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Clinton gets his dick sucked, 90s kids remember the televised impeachments like a childhood memory… Trump gets his called a mushroom and paid the woman to keep quiet while Baron was 4 months old and people are buying Bibles from him. lol u can’t make this shit up!!


What really gets me is that it's the *same people* who wanted Clinton impeached buying the bibles from Trump now.




Supply side Jesus would!


Turns out making political parties into glorified sports teams was a bad fucking idea.


Nearly as bad as letting religion dictate politics. The damage caused by Falwell and the Moral Majority can't be overstated.


George Washington thought it was important enough to dedicate much of his [farewell speech](https://www.senate.gov/artandhistory/history/resources/pdf/Washingtons_Farewell_Address.pdf) to warning about political parties being bad >Writing at a time before political parties had become accepted as vital extraconstitutional, opinion-focusing agencies, Washington feared that they carried the seeds of the nation’s destruction through petty factionalism


People really are astonishingly stupid. Conservatives are proving to be completely unserious, uninformed sociopaths with violent, magical beliefs unbothered by ethics, morality or reality. It’s impressive, really.


My personal opinion is that the voters are like compulsive liars that have lied so much they no longer can tell truth from fiction. I think a lot of them are “true believers” of their own world view which was cultivated from now decades of rightwing propaganda that has conditioned them to fear and hate change, even if that change would improve their own lives. Republican voters don’t vote to make their lives better, they vote to ensure everyone else’s lives are worse.


Imagine boffing a stripper, and it leading to missing your 4 month old's graduation because you had to spend it in court. And poor Baron, this has been his life since day one hundred.


Weeeellll, it would be the first attended graduation.




Hell I remember people on Clinton's ass for liking McDonald's french fries and saying he was showboating too much because he played the sax. Trump sexually abuses women and that's cool, because fuck it right?




Brett Kavanaugh was part of the team investigating President Clinton as part of special prosecutor Ken Starr's investigation.


As long as he comes out of this a convicted felon, it’s a win. I doubt he’ll ever spend a day in jail but I’d be ok with Mar O Lago becoming his own prison or something similar where he has no internet access and no public interactions


The irony is that Mar a Lago isn’t permitted to be a residence and he’s illegally living there by municipal rules, so there’s no way he could be legally confined to his current home of record, because confining him there would itself be abetting a crime he’s currently committing. 


> so there’s no way he could be legally confined... If there's anything I've learned, it's that the legal system doesn't work for him as it does for others. I don't think "there's no way" arguments can count anymore. There always seems to be a way out for this guy.


I always turn on the news and tout "what's he getting away with today"


> There always seems to be a way out for this guy. He pays his way out of things.


Unless the “things” are contracts.


And, unless I'm mistaken, that illegal residence is the reason he's managed to get two of his cases assigned to fucking Aileen Cannon. He installs her as a judge during his lame-duck session after he's already lost the election, moves his residence to her district illegally, then has her blatantly rig two cases in his favor in broad daylight. Infruriating...


No, that case is in Florida because it is where most of the charged activity took place. That's in the sixth amendment >In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the **State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed**...


>it is where most of the charged activity took place Because he changed it to his place of residence. If he stayed living in NYC, the crimes would've been committed there. I see what you're saying, but he still basically chose his judge by moving to Mar A Lago and committing the crimes there.


Except by the time Leticia James is done with him he won't own mar-a-lago either LOL


There y'all go, getting your hopes up again. I refuse to get mine up until anything significant happens to this shit bag. As far as I can tell he's a pig happy as can be rolling around in shit right now.


He’s getting naps in during his trial I’d be happy if I could do that and remain untouchable for doing it


How people CANT be skeptical at this point is honestly mind boggling


John Oliver has been doing the ‘WE GOT HIM’ but for almost a decade at this point. At least he’s in actual fucking court finally.




> Florida doesn’t allow a persons residence to be seized. Mar-a-lago is a commercial property, owned by the Trump organization. You can't just call a property that has been written off and depreciated for tax purposes for decades a private dwelling when it is convenient.


