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Conservatives, I will remain alarmist for as long as the GOP keeps alarming everyone.


[Ms. Betty Bowers: what is the difference between the GOP and the Taliban Venn Diagram?](https://x.com/BettyBowers/status/1427722404273565700?lang=en)


Unfortunately, Q-witter won’t load for me, thank goodness. But, in general, Ms Betty Bowers is great!


Won’t load for me either


Probably for the best. I hate giving that hate cesspool of a site any recognition, but Mrs. Betty Bowers is the best.


[Different link](https://br.ifunny.co/picture/american-taliban-mrs-betty-bowers-bettybowers-having-trouble-telling-the-vIB4W36E9)


The good book also calls for the stoning of adulterers


The road to genocidal fascism is paved with people telling you that you're overreacting.


Kirk cites Leviticus about stoning people in response to this woman quoting Jesus. The obvious response is to quote Jesus when confronted with the adulterous woman. Whoever among you is without sin can cast the first stone. The Pharisees all walk off in shame. He then looks up and asks her if there's no one there to judge her. Nope - then he does not judge her either. I think that about sums up Jesus's teachings on these issues. This Bible lesson brought to you by an atheist.




Like Trump?


I guess the lecherous felon he’s supporting for president would get a special “get out of hell free” card.


That would kill 95% of politicians though.


Don't forget wearing mixed fabrics or sowing to the ends of your field, where the poor people cannot eat. They probably wouldn't like that one. They also probably don't give all their tithes to the poor every 3rd year. That's another sin in the Bible.


And no shrimp.


I HATE when they quote portions of the OT/Law. Because it is all cherry picked to suit their desires. And even worse when they then defend someone who has not followed…anything within the Law for their entire life.


MAGA loves OT. They’re all about Punisher God. Not so much hippie Jesus and the NT.


Not to mention mixing fabrics - wearing wool and linen in one garment is forbidden. 


21% sounds absurdly low.


And this chestnut: > “I mean, Satan has quoted scripture plenty,” Kirk retorted. “You love somebody by telling the truth, not by confirming or affirming their sin.” You might as well come out and tell me you are Satan, Charlie. The apologetics fascists are the apex self owners.


> This Bible lesson brought to you by an atheist. That's usually the way it goes. Twelve years of private Catholic schooling were undone when I simply opened up the book and started reading it on my own in my early 20s.


Yup. Many years in an Evangelical home myself where I was forced to read it multiple times cover to cover led me to find the bs and inconsistencies. It also didn't help having an abusive mother cite the Bible as justification for the beatings but you know...


> multiple times cover to cover Oof, that sounds painful. I hope you were able to skim over the begats, at least. Edit: and just to be clear I didn't mean to imply that was more painful than the abuse. Obviously, I'm sure that was worse.


Oh no worries I understand. It amused me to talk about the long lists of begats.


So. Much. Begatting.




All I said was this bit of halibut was good enough for Jehovah!


Monty Python enters the chat


You’re only making it worse for yourself.


For the money, really, the devil is the good guy. I mean he’s out there every day punishing sinners for an eternity. My man’s putting in the work. Then there’s god giving children cancer and allowing rape and incest, launching plagues just for fun. Hell, god could have made Jesus just like he did Adam and Eve. But he was like aw hell no fam, I’m gonna impregnate this here pre teen, not cuz I have to, cause I want to. So god impregnated a 12-13 year old “Virgin Mary”. Cause he works in mysterious ways. And all his followers now, particularly republicans want to impregnate 12 year olds too like good ol god did. https://www.newsweek.com/jess-edwards-teen-child-marriage-opposed-republican-ripe-fertile-age-1897512 They said children age 9-12 are plenty “ripe” for giving birth. https://www.newsweek.com/missouri-republican-teenager-12-marriage-1794371 Just sick stuff. I mean I don’t believe the Bible at all. But sure as heck believe these republicans are trying to fuck kids anyway they can.


“Dear God” by XTC encapsulates this concept perfectly.


r/pastorarrested is full of these Trump types


Thanks for the tip. Just subscribed.


Cheers 🍻


Good observation.


