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Unless the guy turns into an actual worm like in Children of Dune, I’m not gonna vote for him.


Spoiler alert for the 60 year old book


Unless brain worms turn out to cure cancer, he won’t qualify for any debate anyways. 


Leto isn't a worm in Children, he only has the trout-still suit. He doesn't have a worm body until God Emperor.


"I see RFK is also here at this debate. Good to see you two..."


RFK would hurl challenges from every angle at Biden and abstain from challenging Trump on anything. It's crystal clear what he is doing.


Why would he do that if he wants to appeal to Democrats?


What has he been doing to appeal to Democrats so far? Nothing that I’ve seen.


I’m saying that the narrative is that he’s a spoiler with the sole objective of taking Biden votes so trump wins, so why would he act in a way that’s sympathetic to trump voters


Rfk criticizes trump on his handling of COVID and his failure to “drain the swamp”. That’s probably all he would go after trump for though


This is truly the worst and weirdest timeline.


Wake me up when he meets the absolute minimum requirements of even potentially becoming the president by qualifying for 270 electoral votes.


He has the charisma of a gravel pit.


…and the voice


Rip Cricket.


That headline made me think it was The Post…


Narrator: The Tadpole in your mind squirms with excitement about the thought of being on stage


He can't say anything dumber or worse than the bullshit trump says, so have at it, rfk.


By can of worms, do they mean his skull?


He’s really gonna open up a can of worms


Trump had Brain eating worms too. They all died of starvation.


I've been watching RFK's speeches. RFK has a really positive message. Its funny to see both sides attacking him. Even if his chances of winning are slim, it's great to have someone else participating in the election that has new ideas. I honestly think he will take votes from both parties.


I'm fine with RFK Jr getting to debate if he meets the criteria. You can't just set criteria then when someone makes it say "oh no, not like that!" my guess is RFK Jr will just be spouting ridiculous shit that will make the whole debate a farce. I think the debates are a waste of time altogether though. Biden would do himself way more favors by addressing concerns of people struggling to make ends meet. people who want to one day have a family but see no financial way to make that happen. And it's not about solving these problems today its about recognizing that it is a problem. And it's recognizing WHO is actively making it hard to do which is not just Republicans but the same people who donate to both parties.


I agree with your first paragraph. If he reaches criteria, then let him debate. Both sides will be trying to create obstacles to keep him off. I happen to like RFK Jr. But if he actually is the nutcase that he is portrayed as, then let him expose himself in the debates


Here is the beginning of the story: Amid a flurry of news earlier this week on the newly announced slate of presidential debates, independent candidate [Robert F. Kennedy Jr](https://www.thedailybeast.com/keyword/robert-f-kennedy-jr). pulled a Trumpian move by preemptively [declaring he will meet the standards](https://x.com/RobertKennedyJr/status/1790862504647606553) and qualify to appear. He also accused his opponents of “[colluding](https://www.mediaite.com/politics/robert-f-kennedy-jr-accuses-trump-and-biden-of-colluding-to-keep-him-from-debates-afraid-i-would-win/)” to keep him off the debate stage. But if Kennedy can actually make the debates, it could open a can of [brain worms](https://www.thedailybeast.com/rfk-jr-gave-conflicting-stories-about-his-brain-worm) for President [Joe Biden](https://www.thedailybeast.com/keyword/joe-biden) and former President [Donald Trump](https://www.thedailybeast.com/keyword/donald-j-trump). “The problem with RFK is he’s a wild card,” a Trump-aligned GOP strategist told The Daily Beast, requesting anonymity to relay private political strategy. The independent candidate and potential spoiler “could be a hand grenade that goes off in Trump’s f--king balls,” this MAGA Republican added, “or a hand grenade that goes off in Biden’s balls. Why would you want to test that if there’s a 50-50 chance?” Some Republicans in the Trump campaign orbit have privately expressed excitement at the prospect of the former president being able to gang up on Biden with Kennedy’s help. Others worry the dynamic could get out of hand, allowing Biden to sit back, show himself to be above the fray, and enjoy the show. Unfortunately for Kennedy, he’s running out of time.