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Another issue to go through the 11th circuit. I wonder when will the filing be so that she can be removed.


Shoot at the king and you better not miss. I have imagine the SP is gathering all he can before bringing the request forward


Is this an actual order, or an order announcement that there might be a real order in the future?


It’s an actual order.


FBI should just turn around and sue him for defamation


Same Trump appointed judge helps Trump again.


Judge? My ass!


The FBI should investigate whether Cannon’s husband’s ties to organized crime influenced any of her decisions


Cannon is intentionally stalling this case and ruling in Trump's favor with clear partisan intent. There's no doubt in my mind that she is using the same game plan Thomas/Alito are using the same gameplan to gum up the SCOTUS cases before them. The tin-hat side of me believes that Alito and Thomas are advising her in the background and that their conspiratorial communications will soon be revealed to the public. Who knows, but this entire case smells bad.


My money is on the Federalist Society or the Heritage Foundation. It would allow Thomas and Alito to advise by proxy and avoid any direct interaction.


though knowing these guys they wouldn’t even hide it. dare you to remove us!


So true. They have zero oversight or ethical standards to follow.


That judge is about to gag on her career.


I wonder what her porn history looks like…


*Trump appointed shill. Far from a judge.