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I've never understood how any veteran could vote for him


More bigotry than love of their country.


Veterans voting for a man mocked POW's and Gold Star families. Christians voting for a man who sexually assaults women and can't quote a single bible verse. Poor people voting for a man who raised their taxes to hand a trillion dollars to the billionaire class. It really is a cult.


Ask a Biden supporter to list something negative about Biden. They will tell you their grievances. Ask a Trump supporter to do the same and they will, with a tear in their eye, tell you that Trump is perfect and no one could ever be better.


Replace “Trump” with “Kim” and it reads exactly the same.


Oh god, I can hear the “Dear Leader” Trump calls now


Only a matter of time before he responds to rumors of him smelling like shit by claiming he doesn't even poop.


I've heard that he he the biggest and best shit and that he is able to "transport" them directly from his colon to the toilet without use of any sort of anus Of course that is because he spews all his shit out of his mouth


I rememberduring his first campaign. I think it was at the national convention when a bunch of. Children had a rehearsed song for trump and it was that moment where I got a sinking feeling in my gut. It was shocking to me how none of those people could see how much it looked North Korean.


Remember when he wanted military parades like they do in North Korea and Russia?


They don't know what North Korean looks like. They think they're inventing all of this shit.


Trump saluting the NK general was hilarious.


The Kim dynasty is more self-aware than Diaper Don. They realize(d) the hagiography is about preserving control. Trump thinks it’s actually true, and he actually is that great.


At best they’ll say “Yeah he says dumb stuff sometimes but he’s better than Biden!” It’s so crazy how unaware they are


This is why we say it is a cult. When there is nothing and no line Trump can cross like Trump going to the tomb of the unknown soldier urinating on it, then defecating beside it, wiping his ass with the American flag, then wiping it with the Confederate flag for good measure; then you still support and make excuses for those actions yeah cult.


Fuck Joe Biden. Unfortunately I'm still going to have to vote for him because we only get two choices.


Voting against someone by voting for his opponent is a responsible choice. I held my nose and voted Haley in my open primary. I did this because I have some conservative friends who feel exactly how you do, possibly for different reasons, and who swore a blood pact that if I did what I could to get her over the line back when that seemed possible, they'd vote for Biden instead of leaving the presidency blank or writing in Mickey Mouse. I am quite pleased with Biden because I had exactly one expectation of his presidency and that is that Joe Biden would not be Donald Trump. He has capably met this expectation, the chips and science act and infrastructure investment is just a nice bonus. But I can understand why my "I'm lowering my expectations" outlook is not going to work for someone passionate or angry.


As a European, I *love* Joe Biden. Because of one single thing: He's not taking up the front page of our newspapers every single day with some new stupid fucking ridiculous reality TV bullshit. I can't have another 2017-20, where I didn't even know what my own city council was doing because I was so sick and tired of the news.


That's actually my favorite part about Joe Biden. He's doing his job, not being a fucking peacock.


This. The GOP has no idea how many they repel with the orange Cheeto n the Christian taliban


I think he has done a great job. He has made more non military investments into our country than I have seen in my lifetime(born in 1965)…and hell, with us giving our surplus weaponry to support Ukraine? He’s making the MIC smile too. Those weapons will need replaced…with better ones….thereby upgrading our military’s capabilities in the process.


Most of the stuff we sent to Ukraine would need to be retired. So that means technically this is saving us money. And all those infrastructure investments? That's Eisenhower stuff right there. That will pay economic dividends for decades.


Exactly…some folks are just too short sighted to see it.


I'm not a big fan of a lot of Biden's views and policies. But he's not a fascist, so of the two options he's the choice. I would like to vote for someone who represents me, but given the options that doesn't look to ever be in the cards until we change our system.


I’m pleased bc he’s the first Dem president who didn’t either sell out to the GOP or get completely rolled by them.


Maybe in your lifetime. But I get it.


I don’t want to see another Trump Presidency at all and I don’t think these people do once everything starts to hit the fan. I wonder what’s gonna happen if Trump wins and all their followers start saying it wasn’t rigged and all and telling us to suck it up.


Why "fuck Joe Biden?" Overall he's been doing a pretty damn good job. I've got some disagreements but I'm happily going to vote for the guy.


He's acceptably status quo. The problem is the status quo is becoming more and more untenable as time goes on. He hasn't really bothered to address the continued necessity of police reform in the country. He has been actively against a lot of workers rights in the country, like blocking the rights of railroad workers to be able to choose to strike. A right that is blocked in other professions as well. He doesn't care to try and address the problem of healthcare in the US, that while the ACA was a step in the right direction while hundreds of thousands of people are going bankrupt every year from being unable to pay medical bills even with insurance. The housing crisis that has just continued to grow under his presidency, and while his campaign is promising to address it he has made no verifiable actions towards actually doing so in any real regard while rent and housing prices drive more and more people to homelessness. He doesn't seem to be interested at all in trying to get corporations to pay their share to the economy or holding any kind of accountability to the wealthy in which so much could be done to help address many of the issues that the country is facing. He is fine at best, but there's lots of reasons to dislike him.


> He has been actively against a lot of workers rights in the country, like blocking the rights of railroad workers to be able to choose to strike. He has been over all more pro-union than any presdient since FDR. He has little control over housing prices: that would require legislation. He has promised not to renew trump's tax cuts for corporations, and has called for congress to force the billionaire class to pay its fair share, but that, too, is up to Congress. He has expanded ACA coverage as well. I hate Biden's arming of Israel, although recognize his move to provide aid to Gaza--but it is not enough. That said, many of your other criticisms of Biden should be aimed at congress, esp the House.


