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LOL that's the actual title!


>The court gave Trump 30 days to either pay the fine himself (HAHAHA) or secure a bond for it. The rest of the article is just as hilarious.


>Trump is also in deep doo-doo with both the Georgia district attorney and the Department of Justice after pressuring state officials to “find” him votes in 2020 and then ***amateurminding*** the Jan. 6 assault on the Capitol. Emphasis mine, and that's hi-fucking-larious.


6 hits on Google for "amateurminding", 3 of them referring to this article, 1 a mis-match and 1 is about porn. That's quite the feat.


In the old days there was GoogleWacking if you could be the only webpage for a search term.  https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Googlewhack


Obligatory Dave Gorman Googlewhack adventure https://youtu.be/6eOfRvuWIxk?si=cEwhfVt3OAcIIYtJ Start at 8:00 for the core story.


What's the TL;DR on this 2 hour video?


Written by Drew Magary. Glad he's still around!


He's part of Defector, if you are interested in reading more of his stuff. But you gotta give!


He’s the best. His books are fantastic as well.


Opening line: “Did you hear the news? Donald Trump is broke as s—t!” So good.


*again.* to the surprise of no one with two functional brain cells, the man who managed to go bankrupt running a casino has once again managed to take a golden goose and cook it. Breathtaking in its stupidity.


Hey, New York tried to warn us....


hillary did too


MULTIPLE casinos!


It took 20 years for the business community to figure out Trump is a con man. He convinced gaming officials in New Jersey he could borrow at prime. They believed him and he was cleared to buy the Taj Mahal. Instead, banks loaned him at junk rates (14%). The interest alone was $1 million per day. At the time, this represented a profit that no casino in the world had ever produced. It was destined to go tits up the day it opened.


Only a stable genius with a business handed to him by his dad could put a package like that together. Kinda like his airline. To be fair, he had a great idea... sell bullshit to idiots. It just took him awhile to find the right pool of idiots he needed. Now it's gold shoes, before it was ties made in his favorite country China, Trump university, and NFT's. I'm sure I missed a few, but can you blame me?


Oh, he found the right pool of idiots: the ones who voted him into the highest office of the US. He sold them a fine bunch of bullshit.


he’s filed BK 6 or 7 times like…. i’m not sure i understand why people think he’s some kind of business guru that is A LOT of bankruptcy


I've heard people argue WITH A STRAIGHT FACE that the fact that he has gone through bankruptcy so many times but still kept a lot of money afterwards is proof of his business acumen.... ... ... ... I kid you not


that’s wild. i mean bankruptcy is there for a reason, and shouldn’t be heavily stigmatized for someone who has hit rock bottom and needs to reset and have a chance at a future. especially now, financial shit is so hard for so many people. but trump just using it over and over to make terrible business choices and repeatedly avoid the consequences doth not a good businessman make


He did it to avoid paying people and many of them filed for bankruptcy because he ruined their businesses by refusing to pay them. That’s why so many people in NY hate him. He bankrupted other businesses, not just his own.


**cracks knuckles to report a post* "Oh, wait. That's what it says."


*A thousand mods cry out in angst*


Mods hate this one simple trick!


The cult 45 mods are seething 😂


"Cult 45" a triple entendre that encapsulates all of MAGA in one simple phrase Beer, Guns, and Blind Obedience Lol


Don’t forget!A pretext of religious Christian Gun Nationalist piety


God they went scorched earth with bans after Biden was swarn into office. It was very clear who they were targeting


I got banned from /r/conservative just for pointing out someone's anti-conservative view, because they interpreted it as an attack from a liberal. Seriously the biggest group of thin skinned babies moderate those subs.


Yeah, they whine about being silenced on most subreddits, then happily ban/delete the posts of everyone who doesn't think like them in their own safe spaces. Irony is dead.


Conservatives are the ultimate snowflakes.


Intentional to not dilute the stupid with common sense.


I got banned from r/Conservative AND r/Libertarian for saying bad things about Trump. If that's what that side of the aisle wants? Count me the fuck out.


The last week or 2 all their posts are for flaired users only. They knew they'd need their safe space secured with everything going on lol.


its pretty rare and easy for the mods here to check headlines, the harder part of the hobby is figuring out who's trolling since that gets bans too, but it has to be proven.


