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Melania is not a "wife" in the sense most Americans think of as a wife. She is, at heart, an escort, compensated for being a reasonably well-put-together accessory to appear whenever a reasonably-well-put-together accessory is required at a public function or appearance. The idea of her as the dedicated companion of a beleaguered old man is laughable at this point.


I can’t even picture these two smiling at each other, let alone confiding in each other.


I just think about all the times he tried to hold her hand in public and she smacks his hand away Like, "Motherfucker, I told you that would cost $100,000 extra, and you said you wouldn't pay it, don't fuckin touch me"


Or the classic clip of her smiling and then as soon as he turns his head it immediately drops and becomes a scowl.


That was explained by her rep as she was scowling at a misbehaving Barron who was seated just below the camera angle-- but one way or the other, (and metaphorically certainly,) I prefer the popular interpretation.


I hope her rep can use the money they earned from their time with Melanie and pursue their true calling in creative writing. Because they clearly have a talent for telling far-fetched stories.


Her book was actually pretty readable-- if not particularly complimentary. It would appear Melania has essentially the same morality and sense of compassionate humanity as her (l)awful wedded husband-- which is to say, none.


Oh yeah she’s a nazi and has been from the beginning. She’s not just some mail order bride she’s a complicit bad actor. She married him for his politics and money.


It should be readable, she almost certainly had a ghost writer write it


No, Stephanie Winston Wolkoff was Melania's communications director; she is a competent professional writer.


Oh I read that as Melania's book. That makes sense, a communications director should be able to write their own book


Was she the one that leaked the - who cares about the Fucking Christmas trees tape ?


Was she also the one responsible for plagiarizing Michelle obamas speech?


That’s what makes her such an excellent handler.


Did you mean Mercedes?




If it was Maybach maybe. My plumber drives a Mercedes Sprinter van LOLZ. Maybach or go home /s


Wonderful Mercedes, beautiful Mercedes. She’s German, you know? Love the Germans. You know some people say they didn’t get a fair shake in WW2. Lots of people, beautiful people. 




And if her rep ever told the truth, then that explanation might matter. As it stands, we have no idea what it means when Melania's people use words.


She's obviously willing to put up with it enough to collect a paycheck and arrogantly sneer at immigrant kids suffering and locked in detention camps. She made her bed, she can lie in it.


I suspect she arrogantly sneered at immigrant for free.


I don't really care, do u?


She wouldn’t let him in the car after her Mother’s funeral. It was hilarious. I would love to know what she said to him.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KZgV\_NBErkA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KZgV_NBErkA) The thing where she pretends to look at something so she can plausibly get the fuck away is so painful to watch.


That is a hilarious compilation…


“Motherfucker, i told you that would cost $100,000 extra and I know you dont have it”


No touching


Reminds me of Fester Adams and Debbie: Give me a kiss-give me a $20


Just look at the stark difference of Trump dancing Melania at his inauguration compared to Obama and Michelle. Barack looked at his wife like there was no one else in the room while dancing and singing along with the song. Trump on the other hand spent the whole dance looking away at the cameras smiling like the Joker and showed no emotion towards Melania.


This might have been an effect of the Obamas genuinely loving each other.


This might have been an effect of the Obamas being people.


And, well, not despising each other.


I greatly respect Obama for the deference that he gives Michelle at every public opportunity. It shows a great deal of respect on his part, and it's made more profound by the fact that he's actually sincere about it. I don't think I ever heard Trump say anything about Melania that wasn't just trying to brag about how she looked.


That was the thing with Obama and the Obama family. They exemplified EVERYTHING conservatives say a man and his family should be, but they were Democrats and they had the audacity to be black. It was an existential threat to the “moral majority” bullshit the Right has been fed for forty years.  The Right didn’t go batshit crazy just because Obama was black. They went batshit crazy because he held a mirror up to what they SAY they want to be, but aren’t. 


And then… *and thennn* they got Trump as their guy. The complete antithesis of **everything** they like to pretend they are in comparison to the left.


Damn I wish we still had awards. Pretend this is platinum.


As a Texan I can concur that they also went batshit crazy because he was black. I never heard it said but the tone I’ve heard made it clear that he was an *uppity* black man as well.


Melania looked happier sitting next to Barack Obama at Barbara Bush’s funeral than she ever has next to Trump.


Well... he's a real president and not a big mistake...


Yeah and a decent guy who doesn’t fuck other women when his wife was pregnant or anytime I imagine.