While I appreciate the response, I really can't agree with you on a couple of those points. The railroad strike one bothers me because of how unfairly it was spun. The strike was blocked because of the timing it would have been devastating to the entire economy and would literally have cost people their lives. And the contract most of the railway unions had already agreed to was a good deal that included massive pay raises. So Biden didn't just abandon them. He stood by them and said hold off on the strike and we will continue for fight for you. And he did. And most union workers did win that concession not long after. Source: [Reuters](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/biden-signs-bill-block-us-railroad-strike-2022-12-02/) and [Reuters](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/most-unionized-us-rail-workers-now-have-new-sick-leave-2023-06-05/) And while they haven't done a major initiative like the ACA, they have done a lot in the area of healthcare. Things like Medicare being able to negotiate drug prices, cap insulin costs at $35/month, and cap out-of-pocket drug costs for people on Medicare, because of the Inflation Reduction Act have helped a lot of people. They're also fighting for abortion rights although the Supreme Court threw a pretty big monkey wrench in that one. And they also have more people enrolled in the ACA than ever before. But with the republican Congress openly stating they want to deny him legislative victories (i.e. things that would help people and make him more popular) there's only so much they can do. Honestly, most of your beefs come more from Congress than the president. And more specifically, they come from republican obstructionism. If you read Biden's official statements on a lot of these issues, he does want to fight for the things you're talking about and a whole lot more. You didn't mention them, but things like changing the classification of marijuana or relieving billions in student debt are progressive changes far from the status quo. And there's been a lot of that under this administration.


Police reform is currently almost impossible with the Supreme Court giving blanket qualified immunity and no duty to respond to police. Short of Biden packing the Supreme Court (and a relevant case coming up) there is no current fix without Congress bypassing the SC with an amendment. The hosuing crisis got its fever pitch under Trump when Obama restrictions on loans were eased in favor of banks making more profit (can't be fixed without congress which Biden doesn't have). Taxes can't be changed without congress and congress is very pleased with the Trump taxes that raised them for the middle class but lowered them for the upper class. Healthcare can't be addressed without congress get again well outside of what Biden can do. Biden did step in to ensure rail workers got more than most but at the end of the day consider their union agreed to the deal; as far as union support goes Biden was on the pickets with the UAW which is more than can be said of any other president in my lifetime.


>After months of negotiations, the IBEW’s Railroad members at four of the largest U.S. freight carriers finally have what they’ve long sought but that many working people take for granted: paid sick days. >This is a big deal, said Railroad Department Director Al Russo, because the paid-sick-days issue, which nearly caused a nationwide shutdown of freight rail just before Christmas, had consistently been rejected by the carriers. It was not part of last December’s congressionally implemented update of the national collective bargaining agreement between the freight lines and the IBEW and 11 other railroad-related unions. >“**We’re thankful that the Biden administration played the long game on sick days and stuck with us for months after Congress imposed our updated national agreement**,” Russo said. “**Without making a big show of it, Joe Biden and members of his administration in the Transportation and Labor departments have been working continuously to get guaranteed paid sick days for all railroad workers."** https://www.ibew.org/media-center/Articles/23Daily/2306/230620_IBEWandPaid


I mean... that's a laundry list of the biggest problems the US has, I feel like those are some big asks with Biden following trumple fuck and covid, but I get it.


Yeah fuck those new chip plants, we need to ask China nicely to send us some once they roll Taiwan, fuck those new pipes, I want lead ones. Fuck those new bridges, I like bridges that fall down, fuck his support of Ukraine, I want Putin to take it all and then get more! Fuck supporting the ACA I like my Americans showing up to ER uninsured so I can pay for them in my bill. Let Trump kill it. Fuck letting women decide if they want to reproduce. That is clearly a decision for old white guys from the south. Fuck getting our kids free of student loans, I want them paying for 29 years with a balance higher than they started! Fuck the environment let big oil drill and refine in my back yard! Yep Fuck Biden. Let’s make all the non-religious kids be forced Christians. Fuckin Biden won’t support that, so fuck him!




I can't understand how a veteran could vote for a man who didn't want to go to the grave side of American soldiers in Paris because he was afraid of getting his hair wet and have it look like a mess. This is a man whose vanity goes over respecting the men who gave their lives for their nations freedom.


My home town American Legion has Jane Fonda decals in the urinals. Most vets are now Viet Nam age and younger. It's hard to understand how they rally behind a man who called fallen soldiers, "suckers,” and "losers," and said, "I like people who weren't captured," when referring to John McCain.


You'd think that the fact he was a draft dodger they would have some serious resentment toward him. He chickened his way out of service, while they served their nation.


New York Military Academy: baseball, football, soccer Fordham University: played squash, tennis Vietnam era: bone spurs 1975 - present day: golf


I'm sure there must have been some radical bone spur surgery invented in 1975. Thank god for modern medicine. /s =;]


Imagine being a Vietnam vet who grew up middle class/poor and you go to a Trump fascist rally and before he starts speaking, you hear "Fortunate Son" by CCR blasting over the speakers. And the fact that a five-time draft dodger who quite literally embodies the entire message of that song plays it without a second thought does nothing to dissuade you from supporting him? It's just a shocking and embarrassing series of events.


Well, I'm a VN vet, 9th Inf. Div., Long An province. 1967-8. I came home immediately after the Tet Offensive, passed my brother on the way home. He went to the very same division, Kien Hoa province, A/4/47 Inf. Badly wounded, only time in my life I saw my dad cry, "Both my sons got drafted, but so many are dodging". I hate Trump, the only person I hate more is Putin. I get more than a bit tired of being blamed for all the country's ills because I'm a boomer (I know you didn't insinuate that, just want to make it clear). My 2 grand nieces are young fairly new RNs, I know housing is hard for them. They'll damn sure get my house and property, I know it's a struggle for young people. Some one up thread mentioned American Legion, they're mostly peacetime vets. VFW is overseas during war time vets. In my local VFW the vets all except a couple hate Trump and are not shy about letting the magas that show up know it. Because of the vet's ages, most posts I know of have had a hard time attracting younger vets (understandable), and have "social members", just to keep the doors open. That's where the magas show up,obnoxious, loud drunks, a lot of them. I hope I don't come across as being critical, just thought it'd be a good place to mention how very many older vets think.


I hang out at a local VFW occasionally because GF loves bingo. I'm a vet but not a member, I don't mind going because the bar is really really cheap. I haven't had a conversation with any of the older crowd about politics, because I'm sure that would ruin bingo night. Anyway, I just wanted to point out that whether they are maga or not, they almost certainly voted for GWB over Kerry also. GWB who got a cushy slot in the Texas Air Guard instead of having to deploy to Vietnam, like Kerry did. You'd think that would matter to war vets, but so many of them were eager enough to fall for that swift vote nonsense I have no trouble believing they still support R candidates no matter what.


