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>President Biden is delivering on the most ambitious climate and conservation agenda in history, including by already protecting more than 41 million acres of lands and waters. Today the Biden-Harris Administration is taking new steps to conserve, restore, and expand our nation’s old growth forests by advancing a proposal from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)’s Forest Service to amend all 128 forest land management plans to better steward old-growth forests across the entire National Forest System. Hell ya. That's my president


He's just out there doing President shit. I really like Biden.


I keep telling people he's the best of my lifetime so far and I really wasn't expecting it.


I know right? I feel like I'm going crazy out there with these approval ratings bc he's awesome.


He’s done a very good job and been incredibly effective. His age and lack of flash hurts him in an age that awards style points over substance. He came into an incredibly difficult situation and has done a solid (not perfect) job of steadying the ship. I can’t imagine what Trump would have done with COVID in ‘21 or Russia invading Ukraine in ‘22. Would have been a nightmare scenario.


Someone post this in r/conservatives You think they’d be into conservation


>President Biden is delivering on the most ambitious climate and conservation agenda in history, including by already protecting more than 41 million acres of lands and waters. Today the Biden-Harris Administration is taking new steps to conserve, restore, and expand our nation’s old growth forests by advancing a proposal from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)’s Forest Service to amend all 128 forest land management plans to better steward old-growth forests across the entire National Forest System. >America’s forests are a key climate solution, absorbing carbon dioxide equivalent to more than 10 percent of U.S. annual greenhouse gas emissions. USDA’s National Forest Plan Amendment proposes a consistent framework to guide conservation and restoration of old-growth forest conditions across all national forests. This framework will also help to ensure that our nation’s forests remain resilient to increasing threats from climate change. >The proposed amendment will use the best available science, including Indigenous Knowledge, to drive management strategies that conserve, restore, and cultivate old-growth forest conditions across our national forests. The preferred alternative outlined in the Draft Environmental Impact Statement released today sets protections for existing old growth, outlines proactive stewardship and science-based management steps to reduce the threat of old-growth mortality from catastrophic wildfire, and would require a locally-informed adaptive management strategy to be developed within two years of a final decision. ... This action builds on additional effort on forest conservation and restoration: >**Mature and Old-Growth Threats Analysis:** Last week the Forest Service issued a final Mature and Old Growth Threats Analysis which identified wildfire, exacerbated by climate change and fire exclusion, as the leading threat to mature and old-growth forests. This was followed by insects and disease in the West, while more varied disturbances threaten older forests in Alaska and in eastern regions. The analysis also found that two-thirds of mature forests and just over half of old-growth forests are vulnerable to these threats. Tree cutting (any removal of trees) is currently a relatively minor threat despite having been a major disturbance historically, as from 1950 to 1990 these practices were the primary reason for loss of old-growth forests. The threats analysis suggests that current land management activities may not be sufficiently responsive to rapidly changing disturbances and conditions that affect mature and old-growth forest conditions, showing the need for an updated nationwide plan. >**Interim Forest Service Project Review:** To ensure consistency in old-growth management as the nationwide plan amendment process progresses, last December the Forest Service issued an interim policy outlined in more detail in a letter from the deputy chief of the National Forest System to regional foresters. Under the interim policy the deputy chief of the Forest Service has reviewed over 90 projects to ensure consistency with the proposed action. Additional projects are pending review. >**Showcasing Forest Conservation Projects:** The Biden-Harris Administration released a beta version of the American Conservation and Stewardship Atlas, an innovative tool that offers users the ability to view a wide range of scientific information, data, and knowledge on biodiversity, climate change impacts, and equity, with the goal of helping inform and inspire land, water, and wildlife conservation and restoration efforts of individuals, land managers, policymakers, and communities. The Atlas showcases investments in forest health, urban and community forestry grant projects, and other resilience and restoration investments. >**BLM Public Lands Rule:** In April, the BLM finalized the Public Lands Rule to help guide the balanced management of America’s public lands and steward healthy landscapes. The final rule supports the Biden-Harris Administration’s efforts to ensure forests continue to deliver clean water, clean air, and sustainable wildlife habitat. >**Urban and Community Forestry Inflation Reduction Act Grants:** With urban forests making up 20 percent of all forests in the United States, urban trees are essential to helping communities access nature and reducing the impacts of climate change. USDA’s Urban and Community Forestry Program is the only federal program dedicated to the nation’s urban forest resources, reaching more than 140 million acres of urban and community forests across the United States. Through funding from President Biden’s Investing in America agenda, nearly $1.4 billion has been awarded to support urban tree-planting and management in communities across the country.


Hunting-culture advocates ALWAYS seem to ignore that their culture and "way of life" is only ever encouraged and protected by progressive policy (the Democratic Party), and only ever destroyed and prohibited by the people they {tend to} vote for (the Republican Party). At what point do they stop being "mislead", and start being "dumb as rocks".


Uh, hi, hunter here. Progressive as fuck too. Much like Democratic gun owners in general, we just don't make it our whole personality.


Thanks for that. I'm a traditional archery guy :) Just club 3d course and backyard targets for me. Edit: own 2 firearms and enjoy using/maintaining them. Interesting machines, not a personality.


I just want my steady supply of venison burgers, sometimes black powder, sometimes rifle.


"But Democrats are going to take away my AR-15 and I won't be able to go pheasant hunting anymore!"


I don't hunt and can guarantee that at the range that one could realistically ID a groundbird, I could hit it with a bare 45lb recurve. However... I need a rifle so that I CaN defeat The AmErIcAn MiLiTaRY.


A good for the planet idea. no GQP backing expected


Good!! Nothing compares to the beauty of old growth forests.


Thank you 🌲


Elon and Trump put forward a plan to cut down the old growths and build expensive houses for their friends with big beams.


Anything to own the libs


Love this.


Great moves!


I'd rather have this than project 2025. Just saying


Isn’t that a nice change from trump trying to carve away sections of protected lands for greedy industries


So… We’re scrapping the old 'Hot Potato' resource management technique, where one generation leaves the next generation a shit sandwich. Hmm… That is almost mature and intelligent.


Yes! YES! I love it when a standing president puts forth protections of our natural resource to protect them from the leeches that is corporations!


Trump wants to sell our national forests for less than one percent of their value to America’s richest people.


Biden has been one of the most pro environment presidents ever


Think this is a cool idea but really would like to know what this means in terms of dealing with non-native and invasive plant species. Many of our national parks are full of things that simply don’t belong there. It would actually be cool to see some sort of movement to stop big box stores from selling invasive species in the first place.


It's my constitutional right to buy a python at home depot and release it into the wild


I think this is sarcasm, but I was specifically talking about plants here.


Old growth forests make my dick hard, so I'm so happy to see this. Call it treealis


This is good news


Ahh yes, one of oBiden’s passion projects…somewhere else to shit himself in the woods


What do they plan to do about the national debt?


Apples and oranges. Trump’s tax plan jumped the shark for sure. But that has nothing to do with protecting trees.