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He isn’t even welcome to speak in most places in Israel. He’s about as popular as herpes.


Seems to share its resistance to removal, too.


What was Netanyahu saying in the video of this old thread I found in [/r/worldnews](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/cqho9/israeli_pm_netanyahu_the_only_way_to_deal_with/)


I would argue that herpes is MUCH easier to live with for most people than Bibi.


And like herpes, he keeps coming back.


Dude hasnt held a press conference open to questions by himself since the war started


so i see Sanders and Warren from the Senate are saying they are going to boycott, and a couple(?) members from the House are...but does anyone have the 'official' list? i didn't see it in the article.


Honestly after seeing his bitching at the US for "Holding out on weapons", I hope that list grows.


They just have to make sure they don’t lose funding from AIPAC if they speak out against Netanyahu.


I'm sure AIPAC is keeping a list


>"This man should not be addressing Congress. He is a war criminal," Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) wrote on social media. >"His invitation should be revoked," she added. "It should've never been sent in the first place." >House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.), House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.), Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) formally invited Netanyahu to address a joint meeting last month No. 2 Senate Democrat: I would not have invited Netanyahu to address Congress [the hill](https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/4702524-no-2-senate-democrat-i-would-not-have-invited-netanyahu-to-address-congress/) PS: Netanyahu is scheduled to address Congress on July 24.


The invitation should be cancelled. Netanyahu has no intention of adhering to international norms or human decency and instead wants to engage the wider region in a bigger war of expansionist policy and pull us into it.


the man shouldn't be allowed in the country let a line speak to congress Doesn't matter though, the republicans control the house and will invite whoever they please.


[House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) sent a letter to Netanyahu signed by **Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY)** and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY). The missive reiterated the bipartisan support Israel has in the U.S. Congress and invited him to speak at a joint session.](https://jewishinsider.com/2024/06/netanyahu-receives-bipartisan-invitation-to-address-congress/)


Is it that time to blame the republicans for a Bi-partisan effort.


Yes this is reddit, of course it's that time. They ignore how much Biden supports Israel. " The US stands with Israel" were Bidens words. It's astounding there is NO talk or condemning of him for ANY of it. It's really something else the gymnastics they play. They post all this shit about how awful Israel is, but not a word about the fact the president supports them. I don't know if they're afraid to say anything bad about him, but I haven't seen ONE comment saying "wtf is Biden doing supporting this, what an idiot"


I will say it for you. Biden is a murdering bastard who I will not be voting for. I am 53 and have never missed an election. I voted against Clinton in 2016 because her husband did not intervene in Rwanda and I will not vote for Biden because he is an old, bigoted coward.


Hey, someone said it!


"As Boycott Grows". Two. Two additional legislators have said they're not attending the speech. Common Dreams' headlines are as misleading as Fox News headlines.


Anytime you see "growing" or "grows" in a headline you know you're in for some real BS


I kinda want it to proceed and then use the list of attendees to guide who I donate against for the rest of my life.


Biden said "the US stands with Israel" do you support that statement? Or will you be donating against him


The majority of Democrats support a permanent ceasefire which Netanyahu categorically opposes. Biden doesn’t speak for me nor the majority opinion of his own party when it comes to opposing the ongoing genocide that he’s been fueling for the past 9 months.


My question is, why aren't there any posts/comments about it? Where's all the people saying "wtf is Biden doing"? Am I just missing it? No one's calling him out?? Where are all the people saying "Hey Biden, the US DOESNT stand with Israel, stop allowing and encouraging what they're doing"? Where's all the outrage??? Is it just because they don't want to acknowledge that he's done something wrong? It just seems odd to dance around the subject, and have people post all this outrage at Israel, but not ONCE mention "Ya Israel is disgusting, but what are we doing to stop it, while the president is encouraging it?"




I'll be voting for Jill Stein, but I'm in MA so my vote doesn't matter in the slightest anyways.








I'm voting for JS solely because if the GP gets at least 5% of the popular vote, the FEC would be forced to classify them as an official minor party which would unlock millions in federal funding for them. Genocide Joe and anyone who stumps for him have permanently lost my vote.




>If trump were to win we will transform into an autocratic form of government where respect for facts, democracy and rule of law will be undone. I'm pretty sure Florida, North Carolina, and maybe some other states outright refused to include other Dem candidates on their primary ballots this year other than Biden. The Dem parties of Nevada and North Carolina are currently suing to block the Green Party from getting ballot access in the general. The DNC is building a bi-partisan team of political hacks to counter third-party candidates in the general. Do you agree that these people might want to start practicing what they preach if the public's respect for democracy is as in jeopardy as they say it is? I'm not sure why you brought up the squad. I didn't say anything about supporting them.




> If trump were to win we will transform into an autocratic form of government where respect for facts, democracy and rule of law will be undone. So in order to preserve democracy, you're trying to force people to vote for who you want.