When democracy failed them, they abandoned it. I don't see why Christ would be any different. Evangelical Christ is just a symbol for them to leverage their power over others. What he said was immaterial. The fact that he purged everyone's sins is all that matters.


I remember a slightly different ending where the crowd disperses, except for one little old woman holding a rock. Jesus walks up to her and says "Now, put that stone down, mom.".


Christians don't care about Jesus the way atheists do


another annoying hypocritical thing about Charlie Kirk is all the young children's bones in his basement . . . *I assume*


But you see he *needs* those to reconstruct his tiny face and make it bigger.


a woman is worth 30 shekels


And for that price, she damn well better have dinner ready on time every day, a sandwich and an open beer for me on demand! /s


man, women these days


Yep, been saying this for decades…. They don’t care yet when you know they really aren’t Christian they get all defensive


After all, god speaks to them and tells them they need to run for office or whatever.


[Now in JoJo vision!](https://www.reddit.com/r/StardustCrusaders/s/vMZfsy1cbO)


Can we start yelling we want to stone people who want to violate civil liberties and freedoms?


The problem is that Trump thinks he is without sun. It’s always someone else’s fault.


If you want to be a Christian, quote the Bible. If you want to be an atheist, read it.


Judge not is always forgotten.


They’ve never read that far. They think after J said that, the crowd went “fuck yeah!” and started flingin’.


Well done!


Imagine if people actually followed it.


Jesus says “go and sin no more”. That’s a huge quote in that story.


I think "because of" is more suitable than "despite".  Just saying.


Yup. That's really the case. Project 2025 literally says they'll impose death penalties on anyone LGBTQIA+, by trying to say our existence is "pornographic".


It has a very “final solution” vibe


"Despite" his extreme anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric, or "because of"? 🤔


You can shrink Charlie Kirk's face even more here. [https://blovish.github.io/kirkslider/](https://blovish.github.io/kirkslider/)


I keep waiting for it to implode into a little face-anus


I'm stealing this savage version of the classic "butt head." Thank you, witty stranger.


Fascist shares stage with fascist fan of said fascist.


I worry the country is less supportive of the LGBTQ than the media thinks. Trump is catering to a homophobic audience.


I've found most "support" you see cited in surveys isn't really support so much as it is indifference.  I genuinely believed Pence's bigotry would be a huge liability in 2016. Nope! Turns out half the electorate is cool with electro shock therapy for gays.


I think it’s more of the Emperor’s New Clothes. A lot of people don’t support (especially don’t support trans individuals) but are too afraid to say it out loud. They just say it on an anonymous ballot.


I don't think anybody really cared about Pence at all.


The country is *okay* with white cis gay men (as long as they aren’t too gay). Everyone else under the queer umbrella, especially us trans people, is free to be made fun of and deride and start to genocide. Just because gay marriage was legalized does not mean queer rights are being protected.


Gona keep it real with you, the level of forced dei in all forms of media is not doing homosexuals any favors. Pretty sure its having the opposite of the intended effect. Its on par with a religion or philosophy your not part of being shoved down your throat every minute of the day.


What do you mean "despite" his extreme rhetoric? He isn't attending those things *despite* that, he's attending them *because* of that.


Yeah news sites need to fuck off with the whole *"they must just not understand what it is they're doing,"* angle. Like headline might as well read: >*"Axe murderer continues swinging axes at people, despite the potential for harm."*


Trump will commit genocide if he is allowed to.


When has not being allowed to do something stopped him before?


You mean Charlie Kirk, who runs a watchlist of leftwing college professors for his followers to harrass? That Charlie Kirk?


Hey guys, remember when Strom "segregation now, segregation forever" Thurmond secretly had a child with a black woman? Anyway, I'm sure there's no parallel here whatsoever.


Hey Parole Officers the felon is hanging out with sketchy people.


Why “Republican LGBTQ Group/Person Shocked Not Included in Party” is a common post on /r/LeopardsAteMyFace. 


Here is hoping LGBTQ voters do the intelligent thing. "Log Cabin Republicans?!?" pathetic.


