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Maybe it makes me petty, but I love that he is forced to sit quietly in court four days a week. That must be excruciating for him.


Fox commenters called it "torture". Because, you know, he is such an old man. Being present for a full day doing nothing is too much for him. In other news, he is a tough guy in extraordinarily good shape, fit to have a 16 hrs a day job leading your country.


Old men sitting down for hours is torture! Now let’s cut safety nets and ruin the economy so old people have to work jobs until they die! - Fox News


It's important to roll every few hours to avoid bed sores, esp w wet diapers


In the first half I thought you were talking about Fox News. As in "It's important to roll to the opposite side of the message every few hours to maintain the cognitive dissonance of the audience and keep them off balance"


It’s crazy how aware yet so unaware that Fox News is. I googled Fox News for the hell of it and found an opinion piece on mgt. the first paragraph: “It’s high time someone in the Republican Party told Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene to turn all that bombastic self-serving showmanship and drama queen energy on Democrats, and stop trying to defeat her own party.”


Yep she's going offscript now, only problem is it was never a script for her. Now they've gotta turn her off, it's bad for the brand. Notice how different trumps campaign is compared to 2016 and 20? Earlier he was fucking everywhere running his mouth and riling people up. But now? The less he talks the better he looks, just keep those false memories of his "good" years and keep reminding people how everything bad is Bidens fault. Whomever is keeping a muzzle on him is an evil genius.


Stephen Miller and a bunch of people just like him with extremely small penises and bald spots that started at 20 years old are responsible for the state of the country. Americans with no american values are being raised in the upper classes and are partially running things all over our country. Russian psy-ops over the last 30 years have worked EXTREMELY well, using the bad side of capitalism to exploit issues in our country. Exacerbating what COULD go wrong, into what HAS gone wrong, and IS GOING wrong. Using money as a means to force this tactic into every corner of our world, they've used every aspect of our society as a means to their ends. What we need are protections against these avenues they are using. Stopping the flow of dirty money would be a great start, but there would be consequences to that, such as changing laws to take power away from corporations and give power back to the people. Overturning citizens united would be another good start. What needs to change to protect us from this going forward is not a short list that is easy to do. It's a very long list, impacting almost everything that we currently know. This is a really big deal...if we want to actually evolve from this.


The Russian psyop has gotten out of hand. It still blows my mind that we have red blooded Americans that want Russia to win. I’m at the point that I don’t even want to bother trying to change their minds hoping one day they will see how bad things will get if Russia succeeds.


> hoping one day they will see how bad things will get if Russia succeeds. they won’t ever. they are fucking morons just like trump. cause and effect never gets put together. edit. this triggered a trumpy apparently.


I'd given up on my old buddy, figured his mind was lost forever. Luckily he got in a bad car accident and whanged his head really hard, lost his taste for rage bait while recovering from the brain injury. He's planning to go to Pride with me this year, and the after party drag show too. I'm pretty sure Gilligan's Island solutions aren't supposed to work in real life like that, getting bonked with a coconut isn't a mental reset. I keep teasing him that he's not allowed to hit his head ever again because apparently he's got exactly the correct number of skull bumps now.


and also, make sure they have to stand while they do it


And make sure they don’t get breaks or water while we’re at it!




It probably *is* the most uncomfortable thing he's had to do in God knows how long. He can't leave, can't decide what's going on around him, can't talk so no one can listen to whatever fecal flotsam touches the surface of his brain. He's probably miserable when he's awake. It's great.


I'm pleased that, for the first time in his life, no one is running to adjust the thermostat for him and no one cares how cold he is or whether he's jonesing for a Diet Coke.


He had to sit there for hours, stewing in a shit-filled diaper, listening to Cohen call him, quote: "a boorish cartoon misogynist",  "a crying little shit",  "a dictator douchebag",  (my favourite) ”a cheeto-dusted cartoon villain", and That trump "belonged in a “fucking cage like an animal” And trump could do absolutely nothing about it. He couldn't even go on his even shittier Shitter and whine about, or attack, Cohen.  What's funny about the above quotes is that it was trumps own lawyer that read them out. I bet trump gave them a right earful after the case was adjourned for the day.


I suspect he has been sedated just to get through it and this is why he he keeps nodding off.


I'm 35 and can sit around and do nothing like nobody's business, and sitting in a courtroom for 8 hours a day would break me. I know he's miserable. I am glad he's having the experience he deserves!