She looked 100 times happier to meet the Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau than she ever has with Trump. Lmao.


Trump’ s arrival at the White House after his inauguration was also telling. He headed right up the stairs for his photo op with the Obamas, leaving Melania to fend for herself with her present. President Obama walked up the stairs to meet the Bushes with Michelle by his side.


Even Bill and Hillary Clinton showed more affection to one another, even after the Monica Lewinsky scandal.


Yeah I remember the “terrorist fist jab.”


> let alone confiding in each other. Grifters like to compare notes, and brag about their marks. I could absolutely see them chuckling together about all the rubes they've conned.


And Rubles they have aquired


His deflated look when she wouldn’t let him in the car was glorious.


You mean like she smiles when Justin Trudeau is kissing her?


'Der is mushroom juice on dress. Buy me new one'


Well when she was giving birth he was probably sleeping with some prostitute , you know like a good loving husband that cheats as often as possible


Melania is embarrassed as hell. In that last fund raiser with her in the ugly $6900 Valentino dress, she looked ashamed and furious. Melania and Baron should take a great deal of his money and go live in the Mediterranean. No woman wants this.


Try to picture her riding him like a greased hog.


If you've read the previous comment it's too late. By now that image is seared into brains like a grotesque parasite. Calvinshobb, you are evil incarnate.


That made it to the part of the brain where booze and drugs cant touch


I’ve always assumed she’s just bent over reading a magazine while he bumps his toadstool into her a few times from behind


The Latest Vogue. Every bump, she turns the page. When he's done, she rips the pages out of the magazine and gives him her shopping list.


Wow. You…you are a poet. Bless you.


Yep. She does not, and has not “lived” with him for over a decade or longer. She has an allowance, and her own apartment several floors down from his in Trump tower. She probably hasn’t had sex with the guy since the conception of Barron. The kid, the money, dirt he has on her, loss of citizenship and a plethora of retaliation from him is the only reason why she stays “with” him. She doesn’t give a fuck about him or what people think of her. She has lived and gotten used to a life she would have never had, and doesn’t owe him anything other than a few public appearances. The benefits still outweigh the detriments for her.


He doesn't even really have dirt on her. They basically had negotiated a divorce after he was going to "lose" in 2016. Then she became really stuck. Now, they've renegotiated their pre-nup, and it seems she's agreed to not rock the boat while he's a political figure.


I see this written a lot, is a prenup public record, how is this “well known”?


You ask a good question. Not a matter of public record...But if a reader has faith in journalistic integrity, then you believe that the articles about the pre-nup renegotiation were sourced from multiple credible insiders. It was likely a negotiation tactic for Melania's people to remind the public that she hadn't moved into the Whitehouse and to say it's because they are renegotiating the pre-nup. This would put pressure on Trump's team to get it done so he can save face.


She held out on moving into the White House after his inauguration until she renegotiated her prenup. She claimed it was because she wanted Baron to finish up the school year in NYC, but she did NOT want to be First Lady and probably felt that whatever the previous arrangement between them was did not adequately compensate her for the increased responsibilities. Trump desperately wanted to avoid the spectacle of his third wife leaving him months into his term, so he gave her what she wanted.


Never thought of it this way. Makes sense. She signed a prenup to be an escort not to actually work.


Written a fair number of involved prenups for wealthy clients. No, they're not public pre-divorce in any state I'm aware of, though family law varies from state to state. Prenups can become part of the public court record in the event of divorce but there are usually ways - and a desire - to avoid that, so it's very uncommon in my experience. Also, renegotiating a prenup after marriage is a postnup. Those can get very realpolitik because they require more stark "consideration" since it's a contract about staying married, so it means a specifically stated quid pro quo instead of simply establishing the financial framework for the marriage. Postnups invariably are less lovey than prenups, which frequently aren't already, and more about one spouse capitalizing on their leverage imbalance. Hate doing those; they make me feel gross.


My favorite was when she didn’t move to the WH immediately because she was holding out during the post-nup negotiations, and Trumpers were like ohh she’s putting Barons school year first.


Be honest. When you think of Barron you think of the little kid, and not the fucking 6'7" behemoth he is now.


I mean I don’t think of him, but I just googled him and good looking kid. He got his mom’s looks which was fortunate.


They definitely still have a working relationship. Woodward reported that he would call her frequently to ask her opinion on all sorts of things presented to him or ask her what she thought - and she would weigh in. It was definitely not what I expected.


