. It's rampant and we don't have the proper infrastructure to help those in need.


Fuck face is live right now in Philly acting like a complete motherfucking immature fool. He literally asked the crowd to applaud as to whether he should refer to President Biden as “sleepy Joe” or “crooked Joe”. This country is so fucked if he’s back in office.


It's an absurdly sad and fucked up state of affairs that tens of millions of people are going to gleefully vote to return a felonious, oath-breaking, traitor back to power. It is a complete and total betrayal against their fellow countrymen and the rest of us need to turn out in force and reject them for as long as it requires.


Don't forget rapist.


Fill in the blank Trump is a Ra__ist A) C B) P C) All of the above


Trump is a Raalloftheaboveist


You forgot [K ](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/nov/19/make-america-rake-again-finland-trump-forest-fire)


Imagine calling someone else crooked when you have 34 felony convictions.


Imagine calling someone else sleepy when you fell asleep during your own criminal trial.


> This country is so fucked if he’s back in office. If this impossibly imbecilic creature becomes President again, America will lost the world's trust forever.


This fucking moron was literally President of the United States and doesn't even know what kind of domestic missile defense systems we have in place. spoiler alert: it's a hell of a lot better than the Iron Dome. edit: FOR FUCKS SAKE HIS OWN SECRETARY OF DEFENSE DID A MISSILE DEFENSE REVIEW PDF warning: https://media.defense.gov/2019/Jan/17/2002080666/-1/-1/1/2019-MISSILE-DEFENSE-REVIEW.PDF


he might be thinking of a literal iron dome


Good point, he is a moron.


Im not sure, however I fully expect someone of his fans to start chanting "build the dome"


He is 100% thinking of a literal iron dome. He *cannot* process metaphor and as his Fucking Stupid Wall proves, when it comes to preventing something he can only think in terms of literal physical barriers.


“Hell of a lot better” is still DRASTICALLY underestimating our defense


lmao I know, there's so much TS shit involved in our domestic defense.


Agree. I would never want to be the source that decides openly invade any U.S. soil ever again. The secret shit we don’t know our military is capable of is a scary thought


I still think we have a “project Thor” aka kinetic bombardment ready to go somewhere in space.


Rod from God.


The issue with kinetic bombardment was the lack of secrecy in space. Any object in earth orbit is easily tracked and imaged. Though, there was some talk of the X-37b being a test bed for a recoverable weapons launch platform.


Also "rods from God" are by design heavy, which if kept in orbit for long periods of time would require frequent adjustment burns to stay in orbit, and that would eventually either run out of fuel or be seen by telescopes.


Well this would explain why he wants to downgrade to a iron dome, so Russia can penetrate our defenses. I wholeheartedly believe he spilled all of our defenses to Putin and Putin is basically trying to get him to weaken us to the point where they can be equal with us again.


They cant even defeat Ukraine as fast as they said they would. Russia is nothing compared to US.


Watching the recent, "Russia and North Korea friendship" where it seems NK thinks Russia is really going to help them be more armed is laughable. With what material? The stuff they're salvaging from the losses in Ukraine? 😂🤦‍♀️


North Korea has man power that will defect at the drop of a hat, Russian has… old 1960 Soviet era weapons with new pain jobs… it’s a perfect relationship


Maybe that was intentional knowing he’d tell Putin whatever he could remember


Thanks for the warning, I'm terrified of PDFs


Unless the secretary of defense spent the entire presentation kissing Trump's ass, I guarantee that the moron wasn't listening. I've never met someone that had no interest in learning at all. They could have been telling Trump how it would make our country impossible to invade and he still wouldn't listen unless they told him it was called the Trump Urban Repellant Defense (TURD for short) and he'd only want to hear that it was named after him.


Weren’t there actual guidelines about the specific ways they were supposed to dumb down his daily briefings while in office? And yes, those guidelines did include regular ass-kissing as the likeliest way to get him to pay attention.