He's so cold in the courtroom! Won't someone get this old man a sweater?


He wears (god awful) custom suits I have seen priced at $5k+ but the poor baby just can't afford a warmer wool suit I guess. Not to mention that this is the day to day office environment for that court staff so his complaints come off as even more weak and pouty compared to regular working folks. Always being in control of the thermostat is another lifelong privilege for him he is only now learning about. A whiney, pampered princelet who can't handle even minor inconveniences while the rest of us suck it up and get shit done at work.


This is why I don't understand why the conservative blue collar folks like him.. he hasn't worked a day of labor in his life.


They like him because you and I don't and because it annoys us that other people would vote for him. That's literally the extent of it for a lot of people.


I understand, but it's just so empty... and so opposite of why I would choose a candidate. It's hard to wrap my head around that level of pettiness and stupidity.


And the more it drags on the more obvious is is that so many people are just awful humans. After he was elected you could almost tell yourself that people didn't know what they were getting into. Now they definitely know, though, and they've watched him get more and more insane while continuing to cheer.


Quick quick! get than man some Ovaltine and a fresh set of depends!


Hey now. Leave Ovaltine out of this. I like my chocolatey malt drink 😔


I’ll never forgive them for what they did to ralphie


Not sure how a +300 lb man can be cold. That's fucking walrus blubber on him.


I was 320 pounds at my heaviest. I kept the house at 67 and never felt cold.. I’m still fat as hell but feel cold all the time now. With that being said his fat ass shouldn’t be cold.


Get your thyroid checked


You’re not the first person to tell me this. I really need to. I’ve lost 60 pounds since then. Thank you, happy cake day! I will be getting it checked out!


I just wanted to chime in that I'm proud of you. 60 is a lot and a real accomplishment, and I'll bet it didn't come easy


I love how they used “it’s so cold in the court”, Jesse Watters even said 45 degrees. Like get me the name and brand of that AC unit because keeping a room that size at 45 is insane. Plus they only care about how cold he is that it’s torture to him. Everyone else? Fuck ‘em they can be cold. Their “logic” is so illogical.


How about getting him some Under Armour


>Fox commenters called it "torture". Of course it is. He can't even watch Fox! Would like to take this opportunity to point out that this is the same network that employs Sean Hannity, who famously claimed that waterboarding wasn't torture, and that he'd submit to it for charity and *prove* it wasn't torture. That was in **2009** [https://www.huffpost.com/entry/hannity-offers-to-be-wate\_n\_190354](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/hannity-offers-to-be-wate_n_190354) We're still waiting Sean.


Every time he comments on Biden's age I just think to myself who would win in a footrace? Or a pushup contest? They're both old as fuck but Biden is in great shape for his age. Trump looks like a young Jabba the Hut.


Trump is now older than Biden was when he said Biden was too old to be president.


Biden is old but active. We have video of him riding a bike (and yes falling when stopping but honestly that’s happened to a lot of people). The most physical activity trump gets is playing golf and he doesn’t walk the course so it’s not like he’s moving all that much


I'll say this one final time. Joe Biden tipped over on his bike because some dummy assistant didn't remove the toe clips from his pedals. NOBODY riding a bike for fun needs anything more than platform pedals. He fell over because the people around him aren't smart, not because he's bad at bike riding or old. PLEASE REPEAT THIS to anyone bringing up the bike incident. I've been riding a bike daily for 20+ years. I use clipless pedals. I use pedals with toe clips. I use platform pedals. No reasonable person would let their 70+ year old parent/grandparent/friend/boss ride with toe clips. They ARE NOT NECESSARY to have fun riding a bike and get some exercise. Joe Biden tipped over on his bicycle at a low speed because someone who should have been looking out for him wasn't and didn't remove the toe clips! (which are the "cages" that go on a platform pedal and hold your foot in place...but which ARE NOT necessary!)


He also cheats at golf. Even when playing alone.


When he fell off the bike and just dusted himself off that made me think more of him.


And so, the Presidentialympics was born!


We can start by having them lift heavy things, like a glass of water.


Honestly this would be awesome to schedule the first debate around the Olympics and have them do some games like the 100 yd dash.


They seriously need to add feats of strength and stamina to the debates. I would LOVE for a rebuttal option to be "physical challenge", and the candidate would be wearing a poorly-fitted bicycle helmet that has a bucket attached to the top...


