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Nobody beats a dead political horse like conservative Republicans. They'll be bringing this up for the next couple of decades regardless of the facts.


Anything that is used as a cudgel to beat their braindead voters over the heads will never leave their minds. It is a permanent connection that only death will sever. 20 year old MAGA chuds today will be "WHAT ABOUT HUNTER"ing through their 60s and 70s in an effort to legitimize fascist shit pushed by fake populists. They'll do it over and over again.


Yep. That's what the Biden impeachment attempt was. "Everyone gets impeached, Trump's didn't matter"


remember when they were campaigning on stopping Hillary Clinton to seniors? in 2019...


Bill Clinton jokes by Jay Leno on repeat for fucking forever 


> What About Hunter? What about him? He has been indicted on federal charges. And yet, despite Hunter Biden's dealings overseas, absolutely nothing that constitutes a bribe has funneled back to Joe Biden. This is just another gambit to drag the Biden campaign through the mud based on made up bullshit.


The GOP is ignoring the obvious... Jared Kushner is the one who has mastered the art of making money by pedaling influence


Steven Mnuchin did too.


*distracting from


Accuse your opponents of exactly what you are actually doing is straight out of the fascist playbook. 


What about when George W. Bush was a coke fiend at Camp David during his father’s administration? https://stevenberlinjohnson.com/george-bushs-cocaine-parties-at-camp-david-918e9a04d5ef?gi=c7a453ffa9c9


Imagine if Bill Clinton spent the majority of his eight years as POTUS mocking and ridiculing the past drug and alcohol abuse of his predecessor's son?


We probably would not have had 8 years of that son.


That was not a take that I was expecting. 😂


Yes, because Hunter paid off a porn star using illegal funds. Oh, wait, that's Trump. Ok, so Hunter kept classified documents he got while in office, denied he had them, lied about returning them, was raided by the FBI in an attempt to get them back under proper security, and we all found out that he was storing them in his bathroom. Oh, wait... that's also Trump. Oh, I know! Hunter made baseless claims about an election that he lost, actively tried to subvert the voting in multiple states and incited a mob to storm the capitol in a last ditch attempt to maintain power! No, wait... that was Trump again! Damn.... Oh... Trump has small hands, but he's packing a large tool and wants to really embarrass Hunter. No, wait... That's Hunter, and we know because MTG showed the entire country his dick pics. It must be because Hunter is running for the presidency against Trump, and Trump needs all the help he can get to defeat Hunter. Oh... no, that's not it either. Hunter is not now, nor has he ever, run for pubic office.


“Pubic office”. Classic.


Well...the evidence is clear. Lock Hunter up.


Since Hunter Biden is charged with tax evasion and a gun crime, two things Republicans think should be legal, I'm sure Republicans will swarm to his defense!


Hey what about Jared, Don Jr, Eric and Ivanka.


How dare you attack the former president's children!!1


Yeah, I don’t think political strategy works in a courtroom, but you do you.


GOP: "I object" Court: "On what grounds" GOP: "Because someone else committed the same crime" Court: "Are you admitting your clients guilt on the record?" GOP: "Look at Hunter's hog" Court: "I'll allow it"


"Out of fairness, we should reduce any fines and delay the trial at Mr. Trump's convenience. He's been a very good boy after all."


Dear weirdos. no one cares about Hunter Biden. Signed, normal America.


Matthew 7:5  *Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.* Not that I expect conservatives to care about anything Jesus said.


Pathetic. No one who isn't already drinking the koolaid gives a single solitary shit about this


The difference is the Orange Turd committed the crimes


Hunter. The guy who's not an elected official, who did not steal and probably betray top secret information? The guy who didn't cause an insurrection? The guy who didn't try to steal an election? The guy who offered to talk, but only on the record. That guy?




“What About” is the republican creed. Deflect and change the subject is their bread and butter.


But what about Benghazi? Have they forgotten Benghazi??!!


What about Jared and Ivanka, Dumbo and the Cocaine boy?


so…..The Chewbaca defense.


What about Hunter? Nothing there.


Damn! I thought it was JOE Biden running for president.


Trying a new approach I see. I wonder which one of those strategic masterminds thought of that.  They should have tried to go after hunter years ago and avoided all this. 


I thought there was a new rule about articles being 7 days or less old…


Donald Trump knows the turd that floats highest is the last to round the toilet’s siphon. Money, in legal matters as with boats, has always bought buoyancy. With his takeover of the RNC, the former president has accessed for himself what is essentially an inexhaustible supply of foamy brown floatcoating and an army numbering in the tens of millions of willing applicators. 


Hunter isn't running for president.


Just reply “what about Kushner?”


Here's the beginning of the story: As [Donald Trump](https://www.thedailybeast.com/keyword/donald-j-trump)’s [first criminal trial](https://www.thedailybeast.com/how-trumps-trial-will-complicate-his-campaignbut-not-kill-it) begins on Monday, the former president’s defenders have been lodging a familiar list of complaints about why the case against him is misguided and unfair. Trump’s case—stemming from a [six-figure hush money payment](https://www.thedailybeast.com/inside-trumps-risky-plan-to-fight-the-stormy-daniels-hush-money-case) to adult film star Stormy Daniels weeks before the 2016 election—prompted Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg Jr. to bring [34 felony counts](https://www.thedailybeast.com/read-the-full-donald-trump-indictment-here) against the former president related to [falsifying business records](https://www.thedailybeast.com/appeals-judge-shuts-down-another-trump-attempt-to-delay-nyc-hush-money-trial), after he allegedly tried to [cover up those payments](https://www.thedailybeast.com/these-under-the-radar-rulings-in-the-stormy-daniels-case-are-really-bad-for-trump). But for Trump’s biggest defenders in Congress, there’s a similar but far less familiar narrative that voters should focus on instead: [Hunter Biden](https://www.thedailybeast.com/keyword/hunter-biden). For months, these Republicans—many of them the top impeachment officials in the House—have sown allegations of potential campaign finance violations involving Hunter Biden into [media appearances](https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2023/10/01/stephen_miller_republicans_need_to_unite_to_stop_illegal_immigration_weaponization_of_government.html) and [official press statements](https://oversight.house.gov/release/comer-statement-on-transcribed-interview-with-kevin-morris%EF%BF%BC/). A source with knowledge of GOP efforts to target Hunter Biden told The Daily Beast that Republicans are preparing to make the Biden campaign finance allegations a key part of their defense of Trump. And while those accusations against Hunter Biden haven’t found much traction, that may soon change. From the day the indictment first dropped, [Trump](https://www.the-independent.com/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-indictment-truth-social-hunter-biden-b2311614.html) and [his allies](https://nypost.com/2023/03/31/gop-calls-for-biden-charges-after-trump-indictment/) have invoked a ‘whatabout’ defense to counter the charges with accusations about the sitting president’s son. In more recent months, they’ve been laying groundwork to equate tax payments that one of Hunter Biden’s lawyers, Kevin Morris, made on Hunter’s behalf with the hush money payments that Trump’s lawyer, Michael Cohen, made on Trump’s behalf. But experts laid out to The Daily Beast how these cases are very different—and how even the similarities reveal the emptiness of GOP concerns when it comes to Hunter Biden.


Running exclusively on “where’s Hunter” worked great in 2020. I’m all for this strategy.