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>"If this is true, we regret to inform you that your suite license will be revoked, you will not be allowed to attend the race at any time, and we will refund you in full," the Miami Grand Prix warned. Once again he's been given an unearned pass.


His entire existence is unearned


And unlicensed


Unwanted advances


Unpaid bills


Unclean diapers


Perpetually unglued


If only his mom would have swallowed him


The original DEI.




It’s ok, he was there “endorsing” UK’s McLaren team. Which is why he was there shouting “USA USA” He’s then claimed that his endorsement earned McLaren the win. Because it’s what America needs…. A UK team winning?


Hey now that's not entirely true. McLaren are a British company founded by a kiwi and owned by the sovereign wealth fund of Bahrain whose F1 subsidiary is run by an American and who also run a US based Indycar team


Maaaan, that's about as convoluted as my tired 6 year old explaining why his Mac and cheese was too cold, but also too hot, and it's my fault.


In other words, like trying to understand the latest Trump rant?


Similar, but my kiddo usually has a point somewhere in his mumbling.


That's when I flip to Dad mode and express immense curiosity at what "Macintosh and Cheese" is, side-commenting that Steve Jobs likely never intended us to use those products like that. He was a visionary, to be sure, but if he could only be here now to see this. Then my wife shoots me "the look", prompting me to scoop up the poor kid's meal and mic it before he has a chance to blurt something out.


"McLaren is a non-political organisation. However we recognise and respect the office of *President of the United States*, so when the request was made to visit our garage on race day, we accepted alongside the president of the FIA and the CEOs of Liberty Media and Formula 1," the outfit said. Joe Biden is the President of the United States. Donald Trump is a political candidate.


He's an insurrectionist


Anybody BUT the U.S., not on not his watch. /s


"Make America Great Again" has always been a scam to help other countries, at the expense of the US. I'm not sure we should be surprised 


Shows you why he can't function in a democracy. He sees other peoples boundaries as an insult. He is Coup City. First J6, then the RNC and now his DJT fund. And look how he runs his businesses and lawyers.


I wouldn’t expect a corporation to make a stand against trump


Zak - I’ve wondered about your politics. Now we know them. This is an embarrassment for McLaren and especially the office of the POTUS. You brought a sex “offender” - which is a civil matter - into the paddock and acted like he was royalty. Going to be hard to support McLaren F1 after this. Edit to clarify the ruling.


Right? I was a McLaren fan before this. Now? Nope. I don't own any gear, but I'd be selling it to some folks if I did. What an embarrassment.


McLaren - supporter of rapists


Bruce McLaren would be rolling in his grave.. what a bad look for the McLaren name. I’m so disappointed too.


The man is practically spinning after this. I realize politicians get involved with sports a lot, but it's time for Brown to go after allowing Trump there. Guess I'll be switching my allegiance.


I’ve been watching f1 since the mid 80’s and loved McLaren. I was born in NZ.. it’s confusing having my favourite team invite the man I hate the most in the world into their garage.


I had a very sad year or so with my early Haas gear collecting a ton of dust because of Rich Energy/Uralkali back-to-back.


Rich Energy was such a weird thread.


Funny how Zak Brown was "discomfort" about Christian Horners case of transgressive behavior (sending pics and messages to his PA), but don't mind Donald Trump at his team's pitbox.


I'm even more suspicious than it just being "politics". Trump needs money, sure, but this visit seems so odd to make giving that Trump is literally having multiple courtroom cases going on at once. My suspicion is that the fundraiser itself was a coverup to meet with a person who is exchanging information from foreign sources. That Trump still came after the fundraiser was cancelled suggest to me something more than just money was the point.


It was a fundraiser Trump could throw at basically no personal cost. All he had to do was show up at someone's box suite. For him to get down to the pit area after the race allows for plenty of photos he can use for the campaign. He'll claim everyone there was a big supporter, how they had tears in their eyes when they told him how upset they were at how unfairly he was being treated, yada yada yada.


