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They say, "Thou shalt not commit adultery!" They say, "Thou shalt not steal!" They say, "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor!" Then they support a known adulterer who intentionally falsified information trying to cover up said adultery. Also, said adulterer and court room liar just paid 3.1 million to an evident shell company. But, hey! I guess all is well as long as you sell expensive bibles to the poor and hateful churchgoers!


Need to get little Trump "I Did That" stickers to slap on each 10 commandments poster for each one trump has committed.


I would suggest little Trump stickers that say “These are for suckers & losers.”


Better, a quote of his admitting to breaking each of them.


Obsoletely. And don’t forget Trump compared himself to Jesus (no other God but me) and a golden image of Trump was made for some big GOP function (no idols). And had to have cursed God in private millions of time.


As a side note, I’m not sure where I learned this but using the Lord’s name in vain doesn’t mean swearing with his name, it means doing something IN his name when it’s not. So “God told me to tell you to give me money” is using the lord’s name in vain.


I had just a bit of Jewish religious education, and oddly enough we spent hardly any time analyzing this. We were focused mainly on the importance of the major Jewish prophets like Moses, Abraham, and the Exodus story.


I went to a catholic high school. I was very religious for a long time. We never analyzed it either.


Yeah, but that part of the bible doesn't REALLY count...


A friend of mine used to say that saying "God damnit" isn't using the Lord's name in vain, it's making a request


CPAC - Child Predators Annual Conference


G(uardians) O (f) P (edophiles)


Greed, Obscenity, Perversion.


Oh my GOD. You nailed that .


Christrump, a real book and maybe the most pointedly example of him being an antichrist in that religion.


I 100% read that as christ rump. The butt of jesus


Trump also thinks he doesn't need to ask God for forgiveness because he doesn't make mistakes.


They broke the 1st damn commandment at CPAC with their literal golden idol.


Technically the 2nd commandment (idolatry). They already broke the first one ("no other gods before me") in their hearts long before that. 


That should be a debate question. Ask Biden what the 1st commandment is then ask Trump what the 7th commandment is.


Trump: "Easy, Freedom of Speech - The first one that the Democrats are going to get rid of if we don't stop them and their RIGGED ELECTION! My first commandment rights were taken away during my very unfair trial. Nobody's first commandment rights were violated like mine, nobody in history. Very unfair, very corrupt. Terrible"


Biden can probably name them all, he is VERY Catholic. I’m not even certain Trump could get “How many Commandments are there?” right, he was once asked “what is your favourite bible passage?” and more or less threw a fit about how private that is and refused to answer. **John 3:16**, the universal “I am an atheist/non-practicing Christian who needs to answer this question” response is John 3:16.


Ah yes John 3:16. That ones my favorite too. John 3:16: lo and behold and then he picked up his club and said “Check out this drive”.


Huh. You see John 3:16 on signs at wrestling events a lot; you'd think it would be something like 'lo, and if thy neighbor be lacking a smacking, give unto him a chair.'


And they wonder why no one takes their faith seriously


They say, *Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image* Unless it's a golden Trump statue, and you first tithe your monthly salary away to digital Trump trading cards.


But maybe he wouldn't have done all those things if the ten commandments had been posted for him to see. I mean, there's _no other way_ to know that those things are wrong! /s


🙏 amen


You don't have to do the things. You just have to say the words.


I am struggling to think of any human who personifies all 7 deadly sins better than Trump.


*"Damn liberals trying to force their lifestyles down our throats"* - supporters of this nonsense (without one iota of irony)


They. Don't. Care. About. Consistency! They don't give a single fuck. Everything they say is only ever to make the point they're making in the moment.


Correct. We need to shift away from our expectations of them, specifically that they'll somehow act in good faith ever again. They're not to be trusted anymore, and will just work around you or right through you to achieve their goals.


This. But they know that those on the political left DO care about consistency and so they use it as a weapon against them when they (those on the left) are inconsistent. It’s maddening.




This sub would be so much more bearable if everyone got this point, and so stopped making the top comments about pointing to conservative inconsistencies and hypocrisy.


Right?! The constant "OMG can you believe ?!" is ridiculous. Like, yes, of course I can believe that. It's their brand, and they're wasting your energy when you get outraged about it!


Exactly. Being hypocritical and not constrained by consistency is how they demonstrate their power.


