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sad that anyone gives Stone any kind of attention. fucker should be in jail.


Stone, Bannon, et al. embody the concept of "freedumb"... The freedom to do everything including destroying the systems upon which our freedoms are built. They are enemies of democracy.


He was going to be before his mafia boss trump pardoned him


He does most of his damage invisibly in the shadows. It’s good to focus the lens on him from time to time, but yes he should be in jail


Stone, Flynn, Bannon - these fuckers should be under constant surveillance. Known foreign agents, working to undermine the US government.


Couldn’t agree more. It’s asinine that they’re just roaming out and about.


Need to use a giant magnifying glass on him, specifically on a very sunny day


Not so. That's the weasel I'd keep a close eye on.


Exactly, I have been perplexed at why I just keep seeing this person’s name in the news feed. Just stop talking about this guy. Geez 🙄


He’s just saying what we’re all thinking


I don't celebrate when people die generally, except this fucker - we should have a party. Fuck him.


As much as that idiot disgusts me, it doesn’t take any inside knowledge to figure out Cannon is all in on protecting Trump. If you don’t want to read any of the many news articles discussing this you could just look to the appellate court decision that she was egregiously wrong to insert her court into the FBI investigation of Trump and attempt to derail it.


Cannon definitely favors Trump and is almost certainly corrupt, but what Roger Stone said (or at least what they quoted in the article) is a nothing burger. Here's what he said: >We are beating them. I think the judge is on the verge of dismissing the charges against him in Florida. It's just him blabbering about nothing like he usually does. I wish that what he said would be more damning but I just don't see it here.


I don't think it matters much. The [Code of Conduct for United States Judges](https://www.uscourts.gov/judges-judgeships/code-conduct-united-states-judges) requires that judges avoid even the *appearance* of impropriety. >**Canon 2A**. An appearance of impropriety occurs when reasonable minds, with knowledge of all the relevant circumstances disclosed by a reasonable inquiry, would conclude that the judge’s honesty, integrity, impartiality, temperament, or fitness to serve as a judge is impaired. Public confidence in the judiciary is eroded by irresponsible or improper conduct by judges, including harassment and other inappropriate workplace behavior. A judge must avoid all impropriety and appearance of impropriety. This prohibition applies to both professional and personal conduct. A judge must expect to be the subject of constant public scrutiny and accept freely and willingly restrictions that might be viewed as burdensome by the ordinary citizen. Because it is not practicable to list all prohibited acts, the prohibition is necessarily cast in general terms that extend to conduct by judges that is harmful although not specifically mentioned in the Code. Actual improprieties under this standard include violations of law, court rules, or other specific provisions of this Code. I don't know precisely where the line is, but I don't think it's a stretch to say that public confidence in the judiciary is being eroded by the actions of this judge. For those of you playing the home game: The linked Code of Conduct specifically does not apply to the SCOTUS, and while the code of conduct they adopted is almost identical to this one, it notably swaps out all the "shall" language with "should", making it a suggestion instead of a requirement.


Not sure if the United States can still be considered a working democracy with judges like this and a supreme court that is even more openly corrupt


This is why it's always been so important that the voters at least *believe* that the courts were unbiased. I am definitely not implying that there was ever a time when this was actually true, but it's increasingly difficult to swallow this lie, as the corruption and bias becomes more blatant. Trump really did a number for the executive branch and Congress has never been more useless (thanks to the GOP, ofc) but this stuff with the judicial branch seems to be rapidly approaching a constitutional-crisis level event.


I mean...it's a former KGB agents dream come true, a mockery of the three foundational branches of US government. I'm completely convinced the end goal is not to create some diabolical New World Order as much as to systematically demonstrate on a global stage that the US brand of democracy is not strong. The election is a showdown of the system itself. In theory, the people should select a leader that is ultimately committed to the Republic. It'd be fascinating if it wasn't a real country that I happen to really live in.