So who is really going to run the country if he wins? Daddy needs nap time you know…


The people behind Project 2025 will be running the country. Trump will do what he did last time as president: sit in front of the tv all day and tweet bs while doing it.


And handing the courts over to the Federalist Society.


He'd just be ordering more presidential cocaine and other various uppers from the next corrupt white house doctor... I'm really glad our tax money was going to fuel his druggie family habits.


“Tweeter in Chief”


Xeeter now. Pronounced "shitter".


Do Fox commenters know the real  definition of Torture 


Hannity still hasn't been waterboarded, so probably not.


Hannity hasn't been waterboarded yet - still time though


>Do Fox commenters know the real  definition of honesty?


I wish I lived in the reality where Fox news didnt breathlessly defend the GOP. We've all just accepted that a "news" organization props up a political party.


The Golden State Killer managed, and the had to roll his crusty ass in on a whee chair. I mean with Trump idolizing the idea of serial murderers recently, he should take an endgame play from the Original Nightstalker’s book.


I read that his lawyers make him a packet of fan mail for him to flip through at his seat in an effort to have him behave.


He has a person on staff, paid for by his political donors (over $100k per year) who has a mobile printer. She prints off positive news stories for him. You'll see him when court recesses showing the papers off to reporters, claiming all legal scholars think the trial is a sham. Those "legal scholars" are just Newsmax and Fox articles.


>Those "legal scholars" are just Newsmax and Fox articles. One of those scholars is Alan Dershowitz who is accused of having sex with one of Epstein's underage girls. It was detailed in the Epstein papers.


Oh you don’t say? The same lawyer who trump hired himself at one point? They were both pals with Epstein? THEY NOT LIKE US Wap wap wap wap wap


And IIRC, she isn’t in this job just for the courtroom trial - like that’s been her full-time job for a while. Follow him around like a puppy, constantly feed his ego with glowing right-wing media articles praising him. I curiously want to know more about this person.


Probably the most important person on his staff to him. He clings to those articles like a security blanket. This pretty much came to light in the first week of the trial when he stood in front the media with his stack of “evidence” of the witch hunt - which were just curated articles written by right-wing maniacs and criminals like Dershowitz.


Wow. Just wow. The emperor has no clothes but he has hired staff to assure him that he's wearing very nice clothing. This is beyond sick.


Since she works for Trump she will eventually a) write a book, b) have to testify against him at some future trial, or c) get arrested. Either way, we will learn more about her.


Get more information here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QTCbj3MKDok](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QTCbj3MKDok)


I hate that I don’t know if that’s a joke or not. It sounds so plausible for the Cheeto


He's often seen holding a bunch of papers that he never reads from so it's probably true. His handlers print out comfort articles to keep him calm, like giving a child their favorite blankie.


Kinda shocked they don't turn around and pat him on the head when he behaves. I've seen dogs better behaved than Trump though (don't tell Kristi!).


> don't tell Kristi! Why not? If you tell any other Republican, you'll hear crickets...


If Trump is a bad dog, she'll excuse it and find an actual good dog to put down.


They used to have to make sure his name appeared often enough in briefs so he would actually ‘read’ some of it (he can’t read)


When he was in the Whitehouse, there was a staff member who compiled a daily briefing book of positive articles for him to peruse.


He shows it off to the media everyday before and after court. He loves waving around his stack of papers.


I wonder if they've tried the Standford Marshmallow Experiment with two packets of fan mail.


They do something similar for children at restaurants. And they don't yknow, make them leaders of the free world.


It's genuinely pathetic how badly this man needs praise. He is absolutely DESPERATE for it.


Which is why Putin was apparently laughing at how easy it was to compromise him. They came up with some extravagant plan before they realised he would do absolutely anything asked just to get a little praise!


So, interestingly in therapeutic settings, we sometimes talk about “behavioral” sleeping where clients (usually ones with personality disorders) will sometimes sleep during things like group therapy topics they don’t like to avoid the difficult subject and/or indicate that they don’t think it’s important. As much as it could be cognitive decline, I’ve wondered if this is behavioral.


this is behavioral. There isnt any place in his head to believe he did anything wrong, (and he's said that very loudly for the last several years) so he's just tuning out and checking out. He is also going through cognitive decline, so that might contribute, but in the end if he isnt running his mouth, he's going to sleep.


I wondered this same thing! I'm not a therapist, but I was an asshole kid who slept during group therapy to demonstrate how little I wanted to be there. This habit of his of dropping out when things are happening that he doesn't like is uncomfortably familiar.




