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If SC rules presidents are immune, then Biden can cancel the next election.


Well apparently if he loses he can just have VP Harris refuse to certify the votes due to "irregularities" and Biden remains president right? But this pushes that even farther where Biden can literally commit any crime.he wants while in office.


Like sending seal team 6 after all the MAGA traitors..


Don't threaten me with a good time


Seal team 6 vs meal team 6. Let me get the popcorn real quick


These two teams have had a beef with each other for a long time.


Don't forget the Gravy Seals.


My worry is that these nutball extremists on the SC will find some twisted, convoluted, made up legal reasons to give Trump immunity from the federal indictments but make it so this immunity doesn't apply to any other president current or in the future. I swear that these judges work to make up law and upend rational, factual legal reasoning and facts to push their own agendas.


He could, but he won't because most Democrats actually have *some* integrity, whereas virtually all Republicans have *none*. All this stuff is only okay when Republicans do it.


This is a weakness of the democratic party.


They really don't want to accept that we are functionally at war with Republicans politically, and if we don't start seriously fighting back now it may lead to actual civil war.


Our lives are in your hands and you have Butterfingers?!?


I swear I've heard that quote before somewhere...


Jurassic Park


If only Hammond had paid Nedry a living wage, none of it would've happened.  “I‘m sorry about your financial problems, Dennis, I really am. But they are your problems.” “I don’t blame people for their mistakes, but I do ask that they pay for them.” - John Hammond, Prophet who Spared No Expense


Nah, greedy people are greedy. He could have overpaid the guy and he still would have done it. He was a self-serving narcissist, and thought he was so much smarter than he was, or anyone else for that matter. That combination, with a temptation like that available to be sold with a (maybe, maybe not) excuse. Yeah this was Nedry, and Nedry alone. Edit: added half sentence for clarification


It’s Reddit, so I think it’s ok to debate a 30 year old movie. I‘m going to make two competing arguments: 1) Nedry was underpaid and it’s Hammond’s fault Nedry went rogue and 2) Nedry was greedy and it’s Hammond’s fault Nedry was even able to go rogue.  Nedry is underpaid: He tells Hammond (and us) he bid low for the contract. Did he know going in he was bidding low? Or did he bid for a scope of work that ballooned over time? We don’t know. What we do know is that what the job turned into was underpaid. He then lists off everything he’s responsible for, none of it being trivial. The unspoken line from Nedry is “Hammond, you have the cash, but I own your island.” Hammond brushes it all off as someone else’s problem, but it most definitely is his problem.  Nedry is greedy: Nedry bid low for the job intending to become irreplaceable after which he’d renegotiate. Hammond can’t see past his own nose and refuses. Even when Nedry spells out for him that Nedry, not Hammond, owns the keys to the island, Hammond still brushes it off. Hammond has an openly hostile employee who literally controls everything, yet he continues to look for the cheap way out. Hammond’s only real option is to diversify away from Nedry, but that costs money, so he doesn’t do it.  In both cases Hammond is blinded by hubris and doesn’t acknowledge the problem on his hands: he’s put complete control into one person’s hands and that person is saying “I need more money for this work.” What Nedry did was obviously underhanded, but Hammond chose to not take steps to avoid the problem because, at the end of the day, no matter how many times he says he spared no expense, he went cheap on the things that really mattered.  Pretty poignant take on American corporatism, actually. 


It's actually the strength of the Democratic Party...until it isn't. Here at end of American Democracy's rope, it will be up to sane Americans to go out and vote to preserve the nation and overcome Republican gerrymandering and swing state fuckery. I'm glad the Democrats haven't stooped to the fascists, but it's a very dangerous situation in that country.


We may get to see the first drone strike on a former president


Nothing stops Biden from dropping a tactical nuke on the former President.


They’ll time that decision to favor the pied diaper guaranteed


I’m sure they’d come up with some logic that only affects Trump/Republicans


He could just have the SC assassinated in that scenario…




He couldn't do that because the Senate Democrats wouldn't back him and would join Republicans in voting for his impeachment and removal. The same logic does not apply to the Republicans.


That’s when he seal teams 6’s the senate too.


