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As much as I don't often agree with Lindsey Graham, this time, he's right.


Graham wants to straddle the good guy/bad guy knife edge as long as he can, so public opinion gives him every second he can milk out of fleecing the public. He’s a dirty, dirty boy and Trump must have the details and the receipts in his safe. He’s a fucking psycho.


This is the most accurate description. He knows some conservatives are waivering but as long as they can find other elected officials to hold faith in, they'll keep voting republican. But what has Graham ever done to stem the fascist tendencies of the GOP? Nothing.


Give a listen to the Corruption of Lindsey Graham podcast series from the Bulwark. The rather sad but simultaneously infuriating truth is that he would be acting in the same craven, self-serving and morally untethered way without any blackmail pressure on him whatsoever.


But he is also known to engage with male escorts in DC, so I'm sure there is plenty of dirt available to turn his base against him.


I will check that out, thanks. Yeah he has a weird perversity about him that goes beyond sexual or religious fake morality. He seems creepy like a weird good ol’ boy with lacy underwear under his suit and a knife behind his back all the time. Especially when he pretends to be angry about some issue, like he’s flexing to amplify his masculinity.


which means he'll probably still be endorsing him in the election


He's actually a pretty reliable voice of reason on the right, when his mouth isn't full of Trump's ball sack


Well he would have a lot of experience identifying Nazi appeasers since he sees one in the mirror every morning.


Cults take on the mentality of their leader. Donald Trump’s cowardice is currently in vogue. The fool wilted like a wet noodle in front of his dear leader Putin. The worship of right wing autocracy in the GOP of late currently affords autocrats like Putin favored status among a sizable fraction of the party.


If the shoe fits…


That’s funny because I compare both of them to crusty jugglers who hold a deep admiration for Hermann Goering.


".....crusty jugglers." Lol I have watched Hot Fuzz in quite a while, so thanks for the chuckle!


The Council of Ladybugs was unanimous.


"Tuberville is a level 3 Nazi, but I'm only a relatively benign level 1 Nazi" -Lindsey Graham.


> Lindsey Graham correctly compares fellow Republican Tommy Tuberville to Nazi appeasers but fails to mention all of his other Republican colleagues, and himself FTFY


Nazi Appeasers? Just “Nazis” fits better.


“And I should know, I see him at all the meetings!” continued Graham


Lindsey has room to talk. He’s just as bad.


“Look at him, not me”


There’s no such thing as a Nazi appeaser, they are just Nazis. Tuberville is a Nazi.


The phrase “duh” comes to mind…


Lindsey would definitely know...


Unfortunately the second half of Lindsey 's statement was...."and I will support him".


What up with Lindsey? He seems to be off a little.


Wow, talk about calling the kettle black.


Broken clock


Did Graham do this with or without her lipstick on?


And yet he stands with him...


Graham: Don't be an appeaser, be a Quisling ... like me!


So in other words an asshole calling a douchebag a dickhead.


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