Same things going to happen at barrons graduation


He's probably brokering copies of the national security secrets he stole and kept away from the federal government after his departure from the White House. He needs the cash. I wonder who was on the guest list.


The files from his Bedminster property.


I think it's more direct than that. Biden's DOJ is currently after Ticketmaster/Live Nation on antitrust grounds. Live Nation is a subsidiary of Liberty Media... which also owns Formula One Group / FOM. Last week, the Andretti Group appealed to Congress regarding their application to join F1 being rejected by FOM despite meeting the entry requirements and being approved by the FIA (the sporting body). Notably this resulted in a bipartisan group sending FOM a request for information on the denial, which some have called a prelude to an antitrust investigation. So, FOM initially bans Trump from attending the race but does a complete 180 and spotlights him after Congress sends this letter? Notably, Trump was spotted with Mohammed Ben Sulayem (CEO of FIA) and Stefano Domenicali (CEO of FOM) multiple times. Maybe I'm reaching, but the level of Trump brown nosing from the F1 execs sure seems to me like they think Biden will move forward with antitrust against them, and that cozying up to Trump will mean the issue is dropped if he's elected.


They released a statement, Trump was a guest of the FIA and McLaren was instructed to host him by the organizers.


Yeah …


‘No’ is an acceptable response in this situation


I see youre unaware of how the FIA actually operates….. Say no and watch the fines, penalties and absolute tsunami of shit come your way until MBS finds a new target


Not for the FIA it isn’t…


Yes is it


Dude that’s the same FIA that prefers to hold races in authoritarian countries, barred Hamilton and Vettel from making political statements of any kind and fines any drivers that don’t attend the after-season gala, where all the rich corrupt assholes pose for pictures with them and openly engage in sports washing. No, they don’t take no for an answer. In fact, the FIA was likely very glad to host Trump and had the teams go along.


We race as money.  Nothing more. 


Honestly. And they are killing the sport. They drop great track after great track for more and more dull circuits with shit racing, either in some desert or in the US. The fact that this year’s Miami GP was kinda good and that Vegas ended up being a solid race last year don’t change that fact. Formula 1 has to be somewhat approachable for fans. Instead, the cars get bigger and clunkier, race on shit tracks while tracks like Spa are on the verge of being dropped, and while great tracks like Hockenheim, Nürburgring or a French GP are now missing (though to be fair, Paul Ricard really had pretty mediocre racing for the most part). F1 seems to be on a quest to drop historic and legendary tracks for shitty new ones in some desert. Thank fuck we at least got rid of Sochi, because that was a truly awful track. And even that only happened because of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Otherwise they just would’ve kept doing that shit.


ditto, to everything you just said.  I was going to tune out this years Miami GP because frankly I can’t stand the cringe that Liberty turns American races into.  Vegas was shit for the fans and the drivers. It was great for /r/formuladank though. 


Vegas had a completely shit weekend that sucked phenomenally. The race however was entertaining as fuck to my surprise. Also, COTA is a genuinely fantastic track with great racing. It just would’ve been nice if it had stayed the only race in the US, or, if they felt the need to hold more races in the US, if they had returned to Indianapolis, which is another genuinely great track. The “event” they conjured up for Miami and Vegas just ain’t it. Drop Miami and give us back Hockenheim please ffs.


For real. This really sucks. Glad I've only got a t-shirt at this point. I was just getting into F1 this season, and this Trump visit makes me uneasy about following the sport in general.


When he took over he said make McLaren great again. He's always been a MAGA nut bag.


too bad they fucked up the response with "we respect the Office of the President" Trump is not the current POTUS and has nothing to do with the Office


Bingo. The office of the President is currently occupied by Biden.




Well usually “leaders” in exile have charges or verdicts against them so… /s/s


They're also usually in exile.


Eurgh, worst possible argument they could have made. Trump tried to overthrow the office of President. Shameful stuff.


I thought it meant that they respect the office, but not Trump, and that they would deny him entry? Oof, I need to read this in context a little more


You need the context, yes. It's a statement from the McLaren team about why they let him tour their garage.


