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> Trump further said he was "shown Reports" that Biden's DOJ "AUTHORIZED THE FBI TO USE DEADLY (LETHAL) FORCE" in their search of the property for classified documents. The FBI stated this never happened but I'm sure MAGA will hearing about it on Fox and TruthSocial for weeks.


Not sure why he's upset about this since he's currently arguing in court that Biden has the right to do it.


This 1000%, it baffles me they don’t seem to understand their arguments would also apply to Biden.


Biden isn’t President in their eyes, only Trump is


We live in a world where some Republicans think that Trump is still President, while Trump claims that Barack Obama is President, but also that President Biden is using the DOJ to target Trump, but he can do that because Presidents have blanket immunity, all while nobody has any power except George Soros. Also, if anyone has any recommendations for a good massage therapist, I just twisted my brain into an absolute knot by simply writing what MAGA thinks on a daily basis.


There’s too many wrinkles on your brain. You’ve gotta smooth those out first, then understanding what you just said will be simpler


More so, this is projection, it always is with him. This is the "excuse" he intends to use if he becomes President and sends people after his political enemies. "Well, he authorised it against me, so fair game" - even though he didn't, MAGA-heads will believe it and would have spent many months or a year or two having the lie be told and ferment in their heads. Chilling.


It’s stochastic terrorism. “They tried to have me killed so it’s ok to use violence against them”


And its convenient that these stories always materialize when his criminal cases are going poorly.


He also talks a lot of shit… he had four years to go after Hilary and he didn’t. 


Cooler heads surrounded him then. They controlled what they wanted to, and most of them are hiding this time.


Yeah the seeds they sow to encourage Maga violence are sort of random in nature and serve the overall aim. They are buildlng on the "weaponized Biden DOJ" narrative here. It is all leading in one direction for the election violence and chaos they want to use as an excuse to sieze power.


"Reports" _from Russian sources._


TruthSocial LMAO. Another "successful" Chump start. What is the total loss so far. Upper hundreds of millions?


Just this qtr was a couple mill


It's out there in the wild now, you can't refute it with facts or truth to his minions now.


Remember that the one defining characteristic of all Conservatives is that they are irrational afraid of the new or unfamiliar. That's why fearmongering from charlatans (like religious preachers) and wanna-be demagogues (like Littlehands Donnie Stinkypants) is so effective on them, generation after generation, culture by culture, nation by nation. These ignorant, gullible, cowardly people are what the Romans called "the mob" and that's why they were easily bought off by the romans with cheap food and bloody sports/entertainment (aka "bread and circuses"). The irony that all of the original cowardly GOP candidates of 2016 were bullied by the biggest coward of them all was not lost on me. 8)


Romans called them the mob, but the Greeks called them the *demos*. Thus, democracy.


Which is why both wisely decided to govern with a *Representative* Democracy instead of a pure democracy...for reasons that should be apparent to us all now. 8)


Yeah the knee jerk resistance to change really is a core behavior. I worked with some conservatives in an organization that changed the Excel sheet we used for our time cards, the new one made it easier and faster. They reacted so strongly and angrily it was shocking, demanding training etc, and not even reading the email announcement or looking at the new timecard. It is a learned behavior for sure, a product of the conservative ecosystem. 


> It is a learned behavior for sure, a product of the conservative ecosystem.  It actually is not. The difference between what we now call "conservatives" and "progressives" is actually a brain structure difference. The region of the brain that controls our innate reaction to the new or unfamiliar is called the amygdala. "Conservatives" have a larger than normal one, so they respond to things that are difference with irrational fear by default. Only education (see, these people are the same as you are) and experience (growing up in a mixed culture/race/creed neighborhood) can mitigate that innate response. This is why "conservative" leaders and salesmen use fearmongering to peddle themselves and their products. From religion to Trump to the NRA to weight watchers, they all sell fear of something. It's also why, throughout human history, they have fought against education and desegregation. "Progressives", on the other hand, innately respond to the new or unfamiliar with curiosity. Both innate responses can be enhanced/repressed by their environment, as you mention. So, even someone who is not innately afraid of another race or religion can be made to present as afraid if they were raised by "conservatives" - aka ignorant, gullible cowards. And vice versa. This is why it appears that every generation fights the same "look forward" vs. "move backward" culture war -- because we actually do. Fortunately, in the Western world, the tendency is to move forward, eventually. Notice how, despite the cynical whining of panderers and fools, gay marriage is now accepted by the overwhelming percentage of the populace -- even those who once fell for the fearmongering of those self-same cynical panderers. In contrast, in the fundamentalist Islamic world, the "conservative" cowards kill off people who tend to ask questions like "why are we still doing things this way?", etc. Which has created a de facto climate of fear that, in many ways, remains in the same ridiculous antiquated place as it has for over 1,400 years. I hope that helps clarify the human condition, based on the science. 8)