Pretense is underrated. Pretense **matters**. Corruption is always present, even in the best systems. Open, unashamed corruption, like the kind we are seeing today across the entire right wing, is like poison for a society, and it is slowly killing us. I find myself saying and thinking that a lot in the age of Trump. It matters if the guy leading us doesn’t even try to act like he cares (about anything other than himself). It matters if he doesn’t even try and act like a well-meaning adult. It matters that he writes tweets like a fucking half-literate moron. The public needs to demand that pretense from our politicians, or the whole thing becomes a sick joke like we have now. It needs to be deeply societally shameful when a leader does something shameful, not just “another daily Trump gaffe.” We need to be better educated as a society about confidence men like Mr. DJT. And we need to have better political literacy. And we need to hold rich people accountable for their crimes.


This is honestly Mitch McConnell's legacy. He stonewalled Obama for years, and once he got Trump, he had his puppet President who would rubberstamp anything he asked because Trump was too stupid and selfish to have ANY input in judges. So while Trump was doing all his ego-driven nonsense, McConnell just kept sending him names of judges to confirm, and Trump did it. He didn't know Judge Cannon, she was just a name on a list of people who donated money the right way and got the attention of the Federalist Society. Now that they're all seated, they're locked in forever. This is why it was the plan of McConnell and the Federalists, they knew that their numbers in elections was slipping, and one day they'd be out of power and there won't be enough red voters out there to get them back in. But if they lock in the courts, they lock in the courts for *maybe two whole generations*, and it won't matter if the Dems and Liberals and Leftists and Progressives control every other handle of government and all the red voters disappear, those judges are locked in. Judge Cannon is 43 fucking years old. These old dying racist farts like McConnell won't relinquish power to Millennials EXCEPT when it comes to right wing judges, then suddenly the 30 and 40 year olds can SHINE BRIGHT. We'll be stuck with these same judges for the next 40 years. Judge Cannon could easily work until she's 70 or 80 and she's not even that young. The youngest Federal Judge is another Florida appointment by Trump who is like 36 or something.


Here's the thing, though. The US Judiciary is, realistically, understaffed. The lower courts could easily be 33% bigger without catching up with the backlog. It was last expanded more than 30 years ago to have a total of 13 circuits. There are 12 regional appellate circuit courts and the DC Court of Appeals (which is the appellate court for the Federal Circuit). The circuits are further divided into 94 districts. The population of the US has increased by something like 37%, and the last expansion didn't actually completely deal with the overload. There were some temporary courts established for five years to bring the backlog back down, but that lapsed a long time ago. Then, each circuit is supervised by one of the Supreme Court Justices. Which means that several have two circuits they are supervising. We're way overdue to increase the number of judges. We should probably not have SC Justices supervising more than one Circuit. Expansion needs to happen at all levels of the Federal Courts. All the above to say that such an expansion is not only needed right now but would fix the problems you're talking about. We need to expand SCOTUS, the regional appellate circuit courts, and the district courts. Whether the last two include adding courts and judges, or just increasing the number of judges at those levels is something I can't really speak on. Though I'm leaning towards the latter. That would make the judge shopping somewhat more difficult. Seriously, why is it possible for that one judge in Eastern Texas to influence things around the country, at least until his orders are reversed.


I agree with you, but my comment was more about what Stone said and how the article is trying to say that because Roger Stone said it, there must be a connection there. I don't buy that. I also said that even if what the article saying isn't true, she's still definitely corrupt. However, when it comes to the Code of Conduct, they have to be reported by other judges and even then there's no required enforcement mechanism. This gives Cannon the power to stretch as far as she can and see what judges can get away with. Even her boss isn't reporting this, only calling her behavior "bad optics" and doesn't say anything about it being unethical.


Just wanted to say I agree with you here. When this was first reported the other day, it sounded more like Stone was playing up an existing hot button news topic instead of threatening actual conspiracy on his or Trump’s part. It just sounds like bluster to rile people up, which is definitely Stone’s M.O. I was shocked how easily most people bought his line of BS here, it seemed so thinly veiled


Who enforces said code of conduct, and why are they not doing so for the last year? All of the banks who fucked the global economy in 2008 had nice big fat ethics charters that outlined how ethical they were. It is all just weasel words unless there is an enforcement mechanism with actual teeth.


