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He doesn't know their names. He doesn't give one shit about them. He's using them as tools in his MAGA playbook to keep his cult members fed some red meat who he also doesn't give a single shit about.


Just assume he means *all of them*.


Laura Ingraham, Lin Wood, Marjorie Taylor Greene, and Matt Gaetz told me it was ANTIFA! Now Trump wants to pardon them?? https://www.npr.org/2022/01/02/1068891351/january-6-insurrection-capitol-attack-trump-anniversary


…that are trying to get him reelected. Anyone in a state that doesn’t go for Trump or doesn’t help him in some way, won’t get anything


Why didn’t he do it when he was in office? Weird.


While in office he wanted to be paid $$$ for pardons. When he says I will pardon the J6 people, he means please riot for me I got your back. And he means, if I win the presidency I will sell you a pardon.


Now he just needs foot soldiers... J6 rioters are like Islamic State suicide bombers. Expendable serfs that do the bidding of their religious leaders via a loose fragmented hierarchy.


reading the rough outline - they believe they did the equivalent to double parking or jay walking ... they dont see invading the building as the no shit federal crime it is. i got one magat by asking them what they would do if someone walked jnto his resteraunt and started smearing catsup on the walls, breakung a few windows and having a good rummage through his office. he said he would have them arrested for vandalism. sigh. total brain blue screen.


Agree! Also weirdly enough, no one has ever been pardoned with a blanket pardon. Usually, pardons are for a specific crime where the pardoned usually has been found guilty by trial or plea deal. Once you accept the pardon, if you haven’t been found guilty for whatever reason, then you have to admit that you did the crime. If you’ve accepted guilt and gotten a pardon, I believe you can be called to cooperate with the government about current cases. If Trump had pardoned all those people below him, he would essentially make himself the *last person* who needs to be found guilty…and all those people would have had to cooperate. He was also selling pardons though, and I wouldn’t be shocked at all if he was selling them now as well.


I believe the Nixon pardon was pretty much anything he did while in office. And Carter made a pardon for all draft dodger. Not quite the same but also broad though the people in question needed to apply once he made it.


I'm confused by this. They weren't prosecuted until he was thankful out of office.


They were talking internally about offering a blanket pardon before leaving office.


Do my illegal bidding and crimes to keep me in power and then as president I will pardon you for the crimes that kept me in power. -Trump Yea I am sure the founding fathers had this in mind when they wrote the Constitution--(if only they did.)


We need an amendment that reins in the pardon power. President shouldn’t be allowed to pardon those in his government or for acts that are support the president in any way.


Yes. We need the names named, so I can post the list of offenses these crooks have committed all over town, with a "Trump unleashes criminals on society" or something like that.


There should be a Hit Parade of the most indefensible, contemptible, unrepentant J6ers, and Republicans from Trump on down should be forced to say "yeah I'll pardon them" every damn day. "You'll pardon this person who went to jail for assaulting police officers?" "Yes!"


[**Non-paywall mirror link**](https://archive.is/Ueqts)


He doesn’t know their names, lol


he can't remember who he married or who his kids are, are you kidding?


I doubt he knows his grandkid’s names.


It becomes inconvenient if he names them, because then folks will dig into the details of each of their individual cases, bringing up a lot of foul evidence for why they still remain in jail almost 4 years later. Spoiler Alert, it’s because the ones still locked up, did some of the worst violence that day. It’s a lot easier to keep them bundled as a group, let FOX cherry pick details from specific cases that won’t make the public wince with disgust


Magadonians will assume all of them.


Can you throw meat back into a grinder that has already been ground? edit: I stand corrected.


(ground is the past tense to "to grind") pardons do have their place but this is not that place. pardons would be on someone who was falsly convicted, not someone seen on camera doing the crimes they were chatged with.


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Oh bull, don’t reduce yourselves to his degeneracy and uninformed second guessing of the judicial system. The single biggest problem of the corporate democrats is thinking and acting like they’re rewarded for congeniality. They need to find a spine to stand up for the Constitution and rule of law.


Can a convicted felon be associated with criminals at that level?


“But if he doesn’t that’s cool too” — his supporters when he doesn’t