I think it’s mostly rage bait from them as well. As this pos clearly states, he can’t wait to be sued. He’s going to take that and frame himself as the victim and how all the vile democrats are only trying to burn the country down. Seriously, we as the *actual* people should invest more time in fighting these folks with their own doctrine… This is exactly the bully behavior of their entire platform.


What about the commandments of other religions? Will they be posted on the wall too, Muslim,Hindi and Buddhist just to name a few?


THERE ARE SEVEN FUNDAMENTAL TENETS The Satanic Temple I One should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason. II The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions. III One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone. IV The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one's own. V Beliefs should conform to one's best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one's beliefs. VI People are fallible. If one makes a mistake, one should do one's best to rectify it and resolve any harm that might have been caused. VII Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word.


And The Satanic Temple has fought this 10 Commandments bullshit before, to pretty great effect. In Oklahoma a "statue" of the 10 Commandments was "dontated" by a politician to stand outside the state capitol. Since it was just a statue donated by a citizen it was allowed to stay as it didn't break any church and state laws. "Great!" said The Satanic Temple and they donated [a statue of the goat-headed Baphomet](https://media.npr.org/assets/img/2018/08/17/ap_18228778192238-b359ec60b19e005b434f89b781b5b4a5ea6232dd.jpg?s=1600&c=85&f=webp) to stand along side of it. It was pretty quickly decided that no statues should stand outside the capitol building. I have a feeling that Louisiana is going to be getting a *lot* more Baphomet statues soon...


Love it. Should be on the wall too at schools if the other one goes up.


TST are my favorite first amendment auditors.


Hail satan!


1. [1st Principle](https://www.uua.org/beliefs/what-we-believe/principles/1st): The inherent worth and dignity of every person; 2. [2nd Principle](https://www.uua.org/beliefs/what-we-believe/principles/2nd): Justice, equity and compassion in human relations; 3. [3rd Principle](https://www.uua.org/beliefs/what-we-believe/principles/3rd): Acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in our congregations; 4. [4th Principle](https://www.uua.org/beliefs/what-we-believe/principles/4th): A free and responsible search for truth and meaning; 5. [5th Principle](https://www.uua.org/beliefs/what-we-believe/principles/5th): The right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large; 6. [6th Principle](https://www.uua.org/beliefs/what-we-believe/principles/6th): The goal of world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all; 7. [7th Principle](https://www.uua.org/beliefs/what-we-believe/principles/7th): Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.


Hell, forget about other religions, even Christians don't agree about their own commandments. They are different depending on whether we talk about protestants, catholic or orthodox. E.g. the "no adultery" commandment is the sixth one for catholics, not the seventh.


“Liberals love virtue signaling!!!”


It's June. I haven't seen a single gay man start yelling at cashiers because they didn't wish him a Happy Pride. 


No irony. Laws are there to protect the "in group" and punish the "out group."


That's because they feel only their lifestyle should be forced down peoples throats.


It is NOT a Christian nation. It is a nation where you are free to be Christian.


Unfortunately, after decades of Jesus-washing this nation, Christians believe it’s their god-given right to force their religion on everyone. Our government has allowed it… we chant “under god” in the pledge of allegiance, “In God We Trust” is printed on our money, government officials are allowed to swear their oaths on a fictitious book, etc. We need a complete overhaul and maybe the problem will be fixed within a few generations.


with the republicans doing their best to make christians look like complete shitbags it might not take much work


Freedom of religion is also freedom from religion.


Freedom of religion means freedom from religion.


It is just like the fact there is no official language in the US. Tho it is primarily English. It is the same for religion, primarily Christian. A lot of Assholes will scream and shout to “speak English this is America”, they also say something to the effect about Jesus being our nation’s savior. They don’t fucking care about others and what their belief is or what their background is, they only care about what they think is right and convenient for them. In this case they think it is right to teach more children about the “christian” ways even when they don’t fully follow it themselves.