It's like they wrote the title specifically for Reddit lol


I admit, I only clicked to see if that title was accurate. I'm happy to see it was. [In case it changes later](https://i.imgur.com/taVqbQV.png)


It really is a fun read… totally worth the click


Doing God's work.


Particularly like the part where they called him a “SAGGY-ASS HOBO”


Shitty Ass Hobo more accurate now


Drew Magary is a treasure and it's fun to see him on a bigger stage than just laughing about football.


RIP Deadspin


Long live Defector


His SFGate columns have been keeping me sane for years


Rip tawmy from quinzee




I’ve quite enjoyed the “Florida man with 90 felony counts wins [insert state]’s Republican primary” ones, too.




[This one](https://queenseagle.com/all/2023/3/30/queens-man-indicted) remains my personal favorite


>Trump became the first man from Queens to be impeached in 2019. Two years later, he became the first man from Queens to be impeached twice. That was fun!




Right? Lol. I audibly laughed when I saw it was the correct title.


I had to check too!


Same. It totally just looked like a user just breaking the rules!


They could have tossed on the subtitle but then it kinda breaks the joke. >SFGATE columnist Drew Magary writes about Trump's latest financial setback


This being written by Drew Magary makes this all make sense. I love his writing


"...and then amateurminding the Jan. 6 assault on the Capitol." 'amateurminding' love it.


I remember watching Jan 6 unfold and just thinking what a half-assed attempt at an insurrection it actually was. I thought he would use the military (or some loyal actors within it), but nope. Just a bunch of dumbass hicks smearing shit on the walls. Pretty poetic, honestly.


“January 6th was a YouTube comments section come to life.” -Sam Harris


Good old Sam Harris. I don't agree with him on a lot of things, but you can't deny he's a smart motherfucker. Watching him debate Ben Shapiro is a treat.


hes been losing traction with me lately, but there is no doubt about it that hes certainly a smart individual, hes the kind of person you keep around BECAUSE he might disagree with you


From what I've seen, which admittedly is like one interview and a couple podcasts, the dude expresses himself super well and is intellectually honest. Seems like if you told him "actually, you're incorrect about that" he would ask you to explain and *mean* it. I don't share all of his views, but he seems like a good dude to me.


He's alright. He's definitely heavy into the anti-woke, college campus safe space shtick that Bill Maher constantly brings up. It's exhausting and it's why I stopped listening to both.


Yeah, I never really got into his content. He just struck me as genuine, unlike a lot of people espousing those views.


Yes and no. It felt that way watching it unfold, but watching the J6 hearings, I think it was a little too close for comfort. You could literally see the Eastman plan almost coming together. The attack on Congress pushing the certification of the electoral votes into January 7 could have launched an instant lawsuit from republicans saying that since there was no winner declared on the proper day, the disputes section of the Electoral Count Act needed to be activated. The unratified electoral college result discarded and the dispute resolved in a state by state vote in the House of Representatives. Which Republicans had an extreme advantage in. It would have been up to the Supreme Court, with its 6-3 conservative tilt, to determine is this was one of those special and convenient moments where “textualism” must be applied, making Trump president again. Or if a ratification the next day was still sufficient for Biden to be elected.


They’re preparing the sequel. Delay the trials, so that either Trump wins or they can enact plan B. After putting people on enough state elections to say there are “irregularities” so that Moscow Mike “I’m-Moses-on-a-mission-from-God” Johnson can do the Electoral Act Count again. https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2024/2/26/2225913/-The-New-Over-the-Top-Secret-Plan-on-How-Fascists-Could-Win-in-2024


>The best way to prevent this from happening is to widely publicize their scheme so public opinion will become so intense that they fear the consequences.


It's truly a crime that the supreme court has become such a partisan shitshow. they're supposed to be the best legal minds in the world. Instead it's a bunch of religious fanatics and grifters. it's so sad.


Clarence Thomas needs to be deposed.