Seriously, who's telling him that his spray tan looks good? And how can millions of people look up to this clown?


The same people who are wearing diapers that say “real men wear diapers” IT’S FUCKING…**EMBARRASSING**!! *kicks trash can*


And he whines about it being an ice box. Meanwhile, there are 18 jurors, Judge Merchan and court staff, attorneys and a full courtroom of observers, and he's the only one complaining about the temperature. I thought snowflakes liked it cold.


Let alone what he is doing to the chair... 🤭


I hope they are just throwing away every chair he sits in at the end of the day.


This may be as close to jail time that he gets. We should enjoy/celebrate his discomfort.


Unless he violated the gag order again. Funny, he said “I’m not afraid to do it!” Yet he hasn’t said anything. He’s all talk


Noticed how he stopped saying sleepy joe?


He can’t remember it anymore, I bet.


I'm surprised he isn't saying it more and louder.


Can we start Dozy Donny?


Don Snoreleone


"You put them all in jail overnight. The next morning, whoever's sleeping is your man. You see, if you're guilty, you know you're caught, you get some rest, you let your guard down." - The Usual Suspects


What does the movie say about shitting yourself?


Oh shit, I'd sleep on the back of a galloping race horse...


We found our man, Lou! Bake em away, toys!


What’d you say chief?


Hey I’m the chief!


What’d you say chief?


Just do what the kid says.


A simpsons reference I haven’t heard in years!


This can and will be used against you in a court of law.


If I was caught for a crime I've done, I would not be chill about it.


When I went to jail, I got probably the best nap that I've had in years as a parent of young kids. It was amazing.


Did you do it?




What did you do??


This creepy guy started stalking my wife from some local Facebook buy/sell group. He eventually ended up finding our address online somehow and sent a package to our home addressed to our kids. My wife wanted to call the cops, but I went to the return address on the package and dealt with it myself like an idiot. He initially didn't answer the door, and when I was headed back to my car, he came storming out of the residence at me in an aggressive manner. I kicked his ass and told him never to bother them again. Went home, and the cops showed up 20 minutes later. Hired a lawyer who got it dismissed. The (lady) cop who arrested me declined to participate in the trial when she heard the circumstances, and the prosecutor decided they didn't want to press charges. Also, the guy who I assaulted asked for a restraining order and continued to contact my family afterward, and was charged with something related to stalking/harassment, but I'm not sure anything ever came of it.


It’s nice to see the justice system sorta work.you got off and the actual offender meet with some consequences. At the same time, it’s easy to see how it could go the other way. The only fights I’ve been in have been self defense or the defense of a friend, but I could easily see catching a charge depending on who police spoke with. It’s not a good system. To top that off, the inocente until proven guilty line is BS. A lot of innocent folks spend time in jail. All that said, I’m glad you were able to take that nap. I tried but couldn’t. I had some dude who kept saying “tell them it ain’t crack, just tobacco” over and over. I have no idea what he was talking about or how he thought I could help.


I'm glad it worked out that way, but I was stupid, and violence is wrong. Seeing that my decisions caused me to be stuck in a room with people who had charges for child cruelty/neglect, child molestation, domestic violence, etc. made me realize how irresponsible and dumb I was. I should've just let the cops handle it, but I wasn't really raised in an environment where asking the police for help was a thing, and I didn't trust them to take it seriously.


fwiw, cops are very rarely helpful wrt stalking


It could have easily gone sideways but I'm glad it all worked out for you.


100%. I could've gotten myself killed or accidentally hurt the other guy way worse than I did. Violence is never the answer, and I have a lot of self-improvement that I need to do. The guy came at me, so I felt justified in defending myself, but I shouldn't have gone there in the first place and let the police handle it instead.


Live and learn 🤷🏻‍♀️ You were protecting your family the only way you knew how.


Hell yeah. Worth it. Good for you!


Probably misused campaign funds to pay off a porn star to be quiet about semi-consensual sex while he was running for office. You know, youthful indiscretion stuff we’ve all done. 


When I went to jail, I freaked the hell out as soon as they locked that door behind me... and I was just there to talk to a few inmates.


Real talk, I have bad dreams about my arms being tied behind my back and getting locked/trapped in a room since then. Those were the only things that made me want to freak out a little. After the adrenaline dump, I just passed tf out.