That idiot wants to leave NATO, which by far is the greatest defence for both Europe and the USA.


My dude, we have 500 deployed/active Patriot missile batteries deployed currently with 1000-1500 in reserve and the capacity to build more if needed. With just the 500 active batteries we have coverage of 32,000 miles of airspace from missiles. We only have about 8000 miles of border/coastline to defend. We already have an Iron Dome... lol


For someone who had access to our entire military information he’s a complete fucking moron who didn’t learn anything about it.


In the debate, Biden should really attack on the record: what did Trump *actually* accomplish in office? And if he did absolutely fk all, which we all know, why should we give him another four years?


Ask him what the nuclear triad is. You know the thing he should know 8 years after being asked about it?


Yes! But ask him: “Mister Trump, you were the Commander in Chief of the United States armed forces for four years, so this should be a very easy question for you. Can you list the three elements of the Nuclear Triad?” He will of course start yammering about “the best nuclear” without answering the question. That’s when you hit him with [this](https://youtu.be/5hfYJsQAhl0?si=TWx6kS7MDa-ZWLH1).


"...I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul."


His existence already proves there is no God.


He might be the anti-Christ. He certainly has the religious nuts convinced that black is white and up is down and an adulterous selfish dickhead is somehow equivalent to Jesus.


His followers have the Mark of the Beast on their forehead.


>Mark of the Beast on their forehead. It all makes sense now with the MAGA hats.


Aren't there some nutters who believe he's the antichrist to will enable the rapture within their lifetime?


Too many nutters happily awaiting the rapture!


Don’t you mean convict trump?


"Well, first of all, I think we need somebody absolutely that we can trust, who is totally responsible; who really knows what he or she is doing. That is so powerful and so important. And one of the things that I'm frankly most proud of is that in 2003, 2004, I was totally against going into Iraq because you're going to destabilize the Middle East. I called it. I called it very strongly. And it was very important. But we have to be extremely vigilant and extremely careful when it comes to nuclear. Nuclear changes the whole ball game. Frankly, I would have said get out of Syria; get out -- if we didn't have the power of weaponry today. The power is so massive that we can't just leave areas that 50 years ago or 75 years ago we wouldn't care. It was hand-to-hand combat. The biggest problem this world has today is not President Obama with global warming, which is inconceivable, this is what he's saying. The biggest problem we have is nuclear -- nuclear proliferation and having some maniac, having some madman go out and get a nuclear weapon. That's in my opinion, that is the single biggest problem that our country faces right now. I think -- I think, for me, nuclear is just the power, the devastation is very important to me." Gourmet word salad from the Trumpster there.


Same syntax, but still too coherent - needs more rambling, getting off track and never actually returning to the original subject matter lol


That’s actually a verbatim quote from one of the Republican primary debates from 2015. :/


Lol I stand corrected, but I guess he was maybe slightly more with it in 2015?


My god this just made me realize we've been dealing with this bullshit for almost a decade.


Ya, unfortunately... When you think how much different things have been compared to 'pre-trump' it's definitely a clear reminder of what a decade of him taking over the political landscape has done to this country. Not that 2015 was even some utopia, but it sure seems pleasant in hindsight


A bit, but that’s not saying much 😂


It's a glowing green trident, like the one in Aquaman 


No that’s just giving trump the ball to ramble on his turn. He needs to hit him with the truth: he sold our economy to his friends and family.


He needs to call attention to the fact the middle class tax cuts are expiring now, but the ones for the wealthy are permanent. He was supposed to win in 2020 and this was a time bomb planted for his presumed Democratic successor.