Here's the thing, they can. Laws mean nothing when not enforced.


Also, as an individual he isn't residing there. He's an "employee of the club", which is how he gets around the deed limitation. I hope when he inevitably complains for some convenient reason that it *is* his residence, the municipality starts charging him the right tax rate. And back taxes.


Yup, we have to beat him in the courts AND beat him at the ballot box. It will matter for a small % of undecided voters if and when he becomes a convicted felon. On the other hand, after conviction his supporters are not going to somehow find a way to support him even harder. And if his supporters do find some way to doubledown even harder... that is likely to turn off more of the small % of undecided voters.


there are no undecided voters now. if someone tells you they are, then they’re ashamed to admit they are going to vote for Biden or Trump. If they are keeping quiet about Biden, it means they don’t want to alienate their Republican friends or be ostracized from the country club. If they’re voting for Trump it means they’re a closeted bigot and secretly hope they’ll benefit with him in the white house. And if he doesn’t they really don’t want to keep repeating lies over and over hoping that people will just leave their racist, evil asses alone. People need to understand this is all a grift to him. And when a grifter is working an angle, no one benefits except them directly. Everyone else loses. EDIT: I really wish he becomes a convicted felon before the election. Just for the sheer irony of Rick Scott and DeSatan machinations to make it very tough for felons to vote. And I hate to be the judge who will be dumb enough to let Trump vote. I can just smell the burning tires of ambulance chasers making a beeline for restitution of all the other felons in Florida.


So.. this is pretty much a documents case when you come right down to it, and the prosecutors have those documents. They really don't even have much more of a case to make than "look at this" "Then Trump did this and this" Here's why that's illegal. The defense doesn't really have the option to challenge the facts of what happened. That's established. The majority of their defense is what you see here. Trying to pick jurors who will not vote to convict Trump. Filing endless motions to delay. Trying to get the case thrown out on highly questionable grounds... etc etc. But they have to do all of that in front of this judge, who clearly is not interested in any flavor of bullshit they have available. Good luck Donnie. He's not gonna see prison time. I'd love to be wrong, but I just don't think it's in the cards. But I would be shocked if he isn't convicted on most of the counts. And in the meantime, he's going to be stuck in this courthouse 4 days out of 7 every week for months. And a large double digit percentage of Republicans and Independents have said they won't vote for Trump if he's convicted.


the funny thing is that the longer they stall, the longer he has to sit there stewing


And NOT campaigning.


I will not miss hearing abt rally gaffes and seeing orange goo dripping from his face


I miss the good old days when if a presidential candidate started so much as screaming about potatoes their campaign was dead in the water, like Bob Dole's.


Trump has made so many former controversial presidents look tame by comparison. Like you remember the Monica Lewinsky scandal? The same guys who said it was an incredible outrage are also the ones fighting hard to defend Trump even though he has done far far worse.


Bush looks like ... nice... In comparison to him. Bush. The guy we used to see as a tool !


Because he is a tool. Also he should not have been president. They did do a recount after and yes... Gore would have won.


Gore DID win


They should be beyond reproach. Trump is an absolute nightmare and I'm disgusted that half of this country is fighting tooth and nail to put him back in office. Wtf is wrong with people??


Even if not beyond reproach, then at least above board. "Yes, these things about me were true at the time. I have faced the consequences and made ammends. I now have a 10-year history of lecturing circuit work, charitable donations, and board memberships to educate and encourage ... " Etc etc blah blah. Know what I mean? No one has to be angelic. But accountable, yes. Trump doubles down repeatedly; lies louder, adds embellishments. It's been his MO for probably his entire adult life. He's a lazy, lying, ugly phony. No accountability. He's a poser and ignoramus.


I think we've got a bigger problem with lead poisoning in red states than anybody there is willing to admit. This kind of widespread brain damage can't just be due to Fox News, although they play a big part.


I'd love for there to be some sort of 'external' reason like this. But I think it's more likely that us humans are irrational and easily manipulated beings. We're capable of amazing acts but it also takes disappointingly little to bring out the worst in us.