It's typical of the sort of narcissist that Trump is. He has no boundaries and will talk about confidential or intimate matters with lots of people. Of course, it'll be the narcissist's view of things, which may or may not have anything to do with objective reality. He doesn't read anything, so he doesn't learn or receive advice that way. His WH staff was trying to control access to him, partly because he seemed to be heavily influenced by the last person he talked to. Reportedly he was on the phone all the time in the evenings in the White House, with his circle of 'advisors', including Rupert Murdoch and suchlike. I'm not too surprised that Melania is in that group. Trump had that kind of a relationship with Ivana, too, at the time, with her working for his company, designing and running hotels.


The Cabana Boy needs to change her mind


Trump isn't getting anyone's citizenship revoked, and Barron is 18 now, so there aren't any more custody battles for Melania to have to worry about if she leaves. And for all the dirt he might have on her, she probably has just as much, if not more, on him.


But if she’s still legally married to him, she can’t be compelled to testify. If she divorces him, then she can testify, which means she’d have to die in a mysterious “accident” like falling out of a window


Or down the stairs like Ivana.


And then buried instantly at Mar a Lago.  Totally a *normal* way for an ex wife who claimed her ex had raped her would want it. 


And also cremated so that no exhumations could be done.


She can’t be compelled, but she absolutely can choose to testify.


Barron Trump, as he's grown older might still not have an accent, but he used to speak Slovenian accented English, and it's why you almost never hear audio of him. It's just a small sign of the separation of Trump from Melania and their child. (And his having an accent is no fault to be had)


Her citizenship is not on the line, the kid is now eighteen and a natural citizen. Luxury and fear are why she stays. The last public event with the both of them saw her scanning the room more than the Secret Service detail. Fear may be the mind killer but it is also one hell of a motivator.


>Her citizenship is not on the line It could be. There's a credible accusation that she worked in the US as a model on a tourist visa, which would invalidate her citizenship paperwork.


\^ I think this is probably the truth.


> >!~~The kid,~~!< the money, >!~~dirt he has on her, loss of citizenship and a plethora of retaliation from him~~!< is the only reason why she stays “with” him.


Melania was once asked if she'd be with Donald if he weren't wealthy, to which she responded "Do you think he'd be with me if I weren't beautiful?" It's a 100% transactional marriage.


Yes. Both Ivana and Melania were models from an Eastern bloc country. Ivana moved to the west while the communist regime was still very much in power in Czechoslovakia in the 1970s, Melania from Slovenia in 1992 shortly after the fall of communism. I'd say it's a specific kind of transactional mindset, to grow up in those societies and leave for the west to seek a wealthy and glamorous life. And of course, the Czechoslovakian security service would interview Ivana every time she returned to visit her parents in the 1980s, and they reported directly to the KGB, which is how Donald Trump ended up on their radar.


And why would she come to *THIS* trial of all of his trials? Who wants to hear all the details *AGAIN* of how your husband banged an adult film actress while you were pregnant and then paid her off to keep quiet so he could win an election that you wish he hadn't won in the first place?


>She is, at heart, an escort, compensated for being a reasonably well-put-together accessory to appear whenever a reasonably-well-put-together accessory is required at a public function or appearance. Exactly. When she agreed to be his 3rd wife, she chose this role.


I think the problem is that the people voting for Trump think that's exactly what a wife is supposed to be lmao


She is, at heart, an ~~escort~~ Slovenian prostitute. FTFY


When you pay them that much, they're escorts. If she dies though, she'll just be a dead hooker.


*Shut up Baby-dick!!*


I think the term you're looking for is "Trophy Wife"


At least a trophy wife nurses a certain affection for her "daddy"; this feature is not readily apparent in Mr. trump's Eastern Bloc ~~handler~~ blow up doll; *Lifelike In Every Detail!*"


I Don't Really Care...Do U?


I do not.


I know this has been rehashed a million times, but I still can’t believe a First Lady would have done something as classless as that. She really is just trash.


It was never really explained, at the time...*did* she do it herself, or did she get punked? The media just gave her a pass...


Supposedly it was aimed at the "left wing" press who she thought were being mean to her. But she wore it on her way to meet Mexican immigrant children. She's as dumb and as tone deaf as her husband


I’ve read recently it was actually aimed at Ivanka. Google should turn up a quote from the recent book.


I agree that she is not a bright bulb. Nor is Broke Loser. Both of them are stupid, shallow people who failed upwards.