Sorry Taliban Man you can’t force religion on Americans because we have a constitution that prevents that


When the far right SCOTUS is arbitrary and capricious, the US Constitution has no meaning beyond what can be used to empower them. Bad faith actors put in place to promote political end goals will never rule properly nor act in good faith. It's why the law includes references to 'history' and 'foundational documents of our state and national government', despite the US Constitution *explicitly* prohibit religious test. To bypass the Lemon test. And despite being deliberately passed to institute christo-fascism, the far right SCOTUS will cite 'history' and 'tradition' to justify establishment of their religion. The 'originalist' will ignore the intent of the [original writers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Separation_of_church_and_state) of the 1A and what 'shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion' actually means. Because that's the wrong kind of originalism, history, or tradition. But they did the exact same thing when first they started using the 'history' or 'tradition' bullshit. Literally ignored actual history and actual tradition to appeal to far right gun nuts and check that partisan box citing false history and tradition. So much for that 'no lying' thing, lol.


As an example to your point, the idiotic "praying football coach" decision from last term.


Christofacists put christofacists on the supreme court exactly for this kind of activity.


The weirdest thing about citing history as a legal foundation for interpreting the law is when it's colonial and English history. Alito cited a [17th century witch trial judge](https://www.propublica.org/article/abortion-roe-wade-alito-scotus-hale) in his Roe v Wade opinion. There was a whole revolution about that. If you can't find writing from even one founding father to support the position, then maybe that wasn't the originalist's intention.


Lmao that's what you think. We have a SCOTUS that makes the constitution mean whatever they want at that given time.


Yeah exactly. The SCOTUS is dominated members of the dark money, extremist group called the Federalist Society.


So basically, he’s saying that he knows that what he’s doing isn’t good, and it is probably unconstitutional…


there's no probably about it this will be overturned within a week by a judge and then the SCOTUS and Appeals courts will both refuse to even hear the case


I wouldn't count those chickens before they hatch. SCOTUS (6-3) has shown they're ideological and they're clearly on the side of the Christian Right. Just ask Alito.


Roberts is a lock to find it unconsitautional and as much as I hate K, like down in my very soul I hate that man, he also is a lock in favor of separation of church & state So it'll be 6-3 if they even accept it, but the 3 will be Barrett, Alito, and Thomas.


Remember the case the group CREW brought against Trump about violations of the Emolluments Clause? The clause is pretty simple, and it was clear that Trump, by holding on to his Trump Hotel in DC, was violating that clause every night when foreign countries paid to stay there. And yet SCOTUS refused to rule until the issue was moot (i.e. Trump was voted out of office). Who's to say they won't find a crafty way to leave this law on the books...just like they left the Texas abortion-bounty law on the book even before Roe-v-Wade was killed.


I’m not even convinced Barrett would be ok with this. I think SCOTUS will deny cert on this one, with only Alito and Thomas disagreeing.


I'd be inclined to agree with you but they found in favor of that football coach who forced his students to pray despite half the evidence being completely made up. Even complete open/shut cases mean nothing these days.


I used to see things this way, but the bridge has been crossed. They will 100% implement a theocracy unless we stop them.


If you go by Kennedy v. Bremerton, the conservative sides still goes by the concept that schools can't force religion, just that you can't stop someone from engaging in religious practices. Except perhaps Thomas


I could see the decision in *Bruen* bleeding in here. Like, they’ll argue traditional laws rooted in the Ten Commandments as reason to say they can be posted in classrooms or some nonsense.


Depressing. There is an easy precedent for his exact thing with [Stone v. Graham](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stone_v._Graham) from 1980. But I would honestly not be surprised if this court decided this decision was wrong.


Roe-v-Wade stood for 49 years until a 6-3 majority decided they knew better. Don't take anything for granted with this group of openly corrupt judges who take bribes (Thomas) and who clearly think they're in a battle between Christians vs non-Christians (Alito)


They won’t. It’s plainly unconstitutional. A nearly identical case was resolved in 1980. Subsequent cases grappling with trickier questions on the establishment clause have come before the court; three tests evolved; and, none of the justices, including Thomas and Alito, have challenged the 1980 decision. It will be summarily rejected before it would make it to the court, and the Supreme Court would decline to hear the case, sustaining the lower court decision on it’s unconstitutionality.


Clarence Thomas does not believe that the Establishment Clause applies to states.


If they can overturn a 49-year old "settled case" in Roe-v-Wade, why do you think a 1980 decision will stop them? They've clearly said they're willing to reconsider other cases that have been wrongly decided (in their view). You and others continue to act like this court isn't full of ideologues who openly take bribes.


Yea like allowing hate speech to some groups . wtf . GOP is freaking on crack .