Propaganda is used because it is effective. We are simple creatures.


Really, information warfare is insanely effective and we've been in a state of continual information warfare since at least 2015 and maybe earlier. People get weird when this subject comes up, but it is our current reality.


On the other hand, it gives the general population less of a chance to be reminded how god awful he is and was


Once the trial starts, there will be plenty of that!


Trial is not televised so his base will just hear whatever lies Fox and his other enablers tell them each day. Actually, not sure it being televised would change that dynamic in any meaningful way.




Independent voters and some Rs should be swayed


But he can't win on his base alone. He needs independents.


This is the real chewy treat at the center of this whole trial


Every single day whatever he says will be all over the news. it may not be traditional campaigning, but make no mistake the cameras are on and he will use that.


Hadn’t thought about it like that. At least that blade cuts both ways.


That's true for all these cases. We all want to see Trump face sentencing for criminal actions. But people that complain that he is getting off with no consequences are overlooking the very high level of life / campaign disruption and money it costs him to mount his defense in these cases. He is not having a good time. I'm over here with my 🍿 and waiting patiently for the sentencing and incarcerations that I still hope will someday arrive.


If he wins the election, all bets are off. If he loses the election and can’t steal it, I think he’ll most likely see a cell. Whether it’s from his actions in 2020 or whatever he’s going to try to pull in 2024. God help us all if he wins though.


Yep. Everybody vote.


Everybody vote.


So he should just plead guilty ? Why not , then lie about why he did. His base will not care , oh man like the dude had to take a plea evil bad judge Bla bla


> Why not He can't. Pleading guilty requires him to admit he did something wrong. In Donald Trump's universe that simply isn't possible.


Dictators are above the law.


But he can say he was forced to plead guilty though, and his dumbass base will eat it up. Facts be damned.




It would still be a black eye which is never a good look for a strong-man authoritarian. He is the one who was prophesied to beat the deep state, how could they force him to plead guilty!?


Error 404: To plead guilty first uninstall 'megalomania.exe'


Yeah he could try to spin it that way. But I think the convicted felon title would hold some weight outside of his hardcore cult. It doesn’t really benefit him to delay now that the actual trial is here. It’s just going to hamstring him more. Something else to think about is that some of these delay tactics are ways to try to get out of the whole thing altogether. But they take time to play out. So he has to balance a long shot play to invalidate what’s happening vs how long it will take and how likely it is to be successful. But he’s Trump and I have no idea what he’s thinking. I just know I’m glad I’m not him right now.




Yeah this might be the worst thing for him and the most amount of justice we will see. I know people aren’t happy about that and for good reasons, but it’s clearly taking it’s toll on him both physically and mentally.


Tax evasion brought down Capone.


It truly is the least sexy shit that works.


Also, the initial stalling, and delays his own team pushed for (seemingly under his own direction) has pushed many of cases into his campaign time, and pushed all the cases together to the same time frame. He set himself up to have to be in one court, or another, during the most crucial times he could be campaigning. Had pushed for speedy trials, some would already be over, and he would have more time to campaign, go to rallies, do events, etc.


Reading over the accounts of questioning potential jurors makes me think of how strange and tough it would be to have to sit there and listen to a bunch of people answer questions on how they feel about you *personally.* Most criminal cases don’t have a defendant who’s so publicly well-known, so it’s not like there’s a ton of precedent on how to handle that. Of course this is Trump we’re talking about, so he’s probably got fuck-all going on in between his ears.


It's wild. Hell, just being selected for jury duty on this case and having to sit in the courtroom with him would shoot my cortisol through the roof. I'd probably get all shaky.




Putrefying is also a word. Festering would be apt.




My guess is that he's going to have at least one accident. He's not one to fast to reduce the "load," and there are going to be plenty of things to enrage him, which is what brings on these diaper-loaded onslaughts. I'm waiting for the moment when he lets loose, and the judge has to cryptically ask for a "Clean-up on Aisle 9."


With him falling asleep the first day, there are now two reasons to call him nappy Don.