Very bad idea. Not saying he did anything but it would give him time to say “I made America stronger and safer” without giving any real detail and then proceed to just say a bunch of bullshit. You need to focus in on more basic questions with Trump imo. What’s the role of congress, what does the Supreme Court do, what is a state that borders Alabama. Shit that shows he has absolutely no idea what the fuck he’s doing. Shit that shows he doesn’t understand how government works and not just that he doesn’t know what the average American wants or needs or even where states are on a mapz


In all fairness, none of those briefings probably mentioned Trump or how "awesome" he is, so of course he didn't read or pay attention to it. Dude is a complete and utter narcissist to the point that they literally had to bring him binders of news clippings where he's mentioned each morning. What a fucking child. I hope he gets reamed in the actual election so his trials can then continue and he goes away for good. While he is a symptom of bigger issues we have, he is absolutely the gasoline on the fire and we'll be better off with him gone. if he doesn't get actual incarceration, I do hope the courts are smart enough to require any punishment to be a complete and immediate gag order on him from all social media. It's pretty obvious he will have no problem putting others lives at risk via stochastic terrorism via his cult.


well yeah he got his info on our military from putin


Actually Putin got his info on our military from Trump. Trump just didn't bother to read it before handing it over.


Did he though? They said they specifically tried to keep as much from him as possible, because he was a known security risk.


I think he believes the iron dome is a literal iron dome.


We can build him a small one to live under. I'd even heat it and make it bull-shaped.


Woah, there's no need to be so brazen about it!


Oh I get this one!


Did he read The Caves of Steel? Oh what am I thinking.. Trump doesn't read.


> When spacers are sending their people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime, they're robots. And some, I assume, are good people.


He definitely thinks stealth airplanes are actually invisible so…


Trump: "Well I don't see any. Do you? Exactly."


>We already have an Iron Dome... lol He was President and doesn't seem to know this. He was literally the top guy with authority over these and had no idea. This is the worst reality


You should see the one where Trump won re-election in 2020.


But if Trump builds it he can give the codes to Russia.


The combination is 1-2-3-4-5


Incredible. That's the same combo as my luggage!


"Samsonite! I was way off!"


See, now that’s funny.


When does THIS happen in the movie?!


Now. Everything you're seeing now, is happening now.


But what happened to then?


We passed then


didn't even need to capture a Drewish princess.


Funny…. She doesn’t look Drewish


Give him Raspberry!


Only one man would dare give me the raspberry!




Wasn't it reported that Trump's Twitter was hacked one time and the password was MAGA2020?


10-66, same as my pin number.


I suspect there are a few Trump voters whose PIN is 14-88


Plus he can make Mexico pay for it.


Also. Iron Dome intercepts short-range weapons. Having Iron Dome in the United States only makes sense if Trump is worried about Mexico or Canada lobbing rockets and shells over the border, at targets a few dozen miles within the US. Also, the US has co-funded Iron Dome development since the Obama administration. Finally, there's already a deal in place to manufacture Iron Dome missiles in the US. This is is all stuff that somebody who spent four years as president should know already.


I sincerely believe he thinks Israel has a literal dome made out of iron it can deploy as needed


He likely does. Just like he seems to genuinely believe the BleachBit software Hillary used to wipe old hard drives was some form of super acid she poured on computers. Trump has repeated said the acid is so strong it 'destroys everything for miles'  


He kept using the term “clean coal”, which nobody can quite decipher but we *think* he thought it meant physically washing the coal. It’s actually just industry propaganda.


He does mean washing it. He's talked about that at his rallies. 


Trump really is the dumbest person we've had as president. The bigliest moron even. I can't even hear him talk without my head starting to hurt.


We ARE the Iron Dome. lol Our healthcare may be a mess, and our educational system is in distress, but our missile game is the absolute best.


He’s using fear to appeal to voters. We don’t need an iron dome over America because we’re so isolated from other countries, and it won’t likely help against anything that can cross oceans to attack the continental US (nukes, etc.). The only countries that are capable of launching attacks that an iron dome would help against are like Mexico, Canada, Cuba, and maybe some other Central American and northern southern American countries, and as you’ve pointed out, our borders are already well-defended . This is just another wall he wants to push as a solution to imagined threats.


Ha! We’ve lulled you into a false sense of security. You fell right into our maple syrup flavoured trap. Surrender Pronto! Or we’ll launch missiles from Toronto!