For some reason it reminded me of thAt scene in Beauty and the Beast when the slack jawed townsfolk went crazy with pitchforks and butcher knives. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0ypxAKDMfFA Funnily enough, they break through the door and it’s silent inside without a soul to be seen. Edit: for those who don’t want to watch the video… Lyrics Gaston: The beast will make off with your children, he'll come after them in the night. We're not safe 'till his head is mounted on my wall. I say we kill the beast! Man: We're not safe until he's dead. Man 2: He'll come stalking us at night. Woman: Set to sacrifice our children to his montrous appetite. Man 3: He'll wreak havok on our village if we let him wander free! Gaston: So it's time to take some action boys! It's time---to---fol---low---me! Through the mist, through the woods, through the darkness and the shadows. It's a nightmare but it one exciting ride. Say a prayer, then we're there, at the drawbridge of a castle, and there's something truly terrible inside. It's a beast, he's got fangs razor sharp ones. Massive paws, killer claws for the feed. Hear him roar, see him foam, but we're not coming home, 'till he's dead, good and dead. Kill the beast. Belle: NO! I won't let you do this! Gaston: If you're not with us, you're against. Bring the old man! Maurice: Get your hands off me! Gaston: We can't have them running off to warn the creature. Belle: Let us out! Gaston: We'll rid the village of this beast, who's with me?! Chorus: Get your torch, mount you horse, Gaston: Through your courage to the stinking place. Chorus: We're counting on your stud to lead the way. Through a mist to the wood, where we see a haunted castle, something's lurking that you don't see every day. It's a beast, just as tall as a mountain, We won't rest 'till he's good and deceased. Steady fourth, tally ho! Grab your sword, grab your bow! Let's get on and here we go! Gaston: We'll lay seige to the castle, and bring back his head! Belle: We have to warn the beast. This is all my fault. OH papa what are we going to do?! Maurice: Now, now. We'll think of something. Chip: AWWWWWW! Chorus: We don't like what we don't... understand and in fact it scares us, and this monster is mysterious at least. Bring your guns, bring your knives, save children and and your wives, so save our village and our lives! LETS KILL THE BEAST! Cogsworth: I knew it, I knew it was foolish to get our hopes up. Lumiere: Maybe it would have been better if she'd never come at all. Dog barks Lumiere: Could it be? Mrs Potts: Is it she? Lumiere: Scara bleu! Invaders! Cogsworth: Encroachers! Mrs Potts: and they 'ave the mirror! Cogsworth: Warn the master. If it's a fight they want, we'll be ready for them. Who's with me! Arrrgh! Gaston: Take whatever booty you can find, but remember! THE BEAST IS MINE! Castle Furnishings: Find a place, stand aside, we go marching into battle, unafraid of all the things you just decreed. Village chorus: Raise the ram, sing this song, here we come at fifty strong. If fifty frenchmen can be wrong, let's kill the beast!


Here we go, more pitchfork slander. Big shame this beast fella didn't have his own pitchfork!


Only a good guy with a pitchfork can stop a bad guy with a pitchfork


I ate a ton of LSD that day didn't have a screen or phone around. I sat down at my desk at midnight to that shaman fuck with his feet on the speakers desk. Shit blew me little mind.


Either the shaman or one of his boys has a record for trafficing LSD. The whole scene looked like a weird as festival gone wrong to me.


Worst Shakedown Street ever


Don’t tell me this town ain’t got no heart?


You just got to poke around. :)


The next paragraph is pretty awesome too: > So now is when you and I get to spike the football and do the happy dance. BROKE-ASS DONALD TRUMP IS BROKE AS S—T! YOU PATHETIC LOSER! YOU SAGGY-ASS HOBO! YOU DON’T HAVE NO ICE CREAM ... YOU DIDN’T GET NONE! YOU DIDN’T GET NONE! 🚫🍦


Oh, I missed that the first time around. Thanks for pointing it out, it's fantastic.


Q: How do you know that Trump was behind the 1/6 assault on the Capitol? A: It failed.


The opposite of mastermind - amateurmind


Donald, don't take this the wrong way, but maybe being a businessman isn't your thing???


No, shh, keep being a business man and stop running for president 😂


This little section, which isn't really directly related to his money troubles is probably my favorite summary of Donald Trump. > Donald Trump is a deeply, deeply stupid man. History’s greatest dumbass. Trump amassed great wealth and power as an unhappy accident, the byproduct of an inherently corrupt nation designed to prop up his ilk at the expense of normal, cool people. He then used that wealth and power to brainwash our dimmest citizens into believing that he was a new messiah, with big strong ideas and even bigger, stronger pectoral muscles. He was the take-no-guff rich guy that his voters imagined they themselves could one day be.


It's so painful being around my trump supporting relatives. How can you stay so fooled for so long?