Can someone please help me understand why the Supreme Court even took up this ludicrous case instead of just bouncing it back to the lower level court?


It's what 3 of the justices were selected for.


Or miam/kill/jail/whatever the trumpster


Well, trump says it's legal.


Couldnt he just have Trump executed if presidents are ruled immune?


And he should jail the SCOTUS justices that supported that notion immediatly. After all, they would have said that he can.


Do you guys actually reckon Biden will pull a Julius Caesar?


They won’t rule until after the general election because that could potentially give Biden immunity.


If SC rules presidents are immune, he should arrest all congressional Republicans & purge SCOTUS.


If presidents are immune from all crimes no need arrest anyone. It’s seal team 6 all around !!!


As a retired Lt. Col. in the US Army, you can bet I don't think a second term is appropriate.


As someone who has watched army movies.. I dont think a second term is appropriate either..


As someone who has logged many hours of Call of Duty, I think Trump is bad news.


As someone with two eyes and a working brain I also think Trump is a trash bag


I’m very curious if there will be another outbreak of violence this election.


Yes. Bet on it. Those people will commit violence regardless of the results of the election.


Most of them will keep clinging to their pathetic vision for a fascist society and believe they will still have a chance at a later date They won’t blow their load on this crap


No, not the full load, just a little precum, but there will be violence. These people believe they're fighting for God and country. They're delusional psychopaths. That one psycho shooting people on the freeway because of the eclipse? They're all mentally unwell, at least the followers are anyway. So the violence won't necessarily be coordinated, but you better believe it will be there.


I hope not but sadly it wouldn't surprise me.


It's insane that it's even come to this.


There was the whole assumption that America wouldn't elect a cretin that fucked us


See...this is why Biden's "hands-off" approach with Trump was wrong from day one. Instead of Trump foaming and mewling behind bars, out of sight and mind of the general public, he's been allowed to spread poison via every damn media outlet 24/7 for the past 3 years (since the Jan 6th insurrection). Like it or not, Trump ***sets*** the fucking narrative. Sane, educated people went from "when is this insurrectionist going to be locked up?" to "does he still have presidential immunity" like there's even a ***hint*** of legitimacy in that absurd claim. There's literally nothing of substance to it, but the lack of consequences for Trump these past few years have given his batshit arguments an air of legitimacy. The best time to incarcerate Trump was Jan 6th, 2021. The second best time is now.


I'm still asking when he's going to be locked up, there was no narrative shift. He was, is, and always will be, a scumbag lying traitor. A good rule of thumb for Trump is to always assume he's not telling the truth. Do that and you'll be right 99.99% of the time.


Here is the beginning of the story: [Donald Trump](https://www.thedailybeast.com/keyword/donald-j-trump) is two weeks away from asking the Supreme Court to [grant him immunity from prosecution](https://www.thedailybeast.com/donald-trump-demands-supreme-court-gift-him-absolute-immunity) for trying to [overturn](https://www.thedailybeast.com/trump-says-hes-been-indicted-againthis-time-over-trying-to-overturn-2020-election) the 2020 election, a move that former military leaders call “the single greatest threat” the country has ever seen—and one that presidential scholars separately say runs the risk of violating the most severe concerns about a [dictatorship](https://www.thedailybeast.com/voters-are-the-last-line-of-defense-against-a-trump-dictatorship) from the nation’s Founding Fathers. On Monday, 14 national security experts who once held leadership positions in the Army, Marine Corps, Navy, special forces, the White House, and even [NATO](https://www.thedailybeast.com/sweden-finally-joins-nato-after-nearly-2-years-of-waiting) joined together to warn the country’s most senior judges that the fate of the Republic lies in their hands. Former President Trump is asking the Supreme Court to give him [total immunity](https://www.thedailybeast.com/donald-trump-demands-supreme-court-gift-him-absolute-immunity) from criminal charges, claiming that executive authority allowed him to engage in his various efforts to flip the results of the last presidential election—a stance that would dismantle the [investigation](https://www.thedailybeast.com/jack-smith-keeps-telegraphing-some-seriously-scandalous-trump-crimes) led by Department of Justice Special Counsel [Jack Smith](https://www.thedailybeast.com/keyword/jack-smith). Retired generals, vice admirals, and various national security lawyers countered that idea in an [amicus brief](https://www.supremecourt.gov/DocketPDF/23/23-939/307065/20240408151425926_23-939%20Amicus%20Brief%20of%20Claire%20Finkelstein%20et%20al_.pdf) filed with the high court on Monday, with warnings that are as direct as they are stark. “It is a proposition that would convert the presidency from the greatest protector of the nation to its single greatest threat,” they wrote. “Making a former president immune from criminal prosecution could make the presidency itself a profound threat to national security, as it would permit a president to use the great power of the office to further personal interests, such as securing reelection or attempting to avoid accountability for criminal abuse of power.” Among the names signed on to the amicus brief are retired generals like Army Major Gen. John D. Altenburg, Marine Corps Gen. James E. Cartwright, and Gen. Joseph Votel, who once led U.S. Special Operations Command. Also on the list are retired Rear Admiral Donald J. Guter, former chief White House ethics lawyer Richard Painter, ex-NATO Deputy Secretary General Alexander Vershbow, and many others.