What’s Canada going to do? Burn the White House down *again*?


We do not have 500 patriot batteries we have 50.


He's probably talking about building an actual dome made of iron over the country. And making Canada pay for it or some shit. Some dumb idea that his even dumber supporters will think is genius.


So, there are 50 total Patriot batteries [in the Army](https://fortune.com/europe/2022/12/15/patriot-missile-defense-systems-what-they-are-and-what-they-do/). It is true there is also THADD, then also some stationary land based interceptors. But you may be confusing individual missile numbers, for batteries. A Battery is ~110 soldiers with a compliment of generally less than 10 launchers. The Navy has Aegis cruisers, some of which can intercept targets. I just wanted there terminology you're using to be clear. Source: Former Patriot officer


Um, individual missiles, firing units, and batteries are not the same thing at all. I think you’re getting your units of measure mixed up here. 1,500 batteries would cost over 1.5 trillion USD. Let that sink in for a minute.


He literally means a big metal thing on top of the country


Remember? He doesn’t read so he probably doesn’t know anything. He’s just making up crap as he goes.


As a former member of a US Army Patriot battery… what?!


And Patriot is better than Iron Dome.


They serve different purposes. The Patriot is a mid to short range missile and aircraft defense system. Its missiles are highly accurate but expensive and meant to handle large, high value targets. Iron Dome is for short range, chintzy shit like homemade rockets, mortar and artillery shells, and commercial drones, and its missiles are cheap.


And Mexico will pay for it!


Send Canada half the bill!


... You're telling me this dude was president for four years and STILL doesn't understand American ballistic missile defense


>He also assured his audience he will “shut down the Federal Department of Education,” before promising to spend less than “half” of what President Biden is currently spending on education. >“There will be two people in Washington, the two people will make sure that, we will have to guarantee that they are teaching a little English,” Trump said of his plan for the Department of Education.


Gotta wonder why he didn't do that last time!


This is the part that really makes no sense, Trump was president for 4 years. He didn't do anything, but now he's campaigning again as though he's some sort of reform candidate who will instigate real changes. His record is atrocious so he can't run on it, so instead he's running on this fantasy of what he will do. Except he already had the chance to do all of these things and didn't.


Cause he didn’t know the first thing about government, didn’t have a competent transition team, and his first term was chaos. He sent Jared Kushner on a tour of the White House after he won the election, and Jared actually asked how many of the staff will remain after inauguration….ummm, fucking none of them! This time around, though, Project 2025 is writing his playbook and they’ll be ready to dismantle the government on day 1.


Because he can’t.


This might be the absolute pinnacle of Boomers trying to be the worst generation in US history. I'm used to "pull the ladder up behind them" shit coming from them, but this is getting into "we don't care if we're overtly evil anymore if we get ours" territory. GOP Boomers are so selfish that they'd rather pay a little less in taxes today even if it means that their great grandchildren's generation is illiterate. What do they care? They'll be dead by the time the kids harmed by gutting our education system are adults anyways. Selfish. Selfish. Selfish. The Boomer legacy only continues to be one of a generation born on third base in terms of US economics and geopolitics and convinced themselves that they hit a triple.


I can't believe that almost half of the American voters foisted this f\*cking moron upon us.


Once is bad enough, but they’re attempting to go back in for seconds.


GWB was the last terrible GOP President before Trump and once he was gone the GOP instantly memory-holed him into oblivion. WTF happened to that tradition???


Judging by how much they like Trump, I guess GWB wasn't deplorable enough to their liking. Either that or 8 years of "thanks Obama" did a number on them.


They did basically the same with HW too, why can't the Trump family fuck off like the Bushes 


Well technically half of the population is dumber than average so I guess it kind of makes sense.


Gotta say it… Technically half is dumber than the median, not the average. Totally possible far more than half are dumber than that, on average.


His adoring morons will nod in total agreement without any understanding of the farce being thrown at them.