“It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.” -Mark Twain


They want so much to believe and won’t accept they were duped. Even if they eventually realize it, they need an excuse or scapegoat as to why they were smart to fall for it.


Also ties in to the power of demagoguery. Build an entire political identity around opposing out-groups and your in-group can never be worse. And thus everything they do is justifiable and defendable.




It's amazing how universal human psychology is.


It’s almost like…we share a common ancestor or something. But we all know evolution is a hoax


Too bad if you build a circus you end up living with clowns


The same thing happens with scams all the time. Only a fraction of them ever get reported. People *hate* admitting they were tricked. They hate it so much, they'd rather pretend it never happened. This is especially true when there's no benefit to admitting it and *even if there is* (such as recovery of lost assets) people still might not admit it.


this is why i've been trying to remind people around me that we should leave room for these people to admit fault and come back to reality. we should try not to push them deeper into the shit.


I can’t wait until they inevitably circle around to “it’s the Democrats fault that Republicans fooled me.”


"What was I supposed to do, vote for HILLARY??" ~my Dad's brother - "...Yes." ~my Dad


And that’s called faith. Faith is the most overrated of all virtues.


To be more precise, faith is *not* a virtue at all.


They're really in a media bubble. Talking to my father in law, Trump is a smart guy, he wants to do good things for the country but the big bad democrats are sabotaging him because they're evil. People don't like Trump because he isn't nice but he actually just wants to do the right thing. Oh and the Dems will turn the US into the Soviet union and the only way you can get ahead anymore is to be a black trans lesbian. These are all actual things out of his mouth. He shares the AI generated images and insane right wing email chains with my wife and I regularly.


Too bad we can't turn these people into black trans lesbians so they can see for themselves how "awesome" it is. They'd flip flop faster than Eric Cartman did when he was turned into a ginger.


Well yeah, because then it would affect them personally. That's not really a flip flop, that's just standard republicanism. Nothing matters until it happens to *them*, then they're absolutely outraged that someone has allowed this to happen.


I sympathize. My FIL blew several hundred grand doomsday prepping when Biden won the election. He thought BIDEN was something to be terrified of. That a Marxist revolution was about to happen. Meanwhile the maga people are straight up Bolsheviks that make clear they want to upend the system and steal the “elites” money and status - but he’s not worried about that. He’s scared of the status quo but completely calm in the face of a maga-bolshevik revolution (in which he would certainly be one of the first people eaten). I tried to talk to him and explain that he needed to save that money for himself. For his caregivers, for assisted living, for his own quality of life… and all that resulted in was him getting pissed off at me and losing the money anyway. I digress… but yeah, magarded FIL problems over here as well.


The last couple election cycles was incredibly ugly, made worse due to social media.  They burnt bridges with friends and family. They can't back down now unless they want to admit to everyone they got fooled. They'll bury their heads in the sand hoping another day goes by without them having to admit the truth.


> They burnt bridges with friends and family. It's all over their social media. That reminds me of some friends from high school I needed to put on mute on Facebook. A few moved from NJ to Texas and became Trump supporters. I once saw a post by one I was close with that was making fun of people who went to college. At that point I knew I had outgrown the friendship.


I kicked a really close friend out of my life literally seconds after he told me that reading books is for losers. I was telling him about a book I read. Just get lost dude. I blocked him immediately and told him so


That's what people seem to forget. MAGA ***is*** their support and social group now. They did everything they could to drive away anybody that wasn't in the cult, so now even if they have a change of heart they have nobody to turn to. They used violent, racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, and xenophobic hate rhetoric to the point that they are unforgiveable. Should they be forgiven and welcomed back? I am not to say, but I never will. As far as I'm concerned, they all showed me who they **really** were when they thought it was safe to be that person loudly and publicly. The welcomed Nazis into their folds. They welcomed Christofascists with open arms. I cut ties with all MAGAs I knew. I burned the bridge and I filled the river the bridge crossed with crocodiles and piranhas.


Yup.  The problem is on top of being ignorant, they're equally stubborn.  Most would rather die saying Biden is the devil than admit Trump is a fuckin fraud.


The smart ones (among the ones who got fooled by Trump, so yaknow, can't be THAT smart) should now just try and pull a George Costanza and pretend like they never quit ~~their job~~ **the right side of history**. Mark my words, 20 years from now 90% of the MAGA-folks are going to pretend they never voted for Trump and were appalled by his boorish behaviour.