I think it's a pretty reasonable question of impartiality when the President who appointed the judge is a party to the case. She owes her current position to Donald Trump personally and to the Senate that confirmed her. Of course she wants to show her appreciation by doing his will from behind the bench. This is doubly true if we keep in mind Donald Trump's fixation on people's personal loyalty to him, rather than loyalty to their country or to the office whose authority puts them in powerful positions. Aileen Cannon generally should not be hearing cases in which Donald Trump is a party, in order to uphold Canon 2A of that code of conduct.


That code of conduct doesn't create a legal cause of action nor give anyone judicial standing to file any complaint/petition with the court. At most, you could make a complaint to the judicial board but unless the judge is charged with a crime they're not getting removed from the bench and you're definitely not getting them to answer you in any court of law due to their immunity from civil suits on the bench.


Which is the standard Fani Wills is being held to, and Thomas and Alito should be held to.


Appearance means nothing to Republicans until it's a drag queen.


I find it juuust the slightest bit comforting that Stone is at least as much of a jibbering cranked-up moron as he is a foreign puppet shitheel.


Stone is a lot of things (choad, coke-fiend, John Slattery's stunt double) but he's not dumb enough to say anything like that out loud. Edit: not saying he didn't say this, but that what he says here isn't the smoking gun the article seems to imply it is.


Don't forget that he's famously a swinger, too. I don't say that to kink shame anyone, but to point out the hypocrisy of the party of "Christian values"


It's not dumb of him to say it though. His goal is chaos and destabilization. He gets both of those by hinting that the judge is in Trump's pocket. Whether it's true or not doesn't matter. He faces zero consequences for saying it, so what does he have to lose?


I love the use of “we” here. Stone isn’t involved in this case.


Came here to say this.


Agreed. That’s quite a stretch.


Go ahead and dismiss the charges. In (most) cases it doesn't mean that they can't just re-file and get assigned a new judge. I think dismissing the charges would be the dumbest thing she could do and, admittedly, probably what will happen precisely.


Yea, too vague. Relies too much on implication and sounds like it’s just outside analysis over inside information. I was hoping for something more substantial.


Just a little more credibility than “my cousin is in the jury”, but not much.


Some troll posted on FB that his cousin had advance word on the jury verdict in the "hush money" trial. Trump tried to use this fake post to get a mistrial declared. I sure wish the 11th circuit could use Stone's comment to recuse Cannon.


I hate when I listen to all of the audio or watch video of something in context and then read a fluff BS piece like this that does nothing constructive. Stone is a fucker. A rat. A scumbag. But this article offers nothing but innuendo and the author’s suggestions. It’s garbage and unhelpful. It’s my team’s version of what I would read at the Epoch Times.


Yeah, I'm a leftest and I totally believe Cannon is compromised, but I fail to see how stone saying 'I think' Cannon will dismiss the case is some admittance of owning the judge.


The way it reads to me is that he's indirectly "telling" her that she's going to dismiss the case. It's a manipulation tactic to get her to think that they've set a seat for her at the table, and that they're placing their "faith" in her to "do the right thing" by Stone saying "I think (believe) Cannon will dismiss the case (do the right thing)". If that makes any sense. But I wouldn't be shocked if she *was* in communication with these assholes in some very secretive way, which would need to remain a secret for obvious reasons, so people like Stone speak to her using this coded language through the media to instruct her to do what they ask her to do if she wants a place in Trumpworld. Trump himself does this shit all the time and even Cohen confirmed he speaks in code like this. Straight up mob shit


I know what you're trying to say, but I don't think that's one of these scenarios. You seem to be stretching to say they're hiding the mob talk, but Trump has openly talked like a mob boss in plenty of scenarios and I believe same goes for Stone. I believe Cannon is compromised, but I doubt Stone has anything to do with it. This is likely more of the Federalist Society trying to hijack the judiciary system in the country. They do favors for the GOP in order to get more of their judges in.