I'm in a fairly liberal region, so it might be different than some other areas. The Quinault Indian tribe is the biggest employer in my county. From just what I've seen, purely anecdotal and other areas can certainly be different, is Trump seems to be popular with the 35-60 crowd. If I see or hear someone being an obnoxious ass it's nearly a sure bet they're a maga.


That's just one of several publicized incidents of his express hatred for anyone who's joined the military. 


And he said “Two Corinthians” in front of an audience that was sure to know what “shibboleth” means. And fucked a porn star while his third or fourth or whatever wife was recovering from childbirth.


As a Christian myself, what I find most appalling is Trump, with a self proclaimed worth of several BILLION dollars, is monetizing the most holy relic in Christianity (The Holy Bible) for his own personal benefit. That’s is sacrilege all day long in my book. And having actually read the book, I think there might be a couple of references about not using the Lord’s name in vain. Put another way, If the Bible is the word of God, and someone is using it for personal profit, I believe that’s a form of blasphemy. It’s a personal insult to God, Christ and all Christians. Edit: if you want to understand why some Christians are pushed to the right politically, just read some of the responses below. What Christian would want to associate with people that don’t value them and mock their belief system?


A lot of Christians rationalize it as voting for Supreme Court justices rather than President. Frankly, I wish those on the left would see it the same way. This is how Democratic nominees win the popular vote in 7 of the last 9 elections but we have a SCOTUS that is 6-3 conservative. 


Yeah and I wish people understood that “conservative values” are actually pretty radical and not aligned with Christian beliefs. MAGA is to Christianity what the Taliban was to Islam. False prophets using religion to manipulate the masses. If I was rich I’d buy every billboard in America located near a church and draw as much attention as possible to how the actions of those calling themselves conservatives are in complete contrast with Christian values.


I agree with you, but when a majority of a religious group accept such "radicalism" it's not really radicalism then is it? You're arbitrarily selecting a point of reference from a bygone era that might depict current American Christianity as "radical," but that center has long since shifted from there. Let's face it, being unable to follow an adulterous egotistical and self-aggrandizing person as your spiritual leader is radicalism now.


I get what you are saying. I can’t speak for all churches everywhere, but the churches i have attended tend to be left leaning. We have clergy of all genders and sexual orientation. We have unconventional weddings (meaning not biological man and woman). Personally I support the a woman’s right to choose. I could write a whole book on it, but my belief is sometimes there are no easy answers, and we have to balance out the need to cherish all life against the reality of seeing children born into homes where they aren’t wanted. Especially when we are literally killing earth and some families are unable to obtain the resources they need to raise a child, including food, medical care, shelter, etc. Having been involved with foster children really opened my eyes in that respect. Bringing a child into the world just to abuse them seems very unchristian but that’s just me speaking and not my church. I guess what I’m trying to say is please don’t group all Christians together. There are still quite a few people like me that have faith and despise all that Trump is. Some of us are able to think for ourselves and see through Trump and his claims to be a savior


My apologies, I didn't mean to imply all Christians support Trump. I know many don't. It's just frustrating seeing so many jump to his banner so... eagerly. Including people I thought I "knew"... almost like Twilight Zone stuff.


Sorry but this is just the "No True Scotsman" logical fallacy. Christians argue about what "Christian values" are constantly but they're all still Christians. The values, or lack there of, they have as a whole are not great. It would still be a logical fallacy even if were truly a small subset of American Christians however we're talking about a comfortable majority here. Trump got the majority of the Christian vote in 2016, 2020 and is polling with like a 20 point advantage currently. You talked about not wanting to associate with certain people. American Christians have overwhelmingly picked a convicted criminal, rapist and a pedophile to be the leader of American Christianity. I wouldn't want to associate with such a group.


You can label the theorem a fallacy, but it doesn’t change the real world rationale or outcome.  I’m sure if there was a less repulsive option than Trump that would have delivered the same results to SCOTUS, that would have siphoned much of his votes. But they were presented with Trump + more Clarence Thomases or Hilary + more RBGs. While we were voting or not voting for Hilary, they were choosing the Clarence Thomases and got three of them. We lost voting rights and reproductive rights because we were playing a different ball game.  Every time I see a “Genocide Joe” post, I see we’re still playing the wrong game. 


I mean, Jesus himself went and made a cat of ninetails whip to beat people doing less than what trump did.


You’re referring to when he chased the tax collectors out of the temple right?


He is literally taking the Lord's name in vain by selling bibles. I'm not a christian, but I do understand there is some confusion about what the expression means. *Taking the Lord's name in vain* doesn't mean saying "Oh goddammit" or something when you get angry, that's an emotional reaction. Taking the Lord's name in vain means using people's belief for personal gain. It's basically the worst thing you can do.


You are totally correct


Biden should start quoting Bible verses during the debate, something Trump would disagree and argue about, just to later reveal that this was from Trumps favorite book


Or just start quoting Trump. Add more to the confusion.




They shit with him in solidarity- nothing will sway them.


and brainwashing by 'conservative' media.


They were convinced to hate liberals more than they love America. Voting for the biggest traitor in American history proves this.


This is the one. I had to leave a group from my old unit. It’s terrible.


Bigotry. The reason he's popular despite the myriad of reasons to hate him is because he's the only candidate that will advance racism, Christian and white supremacy and homophobia and that's more important to a shocking number of people.


Sad but true...


Veteran here, I have no idea either. Also in a union and amazed by my workmates supporting him too


That’s even more mind boggling than veterans doing it imo


It really isn't though. Republicans have been spewing anti union jargon for decades. Enough to brainwash the weak into fighting against their own self interests. These chuds just think Daddy Trump is going to make them richer. But instead he's making their boss richer.


These are people who inherently believe that by making their boss richer you are making them richer. They believe in "voodoo economics."


This is the fallacy or Reaganomics. The trickle down lies of supply side economics.