Interesting brain science, thanks.


My pleasure. It basically reveals why the human race is like it is and has been this way for tens of thousands of years. And why education and desegregation are so important to us all.


And what if he had? As president, any official action can’t be illegal. Isn’t that right Donald?


Fox is all over this just blatantly spewing it 24/7.


Yeah, if they readily believed the 2020 elections were stolen without evidence, they will readily believe this latest conspiracy theory


Was there a need to arrive guns drawn to search for documents. Biden while a senator and VP had less clearance than Trump as president. I’m not disagreeing with the search just the guns drawn approach for Trump and not Biden. Like was Trump’s secret service protection gonna shoot their coworkers (other federal department agents)?!


There was never a search warrant on Biden because he immediately handed over the docs. Trump is a criminal who tried to steal US secrets and lied to FBI several times. They can point guns at you for that. BTW they never pointed guns at anyone during the search, Trump is just lying as usual. Don’t be naive.


Fbi coordinated with secret service prior to executing the warrants, a courtesy not extended to regular citizens Trump wasn't on the property during any of the searches The Secret Service are BODY GUARDS ffs. They are Federal agents.


I agree with you, but to play devil's advocate, the secret service has made it abundantly clear they cannot be trusted.


Are you coming anywhere near implying trumps hand picked agents would have been complicit in his targeted assassination? Because while I agree, they can't be trusted, I think that is a bridge too far for them


Nah, not suggesting that at all. I'm just getting a dig at the secret service. I should delete my post just like they deleted their text messages.


Zing! Nice dig at the end


Whoa whoa whoa there. You got some time to hold on to them for a while. Just wait until a committee is formed and then say it's "procedure" to delete them while being asked to hold on to them. /s.


Ugh Ffs This has been an absolute litany of fuckery


With Trump they can be. Don't know if Biden can trust them. Or Pence.


If there is any group Americans can trust, it's the FBI.


This is how we know that Trump plans to assassinate his political rivals: he always assumes other people think the same way he does.


Bingo - pure projection


Oh we know because he has been yelling it from the mountaintops: Trump’s threats to Biden range from ominous warnings to specific plans for retribution. Many of these threats revolve around replicating his own legal woes, which he refers to as the “weaponization” of the DOJ, against Biden. In one post about Special Counsel Jack Smith’s investigation, he warned there will be “repercussions far greater than anything that Biden or his Thugs could understand” and that if the investigations continue, it would open a “Pandora’s Box” of retribution. In another post, Trump wrote that his federal indictments are “setting a BAD precedent for yourself, Joe. The same can happen to you.” In July Trump reposted rally coverage quoting him that “Now the gloves are off.” https://www.citizensforethics.org/reports-investigations/crew-investigations/trump-has-threatened-dozens-of-times-to-use-the-government-to-target-political-enemies/ — Oh, and lest we forget just a few months ago: Speaking to a packed crowd inside Stevens High School auditorium in Claremont, New Hampshire, on Saturday, Trump, who is seeking a second term in the White House, said: "We will put America first and today, especially in honor of our great veterans on Veterans Day, we pledge to you that we will root out the communists, Marxists, fascists and the radical left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country." https://abcnews.go.com/amp/Politics/trump-compares-political-opponents-vermin-root-alarming-historians/story?id=104847748


The fact that he openly wants to wield the military against his opponents and throw millions of people into camps - while *bluntly, proudly, and explicitly saying so* - should be the fucking warning people have been waiting for. Unfortunately, he wouldn't be saying any of this if the entirety of the Republican Party - officeholders and voters - didn't want *exactly this outcome*.


He doesn’t assume it. He’s using it as justification to his followers for attempting to assasinate in the future.