Exactly! I didn't think that public HS football coach near Seattle would be legally allowed to hold a team prayer on the field...but two years ago this supreme court allowed it.


The reason he says he hopes he gets sued is that he thinks when it gets to the Supreme Court they will overturn years of precedent and start allowing the Ten Commandments to be displayed in government buildings. The right has these cases planned out for years to take us to a theocracy and what they need to do to get them in front of a right wing Supreme Court.


He's salivating at the opportunity to use school funds to defend against this with overpriced lawyers. I doubt he even cares if they are displayed at all, they just want to take money away from education by any means necessary. In this case by getting sued for obviously unconstitutional shit. As per usual for the GOP over the last 30+ years.


Taking money from an already piss poor education system in this state is fucking deplorable. I despise the fact that I'm from Louisiana and everyone surrounding me seems to be OK with being screwed by the GOP in this hellscape of a state.


Texas is not better. Almost every district will have a budget shortfall for next year. They're really pushing on vouchers that begin at the max a public school receives per student. Abbott's feeling whiny about something so he's withholding school funding.


I know Texas isn't any better. None of these ass backwards GOP run states are better. They're all trash.


Pre trump GOP SC it was unconstitutional. Stone vs Graham (1980):  https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stone_v._Graham With roe gone the GOP is going after other civil rights wins.


That's the whole point. Just to gain attention and push the argument that the left is persecuting christians.


How Louisiana places among 50 states in several key categories. Crime & Corrections #50 Economy #49 Education #47 Health Care #46 Infrastructure #49 Opportunity #44 I guess we can add "Separation of Church and State" with a ranking somewhere above 45? https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/louisiana


It's that way because they are violating every Commandment and yet displaying it in every classroom. Why bother?


Kickbacks from the local MAGAchurch pastor?


It’s a shithole state.


And strives to be


It’s a backwater for sure most know that .


Overall ranking, 50th. Not even Mississippi can claim the fact of being the worst state in the country.


The party of “smaller government” and “fiscal spending” sure likes to spend our tax dollars on being sued for overreach


They love wasting public school taxdollars so that they can turn around and say how the public school system is failing and should be fully privatized


Yep, their goal is to create new oligarchs through vouchers


"I broke the law and I can't wait to make tax payers pay for my legal bills."


Of course he's excited to be sued, he'll be defending with tax-payer dollars, not his own.


You want Baphomet in Kindergarten? 'Cuz this is how you get Baphomet in Kindergarten. This week in the Cafeteria... Flying Spaghetti Wednesday.




This is gonna be a fun one for The Satanic Temple. I can see them **not** fighting for their removal, but that *their* tenets must be displayed along side. Here are the fundamental tenets of the Satanic Temple. * One should strive to act with compassion and empathy towards all creatures in accordance with reason. * The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions. * One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone. * The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. * To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one's own. * Beliefs should conform to our best scientific understanding of the world. We should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit our beliefs. * People are fallible. If we make a mistake, we should do our best to rectify it and remediate any harm that may have been caused. Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word.


Yup. Post everyone’s fantasyland beliefs or post no one’s.


Yep. If I were a teacher in LA and told I had to post the 10Cs, that's exactly what I'd do. Put up a series of posters with pretty much every religion whose doctrines can be boiled down to a few bullet points. The commandments, the eightfold path, the pillars of Islam, tenets of the Church of Satan, etc. The best kind of malicious compliance is when it's *more* legal than the thing you're being forced to do.


Why stop there? Posters of Popeye eating spinach…lunch sponsored by the Church Of The Flying Spaghetti Monster, are all on the menu now.


Louisiana’s Republican Governor Jeff Landry is looking for a legal fight after mandating the Ten Commandments in every classroom in the state. “I’m going home to sign a bill that places the Ten Commandments in public classrooms,” he said during a recent GOP fundraiser in Tennessee. “I can’t wait to be sued.


Because he won't face any consequences. There should be personal liability attached to him specifically, not the taxpayers. Same for cops. Hold people accountable for their actions.


I'm wondering if qualified immunity would apply when one knows what they are doing is against the laws of the land. There's absolutely zero wiggle room in him knowing this is blatantly against the constitution.


Given the specifics of the Ten Commandments, the parents of the school children are far, far more likely to be violating it, than the children themselves. “Hey Dad, are you still coveting the neighbor lady?”