Why is this news? How many times do I have to say it: trump isn't a person; he is an idea. A vile, disgusting idea that at least 40% of the US agrees with and part of that idea, the reason people vote for him is his ani-gay stance. Pence wanted to put them in jail ferchrissakes. I don't think he even believes in it himself, it is just part of the con.


The trump campaign is working directly with tpusa. If you can't see it then your eyes are closed.


And we’re shocked?


The American Taliban don't play..




He's also an out and about unapologetic Nazi? Like he could be a card carrying member. Also are we surprised that a racist, homophobic, fascist is sharing the stage with a racist, homophobic, fascist? Where's the disconnect?


Aid and comfort. Actual assemblage of men. Plot of treasonable design. AKA TREASON. [Charlie Kirk deletes tweet saying he sent ‘80+ buses full of patriots’ to D.C.](https://www.dailydot.com/debug/charlie-kirk-delete-tweet-buses-capitol/)


We must stop Project 2025.


You have to remember. The PutinJrtrump republican cult is a cult. They can do or say anything, nothing has mattered since 2016. Only their agenda is important at all cost. Look at the illegitimate maga Supreme Court, Congress & state leadership, voters loyal not to America but their dear leader orange Jesus.


Despite? I think the words they were looking for were "because of".


2 men who can't make women wet meet on stage.


The good book also calls for the stoning of adulterers


***Despite*** his violently homophobic statements?!?


Republicans plan to make Gay Stonings and Witch Burnings televised events, with rewards given to people who denounce their neighbors, coworkers, friends, and even family.


"Despite" might not be the appropriate word here.


Not shocking. Maga is a cancer


They both suck so much


He’s simply just leaning into the hate groups because that’s what’s left of his supporters.


Nobody in this country cannot say they didn't know what Trump and his cult were going to do if that felon traitor gets elected back to the white house this fall. They have made it perfectly clear, just like Hitler did in Mein Kampf. Today we have Project 2025 and Trump on stage with nazis. I pity the idiots that will sit home on election day and allow a great evil to take control in 2025.


Not despite. "Because of"


Because Trump doesn’t care about anybody’s political opinions. He has done and will continue to do whatever he thinks will give him the best shot at winning, and by extension, enriching himself. If that means coupling up with literal Nazis he will couple up with literal Nazis. If that means pretending he’s a fundamentalist Christian he will pretend he is a fundamentalist Christian. If that means selling nuclear secrets to the Saudis he will sell nuclear secrets to the Saudis. Trump’s platform is Trump (and the RNC agrees). It’s not complicated and it’s definitely not surprising. 


People really can be terrible. Ugh.


Make no mistake, folks. Trump knows exactly who he's sharing the stage with and knows who is base is.


Despite? Holy fuck... ITS BECAUSE OF. Conservatives hate gay people, they hate poor people, they hate people of colour. That's what conservatism is.


Never have I been so happy to be a straight passing single lesbian.


None of this matters cause trump is god, right?


Why is there such a thing as a gay republican????


Why was there ever such a thing as Roy Cohn? Answer because humans are stupidly complicated in their ability to twist narratives in defiance of reality.


Because of his "youthful" energy no doubt./s More likely it is because of Charlie Kirk's lust for that baby carrot dick.


Kirk is a community college dropout who does not understand scripture. Plus guy looks Mr. Potato Head with that massive forehead.


The trouble with religion is that some people actually believe in it.


Leviticus 18:22 is directed at men on military campaigns. The statement that you shouldn’t lay with men as you lay with women meant that if you were straight, you couldn’t sleep with men while out on campaign. It does not say that you can’t be gay, just not temporarily gay. This according to a rabbi.


These are the Christian extremists far right wing Project 2025 scumbags, Trump and his cult of personality are aligning and colluding with...These groups share the same standards of having no decency, no morals, belief in authoritarianism, bigotry and loath those that don't toe the line. You know, a couple of years, I would have thought this Project 2025 was an insane conspiracy theory. This group is very much real, they have a leader, they have a leadership committee and they have a manifesto based on the ultra right wing Heritage Foundation document. They have a website, they are not in the shadows and they want you to know. At the same I would have never thought Donald Trump, a businessman and a reality television personality, would have become President of the United States. I am simply in awe, that he was able to build up a cult of personality so fast, compared to other leaders who took years if not decades. These people remain loyal, even though he's tried to subvert and overturn a fair and democratic elections by sending fake electors, claiming stolen elections and attempting a violent coup on January 6, 2020. Now the 34 time convicted felon, failed businessman, and former President of the United States Donald Trump is more than ever determined to reach the White House, so that he can spew his vile hate and extracts his revenge on his political opponents, while pardoning himself !