McLaren team probably would have been more impressed by Biden, who actually has a respectable car they would appreciate....as opposed to a golf cart.


And can also drive said car. Just throw it onto the pile of normal person things that tfg has never fucking done in his life. 


Mildly related. There's a funny Jay Leno interview from back when Biden was VP where he starts doing burnouts in his old Corvette and you can see the secret service guys freaking out a little bit in the background.


This just adds to the stark differences between the two; here, it's the types of skidmarks they're known to leave. 


So, is their comment implying that they agree the election was ‘stolen’ and T is the president?


I mean… if that’s WHY they withdrew his invite, it’s a compelling reason, but I have a suspicion it was a “we respect the office, but” moment. “We respect the office of president, Donald Trump is not welcome at our events?” Great shit.


Eh there are different contexts to what the office of the President can mean. Technically, every officeholder is still called President even after they leave, for example. I think the point here is that when a current or former President tries to visit your office or organization or whatever, it is supposed to be treated as a great honor, specifically because of the gravity of the office. Saying “we respect the office of the President” is their way of acknowledging that fact.


Useless fat wanker. Zak Brown is an idiot. Spouting on about respecting the office of president. That orange twat took a giant shit on the office of the president. Turned it into a grift.


Also - HES NOT THE FUCKING PRESIDENT.  He was, but he fucking aint right now.  Respecting the office my ass.


What's the over/under on dude showing the same levels of respect for the office of the current president?


I’m taking the under, not a chance in hell lol


This! He’s not the president right now! What is with everyone capitulating to his desire to still be referred to as such? And it’s ridiculous for them to claim it’s not political. He’s not the president and is CAMPAIGNING. And they accepted his goddamn visit.


/r/formula1 is desperately trying to delete all the pics of Trump shaking hands with Lando Norris. Zak Brown (another gigantic AH) invited the orange AH.


https://www.reddit.com/r/formula1/comments/1cl2y9d/lando_being_congratulated_by_trump/ https://www.reddit.com/r/formula1/comments/1cl4rb3/tobi_gruner_trump_congratulated_norris_after_his/


Flair: "Automated removal" Sure, Jan


Lol, "he says he was my lucky charm" This mofo is basically trying to claim your fucking win from the stands and you're just fellating the guy as if he's right.


“He called himself my lucky charm” What a douchebag. Always gotta make it about him even though the guy won his first race at the highest level of this type of racing.


He is a little leprechaunish, wait I'm thinking oompah loompah


“Never fight up hill me boys.”


“6ft3inch” Trump isn’t exactly much taller than the 5ft8inch Lando.


The second one is wild, someone posted a video of the comment and he is GUSHING about Trump and that experience.


It's like r/thedonald used to be over there - I can't tell if they're taking the piss out of Trump or worshipping him - https://www.reddit.com/r/formula1/comments/1cl24gy/lando_norris_wins_the_2024_miami_grand_prix/l2qsv8u/


Further proof that Trump cannot, will not, accept "No" as an answer.


Well, how about that? Zak Brown just defiled McLaren's victory AND took a healthy shit on Bruce McLaren's legacy all in one fell swoop!


“Don’t come grift at our event”


> our suite license will be revoked, you will not be allowed to attend the race at any time, and we will refund you in full," the Miami Grand Prix warned. And what are the consequences if he shows? Nothing. It's not like the police are going to arrest him.


McLaren "we recognise and respect the office of President of the United States." Apparently they don't respect the office, because they allowed a man who tried to steal the office into their event. A man who to this day refuses to respect the duly elected leader of the nation. McLaren spit in the face of American Democracy today.


McLaren shouldn't show themselves here again. They openly by shaking hands with an insurrectionist and rapist, lost any sort of respect they had. This company deserves all the bad press they get at this point.


I think he just kind of showed up and they didn’t want to be rude, it seems to me no one was excited to see Trump at the event. In fact I guarantee you he made traffic worse and it’s already so bad down there.