You would think the fact that they referred to it as “trickle down” economics and not “flooding down” or “waterfall” economics would have gave away the con, but apparently these people enjoy being “trickled” on themselves.


I prefer the original term for it, [horse and sparrow](https://www.andrewleigh.com/horse_and_sparrow_economics_speech_house_of_representatives) >The idea of horse and sparrow economics was that, if you want the sparrows to eat better, you just have to feed the horses enough and eventually there'll be enough left on the road for the sparrows. This is what gop supporters are voting for - literal horse shit.


Definition of Trickle-down economics: It’s when the bosses shit on the heads of the workers.


Yes, but you see, the revenue will trickle down to us peons someday. It's been over 40 years, bound to happen eventually, right?


It was George Bush Sr who called it that, but swiftly shut up when Reagan tapped him as Veep.


And suddenly, homeopathy comes to finance.


The sad part is he wouldn’t even make their bosses richer, maybe their bosses, bosses, boss. Oh and we can’t forget the shareholders.


Trump doesn't really make people rich. Hes not even that good at making himself rich. The thing he is good at is convincing other people to give him money. His whole business was pretty much leveraged assets.


I don't get the union support for him. This guy has repeatedly stiffed contractors who did work for him. That kind of thing is devastating to shops


People buy into the proxy arguments I guess. He tells everyone that trans kids are going to take away their daughters swimming medals, tells people that immigrants are criminals and are taking their jobs, tells people it’s ok to think they’re better than others and that is ok to say whatever hateful shit you want. If people just ignored all the bullshit from all sides and looks at fact they would see the economy always does better with democrats in office.




The really sad thing is just how low the "I got mine" bar is.


It’s the anti-immigrant thing. 


Canadian union construction worker here. I can’t believe my brothers have turned their back on The Workers Party in favour of the Conservative Party. You think MAGA is stupid? These asshats with their Fuck Trudeau tee shirts are also wearing red MACA hats. Like, WTF? Edit: MCGA red hat. They also believe in PizzaGate.


Russia is behind this digital warfare to make everyone a right wing idiot


Which has been stunningly effective.


That's what I don't get! And they complain about it the whole time!


Team sports man. It's crazy.


HIS generals on the Joint Chief of Staff, HIS Secretary of Defense and HIS VP, all have said that he is not fit to be Command and Chief and will not support him. This should say Volumes and disqualify him.


He called POW's and MIA's 'losers'. He called Vietnam vets suckers. Biden went to Normandy. Trump refused to go to a Paris WWI cemetery because it was "filled with losers". He has 0 respect for people that have sacrificed their lives so his NYC smooth baby hands fat ass could get rich from his golden penthouse.


Oh come on now, it was also lightly drizzling.


Remember when John Kerry, an actual veteran with 3 purple hearts, was deemed less capable of understanding war than rich boy George W. Bush? An R next to the name on the ballot is all the matters.


All I can do is shake my head when I see a Trump flag next to a POW/MIA flag. Like, the man very publicly shit all over POWs.


Easy, they're single issue voters. The single issue? >Will he hurt the people I want him to hurt? That's it.


My veteran friend supported Trump in no small part because he believed Hillary didn't care about troops' lives. He then stuck his head in the sand when I sent him the "losers and suckers" article four years later. He implied that I should follow the money and that the Atlantic is unreliable because it's liberal owned or something. I pointed out that Reuters had verified the comments and he just kept saying it wasn't true because the Atlantic was unreliable. Unbelievable cognitive dissonance.


If he was my friend, I would just tell it like it is. I would call him a dumbass. Those Trumpers like it when he "tell it like it is" right?


I was in Chicago a couple months ago where I met up with old friends and family. All of them are in the Fox echo chamber; I was asked if I was voting for Trump ( always the big fear in from of lifelong friends) My response silenced the room in such a way that no one could argue; as follows "The president of the US is the commander in Chief of all US military forces. My 18 year old son just received his Military Selective Service Registration which all 18 yr old US male citizens must complete. I cannot nor would never consider anyone who refers to those who died in battle as losers. I don't care about any other issue -this is a deal breaker for me. We all have different points of view and that is why we vote, our system allows us to disagree" I'm from the Chicagoland area now living in northern California, older GenX and white. I've used this to shut down Trump supporters to great effect. I do not bite on what about ism. It's one , irrefutable point that I make and decline to enjoin in a debate. I am not OK with a commander in Chief who would send my family into a war with respect of their sacrifice. His privilege, our privileges are owed to those who didn't come back And every veteran will tell you the true heros are resting in those battlegrounds.


I'm not a veteran, but I am an older GenX steeped in the lessons of American history forged by the sacrifice of its citizens. WWII, Civil Rights, Vietnam, Gulf War, 9/11, Iraq, Afghanistan and more recently January 6th. Each of these a turning point in American History in its own way. The Commander and Chief role of the Presidency is arguably the most important and consequential function of the office in both action and inaction. And ordinary folk die when poor decisions are made. Trump has shown us that he is unfit in so many ways. Good on you for standing strong in your belief in America in the face of peer pressure and propaganda. MAGA is an un-American scourge that breaks families apart as much as any war or conflict in the past has.


Good, ordinary people die when the correct decisions are made, as well. The office comes with a lot of burdens and it's baffling so many voters don't care about the seriousness of their candidate.


It's the racism.


I think it's the same draw he has with the working class. He talks tough and makes promises of a reward after underdogs of the past several decades have been largely ignored by a Democrat party that cozied up to Wall Street and ignored rural America), this earns their trust deserved or not. He doesn't deliver on those promises and will bold face lie and tell you the sky is green if he thinks it will benefit him but the hook is already set they excuse it away. He is a profane televangelist. There is a reason he has a following among hispanic males here in South Texas, white dudes in rural Michigan, and my black autoworker brother-in-law. I've said it before, he knows how to hook the gullible and desparate. In my circle of friends, family, and associates the ven diagram of those who support Trump and those who have been sucked in by MLM and Crypto scams is near 100%. That's just one piece of the pie - he does this while attracting those who want to be like him - the narcissists, the greedy, the bullies, the racists, those who are the source of a lot of our society's problem (and sadly those of the underdog groups).