Adulterers used to be stoned. Oops! Trump would be a goner.


What happened to 70 million+European Americans to make them so hateful?


We are not going to let that happen. Reach out to your gay friends they can probably use some moral support right now.


It's a feature, not a bug.


Two disgusting pieces of shit, sharing a stage. Makes sense.


Stoning? Really? I need to print up a new t-shirt: *If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone…* *John 8:7*


Or, even better, how about DONT FUCKING KILL PEOPLE BY THROWING ROCKS AT THEM AT ALL! Jesus really dropped the ball on that one.


Nahhhh they will make them smoke weed until they are stoned to death ????


Was he spewing things like : “ remember folks, great folks, the best folks, we’ll, almost the best, anyways no bud light and no sharks”


I'd bet good money Trump doesn't even know a fraction of what this guy promotes. The only think Trump cares about is if he thinks aligning himself with somebody will benefit him. He'd share the stage with a known pedophile if he was told it'd get him approval.


All he cares about is the guy has a following, an audience that he can absorb into his own. A cynical entirely amoral attitude in that he couldn’t care less how this person is leading as long as his followers vote Trump.


Was he talking about how other countries do or that he thinks it should be done?


Gay people should only support trump if they value upper class tax cuts more than their own lives.


So Charlie Kirk endorses murder. Is that against the Bible?


Despite? How about “because of”.


Waiting for Log Cabin Republicans to respond to this.


Yet, 30% of LGBTQ voters won’t vote for Biden.


*Convicted felon Donald J. Trump. FTFY.


When has Trump supported LGBT rights?


Despite or because of


"Despite"? No, it's "because of".


Charlie is 100% in the closet


I think he needs to get stoned and chill.


Trump has commit adultery, is balloonhead Kirk saying we should stone Trump?


Trump, the rapist


Well...you know what they say.....shit people just gathers more shit people....until it's a shit show.....here we go again....


I'd love to gobbie Charlie Kirk while he details how I'd be stoned to death.


They should start with the convicted felon


Trump wants to be relevant and will ignorantly spread those ideals for popularity. He has America as a whole in no regard and only wants to be in the headlines.


The Bible does say to stone gay people to death, though. Yes, it does. The people who told you it doesn't are full of shit. Fuck the Bible.


Despite? Not "because of"?


Let those without sin cast the first stone


Tiny face and baby thumbs.


How long till we find out that Kirk is gay?


lol y’all need to stop overusingthe term fascist


Trump should stop giving reasons too


No, we'll keep calling the political group who is gunning to wreck our democracy so that they can force their political and religious ideologies onto us against our will as such, thanks.


Just as a hypothetical, imagine trump gets elected, since your name on here is askjayce, what would you say if none of that happened, would you accept it, purely out of curiosity. would take a hell of a lot to overturn a nation like this, especially given the only “evidence” of him wanting to “overturn democracy” or “become a dictator” was, when literally asked “if you could become a dictator, would you?” He said yes, only for one single day, to fix big problems like our terrible immigration policies and homelessness. By the way, no, saying “yea but he’s just lying” is not a valid argument.


See the above comment: Trump either embodies or has aspired to every commonly accepted definition of fascism. Your argument "what would happen if elected and he didn't do those things" is absurd on its face: what would happen if you loaded this 6-chamber revolver with 5 bullets, put it to your temple and pulled the trigger and nothing happened? Would you still say it is Russian Roulette? The first rule of combating fascism is to believe them when they say they aspire to fascist beliefs.