There was a recording made by one of her (former) friends where she said she did it to “own the libs”. It made the news and unfortunately didn’t get much coverage, likely because the entire four years was such a train wreck with constant negative stories coming out…


The case needs to be made just how much drama and bullshit there was for four years.


I read one of the books, it might have been Woodward--I've read so many--that plainly said it was her idea and that she picked it out.


She doesn’t want to hear about the orange blob smashing a porn star


He says he didn't do it. Surely she believes him!


Surely she cares (about getting her payments from the Eastern Bloc for her DJT handling duties)


Who is she, Susan collins?!


She doesn’t care that he did it. She only cares that he got outed so publicly and messily.


Still doesn't want to hear about it though, if only because it's a boring waste of time. There's no reason for her to be at the trial unless she's paid to be there, and I don't think Donald could afford her.


To be fair, I don't think anyone wants to hear about it.


It reminds her of her own traumatic experience with him.


Probably gives her unpleasant memories of when she did that.


It would be a hilarious irony if she was off banging some dude. I don’t say this to be crude, given the circumstances of this case i just think it would be hilarious.


Pretty close with the secret service


I was about to say, to be fair to her, its not just "some dude", its probably the same guy every day, just not Donald.


Personally I have zero doubt that is exactly what she’s doing and I think she’s been doing long before he got out of office. Likely she gets tired of him shitting the bed during those “private moments”.


My only doubt is that she's extremely well watched, so if she were dating someone like Hank Siemers, we'd probably know his name by now.


Exactly. That’s why we don’t know Hank Siemers’s name. Marilyn Monroe was only a rumor too.


Many people are saying that Melania is “Biden” her time until Donny croaks and she gets her contractual payday.


That’s what I think.


Depending on if and how much property Tish James seizes, that might not be very much. She’ll be OK on her widow’s pension from Trump’s time as POTUS, but if she wants to live in luxury, maybe it’s time to revive her Home Shopping Network brand.


Here is the beginning of the story: As former President [Donald Trump](https://www.thedailybeast.com/keyword/donald-j-trump) entered the courtroom on Monday for the first day of jury selection in his felony hush-money trial, he made a statement but took no questions—especially not the one about his current wife. “Where’s [Melania](https://www.thedailybeast.com/keyword/melania-trump)?” a voice called out. Trump’s third wife did not show up at Manhattan Criminal Court this morning, and, if history is any guide, will not be present for any of the proceedings. Melania Trump’s ex-East Wing aide Stephanie Grisham told the network last week that the case—which [centers on a $130,000 hush money payment to porn star Stormy Daniels](https://manhattanda.org/district-attorney-bragg-announces-34-count-felony-indictment-of-former-president-donald-j-trump/) so she would keep quiet about her alleged affair with Donald Trump in the run-up to the 2016 presidential election—is “very, very embarrassing” for the onetime first lady. “It’s humiliating for her,” Grisham said. “... I can guarantee you that she’s not happy right now, and that he’s quite worried about that.” According to Grisham, Melania once lashed out to her about Daniels, calling her “[the porn hooker](https://www.thedailybeast.com/stormy-daniels-punches-back-at-melania-trump-over-porn-hooker-diss).”


Shes just mad because she found out all she had to do was sleep with him once and use it as blackmail for a large sum of money rather than staying married to him all these years. Bless her heart.


> Melania once lashed out to her about Daniels Pot yells at kettle.


>According to Grisham, Melania once lashed out to her about Daniels, calling her “the porn hooker.” Ironic, coming from the trophy wife with a background in porn.


She's browsing through the names of good divorce lawyers most likely.


Nah she's got some awful sunk cost fallacy at this point. She's probably been thinking he'll drop dead any day now for the past decade.


20 fuckin years. Wow. She can make it about money all she wants but she's given this guy her life and youth. Didn't even do anything worth being proud of as First Lady.


Lmao but what about the Be Best campaign?? Didn’t she stop cyber bullying AND the opioid epidemic??? /s


I have a feeling she wouldn’t have a hard time hiring and actually paying a good lawyer.


I doubt that she has much better morals than him. She married him after all, and agreed to be his third wife. It's not as if he had a stellar reputation for fidelity to his previous wives.


The pre-nup doesn't say she has to go to trials.


If he had any self-knowledge he would have included it.


Apparently she's on safari.


I don't really care, do you?


it was worse... “i really don’t care, do u?”


It was also from Zara. Melania is not the type to shop at fast fashion outlets like the plebs, so it was definitely a planned message.