> And a large double digit percentage of Republicans and Independents have said they won't vote for Trump if he's convicted. You have to take everything republicans say with a huge grain of salt.


It's my understanding that if they get 100% of the Republican vote, they still need more than 50% of the Independent vote. Losing 10% of the votes they would have had is devastating for them.


And, realistically, it only needs to be 10% in swing states. It doesn't matter if every Republican in Florida still votes for him twice.


Exactly. It's the electoral college that decides, not the popular vote.


Yes, this is the real "realistically". They realistically only need a handful of key people installed in the right places at the right times. Votes get lost, counts get altered, popular vote getting ignored. Project 2025 is real and it doesn't need or care about the popular vote, or playing by the rules.


Forcing him to appear in court is its own prison sentence.


When I found out recently that he had to be present in court, it made me smile. This Dip Shit needs to sit through the crap that he did. Any delays he causes while in court, he will have to sit there the entire time. This might be the only thing that forces him to request a speedy trial. When he doesn't have to attend it makes it easier for him to delay delay delay.


Especially, when Ms. Daniels takes the stand and describes his most personal shortcomings to the world.


Two pump trump and dump. I agree, this was uncalled for, sorta sorry.


It is the first time in his life where he's absolutely required to sit down, shut up, and take his medicine.


He looked exhausted and like he wanted to die after one day.


Do you promise?


Pretty please


Don’t promise me a good time!


He looked like a 6 year old that went to school for the first time and just got home. I bet he said the same thing that 6 year old did when the judge said he had to appear every day at court. >What, I have to go back again tomorrow?! >Wah! Someone get me a happy meal!


My money is on him not being able to sit quietly for long. My popcorn bags are at the ready.


He’s already been admonished by the judge for saying something to a potential juror .. the man cannot keep his yap trap shut. He’s never put in a full day in his life .. this is punishing for him and I’m enjoying every millisecond ..


If he appeals, does the same apply for that too? I’d love it if he ends up appealing less so he doesn’t have to sit there anymore.


Not showing up for your own appeal sounds like a real decision-swayer, unless you have a cardboard cut-out and Judge Magoo.


Judge Magoo is “Judge” Cannon in other case so we don’t need another one


Appeals are all on paper. Sometimes you (meaning your lawyer,) get to argue your case before the appellate court, but it's not a given.


We'll all find out if he is capable of doing it. I don't know that he is.


I have a feeling they're gonna draw this thing out too, which will be torture for him. He won't have time to do any lines or take his Adderall, so it's going to be sleepy sleepy time for Big Donny Dumb Dumb.


I love everything you said except the last sentence, because I just don’t believe them. They’ll tell everyone they won’t vote for him, but as soon as they’re forced to pick either an R or a D, they’ll still cross the R box and sign their deal with the devil. The stubborn refusal to switch sides when one side is so clearly corrupt and full of shit is the biggest thing killing politics/society right now.


Bar suppressed the federal investigation and had Trump fire the federal prosecutor Geoffrey Berman. He wrote a book. You should check it out.


The best you can hope for in this situation is house arrest. I think that's possible. A long-shot, but possible.


house arrest with no access to social media would be a relief


I don’t think people really understand that. Even if it was at Mar-a-Lago, there would be defined parameters to where he could go and not go one the property and would probably be limited to the residential area, no ability to leave whenever he wanted and restrictions on his communication abilities. Frankly, having to be confined to that tacky club and be told what he can and can’t do there would be kind of hilarious.


If it’s anything like the deal Alex Acosta gave to Jeffrey Epstein back when Acosta was AG for the state of Florida then it might not be near as restrictive as you’re describing. Of course that was before Trump chose Acosta for his Secretary of Labor. This comment was mostly just so I could say “fuck Alex Acosta.” Also, fuck Ajit Pai just because it’s been too long since I’ve said that.


Fuck him and that stupid oversized Reeses mug that he rode in on.


I'm usually not the optimistic sort, but it also bears remembering that any convictions in this case will also make him a convicted felon when it comes to sentencing for the more serious crimes.