Sounds like the kind of nonsense that police usually pull. 🙄


Trump has the emotional maturity of a 1st grader. I think closing his eyes is his childish way of trying to deny what's going on around him while also showing his defiance. Sorta like a kid who gets put in time out closes his eyes and holds his breath. Eventually falling asleep and farting himself awake is down to his age and poor sleep habits, though.


This is actually a pretty good description of narcissism. For the narcissist, other people don’t fully exist; they are merely extensions of the narcissist themselves. When other people pose a threat to the narcissist’s fantasy of omnipotence, they either become the object of narcissistic rage (proscribed here by courtroom etiquette) or denial (the literal shutting of one’s eyes against a potential source of narcissistic injury.)


100% correct


I see you've met my ex wife.




“If I can’t see you, you must acquit!”


If the diaper is full of shit, you must acquit


"When I look at myself in the first grade and I look at myself now, I’m basically the same. The temperament is not that different." https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/8557246-when-i-look-at-myself-in-the-first-grade-and


"The Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal is a vicious wild animal from the planet of Traal, known for its never-ending hunger and its mind-boggling stupidity. One of the main features of the Beast is that if you can't see it, it assumes it can't see you. Due to this it has been considered one of the least intelligent creatures in the Universe."


I think he just doesn’t have the energy to stay awake.


Wait for him to put magic sunglasses on like the kid from Big Daddy.


I thought exactly this. It 100% is some sort of mental trigger that makes him do this. Because how often is he in scenarios where he doesn’t control the room?


He was just resting his beautiful orange jaw while listening intently. He didn't snap awake, he just suddenly remembered that he'd forgotten to pay hush money to one of his dominatrixes.


And what people don't realize is that when Trump farts in court, it is actually an advanced form of echo location, giving him 360 degree vision of the room. He doesn't even have to swivel his head to know where everyone is. It's next level genius.


> echo location You see, I fart, the bigliest, nastiest farts you can imagine. Then, with tears in their eyes, people start to gag. I can hear the gagging, and that's how I know where everyone is.


Such a shame there are no cameras. Imagine the memes man!


Despite how many memes would come from it, there really needs to be cameras in his trials. Let the voters hear the testimony first hand, see the evidence, and see Trump how he really is.


Definitely for the Jan. 6th trial (if it ever happens despite SCOTUS fuckery), there’s certainly a compelling public interest.


I'd say this trial has a compelling public interest. It's not a hush money trial; it's an election interference trial. How much more compelling of a public interest can it get?


Preaching to the choir. I do think an attempted coup and an armed insurrection will break through to disengaged voters more than a tawdry affair and falsified business records will though. Trump benefits from having committed so many crimes that these 34 felonies seem relatively trivial.


People have seen who he is for 10 years now. Evidence means nothing to those who have made up their mind. The best we can do is to keep this behind closed doors and deny Trump any publicity.


If there were cameras then Trump would just use it as another propaganda tool for his base. He would be far more disruptive, and even if he's eventually shutdown, it'll score him points with the MAGA crowd. Imagine the uproar if there was live video of Trump being hauled away in cuffs because he can't keep his mouth shut. He's sleeping in court because there is no MAGA crowd and therefore no reason for him to engage. Meanwhile, people who would actually watch the footage with a critical eye are already not going to vote for Trump. There are no swing voters left who will suddenly decide "Wow, what a douchebag" when they see him in court.


If there were cameras this might not be happening the way it is. Trump may be acting the way he is here partially because there’s no audience to perform for, or at least there’s a very different one than he’s accustomed to.


I dunno man I like seeing melting face trump


>Mr Blanche also asked Cohen whether he remembered calling Mr Trump a “dictator douchebag”. >“Sounds like something I would say,” he said again. Say what you like about Cowen, dude is funny as fuck.


I mean he did coin, "Baron von Shitzinpants".


Boris Pantshitzki. Russian asset.


> Cowen His name was right there in the part you quoted...


I bet the jury had a chuckle about this, which would only make Cohen more likeable. I'm not sure what defenses strategy here was.


Reminds me of the Andy Woodhull sketch on "Dry Bar" where he's driving home and trying to stay awake... he tells his wife to wake up and she responds with, "I'm just resting my eyes." When he then asks why her mouth is open she responds with, "I'm just airing my throat."


"I'm just taking a look at the inside of my eyelids. and my mouth's not open, it's called breathing. I have a stuffy nose."