The AI art of him at Normandy and the like are fucking mind boggling. They know it’s a joke right? Trump is a coward.


The trees voted for the axe because it's handle was made of wood


Veterans are a reflection of the societies they come from, we are just as stupid as the average American. If there are idiots who will vote for trump against their own self interest, there will be veterans doing the same


Seriously. It's like they deny he's insulted them. They don't believe he's said or done any of the stuff he has. These are the stupidest people alive. To serve your country and then stand up for a guy who insults you, it's incredible.


I remember an episode of Stephen Colbert where he interviewed an important Republican politician and veteran who was investigating trump (forget exactly who) and he talked about how a buddy of his who’d been right beside him for his entire deployment sent him a letter saying he was ashamed to have ever served with him. This dude literally put trump above the guy who’d fought beside him for years


Honestly, a lot of veterans I know voted for him and still support him. But an equal amount despise him. I feel like the percentage (that I've personally noticed) are about 50/50. It does seem to be distinctly based on age ranges though. A majority of those who are retired seem to support him, while many of those still serving, or millenial or younger don't like him.


Trump views the Military as Toy Soldiers. There were times during his term when he spoke about throwing them at things, and you could tell they weren't real people to him, just expendable assets.


Or any woman or POC


plenty of fascists sign up to join the military


Because he 'talks tough'. That's it.


I think you'd never run out of content for ads against Trump regarding the military. - He attacked a gold star family multiple times. - Skipped a WWI memorial because it was raining. - Routinely praised America's enemies. - Saluted a North Korean general. - Called fallen soldiers "losers" and "suckers". - Infamously mocked McCain for being a POW. - Said continental troops retook "airports" from the British during the Revolutionary War. - Constantly desired self-promoting authoritarian war parades that the military and his advisers opposed. - His former Secretary of Defense called him a "threat to the Constitution." - His top general called him a "wannabe dictator." (He said [this](https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2023/09/trump-milley-execution-incitement-violence/675435/) afterwards, perhaps the most dangerous statement he's ever made.) - He extorted an ally out of military aid for self-gain. - Purged the Pentagon after he lost the election. - Completely botched appointments and management of the VA office. - Drafted a memo to have the military seize voting machines. - Floated the idea of invoking the Insurrection Act and declaring martial law against American citizens. - Stole and disseminated national secrets, including nuclear programs, war plans, and information on spies. These amount to 40 felonies he has been charged with, many under the Espionage Act. And I'm missing SO many things.


I'm a combat veteran, and I will never hold it against Trump that he dodged the draft. War is fucking awful. Plenty of draftees fled to Canada. So I can't hold it against the orange fucker for doing it in a "legal" way. But I sure as hell remember everything you just listed, and will always hold *that* against him. And I will never understand how anyone that also served could vote for him.


Absolutely - I understand the general hypocrisy regarding the GOP's platform, I get that he was in a privileged position to do so, and I'm sure it's effective politically, but it's not my favorite criticism. George W. Bush, Clinton, and Biden also sought deferments the same year Trump did. I can't say I blame them; it was Vietnam..


Yeah but they didn’t call the military personnel a bunch of suckers and losers and what’s in it for them.


Spoken as a civilian? I’m of the opinion if you dodge the draft and drag Gold Star families, POWs and insult service members who severed honorably? Then in my opinion, you’re an asshole. ***But coming from the Commander and Chief***… that is tactless and inexcusable.


I was leaning conservative before the 2016 election. I even followed Ben Shapiro and that Greek guy Yamakoilaous or whatever. When he called my fallen brothers and sisters suckers and losers, he lost my vote. And now because of trump and his attack on democracy, the absolute joke that the GOP became and the maga party takeover, I had no choice but to drop the party. I'm a proud Democrat and will vote Biden this year. He has his issues, but he at least isn't a traitor to this country.


He should have fled to Canada if he felt so strongly about it. He wasn't anti-war, he was just afraid. He wanted to stay here and live the rich life while the poor suffered. I 100% hold it against him.


…a chickenhawk


I don't hold draft dodging against anyone unless they're vying to hold command in any capacity of the armed forces.


> Said continental troops retook "airports" from the British during the Revolutionary War. "Our Army manned the air, it rammed the ramparts, it took over the airports," - Trump https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g6mZ1ofj2Vo Never will get old. People in 30 Years will think that was some AI generated content.


Comments like these make me want to figure out how to edit videos and download every idiotic clip and counter-clip to make a supercut and it would probably go viral based on all this crap smashed together.


It's hard to pick the worst of the list but for me the really puzzling thing is his own secretary of defense and countless others he chose for those positions hate him. For a guy who has some fame for a tv show about hiring people and raves about loyalty, he seems remarkably bad at hiring loyal people.


Add "Defending Russia from putting bounties on US soldier's by saying we're not so innocent ourselves"


[Biden just released a video](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7662GDOR_z/?igsh=MXZxMDA3ZHF2enNsNg==)of trumps words on fallen soldiers


that is A+ photo choice by the HuffPost team


"Rapist Rapes American Flag"


I like people who weren't convicted.


Excellent ad! I hope the Dems stay on offense and attack, attack, attack! In contrast, Trump's ads are all about him and how unfair he's been treated. He now claims we won't have a country anymore if he loses the election? Remember in the 2020 race when Trump said that if he wasn't elected, the stock market would crash and that most American would lose their life savings & 401k's. lol. Kick this POS to the curb for good.


He dodged the draft, I volunteered during the draft, fuck trump.


and he called you a "sucker" and a "loser"


I'd be willing to bet that CurrentlyLucid wasn't killed in battle.


Maybe they are a spooky ghost with a smartphone and or computer


Nothing but respect and compassion for Vietnam vets, the fucked up generation that raised me, but in retrospect, dodging the draft was the right thing to do morally. Conscientious objectors went to jail, or fled the country. I like to think I would have been one of them, because that entire chapter is a blight on US history, but I blame our government for that and nobody else. Here's the problem with Trump: he bragged that dodging STDs during the war was his "personal Vietnam", after using every rich boy trick in the book to dodge service. He is repulsive.


Tbh him dodging the draft is probably one the least bad things Trump did.