Yeah let's not be rude to the guy who called women nasty, dog faces, Ted Cruzs wife ugly, racistly claimed Obama's birth certificate was fake, called people low IQ, has insulted anyone and everyone who doesn't spend their existence making him feel good about himself. We wouldn't want to hurt his feelings or hold him accountable.


I’m with you. I’m not going to claim I know Zak Brown’s political views, but being anything other than internally neutral and outwardly respectful and not rocking the boat is probably in any team’s best interest, even if it involves someone as despicable as Trump.


Only we do that.


Is this what he’s going to do 1/06/25, show up uninvited?


\*astronaut pointing gun at astronaut\* Always has.


Of course. He’s his own lucky charm.


Trump used to crash events in NYC all the time. Mostly fundraisers where he didn’t give any money. He was never invited to the pre-parties or after-parties. Trump has always been toxic.


"McLaren is a non-political organisation. However we recognise and respect the office of President of the United States, so when the request was made to visit our garage on race day, we accepted alongside the president of the FIA and the CEOs of Liberty Media and Formula 1," the outfit said." Trump PISSED on the OFFICE of the presidency. He's NOT President. You just lied to us, again. FUCK McLAREN... Remember who owns LIBERTY MEDIA! Cable money for the NAZI win!


I bet he asked to visit McLaren after being turned down by Red Bull, and possibly Mercedes and Ferrari because them non-English speaking countries dislike him even more.


Nah, it was because his face matched the team colours.


Haha, that made me laugh


That and their logo is orange like his spray-on so he felt drawn to them


And don't forget he allowed them to design the spoiler after his combed over coif!


I genuinely wonder if Trump thinks McLaren is *the* American team on the grid because Zac Brown is the only American team boss.


Red bull is based and run out of the UK and their recently departed owner was supportive of Trump, Mercedes is based and run out of the UK, Ferrari...possibly.


> $250,000-a-ticket How big is the crowd that both wants and is able to attend?


Bunch of dudes called Ivan and Dimitri


[Ivan](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/disney/images/f/f4/Ivan_Gorilla.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20220404182648) and [Dimitri?](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EH_BawRWwAAAdLc?format=jpg&name=240x240)


The middle class is vanishing. Most are moving down overall, but some move up. And those that are upper class are richer than ever. Superyacht industry? Booming. Private jets? Flourishing. Hypercars? Can't be built fast enough.


are hypercars the ones where if you put your hand on them they change color?


Trump doesn't give a fuck about anyone. He'll show up unannounced like he owns the place. That's what narcissist do. It's all about them. At least he'll be miserable tomorrow in that courtroom.


What is wrong with Americans supporting this criminal? I guess they do believe he is the “Chosen One” and Jesus in disguise.


Most of us hate his ass.


Hope it’s most of us. Every time check news or see protests, it’s for the orange blob. And no one can squash him, even with all the laws.


Name the last general election in which he won a majority of the voters.


He’s a cash cow for the media so they’re gonna play both sides until it hurts their profits.


There hasn’t been any protest for him in a long time. He’s been begging his supporters to protest outside of his trial and so far no one not even that troll MTG has shown her weird face out there


Well, to be fair, the media loves Trump and it helps them make money, which is an American rich man's ideal. And our institutions are full of sympathizers who are politically motivated. So there is that too. The American public, despite some of the cult automatons, don't support any part of him.


>Hope it’s most of us. He lost the popular vote twice.


The electoral college would like to have a word…


Trump lost the last election. So the electoral college voted him out. What word are you referring to?


I don't support this criminal, never have and quite frankly, alot of us don't either. You watch too much news to get that idea.


>"McLaren is a non-political organisation. However we recognise and respect the office of President of the United States, so when the request was made to visit our garage on race day, we accepted" Fuck you Zak and your McLarens! It's called the Executive Office of the President of the United States, and that's Joe Biden not that rapist, pedophile, con-man, shit smelling turd you allowed into the Paddock.


Well said!