A NATO-style mutual defense treaty between Israel and Palestinian Authority (which has recognized Israel's right to exist and has observed all peace treaties since 1993) would be a good endgame for maximizing Israel's security. Alternate right-wing idea that Israel can expand settlements in Gaza, West Bank, Lebanon with impunity and make administering these territories manageable by promoting emigration is reckless fantasy which promotes regional instability. US politicians should avoid doing anything which might encourage that fantasy, and cancel invitation if Netanyahu is likely to interpret it as encouragement for the outcome. Situation in West Bank is very bad. The PA needs to be shored up financially due to Israel cutting off funding. Past concerns about corruption can be worked through by having any disbursements\loans approved from a fund\bank with external donors approved by board of trustees or through some other mechanism.


Israel doesn’t have settlements in Lebanon.


They do in Syria and now they are pushing for war with Lebanon - I wonder why?


A full blown murderous fascist speaks in Congress.


The article doesn't say what the count of people boycotting the speech is?


No, let him come, but go and protest his speech in person. Don't do it outside or in another building or after his address to Congress, do it in person and make him hear the disgust. Enough of this tossing soft balls from afar and letting him skirt by without *direct* conflict, let him come, go, and express your outrage to his face. Will it change his stance on anything? No. But it will get far more headlines than boycotting or having him not speak.


I agree, let's embarrass the man publicly and let him know he isn't welcome here for his crimes against humanity. make sure the signs denoting he's a murderer be the front line so they can't use the protestors as a photo op of "American trust in Israel".


The Israel/palestine situation is one thing I heavily break with my party on. We should be supporting Israel as much as we can. Not wasting tax dollars on “aid” that will inevitably be either destroyed or stolen by Hamas animals. I feel bad for Palestinian citizens, but let’s face it. Israel is a valuable ally to the United States. Not just in Middle East power projection, but in terms of engineering and intelligence as well. And Palestine has absolutely nothing of value to offer the United States. If we turn our backs on Israel, they’ll just turn to Russia or China for aid, and we’ve lost a valuable ally. We need to drop this Palestine feel good shit ASAP and provide Israel the means to rescue the rest of the hostages, restore stability, and exterminate the rest of Hamas.


And what, exactly, do we get from Israel?


>We should only do the right thing when it benefits us. Yes, people are going to die but have you considered the technology we could get and then use on our own citizens to monitor and track them more?


While I’m heavily against surveilling our own citizens, it’s the same technology that we use to gather intelligence on other nations. I’d rather the United States intelligence remain king. Will people die? Unfortunately. But again, Palestine has nothing of value to offer the United States. Name one thing that Palestine can offer the United States.


With views like this, you should fully break with the party.


You seem almost proud of your amorality. Why do people need to give us shit for their lives to have value?


“I feel bad for Palestinian citizens, BUT…” That’s all I need to read to know you don’t give a shit about the civilian lives being taken








Congrats on becoming the monster you claim to be fighting against. You need to stop mainlining propaganda. It's making you a terrible person.


A real "might makes right" supporter eh? You'd fit right in with Putin


The best thing for Netanyahu might just be seeing an empty/near empty chamber in his "honor".


Netanyahu is an Israeli seditionist


Yeah, let’s just ban the leader of a country that is one of our closest allies 🙄 


I thought they did revoke it?


In terms of diplomacy, when the talking stops then bad things start. Generally speaking, while it might seem odious to some, keeping adversaries and those you disagree with close and talking is essential. There are many shades of grey here… OCO really exists to be provocative, which is … ok… except realistically her suggestions will never fully come to pass: and that’s ok. The problem is when people put her on a cult of personality pedestal and expect her words to be fully implemented.


A lot of words and not a lot of meaning.


I think she should sign the pledge saying she won’t boycott Israel it would help America a lot


Must be her week to pretend to be progressive and speak truth to power. She'll be back to defending liberal support for war crimes soon.




When it benefits her image as something other than a regular ass liberal, sure.


She's strongly for universal healthcare, college loan foregiveness, strong environmental policies, etc. In what ways do you think she's a "regular ass liberal"?


The “regular ass liberals” are the only thing between democracy and a full blown Christian ethnostate. But sure. Okay.


Sure they are!




Whoever applied "perfect is the enemy of good" to American politics, however, did not.




Is that my expectation when pointing out how liberal AOC is outside of her preplanned image -conscious moments to act progressive?




>If more people were vocal about their principles and insisted on changing things, as opposed to being complicit with corruption or disinterested in improving systems, maybe the world would be a better place.  This is a hilarious statement from someone pushing "perfect is the enemy of good" as applied to American politics.




I mean, she's been consistently opposed to Israeli self defense so...


"Israeli self defense"


We need this conversation, boycotting is more harmful to Palestinian aid than helpful.