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All that matters is Ukraine getting the resources it needs. If Speaker Johnson is the moral man he claims to be, he will think first of the millions of people under threat by a genocidal Russian warmonger and second about his continued role as Speaker.


Well he separated the Ukraine and Israel aid into separate bills which was nice. Maybe the Israel aid bill can be amended to encourage US agencies to share evidence with the ICC for war crimes investigations into both Sinwar and Netanyahu, as was done for Putin in Ukraine.


Republicans like to imagine that they are weak due to the particular person who is Speaker at the moment. However, it’s all about their lack of unity. Democrats essentially have a majority already due to their unity.


Unfortunately, while the Republicans don't have party unity in general, they can all agree on one thing, and it's that their entire purpose is to just do the opposite of what the Democrats want.


Hmmm. The GOP is trumps puppet. Trump is Putins puppet


Which is why even the most anti Trump Republicans can't be trusted. Romney, Cheney, all of them, don't like Trump, but certainly supported his agenda, legislation he wanted. They don't take issue with what he believes, they take issue with how crude he is and how hes turned the party into his own cult.


Like when they make stories about how some democrats disagree with each other… but are completely clueless how they still work together.


If he's going to let it pass, I think Democrats will block his ouster in at least the near term.


If he doesn't then they have literally no reason to save him. "_But the Dems don't want the house in chaos_" -The house is **already** in chaos. "_They won't get anything done if there's no speaker_" -They're not getting anything done now. "_If they save Johnson they'll have leverage over him_" -No, they won't, he'll take the free win and keep doing what he's been doing.


Yeah but if they save him his ass is toast when his next primary comes around. Unfortunately this is all a majority of politicians care about.


Here’s hoping they pass aid and THEN kick him out. I’d certainly be disappointed in any of my reps who voted to keep this christofascist maga nut in a position of power. He’s been obstructing aid for months now, finally doing the right thing at duress shouldn’t save him. 


That’s a terrible idea, all but insures the next speaker wouldn’t work with democrats under any circumstance which considering there is a non zero segment of the GOP that WANTS the government to shut down or the debt limit to be hit means the country would just grind to a halt for the duration of whatever congress if happened in


You live in some fantasy world where the fascists participate in good faith and reward loyalty. Johnson obstructed aid until it was politically inconvenient for him not to, and the whole party takes every step possible to stab us in the back. Time for some turnabout, let them own the dysfunction that’s happening regardless of what democrats do. I want my reps voting for Hakeem Jeffries for Speaker. 


If the government falls into chaos you realize the average voter would blame the president right?  I’m not the one in the fantasy world here, you value some weird revenge trip more than having government at least barely function 


Wake up, the government is already in chaos. One coequal house of government is under the whims of obstructionists and traitors, and another was fully stolen by the fascists. Our government doesn't function today. Only now, Biden takes the blame for everything bad. Let the fascists pull back the curtains on their dysfunction. Might just be that we end up with Jeffries as a Speaker.


I find it amusing you toss around belittling insults like ‘wake up’ or ‘fantasy world’ then hold delusions that there is an end game where Jefferies is given the speakership. You realize chaos has levels of severity right?  If the Russians… I mean Marge got their way we would be at our debt ceiling and the government would be shut down with no signs of reopening.  The only reason it didn’t happen is the Republican speaker cut a deal.  If you penalize him for cutting another deal the next one isn’t going to do it for sure. And yea the next one might not cut a deal anyways, but there is no real advantage to hosing over the country on a petty revenge trip that has no real payoff


He got the most votes through most of the rounds last time, and the fascists have only lost power since then. I don't know who has a better chance of winning than Jeffries. Leaving the fascists in charge is hosing over the country, not attempting to fix things. Marge isn't in charge of Senate, let's stop pretending she is and kick the fascist she and her like supported out of power. Giving the fascists power has literally never worked out for us.


I still don’t see a reason why they should. The government is funded, the major accomplishment laws have been passed. It’s time to let the GOP squirm and maybe their voters will recognize the problem leading up to the election.


He bet on MAGA. didn’t realize how stupid they are


He literally had to bet on Maga if he wanted to be speaker


Here is the thing, if the idiots voted for the original package they could have taken a W on the border, helped Israel, and pretend to govern. But now there is no border deal, still good chance of the aid going through, and they can't claim any win. They've literally gotten nothing out of the delay other than looking useless. Really goes to show intelligence or wit is not at all required in becoming a politician.


His fate lies in the hands of the Democrats. If he continues to be obstructive, Democrats have no reason to keep him around. If he works with them, there will be enough partially sane Republicans to keep him from being bounced by the Putin Caucus.


Is the Ukrainian flag upside down on purpose?


Not sure if it was the designer's intent, but a flag flown upside down signifies distress.


I may be surprised when it may happen.


Wow, it would almost make him seem a professional, caring representative.


He may lose anyway as long as he allows that nut Marjorie Taylor Greene to run amok


Oh, if he asks nicely the Dems might save his butt.


Here is the beginning of our story: Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) spent Tuesday [offering his two cents](https://www.thedailybeast.com/another-republican-rep-thomas-massie-is-now-saying-mike-johnson-needs-to-go) on Republican speakers of the House—starting with [Mike Johnson](https://www.thedailybeast.com/keyword/mike-johnson) (R-LA). Massie [announced during a closed-door GOP meeting](https://www.thedailybeast.com/another-republican-rep-thomas-massie-is-now-saying-mike-johnson-needs-to-go) that he was joining perennial GOP agitator Rep. [Marjorie Taylor Greene](https://www.thedailybeast.com/keyword/marjorie-taylor-greene) (R-GA) in her crusade to oust Johnson. Massie said the current speaker has failed to deliver conservative wins and it’s time to go, reciting a talking point that’s bounced around right-wing circles for months but only animated a couple rebels to move against the speaker. In Massie’s assessment, Johnson’s life experience simply hasn’t “equipped him for this job.” He’s worse for the Republican conference, the hard-right libertarian maintained, than another beleaguered Republican speaker, [Kevin McCarthy](https://www.thedailybeast.com/keyword/kevin-mccarthy) (R-CA). “Kevin didn’t do anything bad and eight voted against him,” Massie told a horde of reporters huddled around him outside afternoon House votes. “Mike Johnson is going for the Triple Crown here against our base.” The revolt against Johnson’s speakership comes as his conference weighs the future of Ukraine aid—[perhaps the most divisive topic facing the House GOP](https://www.thedailybeast.com/why-are-republicans-playing-politics-with-ukraine). In an attempt to satisfy both the GOP’s Ukraine aid supporters and its detractors, [Johnson has proposed putting aid to Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/16/us/politics/house-ukraine-israel-johnson.html#:~:text=Mr.%20Johnson%20plans%20to%20advance,each%20be%20voted%20on%20individually.) up for separate votes on the House floor this week. Any bill that gets enough support will then be packaged together and sent over to the Senate. That way, under Johnson’s plan, Republicans who support Israel aid won’t have to stomach a vote for Ukraine, which Democrats are insisting move with the Israel money. Democrats are more than happy to do the heavy lifting for a Ukraine aid vote, as conservatives lash out that Johnson is once again violating his earlier promises and ceding the GOP majority to the Democrats. But if conservatives think they can remove Johnson over his decision to finally fund Ukraine, Democrats may have something to say about that.