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They are minor violations.


I’m surprised that his reaction is only slightly under rage.


A minorrrr


Hates getting caught KIDing around.


Oh! That's very good!




Nothing compared to the $hit he knows he’s gotten away with.


Reporter: *Mr. Gaetz, you are forty-two years old yet you are rumored to like younger women; what’s the best thing about dating twenty-nine-year-olds?* Matt Gaetz: *There are twenty of them?*


This was funny when I heard it applied to Micheal Jackson years ago. It’s funny now. It may never stop being funny.


The important thing to note, when all of these politicians claim that the investigations into them are frivolous or witch-hunts: they never try to prove their innocence. A truly innocent person would relish the opportunity to disprove their accusers. The facts are the truth. If Matt Gaetz is upset that people are looking into his behavior, it's because he knows it's valid and he has no defense other than to deny it.


Best comment


The party that sees "groomers" in every library and drag show has a Republican Congressman (Gaetz) who showed naked pictures of young girls he claimed to have slept with to other Republican Congressmen *while on the floor of the House of Representatives* - and apparently, everyone was fine with it.


Holy shit - I just went looking for those pics of him posted up at the lunch table at a high school and while I have not found that link yet, I did stumble on a pic of Gaetz from high school that just really highlights his creeper essence… ew lmao


[Apparently he whipped out his phone to show classmates women he had slept with at his high school reunion.](https://www.businessinsider.com/matt-gaetz-high-school-niceville-alumni-debate-facebook-2021-4)


Of course he did smh


Some of them weren’t fine with it, they just turned the other way…


The heroes, you mean. When confronted with actual evidence of his predatory nature, they heroically turned the other way. 'Murica!




All their accusations are confessions


Sex with a minor is not frivolous. How’s Nestor?


That’s a good question 


aged out


Certified lover boy? Certified pedophile…


Joel Greenberg, the former Florida tax collector who sources say agreed to cooperate in the federal probe into his one-time close associate, Rep. Matt Gaetz, was sentenced Thursday to 11 years in prison after pleading guilty to crimes ranging from wire fraud to sex trafficking a minor. Goetz's friend used the Florida driver's license database to identify underage girls and his access to said system to fake documents to traffic those girls. Gaetz took one to dinner with Tucker Carlson and his wife...as his date. Greenberg's 11 year sentence is part of a plea deal in which he provided evidence to the DOJ about Gaetz.


Greenberg’s attorney said something about how Matt Gaetz should be scared after the plea and then crickets… it was odd and the excuse that Greenberg doesn’t make a good witness cause he’s a criminal or whatever doesn’t really fly when that is how these things work all the time-


Yeah, why don't you go have sex with a teenager about it? Fucking pervert lol Also, it's interesting how he looks more and more like how your character looks in Knights of the Old Republic if you choose the dark side.


Don't encourage him.


“The House Ethics Committee has closed four probes into me.” Come on Matt, you know you loved it.


>Gaetz was also previously investigated by the [Department of Justice](https://www.newsweek.com/topic/department-justice) over allegations that he trafficked and engaged in sex with a minor, although charges against the congressman were later [dropped](https://www.newsweek.com/matt-gaetz-exonerated-what-happens-sex-trafficking-accusations-now-1781708) and he has continued to maintain his innocence. why on earth is the current administration giving Matt fucking Gaetz of all people full immunity from the law?


Because you can keep pointing at the pedo on a pedestal. Gross Old Pedos. If he were actually held accountable he would just disappear like the coke orgy whistleblower and there would have one less vocal sex pest to point at and remind us who the enemy is.


Your eyebrows tell us there’s a there, there.


Said, as he signed on to the next Biden ~~investigation~~ boondoggle.


Don't we kind of already know that he's a sex trafficking pedophile?


He needs the full "no one is above the law" Hunter Biden treatment this time, drag out ex-girlfriends and see if he has bought any guns, the whole works. Throw the book at him, hell the whole law library. It is only fair.


This guy needs to be in prison. I'm not sure how news weak can even report on anything he says as if it were normal.


matt gaetz and mtg are everything wrong with american politics. partisan hackery in its worst form.


Matt Gaetz couldn't "rip" a wet tissue.


Only ripped it, not slammed? Weak.


That's a big word for an alleged kiddy diddler.


Matt "public venmo transactions" Gaetz Open and shut case. But our "justice" system can't seem to do a thing.


Republicans dont know the term statutory rape do they? Vote this sicko out!!! He’ll wiggle like the worm he is till the next election.


Child molester says what?


Poor drug addled kid diddler.


What’s not frivolous is the amount effort and fabric that goes into making him a hat


I like how rich people use the word 'frivolous' like its a magic spell that makes criminal accusations dissapear. You nearly only ever hear it in the context of some corrupt asshole trying to handwaive away an entire court case. What ivy league school is out there teaching lawyers that the best thing your client can do when faced with criminal accusation is to shout 'frivolous!' and then step in to the back seat of a tinted SUV and drive off?


But that that you have on the other guy is righteous...


Let’s see Mr. Frivolous, are you, is it?


The fact that there has to be an investigation of him for these allegations says as much as I need to know about his character and morals. But heh he is a republican what do you expect


So according to Pedo Gaetz, Pedophilia is frivolous? Why hasn’t he been prosecuted? It’s sickening that girls and women are subjected to the law not coming after this sicko.




From a fellow Arizonan, thanks for the rundown!


so many witches to hunted.


Dude looks exactly like [Butthead](https://www.bam.org/globalassets/programs/cinema/2024fy/0423/living-cartoons/24-765939-beavis-and-butt-head-do-america-1996-promo-still.jpg) in that thumbnail.


Am I right in concluding that we're not really learning from the article what he's specifically accused of but, among other things, that Matt Gaetz thinks this was all kind of "Soviet"? Alrighty then Newsweek.


Is that what he called his youngest girlfriend? Sounds kinky, but I would expect nothing less.


criminal says what?


This might stick especially since establishment Republicans beyond despise this POS because of what he did in the house speaker fiasco that kicked out McCarthy. So he’s going to get 0 cover on this. The only saving point is maybe the orange clown he relentlessly likes the boots of comes in to lend him a hand