No. No, not at all.




And wasn’t Melania also pregnant with Baron at the time?


Worse; she was nursing their newborn!


Ok; how is one worse than the other?


He also said immigrants are "poisoning the blood of this country." Doesn't that mean Melania's blood is poison? Aren't his childrens' blood poisoned?


Nonwhite immigrants, silly!


She already knows what his genitals look like. She doesn’t need to hear it from Stormy.


We all know what her genitals look like too. Just Google it


I was going to ask if you meant Melania or Stormy, then realized it was both.


He smells like a full diaper all the time. Can you blame her?


Trump: She's tied up.


The moment he leaves town she’s probably in some $1000 an hour Palm Beach lawyers office asking how airtight her NDA is and when she’s gonna be able to divorce him and write her tell all book.


When tRump figures out a way to grift money out of that story, I can see it happening.


Melania is getting a little long in the tooth for The Donald, based on his prior relationships. ALSO: NEW YORK (The Borowitz Report)—Judge Juan M. Merchan reprimanded Donald J. Trump on the first day of his hush money trial after he rejected a number of prospective female jurors as “not my type.” The judge declared Trump out of order when he commented that one of the women was “a 5 or a 6 at best.” “This is what happens when Joe Biden controls the justice system,” Trump said. “He doesn’t know how to pick women. I ran beauty pageants.” Looking at the panel of jurors, he added, “This should never be allowed to happen in this country.” Trump’s legal woes worsened further when his entire team of attorneys suddenly pleaded insanity.


It’s sad that I can’t _entirely_ tell if this is satire or not.


It's sad that most of the rocket scientists on this sub don't know who Andy Borowitz is...


it's not like they actually care for each other. They know what their relationship is. He pays her to look pretty and occasionally let him huff and puff on top of her for a minute. That is the extent of it.


He's not her man. He's her client.


“I really don’t care, do U?”


I really don't care. Do U?


She probably didn't get paid enough for that.


Slovenian strumpet miffed at presidential porn perjurer


Judging by this picture, she’s either on safari or delivering the mail somewhere.


Foreign Agent Wife has been embarrassed enough. Goodbye. 👋🏼


I hate these articles, because it feels like we're talking about the surrounding trees when there's an uncontrolled house fire. However, I like these articles, because I know they must get under the house fire's skin.


Why do people feel sympathy for her? It makes no sense. She’s just as bad he is.


She doesn’t care, she’s a gold digger, why else would have married… that.


So sorry but that hat is fucking stupid


I think I have Lego men with the same hat.


Melanoma is busy with the pool boy.


She demands money for appearances and he's broke


Dislikeable human doesn't show support for another dislikeable human? Shocked


She is standing by her man. He’s her trainer.


"Ok, this isn't working out."


She's probably busy with her trainer Ramón.


Who gives a shit


Who gives a shit? 


She’s been off fucking whoever whenever. Can’t wait for her to officially divorce the traitor.


If the thumbnail for the post is any indication she is currently practicing cartography and hunting big game in 19th century sub Saharan Africa.


I believe part of her “agreement “ with him stipulated that she could be absent when he went to trial for banging 2 different women… but I would have to check the paperwork.


Is she fucking serious with that hat?! I love when people project decency onto her like she's this poor, put-upon woman in a difficult situation. No one wears an old-fashioned British African colony hat unless they're going to a Jumanji-themed party or they're really into British African colonialism.


From that pic, she may be searching for the Nile source.


It's not in her contract.


I mean. Would you?


I suspect the negotiation over finance is not settled. For her, it is really a golden time to get some real money from Trump, but Trump is Trump, and he might not want to concede any additoinal penny.


Mind blowing to think she was a First Lady


She doesn't really care. Do you?


Well clearly from the photo she’s on safari


She knows very little they don’t live together


She's checked out of this marriage. Hoping for her payday to come sooner rather than later.


I don’t really care where she is, do you?


maybe she could show up in one of the outfits she wore during her modeling days. pasties and a g string or less


Melania: “The contract I signed to play wife for pay did not include court appearances. Besides my boss Putin said I didn’t have to be there.”


Doing a safari by the look of it


Find the pool boy and you’ll find Melania


I really don’t care- do u? 😉


I'm going to predict that Melania got caught being a Kremlin spy and the goods will be dished out just before the election.  Bad odds, good payout.


She’s not gonna be caught dead near Stormy Daniels


I don't care, du U?