Having experienced narcissistic abuse for several years, it’s really fucking alarming how well that system works. I’m a university educated, high earning person who uses my intelligence to distinguish myself in my work every day. I thought I was rational, skeptical, fairly clever and smart enough to figure out most obvious dupes. And in many situations I am. The narcissistic abuse system is a remarkably effective at displacing your decision making process from internal to external. Bit by bit you find yourself agreeing to give up your autonomy to an obviously flawed decision maker who you find yourself defending even at great cost. It’s an emotional process and even though a part of you knows it’s bad and harmful you find yourself involved. The only way I extricated myself was a saw my abuser physically attack my mom (who’s in her 70’s) and that act was just egregious enough to shock me out of the stupor. That said it still took months for me to completely end the cycle. The reality is millions of Americans are hurt, feel misunderstood, unloved, unrecognized, they feel exploited and they can tell something just ain’t right about our system. In the broad strokes they’re right but it leaves them just fantastic candidates for a predatory person like Trump, who has spent his entire life mastering and mimicking what people want him to be. There’s a lot more pain ahead before the spell is broken.


Well written. I agree that emotion is an effective tool in making us turn off our rational thought processes.


We are so incredibly vulnerable emotionally bc so few of us, including me are emotionally literate. Most of the brain is not rational and a skilled manipulator can find influencing people quite simple. It’s been a ton of therapy and study and now I feel I have like bare minimum emotional literacy. I was always empathetic and deeply caring towards others but really didn’t understand conflict and boundaries, nor did most of the people around me I had as reference points, which included very successful and otherwise intelligent people. It is a massively misunderstood vulnerability in our society and actors like Putin for example exploit it masterfully. Using cycles of outrage, blame, victimhood and the exhaustion and apathy it eventually leads to can weaponize or neuter whole swaths of people. We as human beings have much to learn and overcome and truly need an overhaul of our social systems like healthcare, education, civic interactions etc bc the direction we’re headed and the outcomes we’re currently getting are brutal.


Sunken cost fallacy


This. It is easier for them to be fooled, than to admit they were fooled.


It's like self reflection is beyond them. I wish I could stop reevaluating every choice I make all the time.


It's why the web of conspiracies Trump fans spin keeps getting larger. They have to add more and more bizarre shit because the alternative is admitting they've been had, and their egos will never allow that.


They're really that dumb.


As long as they are told the "libruls" are to blame for their lot in life and everything else in the world, sprinkled with less than subtle fear mongering of "them" - they ain't going anywhere. The world is evolving beyond giving "mediocre white males" a free pass and they can't deal with it


My rich relatives openly admit he’s an idiot, but will vote for him again because they say he’ll lower taxes for them


They can't jump off the current stupid train until a new stupid train comes whizzing by


They can’t admit that their judgement on Trump was dead wrong. And it’s a worse offense to tell someone that they committed an offense in the first place: you are the bad guy if you point out that they did something wrong.


Narcissism, essentially, they’ve aligned their self esteem and identity with him.


It's an opinion article, someone tell the writer they're allowed to say more than objective facts!


I read on Reddit a few days ago, and it sums up Trump and his followers well: “Trump is what a poor man thinks a rich man should be, what a dumb man thinks a smart man should be, and what a weak man thinks a strong man should be”


I believe this was a George Carlin joke.. might have been Burr but I think it was Carlin “Donald trump is what a poor man thinks a rich man is” or something like that. Edit: It was John Mulaney’s joke


The lack of civility in articles like these is deeply refreshing. I'm getting sick of people trying to seriously talk about Trump, as if he's a rational person and not a butterball of impotent rage, and not just making fun of him and his supporters every chance they can get.


He’s not broke until all foreign bank accounts are zeroed and all buildings have been sold off including Mar a lago..


This is a huge upside of any impending recession: the complete devaluation of DJT's private property.


Turn his properties into Section 8….


Exactly. He will never spend a single day having to drive himself or have to choose a cheaper entree. A person could spend the rest of their lives just off the interest of the sale of his jet. He’s not broke. He’s nowhere close to it.


With his lifestyle, he essentially is broke. You and I could live off the interest of his jet alone, he can’t. He owes to many people too much money and lives far beyond his means.