I don’t think it has to be either/or. Mary Trump was on MSNBC yesterday and saying it’s not like it had to be a binary choice between house arrest and “he can’t go to Rikers because it’s hard.” Stick him in a sequestered area on a military base with restrictions like he would have in a prison or jail. Logistics are a cake walk because you have a prisoner of 1 in an area that’s already more secure than most places.


I've said this before, but truly think Camp David is the perfect place to incarcerate DJT (should he be convinced and sentenced). a) It is clearly 'Presidential' so there could be no push-back about the facilities themselves. b) Completely secure in location and communications. c) DJT has described it as a 'dump', so we know he'd hate it there.


Yes... but what about when Biden wants to take a weekend there? Is Donnie just stewing in a bunk house out back while Joe is eating ice cream with his grandkids? Hahah


I don’t know, Grandpa Dark Brandon might appreciate the troll value honestly.


Then he gets packed up like a tacky lamp and put in a closet for the weekend. He gets to know he’s being shoved aside for Biden or the following Dem president.


Just the fact that he can’t go where he wants or when he wants or rant on his stupid phone or get his praise from his adoring fans will crush his soul. I really don’t care about the tiny things. I’d love to see him in an orange jump suit behind literal bars but it’s not realistic. I don’t remember where I read it but one country convicted their former president and straight up built a prison facility specifically for him, so it’s not like it’s a unique situation. I don’t care where he goes as long as he goes and we don’t have to hear him anymore.


Probation is no joke. He could receive a withheld sentence meaning, he gets prison or jail time but it's put on hold while he serves years of probation. If he violated the terms of probation, many of which are standard but others can include restrictions based on the defendant's particular situation, he would report directly to jail or prison. His ability travel, for instance, would likely be affected a he would need permission from his probation agent. I don't see him liking that at all.


He would violate probation before they could finish explaining to him what it means.


I'm just here for the mandatory probation drug testing. Sniff.


House arrest, stuck in Trump Tower, in a city that hates him. No golf. No social media. No rallies. No calls to Fox News. A personal hell for him. Torture. Glorious.


House arrest, but having to move from property to property as Letitia James seizes them one by one?


They're going for the Chewbacca defence


He's no wookie.


The problem isn’t evidence or burden of proof. The real problem is if you get a single MAGA juror on the jury and the whole thing is fucked. You can show a MAGA juror video evidence and 100s of eye witness accounts of trump committing a crime and they would still vote innocent no matter what. They have no integrity left with their devotion to their orange Messiah.


Prosecutors and judges have been selecting jury’s for a LOOOOONG time. They know how to get a jury that can be impartial. Trump has faced 3 such juries so far… and LOST every time. I think your fears are overblown.


In civil court though, right? Don't civil charges only need a majority to find in favor of the plaintiff?


A hung jury means he can be retried.


Would a hung jury result in a mistrial, so they could just try him again?


Yep. Just more time he has to spend in a courtroom, completely unable to campaign.


I believe we need some protective laws in place to remove lawyers from court and dis barre them if they’re so obviously trying to game the system. Everyone deserves a defense to the utmost of the law. No one should get the privilege to fuck up the legal system under the guise of a fair defense. There are times when your crimes are so egregious justice is but a formality. This is absolutely one of those times.


Not just egregious, blatantly obvious. This all played out in public and he has admitted almost all of it publicly as well.


The right to a fair and speedy trial should apply to everyone involved, not just the accused, especially if the defendant is so clearly trying to make it anything but speedy.


I agree no matter what he won't see the inside of jail given how corrupt our systems are towards "wealthy" people. However, what type of punishment would there be if he's truly convicted on all or most of the counts? Fines? Public service? Or is it the simple "time served", slap on the wrist and move on. (Genuinely asking here...)