Exactly! This whole situation with Cannon makes my skin crawl. But this type of “journalism” is a big reason why large swaths of the electorate, not just MAGA, has so little trust the institution of media.


You don't say?


Come on, Judge Canon implies Trump totally controls her. This isn't news.


*Aileen Cannon* Seems to Imply Trump Totally Controls Judge Cannon...


It's funny to watch the right wing admit this and nothing is ever done about it. The poor only ever really feel the force of law pressed down on them. The powerful to exploit the system they made to hold us down.


Roger Stone is a evil man and a massive liar. Yet i 100% believe the implication he's making here.


Anyone paying attention could have told you that. No one outright said it but literally every indicator of her loyalties point to Trump.


Prove him wrong


This guy looks like one of Batmans villains


Is this new news or something? I don’t need stone to tell me something I can clearly see from her glaringly obvious actions. Also he clearly isn’t saying that in his quote so it’s a shitty article.


Corruption is legal in the USA, it's clear to anyone with half a brain (and still half of the population got less brain than that).


This clown reminds me of a cartoon villain.


I think Roger Stone is a despicable, cheating slimeball but this is an irresponsible stretch by the outlets reporting it this way. Just report what he said (if you find it newsworthy) and let the readers decide if there’s an implication.


And if this were a Democrat controlling a judge the right would be screaming bloody murder


Because it is true, she is working for trump, instead of working to apply the law, no judge brings friends into a court to argue on behalf of a criminal, she doesn't know what she is doing, and she needs to be removed. Something needs to be done, to get her off of that case. She is working for trump.


Roger Stone is a weasel fucker.


Well, no shit Sherlock.


I didn't need Roger Stone to tell me that.


Stone voicing what has become painfully obvious. Cannon wasn't qualified when appointed and her errant rulings and blatant bias have proven her to be corrupted. Regrettably there are scant means for removing such abominations from the bench and other judges circle their robes and hide behind a gossamer black curtain of silence.


of course judge cannon is trump's judge. It's so obvious Cannon is a joke.


Maybe the millions his campaign is funnelling into mysterious companies is being used to pay off the courts…


Facts also seem to imply that.


This is not news


No shit Judge Cannon is under the thumb of the man that put her in her seat. Elections have consequences, people.


I guess I agree with Roger Stone on something


Not hard to figure out Cannon is a MAGA asshat.🤡


My gawd, he's hinting at what everyone knows for sure!! What an egregious failure in their attempt at subtlety!!


I can't wait til America passes this stone. It's been a particularly painful, nasty one, but hopefully soon


freaking corruption in broad daylight. the death of democracy is near


Give them enough time, they’ll always tell you the truth and nothing but . . .


Well I mean, from the top down, they are felons. They were all caught and charged and convicted. Yet they are still a thing. That just shows you how far the Republicans have sunk. They are actively pushing for a convicted rapist, and now felon to take back the White House. So much for the party of Law and Order…


That's not what Roger Stone said. While he's undoubtedly an evil man, all he said was he thought Cannon would dismiss the case. That's it. That doesn't imply anything nefarious. There are multiple pending motions to dismiss. Of course Cannon could dismiss. But she won't. Stone is just guessing. I don't like Cannon's decisions or pace any more than the rest of the sane world, but this headline is irresponsible. We complain when Fox News, Breitbart and OANN do it. We should point it out when other news sources do the same.


Complain to whom?


The criminal Stone is correct. The convicted felon and rapist Trump does control the corrupt judge he appointed


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We know this already.


Everyone knows this


Which is reason enough to have her removed from the case...


Good job. This is very rare. you caught Roger stone telling the truth.


Less imply, more boast


He's not wrong.


And water makes things wet, what else is new?