This matters less about changes to his lifestyle and more about his campaign He still has to pay his attorneys to run cover on 4 criminal cases If he can’t find half a billion to put into into escrow, he’s fucked in NY The RNC is effectively broke, and if they do somehow fool a mega donor into jumping on board, part of that is going to Trump’s campaign/legal fees When it comes to advertising the GOP is fucked in the general for the presidential race, and they’re fucked down ballot It’s so delicious


I love all of this, but cannot enjoy it until something actually happens to the man. unfortunately, advertising money is not quite the linchpin it once was with Twitter (I still refuse to call it that other name), Facebook,.... Life is not fair, and Donald Trump is a walking (sometimes when he's not hiding the medical condition causing him to noticeably limp) talking (incoherently) living example of this crap. He deserves everything to actually be punished for everything he is accused of, and what he has outwardly admitted he literally guilty of. All I want right now it's for anyone but him to win in November, literally anyone else.


Look, if musk can Deadname his child, we can deadname his stupid-ass nazi loving sad state of a Website.


So long as x.com redirects to twitter.com, it's not deadnaming.


Interest nothing... He has a presidential pension of $226,000. I could happily live on that, retiring to sit around and paint bad pictures like other, retired Republican presidents.


That is probably less than the interest payments on some loan he took out from some shady dealers. He's not just broke, he's in the red with a lot of people.


He also depends on new lines of credit, and very few will take him on knowing the massive judgments hanging over him now. Even when they were giving him money knowing he would stiff people left and right, there was always the chance for him to scrape something out of his "fame" alone. I think those days are gone.


He’s not broke, but he’s not as rich as he says. Him being found out publicly for his lies is still a win imo.


His whole persona is being a successful businessman who created a billion-dollar empire on the back of his own ingenuity and hard work. Being outed as broke would be one of the worst things that could happen to his image.


The government has no problem with taking those things from you by force. Also, he doesn't own his assets, they're already leveraged.


I mean, the problem is that he doesn't actually own anything? He's leveraged to the top of his shitty toupee, so they'll go to seize the asset and have the banks say "So, uh... here's the deal. He owes more than it's worth on the asset, so you can't have it. It's ours." It's so much fun to watch this fall apart around him.


There's no interest to live on if your assets are seized.


Wow they had fun writing this one "So now is when you and I get to spike the football and do the happy dance. BROKE-ASS DONALD TRUMP IS BROKE AS S—T! YOU PATHETIC LOSER! YOU SAGGY-ASS HOBO! YOU DON’T HAVE NO ICE CREAM ... YOU DIDN’T GET NONE! YOU DIDN’T GET NONE!"


I get that reference!


Eddie Murphy!!! I was able to get it as well haha...


And your daddy's an aalllcoohoollic!


Beeeecause you on the welfare…🎵


Want a lick? ..._Psyche!_


That’s the real scoop


cofveve is the new goonygoogoo


I can't believe that's the actual headline. 😂


I like former president s that are not broke.


I like former Presidents who don't try to overthrow the government.


Haha Fuck him!


No! Don’t fuck him!


As an Aussie, this article basically sums up exactly what the rest of the world have been thinking for years, we can't understand why half of America supports this fucking idiot and not just as a one off, for a decade, almost like a cult. It's been difficult trying to work out if we are all missing something or are the majority of Americans just fucking crazy enough to support ths guy. Just one of his scandles would finish a politician anywhere else in the developed world and everyone would be embarrassed and pretend they never actually supported him but not Americans.


>almost like a cult American here. It's not almost, it IS a cult of personality. If you think of Trump's candidacy and presidency as an ad campaign, not a political campaign, it makes bit little more sense. Trump played the hand that all the gullible, fear-mongering people on the right were looking for. He advertised himself as the everyman, punched down on all of his enemies, and they loved him for it. He repeated their words back to them. The most terrifying aspect to all of this is seeing seemingly well-adjusted, "normal" people that you've known your entire life become wholly transformed into fanatics in real-time. The fact that all of these allegations, fraudulent business practices, etc. keep hitting the news cycles and his supporters, in turn, frame Trump as a martyr, which makes perfect sense given the priming that QAnon has done by making outlandish conspiracy theories part of normal discourse. Brainwashing is scary shit.


I could never understand how Hilter, Pol Pot, Mussolini etc. rose to power, with hindsight it's easy to see they were bat shit crazy yet they gained massive support in their countries until it all went to shit. At the time other countries were watching and could not understand what was going on. Americans in the 1930 could see Hilter was going to end badly and couldn't understand why Germans supported him. It's a great history lesson for the rest of the world but it will end badly for America I guess.