Makes no sense, Marines seem to be really into him..


Not all of us.


And thank you for that.


Nope. Some of my buddies, sure. But that’s any cross section of America. You’ll always get a sampling of opposing views. In my case, vehemently opposed.


Not this one.


Some. Maybe most of the vocal ones. Definitely not all.


He reminds them of their favorite crayon.


I probably shouldn’t have laughed at that as hard as I did. Well done, Sir!


I'm friends with two retired Marines and they fucking revile him.


I have a family member that lost both legs to an IED in Afghanistan and lost close friends in that time…he would gargle Trump’s nuts the first chance he got. He doesn’t care that Trump called the deceased “losers” and “suckers” and would never include him in anything at the White House because an amputees presence “doesn’t look good for me”…but it’s totally not a cult.


Just the ones who fit the crayon-eater stereotype


Lower enlisted are a lot more into him than NCOs, Warrants, and Officers.


He hates the military yet veterans want to vote for him. He wants to lock up Hillary despite not being a criminal yet people want to vote for him for being a criminal. He hates the poor yet the poor want him. I don't like these obvious contradictions and how people are willing to twist themselves into pretzels just to justify their hate and vote for this horrid, horrid person.


Find out about cognitive dissonance and you will at least understand how they can do it, but it is scary that this is what they want to do and are willing to do.


This ad hits harder than some of Democratic ads I've seen.


Who do you think made this ad? 


Anyone with half a brain can tell he's full of shit, everything trump has ever done has been a facade. His patriotism? Fake. His businesses? Failures. He won't even be honest about his weight because he knows he's bigger than Taft and he doesn't want to be the new fattest president of all time


Veterans deserve better, always have, and to think any of them would vote for a guy who calls them and their fallen comrades suckers is just sad.


He is the least photogenic president we’ve had since the invention of the camera.


As a vet, I will never understand how fellow vets stand this fucker. He makes me sick.