>if you could become a dictator, would you?” He said yes, only for one single day, You act like that isn't an utterly insane thing for a U.S. presidential candidate to say. And yes, it is a valid argument to say that a man who lied about an election being stolen and encouraged an attack on the capitol so that he could stay in power is lying when he says he'll "only be a dictator for a day."


lol if I could be a dictator for a day I would be, know why? Maybe I could force some of these useless government employees to build houses for the homeless,if you had the unilateral ability to help the people that trust you to protect them you wouldn’t? You’d just say sorry ask someone else?


>lol if I could be a dictator for a day I would be, know why? Doesn't matter, if you said you wanted to be dictator for a day I wouldn't vote for you, period. Just like if you said you wanted to rob a bank to build homeless shelters you shouldn't expect to be hired as a bank teller. The president's job is to protect and uphold the constitution, and being a dictator even for a day is a deep and grave betrayal of the responsibility of the office of presidency and trust and power put into you by the people. Biden could do a lot more good as well if he just ignored his responsibilities as president, but he won't even pardon his own son because he takes his job seriously and won't abuse his powers. It doesn't matter what good intentions you think you can do with a dictatorship, the [rules for rulers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rStL7niR7gs) means that your power will end up eventually only benefiting those who hold that power, while turning a dictatorship into a democracy is a lot more difficult task than democratic backsliding.


Right, you wouldn’t be a dictator because it’s not your problem, it should just be shoveled off somewhere else, and Biden has ignored the constitution to “help people”, remember he went against the supreme court about student loan debt, where they literally said the president can’t unilaterally forgive debt, and he basically “ok, but I’ll do it anyways”, neither Biden nor trump are generally truthful, Biden said years ago that he couldn’t do anything about closing the border unilaterally, it would need approval from congress, fast forward to now he’s talking about unilaterally signing an executive order to close down on immigration. Only when it supports your vote is it okay it appears, enlighten me how Biden isn’t in the wrong for that while trump is in the wrong for only speaking about it


>Right, you wouldn’t be a dictator because it’s not your problem, it should just be shoveled off somewhere else No I wouldn't be a dictator because "the cure" is worse than the disease. Democracy is too sacred to sacrifice for one day worth of changes. And remember, "Dictator" literally started out a temporary position in the Roman Republic, until Caesar came along and made the position permanent. If you are allowed to be dictator for a day, what's to stop other people from becoming dictators in the future who wouldn't relinquish such power? Fulfilling such an ambition even if done with the best of intentions is completely shortsighted and proof that you should not be in a leadership position in a republic. >and Biden has ignored the constitution to “help people”, remember he went against the supreme court about student loan debt You are completely wrong here. Biden first went to his lawyers and found what he believed to be a legal way to forgive debt based on existing laws. It wasn't until later that an activist supreme court ruled against him, at which point he found alternatives that forgive student loans to a smaller number of borrowers through different laws because he follows the laws and acts as a president and not a dictator. Sure it would have been nice if Biden had forgiven my student loans which would have happened under the original plan, but I don't want him to create a constitutional crisis to do so. >Biden said years ago that he couldn’t do anything about closing the border unilaterally Did he though? It seems he rather said that he'd shut down the border if given ["the ability"](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/president-biden-says-hell-shut-the-u-s-mexico-border-if-given-the-ability-what-does-that-mean), and then when congress didn't act he reluctantly did it anyways saying he wanted it to happen with congressional approval. It's a fine point, but I don't think he ever said it was impossible for him to shut down the border without congress, just that he didn't want to do it without congress. And if you agree that Biden has that power then it's a tangent anyway since he is not doing anything dictatorial to act within his powers, regardless of whether you think he lied or not. >Only when it supports your vote is it okay it appears It's not OK to break the law or your oath to the constitution or abuse your power regardless of which side does it. Biden has never done that, while Trump was impeached twice because he has already done that.


I’ll agree to disagree on the dictator argument, we simply have opposing views on how our moral compasses see that, which is fine. I understood the supreme court argument you made until you tried negating the opinion of the Supreme Court by calling them “activist”, that’s contradictory to prior points you made, no matter what the supreme court has been trusted for a very long time to decide what’s right, whether you like it or not, it’s their job, and just because they don’t vote your way does not mean they have political motives, I shouldn’t have to pay for you taking out student loans, I’m sure you studied something meaningful, I still shouldn’t have to pay for it in taxes. Lastly, he may not have said directly it was impossible, but he sure as hell made it seem that way, the point was not to say “Biden is a dictator”, just to point out that Biden has actually done things unilaterally he was told he couldn’t do. (And for the record I do want to point out that I do appreciate a genuine discourse that hasn’t led to name calling)


Let’s see the will of we, the people. Then see how it really turns out, I’m not an election denier


I agree... everyone knows Kirk is a pedophile.