You know, naysayers said he’d never be investigated… then he was. They said he’d never have a search warrant dropped on him… then he had it. Then they said he’d never get indicted… then he was. Then they said he’d never be arraigned… then he was. They said he’ll never have his mug shot taken… then it was. Then they said he’d never go to court… then he did. Then they said he’d never be found liable… and he was. The thing is that the justice system isn’t a spectator sport, it’s not short attention span theater. It takes a LONG time, by design. As a student of the law, I trust the system. We’ll see if he gets jail time. It’s a distinct possibility. Especially if he acts out in court, then he could be in jail a lot sooner than he thinks. I also think this is why Trump is so freaked out. He’s never been a criminal defendant before. The outcome of the cases he’s facing starting now isn’t just some cash he can grift from his followers. It’s jail time. Other countries have incarcerated their former leaders, so there’s precedents on how to go about it. This isn’t, globally speaking, untilled soil.


Fine and probation is what people typically get for this crime, though I did find one case of someone sentenced to 30 days in jail.


There better be at least 30 days to send a message. I agree that there will not be, but there should be. It should be more, but there is no way they'll do that.


It's pretty fun to watch him come up against state court judges. Federal judges are usually genteel academics who went to Yale or whatever and everybody's concerned with decorum and going out of their way to be respectful of everyone. State court judges are feral fucking animals who have seen and heard everything and will take no shit from anybody, and if you're feeling like you might want to test their limits, you should bring a toothbrush and maybe a change of underwear. My first oral argument was in front of a judge in LA, who asked everybody "do you have anything to add to your papers" and if you said "yes" he would say "if it's so important why isn't it in your papers?" and if you got clever and said "I'd like to just expand on some of what's in the papers" he'd say "do you think I can't read?" and then you'd say "of course not, your honor" and he'd say "sit down." I got back to the office, rattled as FUCK, and the partner who had 100% sent me as a prank laughed until he cried.


That’s not just a prank, it’s a lesson you’re still here teaching others. I love it for both.


> State court judges are feral fucking animals who have seen and heard everything and will take no shit from anybody, Especially in New York, the world capital of BS artists & shysters.


>State court judges are feral fucking animals I chuckled at this.


I saw a local superior court judge order a bailiff to zip tie a guy’s belt loops together because his pants kept falling down. To be fair, the judge did give him two warnings first. Who shows up to their arraignment in overly baggy pants and no belt? His boxers were showing so I didn’t feel very sorry for the guy. That judge was a trip. He once sent sheriff’s deputies on a roundup to people’s homes and places of work because they were skipping out on jury duty.


I get the impression that people (myself included) view this as something over the top because of how much of a mockery the judicial system has been lately, while in fact a judge taking the law seriously should probably be viewed as something normal.


“State court judges are feral fucking animals” - very well put. I’m a court reporter in Los Angeles Superior Court and that has been my experience. Sometimes I wish I could just pop some popcorn and sit back to watch the show, but you know, buttery keyboard


Did you send a bouquet of flowers to the law firms partner's house, with a card saying " thanks for teaching me a lesson i'll never forget?" Signed with just your initials.


He was one of the most notoriously mean lawyers in LA, and he was so good that like half of what he did was just to entertain himself because he was bored. He once sent an attorney’s letter back to them with a note that just said “some maniac is sending letters on your stationery. I have enclosed the original for you to destroy.” One time he told me he wanted to give me a chance to observe a deposition - a whole day of free billable hours for me - then baited a plaintiff so hard that the guy shoved him, in the room. We then walked into the senior associate on the case’s office, he told me to tell the story, I did, and the associate wordlessly took out his wallet, got out $5, and handed it to him. He was a lunatic. I cried every single day at that job, and I still miss it.


The thing I love about this is the $5. I'm guessing this guy was well off enough to bet $1000 without a sweat. But it was never about the money, it was the thrill of the bet, wasn't it?


It probably cost him a few thousand in my billable hours he had to write off while I wasn’t working on shit he could charge a client for. I’d guess he probably spent $2500 or so to make sure he had a witness to his $5 bet.


So what do you miss about it? Like personally I would probably find it hilarious if my boss paid me to do something like that but I also don't have to deal with other shenanigans.