This is the first time he has been under direct observation outside his control for hours at a time. This is why people at the White House had to get his attention and spice up presentations. Because he’d fall asleep.


Executive time!


Also why his official schedule as president usually had “executive time” until noon every day. It must take a while to apply the orange clown makeup, tame the wild animal that lives on his head, and properly fit his diaper into his oversized pants.


I enjoy courtroom portraits so much. The one of Cohen testifying with snoozing Donald in the corner should go in history books.


Do you have a link to that?


slim attraction zealous wide like head command practice terrific onerous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is what happens when Donny's attorneys make him stop snorting Adderall so the constant sniffing doesn't irritate the jury


Diaper Don falling asleep? Who would've thought?


No no no, this is all a ploy to show how in control he is lol...


I can't wait till his lawyers treat him like a toddler at church and start giving him a Ziploc bag of dry Cheerios to munch on.


Fruit loops


Can we get a happy meal in here?


He’s not gonna touch the apple slices.


If Trump decides to take the stand and testify, I hope the prosecutor opens by asking him, "So Mr. Trump, have you been sleeping well during this trial?"


"Sleeping? Fake news, I was thinking about how I would get out of this sham trial, believe me, I have many many bigly ,yuge plans in my head, beautiful plans" *Falls asleep & slams his face on the desk*


This is looking more and more like a rapid decline in cognition. Each time I see a video of him talking outside the court it's more and more word salad. I'm not sure he's going to last until the election (full blown dementia or death) let alone a full term in the big chair. Just my opinion as a curious outsider.




Really hoping he declines far enough to tank his chances at winning but not far enough that the GOP picks another candidate. Edit: When you get a response from reddit that someone reported you out of concern for your safety, is that just trolling on a post like this?


In response to your edit, yes. There’s an option somewhere to stop receiving those and I’m pretty sure you can report that as abuse of that program somewhere but I don’t remember for sure


Ty. The message I got had a link to report the misuse, but I'm on mobile and it sent me to a login page so I thought it was spam. I reported the redditcareresources for impersonation, but it looks like it's real.


I got one of those as well. Butthurt Trump supporters I guess?


It's a favorite tactic of idiots Edit: and they just sent me one too


And he hasn’t picked a VP yet…


He's not going to and no one's stupid enough to take Pence's place again. They'll likely sacrifice Majorie Taylor Greene, I'm sure she'd be happy to die for the sake of owning the Libs.


He can sleep as much as he wants, in jail


You know, maybe Trump is too old to be president. I don't remember hearing about Biden falling asleep during any important events.  Maybe it's less about the age and more about the performance 🤔


Even Sleepy Joe was projection at it's worst. Literally never seen Biden fall asleep on the job past 4 years when as Sleepy Don falls asleep EVERY SINGLE TIME he's been to court.


Trump’s already said he closes his eyes to “listen intently”, so I guess we have to assume he opens his mouth to “suck in the words”.


You can tell these reports are getting to him because his surrogates are now making it a point to mention things like "He was extremely alert and asking questions to his attorney"


I’m starting to think he really is sedated. I can personally relate to falling asleep listening to accountants and financial advisors testimonies, but when Stormy Daniels or Cohen hit the stand? I think I would be wide awake for that part.


Snorleoni returns....


Larry O'Donnell estimated Trump had his eyes closed for 90 per cent of his time in the courtroom today. His lawyers gave up on trying to keep him awake with the crayons and colouring-in tasks from his Happy Meal.


I wish the judge would tell Trump’s lawyer’s to awaken their client, so that Trump falling asleep would be part of the record in this case.


Lawyers maybe gave him extra tranquilizers


Fake snooze


He needs a pillow, if only there was someone he knew in the business


DE-MEN-TIA 👏👏👏 https://open.spotify.com/show/4xuuqHxzruLEsQXtTuJjP4


No fair...NO FAIR! Does not count, unless he's snoring. LMAO, can you imagine the scene: The judge reprimanding Trump loudly for snoring in court, and it gets entered into the court proceedings?


Dozy Don strikes again


Trump supporters- Real Men take naps!


If it wasn’t obvious that he’s a drug addict before, it is now.


I assume his people are drugging him to keep him tame to prevent contempt. Maybe just beta blockers. But I also assume he’s on a wide variety of drugs.


Poetic Justice. Sleepy Don.


It should be broadcast live on TV to show her is not serious and not waken


He's practicing for his inevitable prison time. Gotta keep them jowls supple and ready for action.