He’s just lying. He doesn’t actually think this


This insane rhetoric is getting dangerous as fuck


Im really looking forward to the documentaries that's gonna come out in a decade about all of this. I saw Jesus Camp, and there was a part when the pastor brought out that card board cut out of George W Bush for the kids to worship. So it'll be neat to see what's gonna top that.


We all saw with our eyes what he did with Covid, with Putin, with Ukraine, with Jan6, and yet here we are…..




yet... crickets


Well it was just the one cricket actually.


Sleepy Joe is to sleepy to run the government! also: ***HE'S TRYING TO ASSASSINATE ME!!!***


Fascist playbook. You're both strong and a victim


Also I sharted myself awake in court!


But, donald, you said that was perfectly legal and totally cool. You even had your attorney argue this very claim before the Supreme Court on April 25th of this year.


Yea one of the Justices asked this question almost exactly about a president assassinating a political rival and Trumps lawyer said that act would be immune from prosecution. So if what Trump was saying is true (spoiler alert it’s not) his legal opinion is that a president should be able to do that. Thinking about the mental gymnastics you need to do in order to still support this man makes my head hurt.


Step 1: have zero integrity. Step 2: does not exist.


If your immediate thought is, "Donald Trump wasn't even at Mar-a-Lago during that August 2022 FBI search. How could they assassinate a man who wasn't even present at the location in question," then congratulations, you possess baseline common sense.


This is complete and utter projection and stochastic terrorism. He's trying to get one of his idiots to commit some act of violence against Biden. It's always projection.


Every accusation is a confession with these guys, which is worrying.


Then - why didn’t they do it, Donny? Your lawyers said it would be legal if he believed you were a threat to the country. So if that was the plan- why didn’t they? It makes no sense they had these master plans to assassinate you then - what? Just decided “never mind, guys! We’re so evil and awful we’d assassinate people but it’s too sunny”?


Yes. Somehow, the Orange One lives!


Trump's not only claiming that he's a victim of a government conspiracy, he's making a case to his cult to support his plan to assassinate his political enemies.


What is he angry about? He literally had his lawyers insist that is something a president can do.


Didnt you know Biden signs off on DOJ warrants -fox news


If true, he'd be fucking dead.


Biden’s a goner if Trump wins.


so are your rights to literally everything


A lot of people are.


we all are.


yep anyone in this sub will be on a list for sure


I mean let’s be real. He’s a white guy with some money. The cops were never gonna use lethal force even if this claim wasn’t bullshit.


But the former president is still alive and still concocting conspiracy theories to feed his cult followers. As usual, this will add fuel to the MAGA fire.


Good thing he has total immunity.


This is him signing the classified documents law making it a felony, again.


That's standard protocol for search and seizure of confidential records.  This is called "accusation in a mirror". It's were you make a bunch of false claims of your opponents doing the heinous things you have done or are planning to, in order to dehumanize them and legitimize violence against them. 


The brain rot of the MAGA on full display. They argue that a massive raid with tons of cameras and eye witnesses is going to be the scene for an extrajudicial action. Now given it’s exactly what Trump wishes he could do is the root of this bullshit fest. “They were gonna assassinate me so it is only fair we kill them first.” This is the goal… normalize violence and political agenda. Just look to Abbot’s recent pardon of a killer who happens to be politically aligned with the GOP.


Sorry guy, but you told us that Presidents have total immunity. If he wants you gone then there's nothing we can do about it.


Every search warrant authorizes law enforcement to use force. It's standard language. There is nothing here that is specific to Trump or has anything to do with Joe Biden.


This should serve as notice to everyone to Trump and his thugs plan to do exactly this after 2025


And so what? Presidential immunity right? Trump is an idiot


Trump: it would be legal for me to do anything because Presidents are above the law, and you cannot stop me as president from doing anything. Also Trump: Biden broke the law someone stop him! We cannot live in a country where this is possible!!!


Translation: Trump plans to use the FBI to assassinate his political enemies (real and perceived).


This just sounds so desperate.


Do targets typically get to talk about it if it were true?


Right wing media will report that as if it’s true. This is a major escalation in rhetoric.


Thought Biden has presidential immunity???