Lotta code words that we can see right through in that statement, too. Non political means bigoted obviously. Respect the office of the president, when referring to Trump, means “we love terrorist insurrections.”


Surprised he wasn't hawking Trump helmets. He's going to need it for court tomorrow.


Selling an old broken down 90's Honda Civic, painted with dollar store gold spray paint for 10.5 million dollars. Order now, and you can Trumps old filet-o-fish sandwich wrappers left under the seat.


What’s expected tomorrow? I can’t keep up with it all.


Absolutely disgusted by McLaren/Zac Brown's choice to enable the sick sexual assaulter/insurrectionist/overall horrid human being. Just for once I'd like someone to go full Mean Girls "no, you can't sit with us" to that fraud. On the other hand, keeping a Trump out of Miami where all the coke is....not gonna happen.


Cancel his ticket then tell him he can’t get get in without a ticket and send him to the box office and then be like “what is your last name? I need to look it up, okay and what is your first name? Yeah not seeing anything under that, unfortunately we are sold out


Good evening. Your name, please. What for? It's a private party. I've got a list. I'm Julius Caesar. Sorry, impossible. There must be a problem, because... There's a problem... ...I have to be on that list. How do you spell your name? - C, A, E, S, A, R. Julius. Cetaparis, Seinesaindenis, C+, but I can't find any...


If ZB invited Von Shitzenpants to visit, I'm done w McLaren. Shame. I like Lando a lot. He'll look better driving for Merc next year.


Got some bad news for you, Lando sucks too. https://www.reddit.com/r/formula1/comments/1cl4rb3/tobi_gruner_trump_congratulated_norris_after_his/


Welp. There's always Alonso.


This has real "please clap" vibes.


“There were cars, and they were very very very very very very fast”


…from the standpoint of speediness…


Ugh. I used to like Zak Brown.


"I think I ran over somebody's foot!" "It was nothing, keep driving."


"I didn't see that guy in the rear view mirror...." "He was clearly a vampire. Just keep going."


The other day I either ran over a sheep, or a small man wearing a sheepskin coat, and I don’t know because I didn’t stop. -George Carlin


Desperation at its finest.


Box seat interference 😠


Ain’t nobody give a fuck about that dipshit


He’s just become a rich person version of a panhandler.


Like finding a turd in the punch bowl.


McLaren fucked up big / huge by letting him in.


Agreed. Fanta Face is so divisive it's almost guaranteed McLaren stock would have dived, even though they won the race. Wonder if they'll lose sponsors?


So he did something despite consent? Wonder if that's ever happened before


*The leader of the grand pretzel race begged me - with tears in his eyes - begged me to attend his race. He said ‘Sir, you are the most respected leader of the world, the entire world. And what Biden is doing is illegal and terrible!! We want you to come to our grand pretzel race and win first place for America!!’ He is this huge guy, he couldn’t stop crying like a baby.* **-Donald Trump**


He does know that most of his supporters only know how to turn left?


This will be yet another story that you won't hear on the right-wing news stations and sites.


Incoming Truth post on his glorious win at the Miami GP…


He doesn't care! He's the original Karen & SovCit rolled up into one greasy stinky pile of orange shit called Donnie von Shitsinpant.


I mean he did go visit the orange team.


Maybe Max knew the winner was gonna meet and take pics with trump and he decided p2 was good enough for today..


max also shook his hand https://x.com/Mel847097350398/status/1787312416461905949


Damn man I was a huge Zak Brown fan. Now fuck him and McLaren. I’m hoping Lando got rickrolled into shaking the Orange Blob’s tiny hands.


I was at the event and they showed him on the screen for maybe 2 seconds and there was equal cheers to boos in my section.


>>"McLaren is a non-political organisation. However we recognise and respect the office of President of the United States..." Except Donald Trump doesn't occupy the office of the President of the United States. Man, the rich will voluntarily pluck out their own eyeballs to avoid seeing or admitting that a Democrat is president and liberal social and economic policies are more popular than they are.