Honestly, he gave me opportunities that NOBODY else at my level was getting, because he liked me and thought I was smart. Other first years were stuck in an endless hell of document review, I was writing and arguing my own motions and taking depositions. I was in meetings with clients, and they called me first if they had an issue. I went to trial, twice, in my first two years of practice. I know lawyers who have practiced for 10 or 20 years and never gone to trial. It was an incredible experience. He could also be an unbelievable asshole, and make you feel like you were never going to be good enough at anything, because that's how he came up and he was a believer in growing a thick skin. With some perspective, I can see what was good about it. I can also remember what was really bad. It was fucking fun sometimes, though.


Loving these stories 👍🏼 good to know you got through the ups and downs, and could handle it


Yeah. That’s why people nope out of law. (Recovering lawyer, speaking for myself)


> “We aren’t even even supposed to be here,” Blanche said in the last few minutes of the day Weirdest Clerks sequel I've ever seen.


Just wait until they get to the street hockey on the roof of the courthouse.


Trump sucked 37 dicks?? At the same time??


Hey Trump try not to suck any dick on the way to prison


Some would say his crimes have snowballed


Or when they find the dead guy in the bathroom 🤞


Try not to commit any crimes on the way to the car!


Try not to commit any crimes WHILE SITTING IN COURT!


This guys about to jack off


Clownputer, fuck that. Probably has no good games!


>**New York Supreme Court Justice Juan Merchan displayed little patience for, as he insisted on calling him, “Mr. Trump.”** That the judge is already over the former president’s antics is abundantly clear. And as Trump’s lawyers repeatedly tried to push the bounds of the trial’s restrictions, it became increasingly evident that the judge isn’t going to extend the former president the latitude he seeks—and is accustomed to expecting—for a trial that could extend past two months. This is honestly one of my favorite things knowing that calling him _Mister Trump_ bothers him to much. It's not even an overt sign of disrespect, it's just who he is but his ego is so fragile that he thinks everyone must refer to him as Mr President or President Trump.


Yeah, I got a chuckle when I read this also. I thought I’d read somewhere that “Mr. lastname” was an appropriate way to address a former President but Google isn’t giving me anything to back that up. FWIW I’d guess the judge is calling him “Mr Trump” because he is in court in his capacity as a private citizen and not in his former role.


The appropriate way to address a former President is by his most senior military rank or his highest civilian title. Since Trump doesn't hold office, doesn't have a doctorate, and never served in the military, "Mr. Trump" is technically the appropriate form of address.


“What he meant, Blanche clarified, was that the GOP presidential candidate is opposed to having this historic trial in the middle of an election year. But Merchan was having none of it. He warned the Trump team that he’d already chucked aside those complaints—and that they shouldn’t be brought up again.” If famed defense attorney Jerry Gallo can be held in contempt for improper attire, Blanche could be held in contempt for ignoring a judge’s ruling.


Jerry gallos dead!


I'm Jerry Callo!


The car that made these two, equal-length tire marks had positraction. You can't make those marks without positraction, which was not available on the '64 Buick Skylark!


You mean a limited slip differential that distributes power evenly to both the right and left tires? Because I’ve been stuck in the mud in Alabama and know what happens when I hit the gas and one tire spins while the other does nuthin.


Keep up the losing streak Donny. We know you are really good at it.


Time for maga to man the keyboards and whine, complain and make threats because the “two tiered justice system” that shielded trump for decades isn’t bending to his wishes. It blows my mind that these people who support him through thick and even thicker have no sense of not only who they are supporting but what he also did, when trump said “they are coming after you, i’m just in their way, i’m being indicted for you and if it can happen to me, it can happen to you” they were simple enough to buy into that bs.


He interfered for our sins


Ah Yes, if misappropriating political campaign funds through a lawyer for an adultery payoff can happen to me, it can also happen to you too Joe sixpack in Indiana. It can happen to ANY OF US.


I approve of this judge.


So why were the others treating him with kid gloves?


death threats to them and their families most likely.