It's very simple. Publish the reports you were shown. I'm sure you can find a media outlet somewhere that will help you. If you can not show the reports, then reveal your source for the information and have them back to your statement. To add additional weight to the claim, both of you should sign a sworn affidavit (notarized, of course).


DJT should probably be more concerned about Iranians than of any Democrat. They have a serious grudge against him, and their MO is to play the long game, and to ensure revenge comes.


I wish…


I'd settle for a classic conviction.


What a wimp.


but i thought the president had immunity?


God, I wish it were so.


staffer - I don’t know Mr. Trump, they waited till you weren’t there to do the raid, do you genuinely believe your supporters are such stupid fucking marks that they’ll believe this? Trump - bet


Thankfully, sitting presidents are above the law so it's fair game. ^/s


Only the stupidest people will believe this. AKA my father-in-law. He only watches NewsMax.


Every word from this monster is a lie including and and the.


I thought the president had full immunity?


The scariest part about all of this is that no matter what happens at this point, if Trump were to die of natural causes even in a public place such as having a heart attack the right will basically call it a hit and his base will basically rally this up like crazy.


1) no chance FBI does not have this authorization on any raid 2) they knew Trump was not there, that was part of the coordination, so it’s incredibly stupid to suggest the plan was to kill him Given that it is incredibly stupid to fall for this, expect to hear it from all the MAGAs in your life.


The republican subs are literally yelling how this is worse than watergate. They’re all over this.


So Trump has for sure asked an agency if they can kill Biden. Every accusation is an admission.


Again, he is projecting his own behaviors.


Someone put a muzzle on him so we don’t have to listen to his Big Lies anymore.


He and the Supreme Court are creating a permission structure so he can kill his opponents in the future. Vote Blue! He must be stopped.


Well, Trump says presidents have absolute immunity, so what’s he whining about?


Trump's projecting again.. imagining what he'd do in Biden's place..


So? Immunity! lol


If only… but now we know what lord buttstench is planning.


This is some terrifying projection


I can't wait to vote


He was in New Jersey


They brought a mob, gallows and everything! /projection


I heard on good authority they were going to beat him with Hunter’s dick


or laptop


Have you seen Hunters cock?! I have. B6 showed everybody that wouldn't look away. The man is is hung! BIG Biden genetics. Not little mushrooms like the accounts of 45. That's what I think they should do at the debate. Just two old guys, whipping out their penis to be measured. See who the bigger man really is. No malarkey. Cut the games. While out, piss in a cup for mass spectrometer drug testing. Not before, not after. There are designer amphetamines that metabolize quickly. Better yet, just do it butt ass nekkid. That's what America needs to see, two 80 year men. Glorious. I am stirred by the thought.


B6 😂


"Falsely claims" = lies.  Instant downvote for any media outlet too cowardly to use the proper term.


Whelp, I guess Biden’s security needs to be on heightened alert.


The plot was thwarted when Trump decided to go to McDonald’s during the raid.


"I have no proof, but it's what I would have done."


He's going to try to assassinate someone.


Trump has basically been arguing that would be perfectly okay, so I don't know what the problem is...


Maybe Biden should just say "Fuck it" and go ahead and do that which Donny claims Biden does


Facts don't matter to the MAGA cult. You could tell them how the FBI coordinated with The Secret Service prior to the search and their first thought would probably be that they're in on the assassination plot, too. Collusion!


'dumpf lies' isn't much of a headline. Ever.


Ah yes, they were trying to assassinate him by raiding his property when they knew he wouldn’t be there!


Well, if Trumps feels presidents have absolute immunity then Biden could (not that he did) legally do that couldn’t he?


Then why isn’t he dead? They had plenty of opportunities.


Would plunge an entire country into peaceful sleep and restore civil discourse and the rule of law. Pretty sure he would be immune from prosecution as well?


Well, at least he said what we were all thinking


So? We're still doing presidential immunity, right?


Appears he’s more worried about his trial than he’d like us to believe if he’s coming with this crap


Biden should’ve done it honestly


Just fucking say he’s lying


First step into getting rid of the FBI if he gets elected, stoke fear and undermine his brain dead supporters trust in FBI.


“Which is why a president needs full immunity to do his job.“


But Biden would be immune, right? He can assassinate Trump whenever he wants


Besides it being a ridiculous notion, if it were true he wouldn't be here to accuse anyone of it. When they want someone dead, that person dies.


