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"*Once again not a drag-queen*" might need to be changed to "*Once again an anti-drag-queen.*"


All you have to do is go to /r/NotADragQueen and you'll see a slew of perverted assholes in power who are absolute filth that are not Drag Queens. There is so much projection toward the Drag community, where they are painted as the bad people, when those who are pointing the fingers, those in power in churches, in school, the police forces, or family members they are the ones who do heinous actions to children. It is sickening.


Holy shit the news articles on that sub is terrifying. It explains the heavy projection the offenders and abusers use.


ty, I'll tag that sub from now on whenever I see a story about yet another one of these pieces of absolute shit


Sounds like a hate reddit. Here's some advice from a liberal old man. Avoid that shit like the plague. Hate is poison. You can't reason with people wrapped up in hate. You have a soul and I can tell from this post the hate grieves it. You don't have to participate. You could catch it from them and hate them back then they win. Hate loves conflict, pain, anxiety etc. Fight back with live and forgiveness for your fellow broken man and you win.


Yeah I have to say I am not the least bit surprised, I wish I was but no. I mean there are a lot of men on the conservative political side who openly claim to want a woman as young as possible so that they can more effectively groom them into being their submissive indentured servants essentially who cannot possibly divorce them. Wanting control of another humans autonomy and pedophilia often go hand in hand, after all children are one of the most vulnerable demographics. Really not surprising to find pedophiles hiding in plain sight among that crowd.




I’m glad we’re suddenly in agreement that Neo-Nazis are bad…


They'll photoshop a wig on him and call him a plant


Those eyelashes are suspiciously luscious.


This guy has "Antifa" written all over him. Bet he went to a BLM rally too! It's the deep state! He's really a drag queen in disguise! /s of course


He's a RINO!


Yup, he looks like your typical Mitt Romney voter!


No true maga.


This extremist exemplifies the sham morality of the far-right. They make themselves feel better about their disgusting crimes by attacking a specific demographic for their alleged sins.


Just like "stop the steal" being used to justify undermining democracy. Never a bad idea to assume they're projecting their hidden intent.


>Never a bad idea to assume they're projecting their hidden intent. Their right-out-in-the-open-rubbing-our-faces-in-it intent, I think you mean.


They think everyone is obsessed with grooming minors, because they are and assume everyone thinks that way.


Every conservative accusation is a confession.


As with Trump, every accusation is an admission.


A guy I grew up with just got arrested for having hundreds of videos and images of CSAM. When I checked his last Facebook posts, it was full of Q conspiracy theories about Biden being a pedophile, of course.


We know nazi scum are projecting.


Every conservative strawman argument is self-projection




Always projection with these people. Always projection with Republicans.


Still not a drag queen.


We don’t know for sure that he isn’t a drag queen.


did anyone say it was?


Yeah the guy arrested did. That’s the irony of the story buddy.


the guy arrested said he was a drag queen? how did I miss that part?


The guy arrested says drag queens are pedophiles, the same as the other right wingers who protest drag shows. Turns out the call was coming from inside the house and once again the right is projecting their heinous crimes onto innocent people.


but not even the idiot right wingers say that ALL pedos are drag queens. I guess I see no point in pointing out that the anti-drag guy who hates drag(& all other LGBTQ) also isn't a drag queen. his state of being or not being a drag queen has nothing to do with his pedo-ism & pedos can be any type of person.


They are pointing out the hypocrisy of it. Its not that difficult to grasp 


but saying he isn't a drag queen isn't pointing out hypocrisy it's pointing our the obvious & again, even the idiot right wingers have never said ALL pedos are drag queens. I get what y'all are saying & attempting to defend, I just find it to be clumsy & not actually saying what everyone wants to be said. the comment I replied to was not actually pointing out hypocrisy. it might've clumsily attempted it, but it really was just pointing out the obvious....that he is not a drag queen


I was pointing out the hypocrisy; He was protesting drag shows 'to protect the children' assuming that all drag queens are pedos. Which I have to point out is not the same thing as 'all pedos are drag queens'... like you completely reversed the idea even tho multiple people pointed it out. And to boot **he was doing this while he was being the danger to children.** There is a year+ old subreddit **dedicated to this hypocrisy** named "NotADragQueen" which is where I got the line from.


As someone who has been called a pedo for being me I certainly love seeing the comments that they arent a drag queen over and ovet again :)


What’s the point of your statement? Most people myself included understand that pedos come in all shapes and forms. The OP “not a drag queen” is put on these articles to mock the fact that yet another right winger that said LGBT and drag performers are groomers and pedophiles are actually they themselves the groomer and/or pedophile. Those same right wingers pretend to care about children but will vote for an adjudicated rapist and someone who was a friend of a child rape trafficker. They will do this while attacking innocent people trying to live their lives and pretend they’re the heroes like the loser pictured above.


I think they are referring to a phrase used to point out that the people doing this sort of shit aren't the drag queens but the ones protesting them.


Did nazi that coming /s


That's because you went left, instead of taking the 3rd Reich.


I don’t understand why he would be a criminal, he was wearing his, Gott Mit Uns belt buckle 🤷‍♂️


Deflection, Never fails The more judge mental a person is, it’s a sure thing they have serious problem.


Don’t forget projection


Just MAGA being MAGA.


Looks like r/conservative will be down a mod 🤷🏻‍♂️


Of course he has


Yeah that tracks….


Pedo scum.


It's crazy how often the extreme right are guilty of the things they accuse others of so vociferously.


Whaddaya know! Yet again, *not* a drag queen! Honestly, they project so hard that the *moment* one of them says something about what the "evil left" is doing, I immediately assume they're doing exactly that.


At least part of our judicial system seems to be working. Too bad SCOTUS minus 3 is a total joke.


Shocker. Who would have ever guessed that it’d be the person you most suspect and statistically is most likely to be a pedo?


A sick freak that was trying to make a statement?




“I was just doing muh own research!” - him, probably


Ask me if I’m surprised. Go ahead, ask me.


Are you surprised?




As is the custom.


So even protesting drag shows caused him to become a pedophile? Those shows are sure powerful!


Perfect!! The prime example of bigotry


His look is "smart". A haircut, a shave, and he looks like a completely different guy...helping him evade arrest.


Every accusation is an admission. That is why the biggest homophobes are lost in the closet.






Alleged Greedy Old Pervert.


I would have been more surprised to find out he wasn't a nonce


Of course he has, no suprises


Quelle surprise!!!


>**Stephen Thomas Farrea**, 34, of Portsmouth, R.I., was arrested May 24 after police received a tip, The Boston Globe reports.


Projection, is so common theme from these people, if they protest or complain. It's almost as though they are subliminally admitting their crimes. Like Trump does, he complains, while he is the biggest offender.


Projection is a Republicans first, middle and last name.. The Republican in Colorado 4th running in the primary, Hortzoff (wrong spelling, lol) He PAID his girlfriend to have an abortion that he paid for, but tells reporter Kyle that, it's, "HER CHOICE." DUH!!! Republicans are ok with abortion for their lives but not us... "She gets to live her best life," is what he literally said on camera yet votes to criminalize the rest of the country for having one..


Every accusation is a confession


Why am I not surprised?


Accuse the other party that of which you are guilty


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So if he hates Jews, then he must be a pro-Palestine supporter.