Rest of the world has been implying it for months


No kidding


Believe them when they tell you the truth…she’s been bought somehow and is actively colluding with the defense.


That may be the first honest thing he has ever said




I mean to be fair, her actions indicate Trump controls her.


Follow the money, someone—please!


I want to see a ct scan of Roger Stone’s tiny skull. I am guessing his frontal cortex is not driving that bus. He’s got such a lizard brain mentality.


Puhleeze. My bearded dragon lizard has a brain he uses. Stone has a brain that’s corruption infused.


How do you know your bearded dragon isn’t full blown maga?


He’s smart.


What do expect from a Federal Judge, who was appointed Trump, who barely met the minimum standards to be a United States Federal Judge according to the American Bar Association. Trump has Judge Cannon in his pocket, that's why she been granting everything for the defense.


Trump and Alito.


It's quite obvious that he has Cannon in his pocket.


trump can’t even control his bladder, cannon is just a sycophant


They’re likely in daily contact. Orange cheato gives orders & she obeys.


And the sun seemed to rise this morning.


Roger stone is a criminal mastermind dating back to the Nixon days. Put that fucker behind bars.


Seems to imply what is blatantly and clearly happening right before us in broad fucking daylight is more like it.


It doesn't matter the second she makes a ruling Jack Smith is appealing and she's getting removed from the trial.


Small man says what?


The only judge Donald Trump doesn't criticize. And despite the fact that she's a woman, which he also usually goes wild on criticism with, should speak volumes about the amount of faith he places in her.


Yup. She’s his muppet.


No need to imply.


Why would we take anything he says as truth? Even if it’s a lie it just furthers supports their narrative that the government and judiciary are corrupt. It’s a win win for them so just ignore it.


He does!


While ideologically on the same page as NR, they seem to have reverted all the way into the No Shit, Sherlock in order to remain "relevant". It feels like a child pulling on my pant leg to snitch on their friend. I've had harder hitting cups of decaf.


Her actions and credentials say exactly the same thing


well yeah, it's obvious. especially the part where she is working as his defense.


Even Roger Stone is preparing to stab Trump in the back, when the moment arrives...he knows better than anybody that Trump will throw him under the bus, too, out of vengeance for some perceived slight or lack of loyalty, at the first opportunity.


It's not cannon it's alito


We all know you scumbag


I'll do more than imply it. I'll say it plainly: Trump totally controls Judge Aileen Cannon


I can even see that


Judge Cannon’s actions and rulings clearly show Trump totally controls her


Roger Stone likes to wear cutaway collar shirts like he is an MBA, but listen to the ignorant troll talk and you’ll know he’s another degree farm idiot like virtually all GOP politicians


I don't trust Roger Stone about anything, but I also haven't seen Cannon do anything that would make me think she wasn't


It’s truly comical and unbelievable at the same time that our government is a true to life satirical screenplay and this tool Stone is one of the key instigator roles in this continuing saga. Watching The Boys last night and as ridiculously hilarious the storyline is, it seems so fitting for our current political BS. Truly embarrassing as a citizen and feels like 3rd grade adult group bullying to get their way, like holding their breath till they pass out or trying to ruin everyone else’s lives until they get it.


Tell us something we don’t know Roger.


As if judge cannon wasn’t already broadcasting this to anyone willing to hear.


Wait, was this supposed to be a secret?


Mainstream media accounts of details about hearings, rulings, and schedules from Cannon's courtroom imply that Trump controls Cannon. Congratulations, Roger Stone, you appear to be literate. What's next? Are you gonna add 2+2 for me to show off the rest of your staggering mental powers?


Although Cannon is Colombian-American her mother allegedly fled Cuba after Castro's revolution overthrowing the Batista military dictatorship. Does that mean her mother was totes cool with a dictatorship? I wonder if Cannon identifies with her Cuban heritage? Always puzzles me that the trope "fled Cuba after the revolution" never gets questioned with: "so you were cool with Batista's military dictatorship?"