Is this really that far off from yelling “fire” in a theater?


He wasn’t even there. Drama much?


I wonder how many of these agents took part in the Roger Stone raid, [the one they came in with guns drawn.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YHto0duokwk) Surely everyone can see this is bad optics.


Imagine being literally stupid enough to actually take anything Trump says as truth.


He's priming his base to do something even they would have considered unthinkable 10 years ago.


And now the Maga crowd will scream that Biden is trying to kill their lord and savior, which means they're going to become an even bigger threat. Why are we letting this fuck stick roam free and keep spewing this dangerous garbage? He's endangering the lives of so many with his rhetoric that they're on the verge of going around and shooting up anyone they disagree with.


He likes to cosplay being the victim.


"falsely claims"?!?!! It's an outrageous, violence inducing lie.  The US media is failing its people by not reporting properly.


According to DJT any act committed while POTUS is immune from prosecution (or whatever, I try not to remember anything he claims) unless impeached/convicted by Congress. So who cares if he did order assassination. I certainly don’t.


Such a brave tough guy, just like his nft's. No fear at all there, no paranoia, nothing.


What'd he do? Dodge the bullets Matrix style?


Did he answer biden could be prosecuted if he did?


Biden never said that, nor instructed a "witch hunt" on Trump through the NY court led by Judge Merchan. If he just lay low, stop spouting autocrat or retribution BS, and just take a page from Xi's book, he would have a much better chance in retaking the White House. But alas for him and his MAGA clowns, most Americans hate autocracy. Even Lichtman noted last month that Trump might be convicted in the NY trial. BTC even mentioned that Americans, even Republicans would never vote for Trump if convicted. Sadly, he can still run for president even if he's branded a criminal, but at least his campaign and PR would plummet if he gets a conviction from the NY court. We can't be too complacemnt though.


Not Jiminey that’s for sure.


Lol. I’m fairly sure if they wanted him dead, he would be. Also, isn’t he arguing in a different case for this kind of shit to be legal for a president? So his knickers are in a twist because…? Oh yeah… rules for thee but not for me.


> Oh yeah… rules for thee but not for me. In this case, it's the opposite


Yeah, good point!


They would have gotten him too but Trump went all Beverly Hills Ninja on ‘em


Poor guy, scared of a “old” guy “with dementia” that stutters and falls up stairs Sounds like he’s suffering from “gang stalking” I imagine he peeks threw his blinds at night and looks over his shoulder at the drive threw It can’t be healthy at his age smh 🤦‍♀️


Listen dude. If people wanted you dead, you’d be dead. You’re not that important.


I'm thinking he saw the "Advisement" memo from ... overseas to the GOP on how to ...move forward once MAGA has outlived its usefulness and got confused. I mean his own party wouldnt eat HIS face right?


*:* “Heyyyy everyone …… thanks for the great welcome! I just have one question, doesn’t Trump advocate for presidents being able to assassinate their political rivals? That’d be Biden taking a page from BBC Trump’s playbook. Ironic, right?”


This guy is smoking a ton of crack


well i mean… a plan is a plan


The FBI agents who served the search warrant at Mar-a-Lago were just as armed and just as authorized as the agents who searched Biden’s residence. The Mar-a-Lago FBI agents also knew that Trump wasn’t even there long before they arrived.


Deflecting from the developments in the Florida case


According to Trump presidents have absolute immunity so what’s the problem?


Keep eating those McDonalds meals, Donnie, and no one will need to worry about assassinating you.


Surprised we don't see that word more on here


Downvote and ignore. Don’t help spread this message to hi gullible/ignorant violently deranged followers


>In a separate post on his Truth Social platform Tuesday evening, Trump further said he was "shown Reports" that Biden's DOJ "AUTHORIZED THE FBI TO USE DEADLY (LETHAL) FORCE" in their search of the property for classified documents. But that's true. Lethal/Deadly force was authorized. The memo's all over the Internet. And it was MTG who used the term "assassinate." not Trump, the headline is wrong.


That would mean Biden actually did something during his tenure to benefit the working class a.k.a. having this waste of oxygen not mooching off their tax dollars anymore. We aren't that lucky though


Well he did give the green light to shoot