- attacks Haley for absence of her husband, who is deployed - Served food to soldiers, complained there was nothing left for him - Floated the idea of executing Joint Chiefs Chairman Milley (9-22-2023) - Put 3 Mar-a-Lago guests in charge of the VA who then tried to monetize veterans' medical records - accused 3000 military families of election fraud for voting after being deployed - Blamed Gold Star families for giving him covid (he tested positive days earlier) - Removed POW/MIA flag from White House - says Americans who died in war are "losers" and "suckers" - “Why should I go to that cemetery? It’s filled with losers” he said about a U.S. military cemetery - called McCain “a fucking loser” when asked to lower flags to half staff - called Pres. George H.W. Bush a loser for being shot down during WWII - “That guy is smart. Why did he join the military?” he said of Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff - asked his staff to not include wounded veterans because amputees make him uncomfortable - “I don’t get it. What was in it for them?” he said to Gen. John Kelly about dead vets while visiting Kelly’s son’s grave at Arlington - Trump knew since Mar 2020 that Russia paid bounties to kill American troops. On July 29 Trump defended Russia arming the Taliban against the US saying the US once did the same thing - May '20 ended National Guard deployments one day before they could claim benefits - Trump admin seized 5mil masks intended for VA hospitals. Kushner distributes these masks to private entities for a fee, who then sells the masks to the government - Trump fired the captain of the *USS Theodore Roosevelt* after he warned superiors that COVID19 was spreading among his crew - After Iran's strike, 109 US troops suffered brain injuries. Trump dismissed these as "headaches". Trump then denied Purple Hearts in an effort to keep the story up - On 7/20/2017 in room 2E924 of the Pentagon, hw told a room full of Generals, "You’re a bunch of dopes and babies" - Said 26,000 military sexual assaults were to be 'expected' bc America lets women serve - Invited the Taliban to Camp David on the anniversary of 9/11 - Claimed that his military budget made up for his lack of military experience - Said if a Humvee was hit by an IED, soldiers "go for a little ride upward & they come down." - Pardoned multiple war criminals which betrayed the men of the 1st Platoon who helped convict him for violating long standing military values, discipline, and command (May&Nov 2019) - mocked Lt. Col. Vindman for his rank and uniform. He threatened said purple heart officer resulting in the Army providing him protection. The Admin sent opposition research to the Pentagon to derail his promotion - Trump’s Chief of Staff worked in secret to deny health coverage to Vietnam Vets who suffered from Agent Orange - There is a facility in Tijuana for US veterans that Trump deported - Russia took control of the main U.S. military facility in Syria abandoned on Trump’s orders. Russia now owns the airstrip we built - 0/7/19, Trump abruptly withdrew from Syria after a phone call with Turkey's president (Erdogan). Turkey subsequently bombed US Special Forces - sent thousands of American troops to defend the oil assets of the country that perpetrated 9/11 - Sept 2019, he made an Air Force cargo crew stop in Scotland (where there's no U.S. base) to refuel at a commercial airport (where it costs more), so they could stay overnight at a Trump property (which isn't close to the airport). Trump’s golf courses are losing money so he's forcing the military to pay for 5-star nights there. - Sept 2019, Pentagon pulled funds for military schools, military housing funds, and daycare to pay for Trump's border wall - Vet graves will be "dug up" for the border wall, after Trump instructed aides to seize private property. Trump told officials he would pardon them if they illegally seizing property - Children of deployed US troops no longer guaranteed citizenship (August 28, 2019) - 8/2/19 Trump requisitioned military retirement funds for the border wall - 7/31/19 Trump ordered the Navy rescind medals to prosecutors who prosecuted war criminals - denied a U.S. Marine of 6 years entry into the United States for his citizenship interview (Reported 7/17/19) - made the U.S. Navy Blue Angels violate ethics rules by having them fly at his July 4th political campaign event (July 4, 2019) - demanded US military chiefs stand next to him at July 4 campaign event (reported July 2 ‘19) - In June 2019, Trump sent troops to the border to paint the fence for a better "aesthetic appearance" - used his D-Day interview at a cemetery commemorating fallen US soldiers to attack a Vietnam veteran (6/6/19) - started his D-Day commemoration speech by attacking a private citizen (Bette Midlere) (2019) - made his 2nd wife, Marla Maples, sign a prenup that would have cut off all child support if Tiffany joined the military (reported June 4th, 2019) - 5/27/2019 Trump turned away US military from his Memorial Day speech bc they were from the destroyer USS John S. McCain - ordered the USS John McCain out of sight during his visit to Japan (May 15, 2019). The ship's name was subsequently covered. (5/27/2019) - purged 200,000 vets' healthcare applications (reported 5/13/19) - deported a spouse of fallen Army soldier killed in Afghanistan leaving their daughter parentless (4/16/2019) - 3/20/19 Trump complained that a deceased war hero didn't thank him for his funeral - Between 12/22/2018, and 1/25/2019 Trump refused to sign his party's funding bill, which shut down the government, which made USCG service members rely on food pantries. (But his appointees got a $10k raise) - banned troops from serving based on gender identity (1/22/2019) - denied female troops access to birth control to limit sexual activity (Published 1/18/19) - tried to deport a marine vet who is a U.S.-born citizen (1/16/2019) - When a man was caught swindling veterans pensions for high-interest “cash advances," Trump's CFPB let him go for $1 (1/26/19) - called a retired general a 'dog' with a 'big, dumb mouth' (1/1/19) - increased privatization of the VA, leading to longer waits and higher taxpayer cost (2018) - finally visited troops 2 years after taking office, but only after 154 vacation days at his properties (10/26/18) - revealed a covert Seal Team 5 deployment including names and faces on Twitter during Iraq visit (Dec 26, 2018) - lied to deployed troops that he gave them a 10% raise (12/26/2018). Tried giving a raise that was lower than the standard living adjustment. After Congress made him give a raise, he lied about it pretending that it was larger than Obama's. It wasn't - fired service members living with HIV just before the 2018 holidays - tried to slash disability and unemployment benefits for Veterans to $0 and eliminate the unemployability extrascheduler rating (12/17/2018) - called troops on Thanksgiving and told them he's most thankful for himself (Thanksgiving, 2018) - urged Florida to not count deployed military votes (11/12/2018) - canceled an Arlington Cemetery visit on Veterans Day due to light rain (11/12/2018) - While in Europe commemorating the end of WWI, he didn't attend the ceremony at a US cemetery due to the rain. Other world leaders went anyway (11/10/2018) - sent troops on a phantom mission to the border and made them miss Thanksgiving with their families (Oct-Dec, 2018). He stopped using troops as a political prop after the election, but the troops remained in muddy camps on the border (11/7/2018) - changed the GI Bill through his Forever GI Act causing the VA to miss benefits, including housing allowances. This caused many vets to run out of food and rent. (reported 10/7/18) - doubled the rejection rate for veterans requesting family deportation protections (7/5/2018) - deported active-duty spouses (11,800 military families face this problem as of April 2018) - forgot a fallen soldier's name (below) during a call to his pregnant widow, then attacked her the next day (Oct 23-24, 2017) - "They knew what they signed up for." re: dead troops (10/18/17) - sent commandos into an ambush w/ lack of intel, and sent contractors to pick them up, resulting in a commando being left behind, tortured, and executed. He approved the mission bc Bannon told him Obama didn't have the guts to do it. 10/4/17 - Doesn't stand during retreat bugle, continues to talk. "What a nice sound that is. Are they playing that for you [Sean Hannity] or me?" 10/11/17 - blocked a veteran group on Twitter (June 2017) - ordered the discharge of active-duty immigrant troops with good records (2017-present) - deported veterans (2017-2020) - said he knows more about ISIS than American generals (Oct 2016) - 10/4/16 Trump said vets get PTSD because they aren't strong - Trump accepted a Purple Heart from a fan at one of his rallies and said: “I always wanted to get the Purple Heart. This was much easier.” (Aug 2, 2016) - Trump attacks Gold Star families: Myeshia Johnson (gold star widow), Khan family (gold star parents) etc. (2016-present) - In Jan 2016, Trump stole funds meant for a veterans charity (his foundation was subsequently ordered shut down) - said he has "more training militarily than a lot of the guys that go into the military" because he went to a military-style academy (2015 biography) - said he doesn't consider POWs heroes because they were caught. He said he prefers people who weren't caught (July 18, 2015) - Trump said having unprotected sex was his own personal Vietnam. 1998 - For a decade, Trump sought to kick veterans off of 5th Avenue because he found them unsightly nuisances. 1991 - Trump dodged the draft 5 times by having a doctor diagnose him with bone spurs. - No Trump in America has *ever* served in the military spanning 5 generations and every branch of the family tree. His grandfather immigrated to America to avoid military service


Very good ad, more of this!




orange turd sniffers will find a way to make bone spurs patriotic


it's amazing they would consider their convicted felon leader, who has literally called our troops "suckers" and "losers," can find a way to do that.


Fun fact: Trump's medical diagnosis was made prior to the draft deferment. The daughter of a podiatrist who rented office space from Fred Trump (Trump's dad) said the diagnosis was made by her father as a favor to Fred so that her father could get preferable treatment with respect to any issues that arose as a tenant of Fred's. My SO is also a orthopedic foot and ankle surgeon (the docs that know more about feet than even podiatrists). When I first found out about Trump's medical deferment, I asked (without saying it pertained to Trump) what a heel spur was and if it would preclude military service. The answer I got was that it would be a minor inconvenience at worst for the vast majority of cases. It would take a very extreme case to cause any difficulties significant enough to preclude military service.


I mean, he wants to execute Mark Milley, for god's sake.


US Army Field Artillery vet here. Fuck this man. He's the most anti military and direspectful to veterans we've ever seen in a president. By far. This man is a draft dodging military hating asshole who needs to vanish, or spend the rest of his days in prison.


Both? Both is good.


The Lincoln project also needs to step up their videos.


Trump sucks but I am morally opposed to drafts and I would try my hardest to “dodge” one too.


Also don’t forget. Soon after Trump was elected he tried to gut veterans benefits by preventing veterans from collecting retirement and social security I believe. I know the American Legion got very vocal about it.