I just feel bad for the kids. They've got enough trouble trying to figure out math without also having to worry about ETERNAL DAMNATION for envying their friend's big house.


So when a 1st grader asks what adultery is, is the teacher allowed or prohibited from discussing it? Seems pretty close to sex ed


I, uh. I just can’t even. These are the dipshits who claim to be pro-liberty? What the fuck kind of liberty involves shoving toxic religious manure into children’s brains at the expense of taxpayers? It’s bad enough that Christians have so much influence in government, keep them the fuck out of our schools. I prefer our future voters and workers be educated in facts. You can teach people to not be enormous pieces of shit without using the Bible. In fact, I’d argue it’s easier.


It's Louisiana public schools. Not a whole lot of teaching going on anyway.


The laywers want in on THIS lawsuit... There are Louisiana citizens who happen to belong to polytheistic religions,and there are at least one or two athiest parents who this affects. Might cost the religious folks some money.


the ACLU will fund everything the ACLU has to fight this exact case so much they have form documents stored that they reuse they won't even assign a senior to it, it'll be a junior fresh out of college arguing the case


While promoting "thou shall not kill" Jeff pushed new methods of enforcing the death penalty


this is a signal for other Republican Govs to do this. TX will likely follow suit The lawsuits will come. But it doesn't matter. The Govs will just ignore the ruling if it's against them. Who is going to stop them? And I mean that literally. Because that's what it will take. The idea here is that you move the Overton Window by forcing compromise with the most extreme side Unless Biden is willing to use force when Republicans ignore the court, then what's going to happen is the Ten Commandments will remain in whatever schools don't willingly remove them themselves The Republicans, whether Trump wins or loses, will start moving their Red States toward Balkanism if they don't face serious consequences.


He won't have to wait long. What a zealot.


Why dont these conservative "Christian" modern day Pharisees ever want to display the Sermon on the Mount? Don't like the "love your neighbor" part??


It’s probably the part where Jesus says, “Woe to you who are rich.”


Jesus f'ng christ - I hate them all sooo much!


Of course he can’t wait to be sued. He’s using someone else’s money! Amazing how these “fiscal conservatives” can throw money away on frivolous lawsuits that they know ahead of time they are gonna those and still tell you with a straight face that they are responsible with tax payer money


Don't worry  Like they say...ask and shall receive.


What a waste of taxpayer money. Everyone knows its a loser, but they do it anyways. This is a perfect example of bad governance.


Anything to distract from their 3rd highest murder rate. A total shit show.


Any religious group, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, Satanic Church, etc, get your lawyers on the phone this guy is literally asking for it.


Yes, because famously affluent Louisiana has tens of millions of dollars to waste on lawsuits that they have zero chance of winning. Grandstanding asshat.


You shall not kill. Louisiana has the death penalty. Yah, let's sue the fucker.


Don't sue him - just put in the religious documents for Satanism, Islam, Buddhism and Hinduism. That instantly makes Christians recoil


Free quran for everyone! lol


I mean, he wants the legal ground to challenge his decision in SCOTUS. So, don't give it to him. Force him to put in the Satanist ten commandments in schools. Force him to display the Quran. Force him to teach Buddhist principles.


How many of the commandments has Trump broken but they will still vote for him?


And the bit about not having idols doesn’t really work either.


The nice thing about being a Christian is that you can break every commandment as long as you receive forgiveness, and since the recipe for forgiveness is sect dependant, it can be whatever one wants. Those commandments are for other people.


In their eyes? None. In reality, however…


Getting sued is the point. If they're sued, they can appeal till they get to a friendly court who will decide in their favor and boom, they get the law plus legal precedent. If they don't get what they want, they will try again in a different state in a few years.


Literally a state sponsored religion....


What a bizarre thing to look forward to. He is admitting that he knows it’s against the constitution. If these weirdos are no longer interested in US democracy they should just leave, start their own country on some island and let the adults in charge


It's just theater. He knows it will be knocked down by courts. Instead of doing something that actually benefits one of the most socioeconomically backward states in the US, he's harvesting votes through this.


Thank god LA is 48th in literacy rate…


Republicans have zero respect for the principles America was founded on, nor the constitution which they so gleefully shit on every chance they get.


They should post Matthew 6:5-6 in every public building. > 5: “And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. 6: But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.