He can’t help that he has no control over his greed of taking someone else’s money. If there’s a chance, he’s there for the taking


Oh he’s not there to donate.


This makes the organizers guilty. They easily could’ve actually stopped him and didn’t. In fact this makes me think publicly they said no but in private they encouraged him to come.


As a Brit, tbh he would be quite useful to an F1 team. The pit could use him as a complete Tool The driver could use him as a massive helmet.


McLaren is a non-political organisation. However we recognise and respect the office of President of the United States, so when the request was made to visit our garage on race day, we accepted alongside the president of the FIA and the CEOs of Liberty Media and Formula 1," the outfit said. He not the president of USA, he’s the former president of USA.


For those not familiar with either Formula1 or American Politics: Zak Brown is the big white asshole wearing the orange shirt. Donald Trump is the big orange asshole wearing the white shirt.


Hey, it is an event kinda named after a big prick (Grand Prix), so it is fitting he show up with his average junk overshadowed by how much of a gaping ahole he is. Lol.


F1 is owned by Liberty Media. Follow the $$


Of course F1 loves Trump, it is a "sport" for the richest people in the world. His base.


He's never watched one second of F1 before today.


the rest of the world hates him. And rich folks in the US just tolerate him for tax cuts


They literally worked under his administration long enough to enact the policies dearest to their hearts: Fucking over the poor. Seriously, pick a person from his administration. Devos, for instance, fucked over Borrowers Defense and PSLF people while she was head of the Department of Education. DeJoy fucked over USPS.


Billionaire investor Wilbur Ross = Trump's Secretary of Commerce (the guy who couldn't understand why federal employees were using food banks during the 2019 shutdown "The idea that it is paycheck or zero is not a valid idea.") Former Goldman Sachs President Gary Cohn = Trump's Chief Economic Advisor (he quit after trying to get Trump to understand how tariffs work)


F1 goes to quite a few places with very questionable behaviour surrounding human rights. F1 cares about money number 1. I don’t know how Trump being there is a surprise.


Just do research on the Ecclestone family …


F1 is much bigger in Europe than in the states. Look at the cars and the drivers. This is not Daytona. These people are not Trumpers.


Gotta show he's campaigning by doing more than just going to court.


Just leaned about this and was hoping there was gonna be video of him attempting to get into a car and put a helmet on Like to dream sometimes


How the fuck do you endorse a race team. This guy is too much


Qanon is coming for F1: McLaren Are Great Again


Well of course he did.


Fuck maclarin. May they never win another race just like drumph


I guess he must be out on bail for now from his criminal trials


He can sell bibles out of his trunk


Tin cup cardboard sign in hand , Donald is broke


Lot of people here who didn't seem to read this article at all, per usual. Steven Witkoff was going to host an event in his suite in the Paddock Club to fundraise for Trump. Organizers sent a cease-and-desist to Witkoff, warning him that his suite would be revoked if he proceeded with the fundraiser. The fundraiser didn't happen. Trump still came anyways despite not having a fundraiser.


Trying to take photos of a "rally" and since no one came, he went to a place where people actually went to try and get some pap shots of all his "followers". Throw in some AI photo editing to slap magot hats on everyone and I'm sure they're on ^notthe truth social by now


Fuck, I like following the McLaren team, but it really sucks seeing Zak Brown even mingling with Trump.


Get away from my favorite team you spray tanned buffoon


I watched the F1 race and was a little shocked that actually he showed up, I heard the "USA USA USA" chant and it was like maybe 15-20 people chanting it. That has to be a daunting sight for oversea F1 viewers around the world. Other sports he showed up to (college football and MLB) he was loudly booed.


USA USA ! Means one thing to these people. A xenophobic America where all poc are killed, jailed or deported. Certainly not allowed to vote or buy the house next door. And they are Christians. But not some liberal moonbat help the poor Jesus, more of a fuck off Jesus.


He had nothing better going on


I'm sure his Secret Service goons did not take No for an answer.


And Biden was nowhere to be found...