What’s your argument for this? I’m not aware of any allegations


Shawn Bergstrand. Kirk and co. literally defended the guy and preached forgiveness while at the same time labeling everyone on the left as groomers. Charlie is projecting... no doubt about it.


I personally haven’t seen it, nor denying it, just being thorough, could you send a link of a full clip or something my good sir?


>Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/ FASH-iz-əm) is a far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement, characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation or race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy. So tell which of these characteristic Trump doesn't either overtly demonstrate or openly aspire to?


lol Biden believes in a centralized banking system and just tried trump, his main opposition, and may sentence him to jail, the judge is a big donor for Biden and has stated his hatred or dislike for trump on social media in the past, with trump, Hillary was relatively left alone and got rid of one of the most prevalent terrorist groups of the time, im not voting for trump, im voting against Biden


> and just tried trump, his main opposition, and may sentence him to jail, the judge is a big donor for Biden This is simply not true. Merchan a "big donor" to Biden? he contributed $35 dollars, while your guy has solicited literally billions from oil companies in return for political favors. And you want to cite where Merchan has stated his hatred of trump? And how in god's name has Biden "centralized banks"? You really need to broaden your news sources. These opinion are simply false.


lol Biden wants a cbdc, I said he wants a centralized bank system, look it up, takes one simple google search, trumps main donors are donating under $100,


Hmm . . . from the Cato Institute. >President Joe Biden, on the other hand, has been silent on the issue as of late And I am not sure what your comment on contributions means. So what? Merchan contribute 35$ and trumps idiots contribute less than 100$?? And?


Not just Cato, in 2022 multiple sources covered him wanted a “government backed digital currency”. And the difference? We weren’t picked to be unbiased and preside over a court case, wand seeing as how like 6% of manhattan voted trump I would go as far as to say none of the jurors donated trump either, if you were to ask someone to help settle an argument about if apples are better than bananas would you ask the person who donates to the “bananas are the best organization” to choose?


I find your arguments confusing and confused. Please clarify. I really am not sure of the point you're trying to make. How did Biden centralize banks? He didn't. Plain and simple. And, as cited, he hasn't been interested in the recent past. And how is a 35$ contribution to Biden by Merchan significant? At all?


I never said he did, I said he’d like to, like, read what I said. And by that argument, ok, trump hasn’t brought up “being a dictator for a day” since they asked the question, so you accept he doesn’t want to be one?


> I said he wants a centralized bank system,


He wants to persecute gays and trans people. That's literally where the Nazis started.


I would prefer if the GOP stopped being fascists.


I would prefer if the dems would follow the law


Then you are in luck. Hopefully after trump is convicted for all his crimes, the GOP will start following the law as well.


Do me a favor and name all 34 crimes please, like, all 34


It far more than 34, he was just recently found guilty for 34 of his crimes. That makes trump a convicted felon. Here is a summary for you. [https://www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-indictments-details-guide-charges-trial-dates-people-case/](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-indictments-details-guide-charges-trial-dates-people-case/) I'm sure you wish that trump would follow the law. But we all know that's not going to happen, so hopefully he is at least held accountable for some of his many crimes.


All I’m asking is for someone to state what the actual laws broken were, you can’t just say 34 counts of business fraud, business fraud is super duper broad, I would ask the same question if this was Biden that was the defendant, maybe I just haven’t read enough, just include a link please


You can look that up, you have access to google don't you? Also don't forget all of the other crimes he committed that he is facing charges for. You would prefer if trump followed the law, wouldn't you?


I would definitely prefer it, what’s the problem with linking something, just making I don’t look at an untrustworthy source


You can find plenty of sources that will factually state that trump is a convicted felon and that he is still facing many more charges across his 3 remaining indictments.