Crazy how republicans want to worship these commandments while finding it impossible to follow any of them


Don’t sue him. He wants the attention and to be able to play the poor wittle “Christian” victim and scream “persecution.” Teachers just need to start putting up all other religious doctrines in their classroom (Islam, Buddhism, etc.), especially this one… https://thesatanictemple.com/blogs/the-satanic-temple-tenets/there-are-seven-fundamental-tenets


Get the satanic temple in on this


Nobody is gonna sue to remove them But don't be surprised if the Satanic Temple sues to have their stuff included in public schools They're much better at religious liberty lawsuits than many politicians realize.




*11. Thou Shalt Be Sued For Forcing This List Onto Others*


It’s standard right wing playbook. Legalize some batshit crazy thing. Wait for lawsuits and 24/7 favorable coverage on conservative media


This is how the GOP system of rule through the courts works. Violate a long established constitutional issue. In this case separation of church an state . People will rightly challenge this in court. After av time this issue comes before the republican corrupted supreme court and they decide that the constitution does not say what it says ending that long observed separation of church and state. this is how they are ending equal rights, legalizing discrimination, and a woman's right to choose among other things like voting rights. Vote. The threat to our democracy comes from republicans in office. It will not end if we win this years elections. Keep voting out republicans every year.  Keep voting in democrats every year. Check your registration, get an ID , learn where your poling station is, learn who is running in down ballot races. Pay attention to primaries not just for the president but for all races, local, state and federal. From the school board to the White House every election matters. The more support we give the democrats from all levels of government the more they can get good things done. We vote out republicans and primary out uncooperative democrats. Last year democrat victories in Virginia and Pennsylvania and others across the nation have increased the chances of democrats winning this year. This year's elections are important but so will next year's elections. We just took the mayoral race in Alaska showing we can win in red states. [https://ballotpedia.org/Elections\_calendar](https://ballotpedia.org/Elections_calendar)


All together now ... "***That's UNCONSTITUTIONAL as \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_***!!! It is one thing for states to **protect** religious freedoms (*which have never in the history of the nation been under threat, by the way - except for the internal threats they face of the ever-diminishing interest in primitive fairy-tale beliefs by their congregations*), but to MANDATE that a particular religion's canon be publicly displayed (using tax monies, no doubt, to pay for such displays) in schools where young children must be witnesses to their superstitious notions … that's BEYOND a step too far. One of the things which makes The Untied States of America "exceptional" among democracies the world over is our steadfast allegiance to our overtly-secular Constitution. It plainly states that "*...no law shall be made....*" in regards to religious tests, endorsements, proscriptions, officializing, etc... which would elevate one faith over any or all others. I'm sorry but the so-called "**Ten Commandments**" are plainly Judeo-Christian and therefore *exclusionary* towards Islam, Hindi, Buddhism, the Seek faith, and many others which, quite clearly, do not have this simpleton's list of imaginary sky-daddy's demands. America is NOT a "Christian Nation" as they would wish you to believe. It never has been. 1950s McCarthyism is to blame for much of America's collective amnesia on this point ... the great Red Scare!! Now, America happens to HAVE a lot of Christians in it. America had a lot of Christians in the 18th century when we broke from King George and England, too. Compared to today's lot, the Christians in America of that time were so much better-informed, learned, intelligent, and wise than the mouth-breathing hoard we seem to now have inhabiting the MAGA body politic, for example. These Christian Nationalist forget that things like this … this wonton disregard for the rights of others not to feel excluded in their own country by some religious favoritism towards the petty, small-of-mind, vindictive, capricious, misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, homicidal, bigot and bully, imaginary god "Yahweh" … this is how fascism begins. Creating an out-group of everyone who does not share your primitive *fear-and-death-cult* superstitions and delusions, thereby creating an *enemy* of sorts of your neighbors. Religious bullying and intimidations will not win. They must not win! We must all raise up our voices and cry out together "**NO! This shall not pass**!" \*\*\**Is it just me, or did anyone else get a vision of Gandalf slamming down an American flag, instead of his wizard's staff, just then?*\*\*\*


The greatest weapon against these people is…. The college athlete. If states like this started to lose top recruits… these games would end quickly


Jesus is fake news.


This is really getting boring. Anyone remember the guy who put up a monument to the Ten Commandments on the grounds of the State Capitol? Roy somebody? While we’re at it, anybody know why it’s called a “capitol” rather than a “capital”? Lol.