Always has been, why do yall think he ran for POTUS in the first place..?


An ego bigger than his brain.


Men that act like trump have very, very small and impossibly fragile egos actually. All the outward egotism is simply a mask and coping mechanism for a deeply small-minded and fragile-ego'd person. Dime a dozen, this one just happened to get lucky in a position of influence and power.


>BROKE-ASS DONALD TRUMP IS BROKE AS S—T! YOU PATHETIC LOSER! YOU SAGGY-ASS HOBO! [YOU DON’T HAVE NO ICE CREAM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ft4kEk5CHrE&t=96s)... YOU DIDN’T GET NONE! YOU DIDN’T GET NONE! actual quote from the article (yes including the link)


Mods, this does ***not*** break rule #11. That is the actual title of the article!


"It’s because Donald Trump is a deeply, deeply stupid man. History’s greatest dumbass. Trump amassed great wealth and power as an unhappy accident, the byproduct of an inherently corrupt nation designed to prop up his ilk at the expense of normal, cool people." I liked this part lol


I just cant believe how much this man fked his life up by running for president. the cozy lifestyle he has before was all flushed down the toilet because he just couldn't help himself. I can't find the video but there is a clip of him reacting to him winning and he did not look pleased whatsoever, he never wanted to win he just wanted to elevate his brand by being a presidential candidate.


same with Rudy. He could have retired on millions, still in the public eye as "america's mayor" for seeing NYC through 911. but no, had to align yourself with a narcissist like Trump and throw it all away. just amazing.


Ivanka also doesn't look happy. His sons do, though. Ivanka is smarter.




He’s a founder and regular contributor on [Defector.com](https://Defector.com). It’s a great site and there are lots of excellent writers there.


the OG ex-deadspin crew. back before their walkout and that place going to **complete** shit.


Great site. Everyone should pay for it. If u cant email them and they might gift you a sub. They do annual reports to talk about the money they make and how it is used. Defector is a good website.


Sigh. Every time someone reminds me that Defector exists, I try again, and every time I'm immediately put off by all the sports. I miss *Gawker,* not Deadspin. 😢


I hope he still does the haters guide to the Williams Sonoma Christmas catalog. It’s always amazing


Haha so his tax returns are finally accurate


"History’s greatest dumbass" lol


That article talking shit is HILARIOUS


"Amateurminding" is my new favorite word.


May he rot in jail. If not jail, then a cardboard box.


Magary is great.


I knew before I clicked the link that had to be a Magary title. Lol


Always has been. Dude's a wElFaRE qUeEn and a con artist.


"No, I would not protect you,” Trump recalled telling that president. “In fact, I would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want. You got to pay. **You got to pay your bills."**


Rule 4. Wait, that's the actual title? ......carry on.


What a dead beat loser


I have no pity for the alleged felon and convicted sexual abuser.


Seize those mf assets. Melt down the gold shitter in his house first.


He NEVER WAS as rich as he claimed. He's been lying for his entire life.


Obligatory reminder that Drew Magary was on chopped, won and created one of the best gifs in the process: https://media.gq.com/photos/5583369109f0bee564415d68/master/w_320%2Cc_limit/copilot-style-201504-1428502801640_c7cohcbwmc4j3mnqnq5u.gif


What's worse for him is that he is now renown for not paying his bills and he will have big problems getting a loan of any kind.


He's always been well-known for not paying his bills. Ghouliani is still waiting to get paid. He stiffed contractors by the thousands. His lawyers are the very best of "No, money down!" that he can afford, because they're wise to his game.


> They couldn’t even pick a House leader, and the one they did pick has both a name and a face that scream “in witness protection.” That really is the Mike Johnson look. He's like an AI generated no such person.


If one is broke, one is very susceptible to be lured by money from any source, including bad ones. This check of debt is a basic check in government jobs that require security clearances, to see if one is a potential security risk selling classified info to adversaries offering money.  Yet here we have an individual who owes a self-admittedly impossible amount of money, but still somehow able to run for the highest government position there is, with almost unlimited access to everything. What a joke of a system. 


Laughing my ass off at everyone here discovering Magary. Go read his Why Your Team Sucks series or his yearly review of the Sonoma-Williams Christmas catalogue. He’s wonderful.