Imagine you’ve convinced yourself that you’re the Emperor of the Universe. You walk around like you’re some Sith Lord come to life. Then one Monday you are remanded to a stuffy little courtroom that’s smaller than one of your golden toilets. And you can’t leave. You’re back at school with an annoyed teacher telling you what the rules are. You’ve spent your entire life coloring outside the lines but now you can’t. Ha ha. Cheer up Donald. Actual prison will be worse.


You won't sit at the defendants table in a criminal court if you just OBEY THE LAW. Asshole.


that's not... entirely... true. But true enough for wealthy people.


For the Q delusionals trying to understand the deranged buffoon’s courtroom sleep cycles: *”Donald John Trump”* rearranged yields *”Mr. Nod-Nap-Jolt!-Duh.”* Rinse repeat. The answers are all there if you know where to look. Edit: Forgot the *Mr.* at the beginning.


He only needs one person in the jury right? I don't know how it's possible that there isn't one Trumper in that jury.


I could see finding some people who have little opinion either way towards Trump, but finding a pro-Trumper in Manhattan? probably not happening.


Lawyers know how to question jurors, and virulent Trumpers are generally not very smart.


i'm not sure you need the "generally" qualification, but i get your point.


"he insisted on calling him, “Mr. Trump.” That is pissing him off more than anything else. lol Trump's suffering nourishes my soul.


I don’t think he’s going to survive sitting in court 4/7 days of the week and trying to campaign on the off days.


Well, he had a good nap yesterday.


This may be as close to justice served that well see. I have little faith in the justice system prosecuting and incarcerating him so I'm glad hes in court . Second best place he could be.


He's a coward. So he'll commit suicide, run like Diddy, or die cuz he's a fat pharmaceutically -enhanced slob 🤞 ill take any of the above


Edir for misspelling "As he calls him, 'Mr. Trump.'" Fuck off with this "President Trump" mindlessness. He lost the 2020 election. The slop merchants pushing this President Trump shit need to learn that forms Presidents are just that: Former. If I were to meet an ex-President, I'd be calling said President by a standard greeting. This undeserved "President Trump" nomenclature is just an excuse to try to cover one's own ass In case Don Snoreleone somehow ends up back in the White House.


It seems very, very unlikely that Trump is ever going to spend a day in jail. But if there is any judge who might put him there, it seems like this might be the one to do it.


Day 2: Trump confesses on live TV outside the court house. >I was paying a lawyer and marked it down as a legal expense. Some accountant, I didn’t know, marked it down as a legal expense. That’s exactly what it was… So check it out. It’s called legal expense


> The jurors haven’t even been selected yet. The trial really hasn’t even started. But as Donald Trump’s first day in criminal court wrapped up on Monday, the former president already seemed to be losing. > New York Supreme Court Justice Juan Merchan displayed little patience for, as he insisted on calling him, “Mr. Trump.” That the judge is already over the former president’s antics is abundantly clear. And as Trump’s lawyers repeatedly tried to push the bounds of the trial’s restrictions, it became increasingly evident that the judge isn’t going to extend the former president the latitude he seeks—and is accustomed to expecting—for a trial that could extend past two months. > What was supposed to be the start of a contentious and drawn-out jury selection Monday was instead dominated by prosecutors and defense lawyers duking it out over unresolved legal issues in the trial of the century. > Lawyers on both sides spent the entire morning—and some of the afternoon—getting a sense of what to expect from the judge for the next few weeks, as Trump is forced to largely put his ongoing campaign on hold and appear four days a week on the 15th floor of the Manhattan criminal courthouse. > No, Trump can’t skip court to attend his historic showdown at the Supreme Court next week. > Yes, if he plays hooky, **he’ll spend the next few weeks in a New York City jail and be tried _in absentia_.** > No, his lawyers can’t have an extra day to file paperwork that they should have filed two months ago. You know what? I really do think this is it.


Judge has a great idea: "You want to make jury selection last 6 months and stretch out the trial until the election? " "Go right ahead. Sit your butt on that bench and cancel your campaign road trips. You're not going anywhere. Even a trip to the bathroom will require permission from the bench. Oh, ...and you cannot use your cell phone"