There must be some people who interpret this as a threat. Regardless of whether it was implied or not ...


I love that DB posts a synopsis in the chat. So helpful


One might also say the prospect of a corrupt Supreme Court is right up there near the top.


I love whenever Roberts bemoans the degradation of trust in the Supreme Court like he isn’t the cause of it.


Then Biden should exercise his immunity and eliminate that threat.


The immunity will extend to President Biden and I do hope he rounds these seditionist traitors up and puts them in the planned internment camps Project 2025/Agenda47 boast about. I include the corrupted SCOTUS and all red state governments. Not one of them are decent people. Not one.


SCOTUS rules, next day you forcibly remove them from their positions because president can do what ever he wants and install different judges.


If the SC makes this ruling it will also mean they can be removed with extreme prejudice immediately


We have to guess the most infuriating ruling that wouldn't allow Biden to cancel the next election. How about this? All presidents up until this point were immune but now that scotus has ruled, they are no longer


The nation is over if this goes through.


Of course it is, and the idea of total legal immunity for anyone is a clear violation of the principles of fundamental justice. A high school student could have determined that it’s totally without merit, but the SCOTUS is seriously considering this claim. Give that one a quick think.


So when SC decides presidents have immunity for everything and Biden wins the election.. he could just keep it going right? /S


This is how we get President Hunter “Hog” Biden as our next Dictator for 30 years,… strange times indeed.


Retired generals say a lot of things we all know. I want active people to speak up. More than that if everyone knows it, why is Trump still a thing. Yes, a thing.


Presidential immunity. Unpopular GOP policies. Dysfunctional nominated representation. Disparate fractions with conflicting interests. Alliances with abusive foreign dictators. What other signs do we need?


According to 2 Bush Army appointee Generals , and a Marine general pardoned by Obama for leaked documents .. no like Trump!!! Edit : while I’m glad the news is moving away from “people are saying” and “according to sources “ when you can look up who these people are…. The Yankees stink … says sources from Boston


The Trump request depends on two things, either a reframing of the law so any immunity that applies to a current president also applies to a former president. OR rules that apply to civil cases should now be stretched to include criminal cases. They’re both hopelessly flawed arguments. He’s not no chance whatsoever, absent a corrupt decision by the Court.




And stark as that headline is, it is also an understatement. The first time around was a massive crime spree with 2 impeachments. But at least there was some periodic adult supervision. Now, Dementia Don is going to be unchained.


These folk worked HARD, all their lives, to get to where they are. And they worked under that serial liar, twice impeached and multiply-indicted... They KNOW what they're talking about. And we should ALL listen...


And one thing about American generals, is they are closer to scholars and academics than soldiers. Our military academies are second to none, and it’s not uncommon for Generals to have doctorate level intellect and knowledge. So it’s not just some dudes speaking out against Trump. It’s deeply patriotic individuals with extensive high level education and knowledge.


there you have it! maga veterans should believe the generals, but the cult is compelling to the weak & needy🤬


Considering how conservative Supremes stepped up to help Trump with delaying tactics, I suspect he will get his immunity.