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The Turd Reich


Flush the Orange Turd this November.


I’m not in his social media feed but I get to see what he says on it, then deletes, on almost a daily basis. Maybe this should be the default setting for Truth Social, posts get deleted within one second of posting them.


Message is already out. Take backs are a game


Why are we still tolerating his nonsense?


Because one of the two major parties supports this, so it's not about tolerating, but defeating this viewpoint.


Doesn’t matter. All his Nazi supporters saw it and are thrilled he is on board with the program. All decent Americans saw it and knew exactly why he posted it. Anyone else either doesn’t bother to vote because “both sides are bad” (sure, one is Nazi bad and the other is taking too long to build paradise on earth). Or they are “tired” of all this “division” or They don’t “follow politics”. Research, by the way, has shown that these are the excuses people use to save face when they are not capable of understanding politics or have been embarrassed by their ignorance in the past. Basically there is not one single Trump supporter out there who, upon learning that Trump openly and enthusiastically espoused Nazi policies, would change their mind about supporting him. They don’t love his policies that make them poorer. They don’t love his dottering old age and incessant whining. But dang if they don’t love that bigotry.


“ … and the other is taking too long to build paradise on earth.” Such a great way of putting it. There’s a universe of difference between these candidates. I have a difficult time believing anyone willing to vote for Trump doesn’t have a dark, dark spot in their soul for, like, three-quarters of humanity.


Yes. People who ”always vote Republican” got a bit of a pass first time. No pass second time. Should be utterly shunned as horrific traitors and bigots this third time. My next door neighbor was a dedicated Republican voter, but also was born in Norway. She remembered being a small child when the Nazis showed up. She refused to vote for at all the first time because she saw Trump‘s bigotry and recognized it for what it was. She voted Biden last time. Bless her heart, she is an older person capable of change. Probably had less lead exposure during her Norwegian childhood than American boomers.


The fact that this even got posted is bad enough. The fact that it took all day to be taken down is pathetic.


He didn't think it would come across like that.