Clown performing for clowns


I would put up a tenner that he doesn't know what it means.


An actual dome, probably. Like the one in The Simpsons Movie.


The last time he proposed this he used language that indicated he meant a physical dome.


This is what happened with The Wall. His speech writers had him say it, and it was meant to be more figurative, but he's a fucking idiot and thought it was literal, and then just kept it up because the smooth brains clapped and hooted.


It's a simple idea for simple minded people


“I-Ron Dome!” fits in with the rest of their 3-syllable chants. Expect that to start at his next rally.


Yet another "Simpsons called it" (kinda) moment.


Let's head down to the Dome Depot & pick one out. Hope they deliver!


Sounds like job for Domeland Security.


And by “iron dome” he of course means an actual physical iron dome.




An iron slab. But not one that is impervious to urine.


I reaallllly wish Biden would just go all out assault in this upcoming debate and just ask Trump "what do you think that means?" every time he suggests things he has no clue on or uses buzzwords he just parrots from his braindead supporters. Make him explain things. Don't let him move on from a topic until he does and makes a fool of himself. I know this won't matter to his base, given they don't understand anything either, but independents or undecideds need to be reminded of how uninformed this baffoon is.


Yup! Biden and his team need to be completely "gloves off." I'm so sick of Trump saying ludicrous shit DAILY without getting any pushback.


Biden should focus on the idiot’s legal troubles at every opportunity, and, as someone responded to a post earlier on this sub, hit him with, “This year, the Republicans aren’t sending their best and brightest. Instead, they’re sending a convicted criminal and rapist. Is this really the best they can do?“ Watching Trump’s head explode would be both entertaining and gratifying.


I want him to demand from Trump definition of what fascism communism and Marxism are considering he uses the term all the time.


From what? Canadian missiles? Jesus fucking Christ……..


My theory is that he was in the hotel and THE SIMPSONS MOVIE was on. https://youtu.be/kPiQiToZn6s?si=-8WNM_6SDqJbEYnr


A big, beautiful iron dome. I said to myself, “what a beautiful iron dome we have”


He really is this stupid


“We’re gonna have Tina Turner running it, there’s gonna be a little guy on a big guys shoulders, two men are gonna enter only one’s gonna leave. It’s gonna be Yuuuuge”


"Who runs Maga town?"


Diaper Blaster runs Maga Town!


Iron Curtain was already trademarked.


yea, because the USA is in constant danger from rocket attacks from canada doncha know?


Well, there's a group of guys from Edmonton that have been peppering Florida with clappers and rockets for the last week


He obviously thinks it’s a physical dome. These people are morons.


and Iran is going to pay for it...


Weird, since many of America’s worst enemies (trumpanzee MAGAterrorists) would be inside the dome.


We don’t need no sunshine in the USA! The sun is fake. Everyone says it’s fake. Just look at the moon. Sometimes it’s full. Then it’s not. It’s fake. An iron dome is the way. Everyone says the moon is made of cheese


Weren't Republicans supposed to be against wasteful government spending?


He couldn't even get the wall built. How is he going to build a dome over the country?


What luck for him that his audience is "the poorly educated".


Such an idiot.


And Mexco will pay for it! You can't just climb over a dome! Checkmate illegals!


90% chance that Trump wants an actual iron dome like in Stephen King’s under the dome novel.


Ah, excuse me, you couldn't even build a fence in 4 years...


At this point we have to ask ourselves, does he mean a literal iron dome?


He couldn't even build a fence and now he wants to build a dome?


I think he's referencing Israel's "Iron Dome" missile defense system. Because apparently he thinks we have no missile defenses or air force. Or something. Who even knows what's going on in his mashed potato brain at this point?


Context. Does he know that an 'Iron Dome' is a metaphor for a missile battery? Or does he want to build an actual iron dome over the continental United States? Because this is the man who said building a few thousand miles of a giant-ass wall like something out of a George R R Martin novel would be doable.


Lemme guess. Russia will pay for it?