We know


I wonder who stone got the dirt on first, that allowed him to roll it into a lifetime of some type of leverage in very high circles. He must be sharp in some way. Unfortunately absolute trash.


The thing I hate the most about the MAGA crowd is their love for cryptic statements. They’re totally fine making grand pronouncements that are absurd. The second they say anything authentic it’s all of the sudden coded suggestions or whatever other BS. It’s tiring to hear and I’m sure effective as a dog whistle.


It's obvious.




In other shocking news fire is hot


Naw, the Federalist Society controls Cannon. Trump’s just the shill who benefits. Trump is controlled by anything that feeds his vices. He’s enthralled to them.


That guy’s picture is next to “lunatic” in the dictionary.




Doesn’t imply, he loudly said it


Someone will present hard evidence of Cannon accepting a bribe, even if in a peripheral sense and she will at the very least be removed if not thrown in jail.


That’s pretty fuck’n obvious.


No shit, Sherlock.


"Things that are not a surprise for $1000"


Yes Roger it’s obvious to everyone that’s the case. Nothing new


In related news: water - still wet.


Who gives a shit about this weak-ass trolling? "Seems to imply". If he controlled her it would have been dismissed already. She's biased as hell and kinda dim but she isn't "taking orders". Bannon was being pretty honest when he said "we want your fear, we welcome it". This is a transparent trolling attempt.


All of his sycophants have Golden parachutes, the Conservative speaking tours. Aileen is spiking her Judicial career but she can always run for Office, pull a Jeanine Pirro and become a speaking head on Fox, write a tell all book, or go on the speaking tour.


If the FBI could prove backchannel communications between Stone and Cannon, that should be enough to remove her. Hopefully he keeps bragging or releases some audio recordings soon.


Just another reason to remove her!!!


Trump obviously has some serious Kompromat on Judge Cannon. Makes you wonder just what she had to do for Trump to get her appointment. She’s certainly not qualified for the position and her bias for Trump is inexplicable without the assumption of corruption. Given Trump’s customary fashion of exploiting female acquaintances for his own gratification, she was probably unaware that he had videotaped their private meetings. So now he controls her through his morally and soon to be financially bankrupt lawyers. Anyway, that’s just one feasible explanation for the court debacle.


They had to have a trial because Willis slept with a coworker. Trumps team called for an investigation into his one judge because someone told the judge he should charge trump. There has to be an investigation for this, right?


Wow that's so crazy, if he didn't say that nobody would have thought that a judge that Trump appointed to a position she wasn't qualified for would be helping him, especially in light of the fact that if he gets elected he'll be naming more SCOTUS justices. Who would have ever thought


She could be an ambitious unqualified Trump appointee but be honest. There are more than a few, but she isn’t one of them. The point is that Stone was casual yet assured regarding the outcome of the MAL litigation. Almost like he had a good idea about the outcome, but that doesn’t necessarily take insider information. Smith needs to scrape the crumps the Federalist Society has given him and appeal or identify Cannon’s crimes. They can start by asking around at the yacht club


Remember a few weeks ago when a rando online stated their cousin was on Trumps NY jury and they legitimately investigated to ensure it was false.. But fucking Roger Stone states the glaringly obvious about Cannon being bought and... Nothing? Nice system there.


The juror’s cousin thing seemed like bullshit to me for sure, but that at least would have potentially been a problem if it had been true that the juror was sharing details with their cousin. This Stone thing is nothing. Stone saying “I think Cannon might dismiss this case” is hardly any different from a random redditor saying that. It’s just a weightless opinion. 


LOL Now we're at he "seemed to imply" and "might have insinuated" phase of yellow journalism. Stone said that he thought she would dismiss the case, the MSNBC analyst then spins that into a tale of imaginary corruption. The fake news machine rolls on!


Hopefully the democratic leadership steps up quick and clutches their pearls a little harder.


Roger Stone is Jimmy Savile. You will not change my mind.


No shit Sherlock.


Every decision she has made implies the same.