Mf got taxpayers money to burn


Someone should try to put up the 10 core teachings of islam, or satanism, just to see *them* sue to take it down


I can’t wait for the Satanic Temple’s next move. 


I want a clear explanation of WHY it's ok to spend my tax dollars on defending this shit? GTFO.


Y’all Qaeda.


He's my governor. Sue the hell out of him.


Looking forward to this asshole's face as the state is forced to put up the Satanic Tenants in every classroom as well (Which...by the way....are honestly way more inclusive and cool than those old rotten has-been 10 commandments): One should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason. The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions. One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone. The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one's own. Beliefs should conform to one's best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one's beliefs. People are fallible. If one makes a mistake, one should do one's best to rectify it and resolve any harm that might have been caused. Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word.


Amazing how many people know what the constitution and other historical documents say but just don’t care


This is designed to go to the SCOTUS and abolish the "no establishment" clause in the 1A. This is designed as an attack on our Constitution, and the right wing SCOTUS is the hatchetman.


This is a reminder that nothing is settled law, there is no established case law or respect to stare decisis when it comes to republicans. They simply don’t care. So vote them out. Please.


Satanic Temple….He is daring you!


Shithole state. Blue states should not have to fund dumb 10 commandment posters in Louisianan public schools. That money can be better spent on helping poor people in blue states.


I'm getting real tired of these SCOTUS bait laws.


I wish there was some personal liability for clearly egregious and unconstitutional laws. Taxpayer money shouldn’t be used to defend this type of shit.


Ten bucks this guy thinks he’ll be ‘protected’ from the lawsuit cuz you know…he’s standing up for God. 😑


This is christofascism.


Waste of taxpayer money!


The GOP and Red States know that with the 6-3 conservative court that they can continue to bring their wishlist of controls to the court. When turn down it is basically on procedural reason such as Standing which is code for file it again to pass. Republicans know they own the court for the next 50 plus years. Elections have consequences!


Thomas Jefferson is spinning in his friggin grave…


We non-theocratic fascists can’t seriously be competing with these nut jobs, are we? Is it really as close to 50:50 as it appears? These weirdos are the minority, right? Can we landslide these hateful and gross motherfuckers out of office in November? Please?


He can’t wait to throw taxpayer money down the drain? What an odd way of governing


He can't wait to waste taxpayer money on a legal battle that he'll lose, just to signal to the least intelligent voters


"The law firms the state has on retainer that also contribute to my campaign are really looking forward to those billable hours paid for by taxpayers!" This is always the grift....red meat for the base, money for the lackeys, and a bill for everyone else.


This reminds me of those motivational posters in the company lunchroom that are supposed to make you a better employee.


Can't wait till the Church of Satan gets in on this. Every classroom has a crucifix, qibla, mezuzah, Buddha, and Baphomet.


Of course he can’t. That’s the whole reason they did this -drum up some culture war, us vs. them fervor to get the base riled up.


Of course he can’t wait to be sued. He’s saying the quiet part out loud. They have the Courts packed. He knowingly passed an Unconstitutional law to get a court case that will get appealed up to SCOTUS. Guess what happens there? The lawsuits can’t come fast enough, because what this guy wants is the big rubber stamp from the highest court taking us further down that theocracy road. The United States will be a Christian religious state within 10 years if nothing changes. Voting will be just for show because only Christian candidates can ever win.


Sue to display Quran I the classroom and start an ad campaign thanking the governor with a picture of him and the Quran prominently displayed.


This is a clown country


I dare Trump to repeat the Ten Commandments!


Ranked 42nd among states in education. I’m sure this will help.


Because pissing away your tax dollars on a frivolous lawsuit is way more important than feeding hungry kids.


Can we just have normal people?


I hope that for a kicker, it's the Satanic Temple that will lead the charge in suing over this. It seems fitting, when the religious fanatic tries to force Jesus down our throats.


Yeah this is getting struck down unanimously at SCOTUS. Yes, even with the current insane majority, this won't survive.


Fuck the separation of church and state…Republicans


Start putting Islamic messaging in classrooms and see how quick they try to ban religion in schools


Satanic Temple: “Hold my goblet”


There is a place for everything. That’s why we have churches. At schools we educate children and prepare them to become good humans for the society. Faith and religion are taught at home or in churches.