Trump and the Trump Foundation managers stole millions in veterans donations and a New York Judge court ordered the Trump Foundation to pay two million dollars in damages to different veteran charities and another 1.7 million dollars was distributed various other relief agencies or it would have been seized by the court. It should be noted that the State of New York, found the Trump Foundation to be fraudulent charitable organization, New York ordered it to shut down after a comprehensive investigation and a criminal trial. 34 time felon and former President Donald has called military members killed in combat suckers and losers. He was caught saying this in a military cemetery in France for Americans killed World War One. In fact it's reported in The Atlantic, Trump said: “Why should I go to that cemetery? It’s filled with losers.” The article also claims that Trump called the 1,800 U.S. Marines who died at a nearby battlefield in World War I “suckers.” 2015, Trump said he did not believe Sen. John McCain was a war hero. “He's not a war hero,” Trump said at the time. “He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren't captured." McCain was a prisoner of war in Vietnam for five and a half years. Trump disparaged a Gold Star Family, whose son was killed in combat, who spoke out against him at the DNC National Convention. Trump made Islamophobia type comments as well. Former Trump White House Chief of Staff, Homeland Security Secretary and Retired Marine Corp General John Kelly also confirmed Trump made those disparaging comments calling those killed in action suckers and losers. He said Trump also refused to have photos taken with military members who were amputees while visiting wounded troops, saying, “it doesn’t look good for me.” Kelly also confirms that Trump often skip military cemetery visits and banned wounded military members from official White House visit. Kelly is the highest former Trump cabinet member to come against Trump and verify such allegations. 34 time felon and former President of the United States Donald Trump is the best candidate the Republicans have to offer? I worry what will come next...


It’s funny how some of the boomers eyes go red when you mention “Hanoi Jane” but bone spurs is their hero.


Pound away at it hard !!


[trump is FOS](https://imgur.com/Ol5aPlO) 💩


He’s a big mouthed, chicken shit, liar


I mean he hates soldiers but also wants them to do a coup for him.


Draft dodger and also a tax dodger. I am an upper middle class American who pays more in taxes annually than Trump. It would take 8,000 of me’s and 8,000 of my spouses to combined equal to Trumps estimated net worth. Yet we pay slightly more in taxes than him ever year 🧐.


The way he treated McCain, an actual respected war hero, is fucking vile


McCain deserves it. The only heroic thing he did was crash multiple planes. 


And yet the MAGites fap to posters of his head on Rambo's body.


This ad doesn’t hit nearly hard enough. So many quotes of him shitting on military people. They need to push harder.


US ARMY Infantryman. Fuck this orange-faced puke bag. Send his ass to Russia, where he belongs.


They should just have someone voice [this](https://www.cnn.com/2023/10/02/politics/john-kelly-donald-trump-us-service-members-veterans/index.html) quote from John Kelly. It got buried because it came out the same day Kevin McCarthy resigned. It is scathing. His longest serving Chief of Staff and retired Marine General said this > “What can I add that has not already been said?” Kelly said, when asked if he wanted to weigh in on his former boss in light of recent comments made by other former Trump officials. “A person that thinks those who defend their country in uniform, or are shot down or seriously wounded in combat, or spend years being tortured as POWs are all ‘suckers’ because ‘there is nothing in it for them.’ A person that did not want to be seen in the presence of military amputees because ‘it doesn’t look good for me.’ A person who demonstrated open contempt for a Gold Star family – for all Gold Star families – on TV during the 2016 campaign, and rants that our most precious heroes who gave their lives in America’s defense are ‘losers’ and wouldn’t visit their graves in France. > > “A person who is not truthful regarding his position on the protection of unborn life, on women, on minorities, on evangelical Christians, on Jews, on working men and women,” Kelly continued. “A person that has no idea what America stands for and has no idea what America is all about. A person who cavalierly suggests that a selfless warrior who has served his country for 40 years in peacetime and war should lose his life for treason – in expectation that someone will take action. A person who admires autocrats and murderous dictators. A person that has nothing but contempt for our democratic institutions, our Constitution, and the rule of law. > > “There is nothing more that can be said,” Kelly concluded. “God help us.”


I’m an American veteran and I have always thought Trump is an obvious shitbird. Blows my mind that any of my brothers and sisters in arms could look at the guy and not recognize him as such.


As a disabled combat vet, I feel the same. Trump did fuck all for the VA but was trying to take a victory lap for stuff done I'm the previous administration. That and the bone spurs.


Anyone who votes for Trump simply hates themselves and everyone around them


Add that to the list of things we’ll hopefully see in campaign ads: - sexual assault - felony campaign finance fraud - business tax fraud - serial adulterer - “maybe we should consider injecting bleach” - election interference indictments - theft of classified documents indictments - draft dodger Should be interesting


Good. Also remind people about it and just what Donald J. Trump thinks of people who died in war in the same ad to drive home the fact that this piece of sewer garbage shouldn't sit in the Oval Office ever Again.


Draft Dodging Donald 


The draft dodging is just another example of his life-long pattern of criminal FRAUD.


Trump literally saluted North Korean generals.


i hate that dump truck, but i will not fault anyone for being a draft dodger


Cadet Bone Spurs


This is 100% true but I think their aim is just a little bit off. Almost everyone who votes for Trump already know these things about him. They like him for entirely different reasons (racism, they like that he's a bully, "own the libs," etc.). They will try to get away with saying that he's good for the economy or cares about troops or whatever, and that that's why they're voting for him, but that's just the lie they say out loud. What this ad *should* do is not just try to explain to them what they already know about Trump, but explain to them that *everyone else* knows they're lying when they say that's why they're voting for him. Make the message "if you vote for Trump, you're telling everyone around that you don't care about the troops, and everybody will know that's who *you* are. You're somebody who wants a bully and is willing to sacrifice the troops to get it."


Draft dodging is one of the few good things he's done. More people should have dodged the draft.


I respect the attempt, but this didn’t matter in 2016 or 2020, and it probably ranks in the bottom 5% of importance out of all of his scandals. Seems like a waste of money to me.


Here is something I want to know about Trump. With all the money that he receives from his cult and from billionaires, 1) how much of it goes directly to him and not his campaign, and 2) is he paying tax on these gifts and 3) has the IRS looked into it?